GUILTY AL - J.B. Beasley & Tracie Hawlett, both 17, murdered, Ozark, 31 July 1999 *ARREST in 2019* #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I live in the area ... it takes about 15 minutes to get to city associated with my mailing address, lol. All it would take is being on a back road on West side of Headland (field party) and making a wrong turn or losing sense of direction with the many twist and forks in the roads. Eventually many will hit a highway and be able to get their bearings. If this was the case it's unfortunate it was Hwy 27. They had better odds of it being 231 or 134 and being able to recognize where they were. The Big Little was where Hwy 27 ends in Ozark (kind of.. it really reroutes)

They may have been at the gas station twice from how I understood the reported testimony. The clerk said they had been inside and asked for directions around 10:30? I can't remember time, but before she closed and left. The store was closed and no staff there when the women gave directions at 11:38.

For simplicity and failsafe landmarks, I would have said go right out of Big Little, turn left at the courthouse, keep going until you hit the highway. My thoughts were he was speaking of allegedly taking them down 27, past Johntown (where his parents lived, and his property was) to CR 20. It comes to CR 18 in view of the truck stop his truck was at and Highway 231, and according to MapQuest is faster and shorter from the gas station in Ozark. It's likely the route he took to and from the truck stop since he lived nearby. (It's less than 5 minutes from there to the gas station they were meeting boys at on 231 in Midland City)

There is a small area where you can park directly off of the road to the side of the store that isn't viewable from most of the front parking spaces, or the phone if I recall correctly. It might not have had camera coverage. It was very visible from the road though, so he likely wasn't there when Merritts were. Breaking down or turning off car and coasting in wouldn't be very noticeable with lights off, particularly if distracted (on phone).
This is good information. I am still trying to understand the details of this case. The entire time before trial I always thought J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett had safely left the Big Little gas station in Ozark, AL. I thought this whole time that the abduction of the girls happened after they left the Big Little gas station. It helps to have the factual details of a case correct.

The one major question I have left is, "Where did the crimes take place?"

Now that this case is over, I wonder if some major news media investigation program like Dateline or 48 Hours will do a story about it? Hopefully they will get the details right. It was nice to see this case get solved.
The one major question I have left is, "Where did the crimes take place
I would not be surprised if it happened in the vicinity of the Johntown property his parents lived at, and he testified to working on his adjoining property that day and returning to parents that night at 10 pm. It was only 4-5 minutes from the Big Little, and a straight shot without being on main roads. He had lived there before moving to Lisenby, was familiar and comfortable with the surrounding, and if anyone had seen him it would have been a common weekend occurrence. There's a lot of water in the area, and particularly at that time there was less development and areas with more seclusion. I'm racking my brain trying to remember more details about the road at the far end that dead ends fairly close to what looks like a pond. To the best of my recollection it was well past a residence on the left, out of view. IF he somehow gained the girls trust and convinced the girls he had a shortcut (as in route to get the to Midland City gas station quicker, not quicker way just to the highway) and he'd take his truck back, they would have known no different until it was too late, being unfamiliar with the area. If he overpowered them or it was at gunpoint, it was close. There's some details we will probably never know, but I'm glad the basic true story is pretty obvious.

Numerous posts have been removed.

Please do not bring rumors to Websleuths. WS is fact based and does not allow discussion or rehashing of rumors, old or new.

Rumors just grow legs and end up getting misconstrued as fact down the road, and next thing we know it's being repeated at other sites "Well, it said at Websleuths ...", and so it goes.
Several motions and orders have been filed on AlaCourt. I do not think that they have hit MSM just yet. I will try to post the orders and motions this evening when I get home. Today’s a very busy day.

Some folks might be surprised, some might not be. Give me a chance to read over them before I make a comment.

Addendum: I took lunch and downloaded the motion and orders. Basically a motion for a new trial. The Court has set a hearing date of June 17th for a hearing on these motions.
Please remember, his sentencing date is June 15th.

Also, there are a list of exhibits filed. It mostly consisted of screenshots from social media allegedly made by a juror or jurors during the trial. In respect, honesty and integrity of the judicial process, I will say that none of The social media posts have the trial or the defendant as a topic. Also, The exhibits just display juror numbers and it is unclear from the screenshots exactly who made the social media post.
Nevertheless, it is what it is.


  • Motion for new trial .pdf
    193.5 KB · Views: 8
  • Hearing Order .pdf
    95.4 KB · Views: 6
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Several motions and orders have been filed on AlaCourt. I do not think that they have hit MSM just yet. I will try to post the orders and motions this evening when I get home. Today’s a very busy day.

Some folks might be surprised, some might not be. Give me a chance to read over them before I make a comment.

Addendum: I took lunch and downloaded the motion and orders. Basically a motion for a new trial. The Court has set a hearing date of June 17th for a hearing on these motions.
Please remember, his sentencing date is June 15th.

Also, there are a list of exhibits filed. It mostly consisted of screenshots from social media allegedly made by a juror or jurors during the trial. In respect, honesty and integrity of the judicial process, I will say that none of The social media posts have the trial or the defendant as a topic. Also, The exhibits just display juror numbers and it is unclear from the screenshots exactly who made the social media post.
Nevertheless, it is what it is.

Let us HOPE this does not push the sentencing date further....
Oh fudge! Here we go.

Blacklist said:
snipped by me - from post #907

Addendum: I took lunch and downloaded the motion and orders. Basically a motion for a new trial. The Court has set a hearing date of June 17th for a hearing on these motions.

and the Order that was attached to this post ^^ says:

Pursuant to Rule 24.1 of ARCP the pronouncement of sentence or formal sentencing in this case is
not set until June 15, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. Defendant has filed a Motion for New Trial. Said Motion is
hereby set on July 17, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Defendant shall remain in the Dale County Jail until the
conclusion of said hearings

Per the article I quote above - it says:

Filmore set a July 17 hearing to decide if there will be a new trial.

So just wanted everyone to know this motion hearing for new trial is NOT on 6/17 - but 7/17/23. :)
and the Order that was attached to this post ^^ says:

Pursuant to Rule 24.1 of ARCP the pronouncement of sentence or formal sentencing in this case is
not set until June 15, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. Defendant has filed a Motion for New Trial. Said Motion is
hereby set on July 17, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Defendant shall remain in the Dale County Jail until the
conclusion of said hearings

Per the article I quote above - it says:

Filmore set a July 17 hearing to decide if there will be a new trial.

So just wanted everyone to know this motion hearing for new trial is NOT on 6/17 - but 7/17/23. :)

My transposition error. Apologies my friends. I should have caught It.
He will remain in local (Dale County) custody until after July 17, 2023 providing a new trial is not ordered.


Justice on Friends
But he will still be sentenced on 6/15 right???
As of this writing, yes June 15th remains the sentencing date. It could be modified by the Judge, however if that were to be the case Judge Philmore would have most likely have adjusted the sentencing date at the same time as granting the hearing and issuing an order for the date.
The hearing order specifically states that McCraney to remain in County custody until after the July 17th hearing date.

When the hearing concludes he will be remanded to State custody if no change in his conviction status ( a retrial) is ordered.
His custody by the State will not have an effect on the subsequent appeal(s).

Justice On my Friends
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Setting Date: Thursday June 15, 2023

Case Number TimeName
26-CC-2019-000187.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS
26-CC-2019-000188.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS
26-CC-2019-000189.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS
26-CC-2019-000191.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS

link: Alacourt ACCESS V2.0
Setting Date: Thursday June 15, 2023

Case Number TimeName
26-CC-2019-000187.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS
26-CC-2019-000188.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS
26-CC-2019-000189.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS
26-CC-2019-000191.00 9:00AM MCCRANEY COLEY LEWIS

link: Alacourt ACCESS V2.0
Thank you for this info. Will this be his official sentencing for life imprisonment?
I find it odd his wife called it a 'Modern day lynching" when he was given the benefit of the doubt with great a defense team and fair jury trial. How can she arise top such a conclusion and how insulting is this to the victims families as if they are in the wrong...
I find it odd his wife called it a 'Modern day lynching" when he was given the benefit of the doubt with great a defense team and fair jury trial. How can she arise top such a conclusion and how insulting is this to the victims families as if they are in the wrong...
Desperate people make desperate claims. In my opinion, she is using a racial tag to generate an emotional response while ignoring scientific (DNA) evidence. I'm sure she doesn't want to believe her husband is a rapist murderer just as I'm sure that is exactly what he is.
I find it odd his wife called it a 'Modern day lynching" when he was given the benefit of the doubt with great a defense team and fair jury trial. How can she arise top such a conclusion and how insulting is this to the victims families as if they are in the wrong...
I've seen this a number of times in cases such as this, as an observer. It is a legitimate line of defence sometimes of course, but having followed the Beasley/Hawlett murders from the start, I do not in any way believe this is one of them.
Desperate people make desperate claims. In my opinion, she is using a racial tag to generate an emotional response while ignoring scientific (DNA) evidence. I'm sure she doesn't want to believe her husband is a rapist murderer just as I'm sure that is exactly what he is.
She even said there wasn't enough African American jurors to get a fair trial. What planet is she on. She explains that she has only had 3.5 years to process this while the victims family has had 21 so people must understand this is new to her be "emphatic" with her. As if now she is the victim!??
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She even said there wasn't enough African American jurors to get a fair trial. What planet is she on. She explains that she has only had 3.5 years to process this while the victims family has had 21 so people must understand this is new to her be "emphatic" with her. As if now she is the victim!??
That is why I am not going to read or listen to any of her comments, as it really angers me when this type of defence is used in situations where not warranted. I realize there are many situations and incidents where people of colour do experience unfair treatment, but as I mentioned before, NOT THIS ONE. If I was a wife in her unfortunate situation, I would try to bite my tongue in any public statements, and just express sympathy for the real victims even if I felt it was an 'unfair' trial which is rubbish!

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