Just curious about you're thoughts so far as to
what you think caused this.
I really admire your posts in the past cases.
Oh - thank you! I should mention that my first work out of graduate school was in medical/psychiatric anthropology. I got to interview some violent offenders and continued to work in jails (and still interview violent offenders outside of jail, when I can).
I also speak to a couple of psychiatrists who specialize in adolescent psych.
Adolescents today, in the West, are more than angtsy. Suicide rates are going up among teens and twenties. However, it's hard to actually kill oneself (psychologically). Getting enraged at others, and wanting to kill
everyone is a frequent rage-state. Some teens really hate their parents for bringing them into the world. This is one of the most common themes in adolescent psychiatry (teens are focused on how rotten their parents are, how their parents should never have had kids, how their whole life is effed up, and they wish they weren't alive, and their parents have too many kids). They're usually in the psychiatrist's office because of a court order.
So, violent acting out by teens should involve the police. The police are not the enemy here (for the parents). But, in a case where one parent may be in trouble with the law or opposed to police, that doesn't happen.
Family annihilation can happen anyway (even if the police are involved) but if the kid is really violent and is convicted of assault, they'll be spending some much-needed time away from the families they hate so much.
The family annihilator's first task is to get rid of that horrible family. The one that should never have been, the one that resulted in their own existence. Then, they'll go to jail OR they'll get up the courage to shoot themselves OR they'll get the death penalty. They will be barred from being part of society and reproducing their parents' errors.
Adolescence is, psychiatrically, a time of high risk. If the person can get to 30 without killing anyone or themselves, or committing other serious crimes, they typically chill out a little. They may still be harmful, but they won't be 14 year olds who hate their families, themselves, and want to cauterize a psychological wound.
IOW, they don't look forward to any kind of life, they simply want the unbearable pain gone, they want to be locked up, they are going to be generally calm and happier in jail (or dead), that's what they're thinking. Not that they'll get away with it or that things will go swimmingly.