GUILTY AL - Three dead, 3 injured in shooting at UAH, Amy Bishop charged

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I still can't believe she got no punishment whatsoever for her brother's death. Had something being done in the killing of her brother, those three people could have been alive today.

I am not surprised this woman pled her case.

I have felt from the very beginning she is a narcisstic sociopath.

She cares about no one but herself that is why she pled to avoid the death penalty and I think she would have gotten it in Alabama if it went to trial. I am sure her attorney told her there was a very good chance she would get the DP.

She sure didnt care about the death penalty she gave all of her victims including her own brother. :(

I still can't believe she got no punishment whatsoever for her brother's death. Had something being done in the killing of her brother, those three people could have been alive today.

She could still be charged in her brother's death. As you said, though, she should have answered for this back in 1986.

Bishop still could face a trial in Massachusetts, where she is charged in the 1986 killing of her 18-year-old brother. Seth Bishop's death had been ruled an accident after Amy Bishop told investigators she shot him in the family's Braintree home as she tried to unload her father's gun. But the Alabama shootings prompted a new investigation and charges. Prosecutors have said they will wait until after sentencing in the Alabama case to determine whether to put Bishop on trial in Massachusetts.
Amy Bishop continues to file appeals to her conviction.
Amy Bishop.... has submitted a court filing arguing her guilty plea was not voluntary..... bishop rule 32 filing.pdf

"Bishop's plea was not knowingly and voluntarily made due to prescription of antipsychotic, anti-anxiety and Valium drugs which rendered her incompetent to meet the "knowingly" and "intelligently" requirements. Upon arrival and throughout Bishop's entire stay at the Madison County Jail and throughout the guilty plea, colloquy, trial and sentencing Bishop was mentally incompetent ....due to prescription drugs which severely impaired her ability to think rationally... Madison County jail psychaitrist... prescribed Resperidal... Valium... Restoril... and Abilify. ..... These drugs rendered her incapable of rational thoughts, overcame ability to make decisions of her own free will, rendered her incapable of understanding the meaning and effect of her plea, caused her to be indifferent to protecting herself, left her with little determination so that her will could be easily overborne by questions and suggestions."

From the letter written by Bishop as part of her appeal: "Bishop's Attorneys were ineffective for their failures to(at trial).....

(C) Failed to demonstrate there was no motive to kill the victims......

(E) Failed to investigate, establish and demonstrate that prior to the meeting on February 12, 2010, she was a victim of a student stalker
(I wonder if this student was the same one who had the 'shells' in her pocket on the day of the shooting)

(F) Failed to investigate, establish and demonstrate that the state's wintess Debra Moriarty was in fact the one who encouraged Bishop to carry a gun due to the faculty meetings, the fact that it was dark outside by the time the meetings ended, because of her fear of the stalker student."

Written statement of Amy Bishop:
"After arrival (at Tutwiler State Prison) I was started and remained on Haldol, Cogentin, Prolyxin, Benadryl which ... left me unable to think, comprehend, analyze, etc.

So basically, Bishop was so doped up at trial she could not defend herself. She deserves a new trial, IMO.
The Unanswered Questions of this Case:

--0f the 12 people in the conference room at the time of the shooting, three are dead, two were seriously injured and might not remember much, which leaves seven witnesses. 0nly one of these, a Professor Moriarity, has been publicly interviewed and has identified Bishop as the shooter. Where are the other interviews of survivors, and why haven't three of the unharmed witnesses even been identified?

--Why did Amy Bishop repeatedly say "It didn't happen. There's no way .... they are still alive" in the first interviews after her arrest? What did she mean by that?

--In the first hours after the shooting, the local newspapers website posted a photo of another person being led away in handcuffs from the scene. Who was this person, and why do commentators who did see this photo say it looked like a man wearing women's clothing? Why was he/she carrying 'shells' in her/his pockets? Where did they come from? What caliber were they? Did they smell like they had recently been fired? Were all the expended shells from the shooting recovered at the crime scene?

--Is there any of the ubiquitous video evidence that is everywhere nowadays that places her at the scene? None has been released.

--Was Gun Shot Residue evidence found on her hands? Were her fingerprints found on the weapon recovered? Did the recovered weapon smell like it had recently been fired? Can all the slugs and expended shell cases be traced back to the weapon allegedly used?

--What was the motive? They have implied that Amy Bishop was angry over being denied tenure, but officially speaking they did not posit any motive. What did Amy herself have to say?

--Since her arrest, Amy Bishop was never given the opportunity to tell her side of the story. Yet there are always two sides to any story. Why haven't we heard hers?

--Why does the only witness to testify publicly on what happened in that conference room continue to say that she heard the weapon 'click' after it jammed, when any person who's ever tried to clear a jam in a semi-automatic knows you can't move the trigger, much less make it go 'click?'

--After dropping her weapon and jacket into a bathroom, Bishop is alleged to have walked into a lab class and asked to borrow a cell phone from a colleague. Why is this person never identified, or ask if Bishop appeared nervous, excited, flushed, etc? Is it just coincidence that the person arrested carrying 'shells' was described as a lab student of Amy Bishop?

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