AL AL - J.B. Beasley, 17, & Tracie Hawlett, 17, Ozark, 31 July 1999 #4 *ARREST*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Because their completely illogical, right? But let be known I'm not stating them as fact, I hope that doesn't have to be throughly explained.

Hopefully we'll get some more statements from everyone involved with case and hopefully we can find out some info on the McDaniels character mentioned. The one Harrison said the gun "belonged too"
Why would the McDaniels character be relevant? If I'm not mistaken this all happened in MS so I don't feel that would have much to do with this case. JMO
Why would the McDaniels character be relevant? If I'm not mistaken this all happened in MS so I don't feel that would have much to do with this case. JMO

In the event he remained friends with McCraney, stayed in contact with him, maybe he was visiting with McCraney.
Since they mentioned it being similar to one used on the girls, they tried to correlate it with him, trying to show he still had said gun and used it.
DNA inside a 16 year old girl from a 26 year old man who lived in another town does NOT speak of a consensual relationship when she and her friend ended up dead and stuffed in the trunk of her car. And it's pretty damning evidence unless the mathematical probability is ignored. This isn't a civil rights case. It is a double homicide of two precious children. My so so psychic abilities tell me that he will go to trial, he will be found guilty, he will get the death penalty and he will appeal, appeal, appeal though a death penalty conviction brings an automatic appeal. You would think a "man of the cloth" would understand that he is fair caught and now must render unto Caesar.
Well said!
Yes.....that is correct and what I said. I'm not sure why my statements seem to make no sense to some and hard follow. Maybe I'm misinterpreting responses and context.

You can penetrate a woman without causing trauma and you can leave seminal stains/evidence in and around a vagina without using a penis. If there was traumatic lesions, bruising or evidence it would have been mentioned since the forensic examiner states the vaginal swabs showed the presence of his semen, that wouldn't be withheld.

Also I don't see how its so unfathomable that there was a potential and really shows an obvious sexual encounter did occur or a potential relationship could come about between these two based on the age gap or even a 20-30 mile difference. I say potential relationship because if it was a random, spur of the moment rape more than likely she would have fought against him and subsequently resulting in evidence of struggle and trauma. Of course I feel unless a second individual was there, with a gun, one could deduce she felt so threatened that she would cooperate in the act thus resulting in rape but with traumatic evidence.

But again my whole point since bringing up the DNA results is the potential arguements against it during a trial as well as a reasonable means/explanations of how the suspects DNA ended up in and on Beasley.
BBM...That will depend on if it can be proven the sexual activity was done that night. It very well could have been done sometime prior. A case can be made, good investigation can show it's a coincidence. Oh really? That may be difficult to do since he didn't know her (his words-not mine).

There are many potential situations that could be played out in my mind based on the DNA evidence, winding up in Ozark (coincidentally, right) and it being a double murder by some random person (someone other than McCraney or someone he knew or they knew) within the proposed time frame of death.
Many potential situations-but only one person's semen ended up on and in Beasley. As you stated, "Coincidentally-right"?!? But remember...(according to CM, he didn't know her)!

winding up in Ozark (coincidentally,right)...No coincidence. They left a field party in Skippersville only a few minutes before stopping at the Big/Little Store in or just outside of Ozark to make the phone call. That was probably the nearest pay phone.[/QUOTE]
Many potential situations-but only one person's semen ended up on and in Beasley. As you stated, "Coincidentally-right"?!? But remember...(according to CM, he didn't know her)!

winding up in Ozark (coincidentally,right)...No coincidence. They left a field party in Skippersville only a few minutes before stopping at the Big/Little Store in or just outside of Ozark to make the phone call. That was probably the nearest pay phone.

This meant for me?? I'm confused by what you trying to get across if its meant for me. My coincidence comment was sarcastic cause I don't believe it to be a coincidence.

Again, the semen doesn't place him at any crime scene much less pulling the trigger......that we know or yet
I think it will take a lot more concrete evidence to convict him. I just have that gut feeling that he didn't kill them but I feel strongly that he could provide the details needed to piece together what exactly happened that night.
I've been wondering if CM met the girls at the skipperville party...maybe tried to flirt with JB, and it fell on deaf ears, maybe his man feeling where hurt....asked if they could give him a ride to Ozark... maybe they dropped him off somewhere close to the gas station and then after MM pulled out of the gas station they ran into CM again, saying his friend wasnt hime or he couldn't get in the house....asked for another ride... maybe he tried flirting again, maybe JB shut him down again...and more man ego got he had them drive to a secluded spot, under the guise of friend or family house... that would make it easier for him to assume control of the situation... just some thoughts I've been having...
Yes he's been in prison for a cocain ring. He was disbarred and then got out and took the bar again. He's gonna try to get him off with a technicality. He's wanting to make a name for himself like Johnny Cochran did. He's as cocky and arrogant as they come. I just hope the guy don't get off if he's guilty and I believe he IS! At the VERY LEAST, sexual assault of a minor or statutory rape. If we can get a guilty verdict, he needs to be hung at the courthouse. This country has gotten weak. He'll wind up on death row for about 20 years with 3 meals a day, a roof over his head, tv to watch and able to talk to his family on a regular basis. All while the working people has to pay for it. IT'S BS!!![/QUOT
I've been wondering if CM met the girls at the skipperville party...maybe tried to flirt with JB, and it fell on deaf ears, maybe his man feeling where hurt....asked if they could give him a ride to Ozark... maybe they dropped him off somewhere close to the gas station and then after MM pulled out of the gas station they ran into CM again, saying his friend wasnt hime or he couldn't get in the house....asked for another ride... maybe he tried flirting again, maybe JB shut him down again...and more man ego got he had them drive to a secluded spot, under the guise of friend or family house... that would make it easier for him to assume control of the situation... just some thoughts I've been having...
I would find it had to believe if he had made unwanted comments or advances towards her she would have voluntarily gave hi a ride once much less twice..but thats just my opinion.
I've been wondering if CM met the girls at the skipperville party...maybe tried to flirt with JB, and it fell on deaf ears, maybe his man feeling where hurt....asked if they could give him a ride to Ozark... maybe they dropped him off somewhere close to the gas station and then after MM pulled out of the gas station they ran into CM again, saying his friend wasnt hime or he couldn't get in the house....asked for another ride... maybe he tried flirting again, maybe JB shut him down again...and more man ego got he had them drive to a secluded spot, under the guise of friend or family house... that would make it easier for him to assume control of the situation... just some thoughts I've been having...

BBM...I've wondered about that myself. While he may or may not have flirted with one or both of them, he may have simply been very nice and polite and asked for a ride. Ted Bundy was very nice and charmed his way into the vehicles and homes of several of his victims. Now, before anyone yells at me for comparing CM to Bundy, I am not doing that. I am simply saying that sometimes killers are very polite and charming until they get the victim where they want them.
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I am going to make a peace offering. Unlike some, I am not sure this guy acted alone. 1st let me say that I think CM was involved in the murders. Like everyone else, I am anxious to see what other evidence the prosecution has. I feel that they must have more, but time will tell. I will add that while I am certainly not sure, I think there is a decent chance that someone else is involved in the murders. If so, CM is in a tough spot-albeit by his own doings . He can't name the other party without implicating himself. If he keeps his mouth shut like I am sure his lawyer is telling him to do, the other party will never come to light (unless the Police have or develop another suspect). Lets all stay open minded, but still the DNA in and on Beasley is very incriminating to CM, no matter how his attorney and his supporters try to spin it.
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One final thought before I back off of this thread for a while, I would remind all posters to be mindful of the Terms of Service (TOS). For the newbies, they are listed on the home page. This thread has been shut down once before. Lets follow the rules so it won't happen again. Also, remember that the families of the victims and possibly the accused read here. Choose your words carefully.
I am going to make a peace offering. Unlike some, I am not sure this guy acted alone. 1st let me say that I think CM was involved in the murders. Like everyone else, I am anxious to see what other evidence the prosecution has. I feel that they must have more, but time will tell. I will add that while I am certainly not sure, I think there is a decent chance that someone else is involved in the murders. If so, CM is in a tough spot-albeit by his own doings . He can't name the other party without implicating himself. If he keeps his mouth shut like I am sure his lawyer is telling him to do, the other party will never come to light (unless the Police have or develop another suspect). Lets all stay open minded, but still the DNA in and on Beasley is very incriminating to CM, no matter how his attorney and his supporters try to spin it.
I do think he didn't act alone. Like you said he is in a very tough spot since he can't give all the details without implicating himself..I did feel that once he knew they had his DNA for sure he was either going to admit to know her and there being some consensual act or he was going to implicate another party! I guess we shall see.
I would find it had to believe if he had made unwanted comments or advances towards her she would have voluntarily gave hi a ride once much less twice..but thats just my opinion.

The comments could have been disguised as harmless, funny jokes... just to see how she responded. Which could have kept her off guard
Suggesting that one of these girls had a consensual sexual relationship with her accused killer even days before the murder of her and her friend smacks closely of victim blaming, in my humble opinion. I don't think that is anyone's intention but, again, this is a victim friendly, family friendly site. Arguing for the accused, who has denied knowing these girls, might be interpreted as bashing the innocents.
Unless he has no idea what forensic DNA is then he's been sitting here for 20 years knowing that he was the one LE were looking to identify. LE even pointing out early on the dna might not belong to killer. Old Coley was gonna let Barrentine fry if it came down to it. There's supposedly a separate earlier incident from his time in the service but besides that and I believe certainly after the murders no doubt he's been a good boy. He wasn't trying to get his dna put in the system. Coley needs to get his story straight and people need to come forward if they know something. This will be the only chance these two victims get at any kind of justice. Thanks to science.

CuriousD I hear you Cuz.
BBM...Ever heard of Ted Bundy? Or perhaps Gary Ridgeway? How about Pee Wee Gaskins? Zodiac Killer? David Berowitz? Granted, most victims are killed by people they know. But, serial killers and psychopaths kill complete strangers.
TedMac your rebuttals are well thought out, and IMO right on!
Suggesting that one of these girls had a consensual sexual relationship with her accused killer even days before the murder of her and her friend smacks closely of victim blaming, in my humble opinion. I don't think that is anyone's intention but, again, this is a victim friendly, family friendly site. Arguing for the accused, who has denied knowing these girls, might be interpreted as bashing the innocents.
I agree, its abhorrent to suggest anything of the kind, especially out of respect for the families.
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