All About Chloroform#2

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Kids, this is just not making a lot of sense. No matter how bizarre the crime is, the facts have to make sense. Will you help me figure this out, it's driving me nutz?!

1. There are chloroform searches on which computer? Cindy's laptop that Casey seems to have appropriated or the pc in the house? (Isn't there a pc in the house?)

2. She's searching the net to find a place to buy chloroform - was there anything to confirm this other than news reports?

3. She's searching for chloroform recipes, how do we know this to be true?

4. There were detectable amounts of "pure chlorof." in the trunk (And I won't get into the "pure" argument again, don't worry) which could mean that it was manufactured chlorof. which is a distilled product and would get rid of any impurities.

5. There was an unusually high level of chlorof in the trunk which could only be "pure" and not come from any other source than man. chlorof. Again, there is no credible source on this.

6. She made the chlorof. which again, is unsubstantiated. Imo, this is somewhat difficult to believe because (and again this is my personal opinion) she isn't smart enough and she isn't that ambitious.

7. If she did make it to knock the baby out, then she may not have intended to kill the baby. That might explain the flurry of phone calls the afternoon of the 16. June. Mom/Dad/Mom/Dad/Lee/Mom/Dad etc., (not necessarily in that order) which might actually be proof that this wasn't premeditated murder, but murder in the commission of a felony.

So what am I missing here?
I think the chlorofoam was a "sex" thing....Rm had a pic of it and when you google...ya get sex, sex and more sex. It might have ended up harming Caylee, but I really think the interest was there in the start because of sex.
Kids, this is just not making a lot of sense. No matter how bizarre the crime is, the facts have to make sense. Will you help me figure this out, it's driving me nutz?!

1. There are chloroform searches on which computer? Cindy's laptop that Casey seems to have appropriated or the pc in the house? (Isn't there a pc in the house?)

2. She's searching the net to find a place to buy chloroform - was there anything to confirm this other than news reports?

3. She's searching for chloroform recipes, how do we know this to be true?

4. There were detectable amounts of "pure chlorof." in the trunk (And I won't get into the "pure" argument again, don't worry) which could mean that it was manufactured chlorof. which is a distilled product and would get rid of any impurities.

5. There was an unusually high level of chlorof in the trunk which could only be "pure" and not come from any other source than man. chlorof. Again, there is no credible source on this.

6. She made the chlorof. which again, is unsubstantiated. Imo, this is somewhat difficult to believe because (and again this is my personal opinion) she isn't smart enough and she isn't that ambitious.

7. If she did make it to knock the baby out, then she may not have intended to kill the baby. That might explain the flurry of phone calls the afternoon of the 16. June. Mom/Dad/Mom/Dad/Lee/Mom/Dad etc., (not necessarily in that order) which might actually be proof that this wasn't premeditated murder, but murder in the commission of a felony.

So what am I missing here?
Lol. You're missing the facts...Which none of us have.

1. We don't know what computer the searches were done on but it's assumed that they were done on her laptop (which she'd "borrowed" from CA).

2. We don't know if she was searching to buy or to make. Both have been discussed but only LE knows so far.

3. No one knows this to be true but it is a possibility.

4. Your suggestion that the only form of of "pure chloroform" is manufactured...Are you sure about that? Oh...And again, the discussions about "pure" chloroform are all speculation as we do not know yet...Only LE knows.

5. Same response as per #4.

6. Doesn't actually look all that difficult to make if one is determined to do it. (She likes to cook...:rolleyes:)

7. If she made it to knock out the baby and she "accidentally" killed her - it's still manslaughter. Half a dozen of one...It's still vile and there are plenty of threads on the whole discussion re. intentional/accidental.
Kids, this is just not making a lot of sense. No matter how bizarre the crime is, the facts have to make sense. Will you help me figure this out, it's driving me nutz?!

1. There are chloroform searches on which computer? Cindy's laptop that Casey seems to have appropriated or the pc in the house? (Isn't there a pc in the house?)

2. She's searching the net to find a place to buy chloroform - was there anything to confirm this other than news reports?

3. She's searching for chloroform recipes, how do we know this to be true?

4. There were detectable amounts of "pure chlorof." in the trunk (And I won't get into the "pure" argument again, don't worry) which could mean that it was manufactured chlorof. which is a distilled product and would get rid of any impurities.

5. There was an unusually high level of chlorof in the trunk which could only be "pure" and not come from any other source than man. chlorof. Again, there is no credible source on this.

6. She made the chlorof. which again, is unsubstantiated. Imo, this is somewhat difficult to believe because (and again this is my personal opinion) she isn't smart enough and she isn't that ambitious.

7. If she did make it to knock the baby out, then she may not have intended to kill the baby. That might explain the flurry of phone calls the afternoon of the 16. June. Mom/Dad/Mom/Dad/Lee/Mom/Dad etc., (not necessarily in that order) which might actually be proof that this wasn't premeditated murder, but murder in the commission of a felony.

So what am I missing here?

First - Enjoying your posts.

I have many of the same questions and don't want to add to confusion posting more speculation vs. fact as answers to your questions. I really want to see the facts, and believe enough of these re: chloroform haven't been released yet. I'm afraid we're just going to have to wait :(

FWIW, I didn't see noted in your list above... Casey's BF de jeur in May was RM. RM had posted on his Myspace or PB a ad-type pic of a man using chloroform to knock-out his date. The pic included a caption explicitly about using chloroform. Casey may have been intro'd to and/or had access to chloroform via RM. Along the same lines, it's worth noting that another in her circle commented about the military using chloroform to sedate prisoners. More than one of Casey's circle-of-men were military.

IMHO, IF Casey employed chloroform she didn't make it, she acquired it. Further, IMHO, I haven't seen any evidence it was Casey's m.o. to plan anything very far in advance...creature of opportunity...hence, she didn't order anything online & wait for shipping (where would it have been delivered w/o drawing attention? Online tracks left behind, etc.). Depending on her intent (sedation or murder) the quantity she needed may have been obtained from someone using it (e.g. RM, military guy, etc.) with or without (pour a few mils into another container in private) their knowledge. She may have tried to store it in a plastic container, hence, over time it breached the container and soaked into the fabric in the trunk afterwards.

On a tangent, the presence of the chloroform in the trunk may have accelerated the decomposition of any plastic bags the body was stored in, hence, decomp fluid leaking into the trunk a darkly ironic turn of fate.
First - Enjoying your posts.

I have many of the same questions and don't want to add to confusion posting more speculation vs. fact as answers to your questions. I really want to see the facts, and believe enough of these re: chloroform haven't been released yet. I'm afraid we're just going to have to wait :(

FWIW, I didn't see noted in your list above... Casey's BF de jeur in May was RM. RM had posted on his Myspace or PB a ad-type pic of a man using chloroform to knock-out his date. The pic included a caption explicitly about using chloroform. Casey may have been intro'd to and/or had access to chloroform via RM. Along the same lines, it's worth noting that another in her circle commented about the military using chloroform to sedate prisoners. More than one of Casey's circle-of-men were military.

IMHO, IF Casey employed chloroform she didn't make it, she acquired it. Further, IMHO, I haven't seen any evidence it was Casey's m.o. to plan anything very far in advance...creature of opportunity...hence, she didn't order anything online & wait for shipping (where would it have been delivered w/o drawing attention? Online tracks left behind, etc.). Depending on her intent (sedation or murder) the quantity she needed may have been obtained from someone using it (e.g. RM, military guy, etc.) with or without (pour a few mils into another container in private) their knowledge. She may have tried to store it in a plastic container, hence, over time it breached the container and soaked into the fabric in the trunk afterwards.

On a tangent, the presence of the chloroform in the trunk may have accelerated the decomposition of any plastic bags the body was stored in, hence, decomp fluid leaking into the trunk a darkly ironic turn of fate.


Two words stuck out to me in your post... "accelerate decomposition". I've read that chloroform will eat through rubber so, what would it do to human flesh? Further, I think it could have been used after Caylee's death in attempt to mask the decomp smell.

I don't think anyone could successfully train a dog to sniff chloroform (at least not have the dog live to tell about it). However, could any chloroform gas detection equipment be used in conjuction with the cadaver dogs during the upcoming search?

I also wonder if chloroform would continue to emit gas this long after and would the dilution by rainfall prevent its detection?

You're so good with finding facts.

Interestingly enough, I was down in my basement late last night after everyone was asleep (winter smoking spot) and I noticed on my shelves with the paint and such... A can of Acetone and a bottle of bleach. They were sitting right next to each other. Pure Karma there cause I was just watching NG and she showed the same Google site I posted earlier in this thread. Needless to say, I moved the bleach over on the washing machine, no sense in taking any chances. But I was thinking I should go outside and try making it when the kids are at school and I am alone. Do you think it's dangerous to make it outside alone? I mean I dont wanna blow myself up or kill myself????
BJB, I had forgotten about RM's facebook page ad, thanks for adding it. I actually did see that ad but I didn't see it on RM's page. Again, more speculation.

I don't believe that the military uses chlorof. - it is highly carcinogenic and it is no longer manufactured as an anesthetic and it is against the Geneva convention. The nearest thing to it is halothane but when they were moving prisoners from Afgh. and other countries they were giving them shots. Another thing about chlorof or other gases (with some exceptions of course) used as anesthetic, when you wake up you're as sick as a dog with a bad, bad headache.

You're right about the plastic bags or any kind of plastic, cloth etc.
DON'T DO THIS! It is highly carcinogenic, it is unstable and it can easily produce phosgene or chlorine gas - IT CAN KILL YOU. I can't emphasize that enough.
Interestingly enough, I was down in my basement late last night after everyone was asleep (winter smoking spot) and I noticed on my shelves with the paint and such... A can of Acetone and a bottle of bleach. They were sitting right next to each other. Pure Karma there cause I was just watching NG and she showed the same Google site I posted earlier in this thread. Needless to say, I moved the bleach over on the washing machine, no sense in taking any chances. But I was thinking I should go outside and try making it when the kids are at school and I am alone. Do you think it's dangerous to make it outside alone? I mean I dont wanna blow myself up or kill myself????


I completely understand your curiosity, but PLEASE don't do this!

But if you do, could you video tape it for us?

I read that cholroform is used to clean up drugs that have been stepped on a lot. For instance, cocaine.
Kids, this is just not making a lot of sense. No matter how bizarre the crime is, the facts have to make sense. Will you help me figure this out, it's driving me nutz?!

1. There are chloroform searches on which computer? Cindy's laptop that Casey seems to have appropriated or the pc in the house? (Isn't there a pc in the house?)

2. She's searching the net to find a place to buy chloroform - was there anything to confirm this other than news reports?

3. She's searching for chloroform recipes, how do we know this to be true?

4. There were detectable amounts of "pure chlorof." in the trunk (And I won't get into the "pure" argument again, don't worry) which could mean that it was manufactured chlorof. which is a distilled product and would get rid of any impurities.

5. There was an unusually high level of chlorof in the trunk which could only be "pure" and not come from any other source than man. chlorof. Again, there is no credible source on this.

6. She made the chlorof. which again, is unsubstantiated. Imo, this is somewhat difficult to believe because (and again this is my personal opinion) she isn't smart enough and she isn't that ambitious.

7. If she did make it to knock the baby out, then she may not have intended to kill the baby. That might explain the flurry of phone calls the afternoon of the 16. June. Mom/Dad/Mom/Dad/Lee/Mom/Dad etc., (not necessarily in that order) which might actually be proof that this wasn't premeditated murder, but murder in the commission of a felony.

So what am I missing here?

I agree with all of what you said, Bev. As of now most of this is speculation. I have found no credible sources for any of it. I have read there were traces of cholof. then I read it was saturated with it. I read about her searching in May, then in June...which is it, both? Was this released by LE? If not then by whom? NG? Another reporter? So many rumors going around and people talk about them like they are fact. All of this may have happened but I wouldn't be so quick to believe everything on NG or in a newpaper article quoting an un-named source.
Interestingly enough, I was down in my basement late last night after everyone was asleep (winter smoking spot) and I noticed on my shelves with the paint and such... A can of Acetone and a bottle of bleach. They were sitting right next to each other. Pure Karma there cause I was just watching NG and she showed the same Google site I posted earlier in this thread. Needless to say, I moved the bleach over on the washing machine, no sense in taking any chances. But I was thinking I should go outside and try making it when the kids are at school and I am alone. Do you think it's dangerous to make it outside alone? I mean I dont wanna blow myself up or kill myself????

Why would you want to do that? :waitasec:
I'm not sure if someone else brought this up or not... But, what if Casey was using/making chloroform for her own use and Caylee accidentally got into it? She could either have sniffed it or, even worse, drank some. It could truly have been more of an accident than we know, instead of her using it so sedate Caylee in some way. And she couldn't contact anyone for help b/c she was too embarassed to be caught with the chloroform anyway. So she disappeared for a month to concoct this other story. JMHO...
Why would you want to do that? :waitasec:

I dont think either me or KC are the smartest Cracker in the box, especially when it comes to science, Im thinking if I could make it there is no doubt she could.
The thing is Insat., I don't believe any report from any news organizations. Most of the time they are wrong. Maybe we should start a "chloroform speculation" thread.

O/T This really, really worries me that someone might try to experiment with this. This is SO DANGEROUS. It may be a joke but you not only can pass out, you can get some very serious chemical burns. Look up pictures of WW I soldiers who were gassed with chlorine - they have huge skin blisters, they are blinded.
If something goes wrong this can fundamentally and profoundly damage your DNA and YOU WILL GET CANCER. Not "you might get cancer", "YOU WILL GET CANCER."
I am leaning more & more to the idea that Casey had some sort of plan to do something to CA & perhaps GA & blame them for snatching Caylee. Then she could have the house to herself. Thus the chloroform, cause she would not be able to take them down on her own. JMO

I completely understand your curiosity, but PLEASE don't do this!

But if you do, could you video tape it for us?

I read that cholroform is used to clean up drugs that have been stepped on a lot. For instance, cocaine.

I will admit to being just nuts enough to try it, if I know its not going to blow up or kill anyone.
As soon as this business about chloroform came out, my immediate thought was that she was planning to off her parents. She may well have used it on Caylee but my initial response to hearing about this substance was that it would be most ideal for subdoing large adults.
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