GUILTY AL - Kathleen "Kat" West, 42, murdered, Calera, 13 Jan 2018 *husband arrested*

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Agreed, if it was an accident the medical examiner would have known when examining her body.

Plus i have no reason not to believe the person that found her when they said the bottle was on top of the phone. To me that's staging. If it isn't staging she just happened to place the items like that before she either had an accident or was attacked. That seems highly unlikely.

I think she was placed there. In my mind I go between being attacked & murdered in the yard/street or being dumped there. I agree it isn't the most ideal or logical place to dump a body. I also think it would be much easier to dump a body in the street without being noticed than attack & murder someone in the street without being noticed. That's why I'm leaning towards she was dumped. Plus I think if she was attacked there, the phone and bottle wouldn't have been like they were found.
Flrgrl017, I’m leaning that way, too.

My theory, which is just MOO and based on where she was found, is that she was dumped out of a car by someone who knew the street she lived on, but not exactly sure of which house. In those developments, the houses tend to look the same. If she or the driver were disoriented, they could easily be confused about which side of the street her house was.
Starkville, I would tend to go along with that. One thing that confuses me though is if she was in a car with someone, why would they dump her there at all. There are woods all around. Whoever must have wanted her to be found. If she was hit somewhere else and dumped there, she must have still be alive when dropped off otherwise I don't think there would be that much blood. Maybe whoever it was wanted her to be found hoping she would still live. Perhaps the injury was accidental, or at least not premeditated, and that person panicked? Just pure speculation on my part of course.
I am interested to know who all thinks the husband is responsible? I sort of go back and forth. I think right now I am at about 40% thinking he did it, and 60% that a third party did it. We just don't know enough. But if he had done it, I think there were be ample evidence and would have been arrested by now. But I havent seen anywhere where he has made statements to the media or anything, and that silence bothers me a bit.
I just can't imagine the husband killing her and just leaving her there where people would find her.

If he did do something, I would have expected him to load her up in a vehicle and dump her somewhere in the woods etc.

This is why I do not feel he is involved.
I just can't imagine the husband killing her and just leaving her there where people would find her.

If he did do something, I would have expected him to load her up in a vehicle and dump her somewhere in the woods etc.

This is why I do not feel he is involved.

I read somewhere that after the neighbor found her, the husband showed up on the scene but then left before police arrived.

I’m not sure what to think of that combined with the rest of the things we know. Him showing up then leaving on its’ own would make me say he is involved, but when you add everything else, I have a hard time with deciding why he would do that.

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she wasn't wearing anything below the waist but WAS wearing a sports bra. Willingly going outside like that? I don't care how she made her money, or how comfortable she was with her body, it's just an odd detail. I'm stuck on that point and what it tells investigators.
When the case first came to national attention, and the many husband and wife pics posted online, one pic started my initial thoughts that she was escorting. Husband wearing a 'where's all my ho's at' shirt, for a Christmas pic beside the tree. I feel bad for their daughter, so openly exposed to their 'lifestyle'. Clearly appears to be an open marriage IMO

Respectfully, and OT - There are lots of healthy "open marriages" or alternative relationships or "lifestyles" wherein children thrive. (and lots where they suffer.)

There are conversely tons of unhealthy traditional relationships wherein children suffer. (and lots where they thrive).

The t-shirt is disrespectful no matter what IMO.
I just can't imagine the husband killing her and just leaving her there where people would find her.

If he did do something, I would have expected him to load her up in a vehicle and dump her somewhere in the woods etc.

This is why I do not feel he is involved.

Yes, but he also hasn't been publicly cleared. The husband is always the prime suspect, and the lack of info could mean that they're working on that suspicion and using silence to keep up pressure on him, hoping he'll crack. After all, they need evidence. For example, did they get a warrant to search their house?

Perhaps he panicked, was drunk, couldn't think straight, or just wanted her body out of the house so he could clean up/establish an alibi. Perhaps a person who really loved her wouldn't want to dump her in the woods.
I read somewhere that after the neighbor found her, the husband showed up on the scene but then left before police arrived.

I’m not sure what to think of that combined with the rest of the things we know. Him showing up then leaving on its’ own would make me say he is involved, but when you add everything else, I have a hard time with deciding why he would do that.

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I'm curious as to how the husband made his way outside at shortly after 5am. To my knowledge, there have been no reports on the neighbor notifying the husband by knocking on the door or ringing doorbell after discovering her body. Was he looking out his window, anticipating her return because he knew she was escorting that night. All speculation and sleuthing on my part of course.

One situation that I do feel strongly about tho in this case, if the husband did commit the murder, he would be in handcuffs and detained within the first day or two after January 13th.
Starkville, I would tend to go along with that. One thing that confuses me though is if she was in a car with someone, why would they dump her there at all. There are woods all around. Whoever must have wanted her to be found. If she was hit somewhere else and dumped there, she must have still be alive when dropped off otherwise I don't think there would be that much blood. Maybe whoever it was wanted her to be found hoping she would still live. Perhaps the injury was accidental, or at least not premeditated, and that person panicked? Just pure speculation on my part of course.
I've been wondering if another woman was involved in helping dispose of her and maybe that is why she wasn't hidden better. Just brainstorming.... Her placement could be to send a message, to embarrass, or just panic.
Sure would be nice if there were investigative reporters on the case. Would like to know her blood alcohol level from the coroners report.
I'm curious as to how the husband made his way outside at shortly after 5am. To my knowledge, there have been no reports on the neighbor notifying the husband by knocking on the door or ringing doorbell after discovering her body. Was he looking out his window, anticipating her return because he knew she was escorting that night. All speculation and sleuthing on my part of course.

One situation that I do feel strongly about tho in this case, if the husband did commit the murder, he would be in handcuffs and detained within the first day or two after January 13th.

I very much agree with this great post, right up until the last thought. I do not necessarily think that he'd be arrested by now had he done this... I'm curious why you might feel so strongly that he would have been arrested right away? Just from the myriad cases I've read, investigated and sleuthed here I'm just not so sure. Maybe I am missing something?
I believe the neighbor said that after his daughter came and told him about the body, he went out there and felt her to see if she was breathing, which she was not, then called police. He said something about the husband being briefly there. That does seem a bit odd. You'd think he would be horribly distraught. But if their daughter was home, he could have gone back in the house to check on her and to be with her when the police/ambulance arrived. I really want to know if the daughter was home. In my mind, it changes a lot of things.
I believe the neighbor said that after his daughter came and told him about the body, he went out there and felt her to see if she was breathing, which she was not, then called police. He said something about the husband being briefly there. That does seem a bit odd. You'd think he would be horribly distraught. But if their daughter was home, he could have gone back in the house to check on her and to be with her when the police/ambulance arrived. I really want to know if the daughter was home. In my mind, it changes a lot of things.

Exactly! It would make sense if he ran back to protect/shield their daughter, assuming she was home. I am assuming due to the date night they were having that she may have been sleeping over at a friends house. If so, I highly doubt she would be home at 5:00 am. This is just my opinion and speculation.
If she (daughter) wasn’t home he could’ve been running back to get his phone, assuming he went out in his pajamas and didn’t have his phone on him. The neighbor could’ve been in his home on the phone with 911 when he sees the husband run outside briefly. Not knowing that the neighbor was also calling 911, maybe he ran inside to do that. Again, just me playing detective.
I’m very curious to hear from LE, any day now....

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Adding to my previous post about the husband in the house in the wee hours, and just sleuthing. Looks like it was most likely a heavy booze night for both of them from store video and his Instagram post of the Lucid, not just a handful of beers, a big difference.

Was he kept awake by his wife not answering his text messages/calls possibly? Under the assumption she was escorting JMO. I believe something made him check outside his window at that early hour. Did she leave voluntarily and he knew and they agreed upon a time to come back. Or both in severe intoxication, and he doesn't know she left the house if he's sleeping for a bit, then wakes up and notices her gone.

I also remember reading that LE was at the residence all day on the 13th, and I'm assuming the husband would have been there for that, at least the beginning of the early morning investigation, then probably leaving to grieve with nearest family members. LE would have wanted to get statement from him right away no doubt.
Remember, it is likely the both indulged in Absinthe, which has hallucinogenic properties. If high, they could have fought and to me this is the most likely outcome. For those who have stated this should be wrapped up, investigations take time. This isn't a TV show; a woman is dead and I myself couldn't believe he walked away. The complete silence from her spouse and deletion of SM acct's speak volumes. There has been no plea from her SO to find her killer. This math is clear.
she wasn't wearing anything below the waist but WAS wearing a sports bra. Willingly going outside like that? I don't care how she made her money, or how comfortable she was with her body, it's just an odd detail. I'm stuck on that point and what it tells investigators.

I totally agree!! Women rarely go around bottomless with just a bra on on. I haven’t seen anyone conjecture that she might have been a victim of a sexual assault and someone might have removed her bottoms to rape her. Since law enforcement isn’t giving any details we won’t know.
I think the key to this is with where her clothes ended up. If I lived in that neighborhood I would be very nervous.

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Remember, it is likely the both indulged in Absinthe, which has hallucinogenic properties.

Hate to break it to you, but absinthe having hallucinogenic abilities is myth. Perhaps back in the day when it wasn't properly made, but when the US lifted it's 100 year ban on absinthe part of the rules where that it has to be thujone (the drug that could cause hallucinations) free.

This case has plenty of mystery to it. The fact that she was wearing only a bra can point to rape but I still can't understand the placement of the bottle & phone. The location of the body is strange to me as well. IMO if she was found with her head in the street and body in the neighbor's grass that rules out someone dumping her from a car. If anyone were dumping a body surely they would just shove the body out of the passenger door and get out of there ASAP. That's why I'm leaning more toward it was a heat of the moment thing. Why was her body out in such an open area when there's plenty of wooded areas/hiding spots? I'm thinking panic or the murderer didn't have the strength to move her.

Very confused on the husband being up at 5 am. Especially when they'd been drinking a lot the night before. I know if I'm drinking hard I'll be sleeping in late the next day. Seems suspicious. All of this is assumptions on my part.

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