Alec Baldwin fired prop gun, killing 1 on movie set, Oct 2021 #2

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AB spoke out within 24 hours, reached out to comfort / support Halyna's family and attended her memorial service.

DH eventually spoke up after 6 days to admit his failure (did he attend the memorial service?).

HGR today finally 'spoke' through her lawyers - 8 days after the shooting; she takes zero responsibility. I'm pretty sure she did not attend the memorial service or personally reach out to HH's family.

There's the entire story.

[If I'm wrong on any above facts, someone please correct me. TIA]

^LIKE x 1000
Thinking about the live ammo on the set. HGR says she doesn’t know where it came from.

I am not a gun person, so I will ask - would specific sized, unusual ammo have to be used in the old-style gun? In other words, was the type and size of round common and easily bought anywhere? Or - would HGR (or a person familiar with that specific gun) have been more likely to have had to supply the round of ammo from specialty shops?

This kind of ammunition is quite common and very popular, although there have been ammunition shortages during the last year and a half. Prior to these shortages, which are easing somewhat, many gun stores would have this round. There are also “cowboy rounds” available that approximate the ammunition available in the late 19th century. These rounds have less pressure and are considered safer to fire in an older gun design. So, ammunition suitable for the revolver used on set is not unusual.
I didn't mean he knew for sure there were dummies in the gun. He knew there were rounds in the gun (which he presumably assumed were dummies, if he didn't check them for holes on sides). He says he saw three rounds. He doesn't clarify if he checked for these rounds being dummies, and admits he didn't see the rest.
So he didn't know that the gun was loaded with dummy rounds. He just assumed that.

Why did he call out "cold" gun when it was loaded with live primers? Blanks would look just like dummy rounds with live primers when loaded in the gun. He should have called out "hot" gun on set. JMO.
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