All About Chloroform#2

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This might be a stretch but did anyone hear the scientist on NG last night when a caller asked if chloroform would damage DNA, and he replied that no, in fact, chloroform is used in police labs to clean evidence because it won't destroy DNA?

I'm wondering if one of her police buddies didn't hook her up with it.
I thought that was pretty interesting - what Dr Kobi said was that chloroform is used to isolate DNA.

So if it was used in an attempt to clean the trunk, it's possible that doing so made it easier for the forensics labs to obtain DNA samples.

Now that would be karma.
i just googled chloroform/seizures and it says this can result from an overdose of inhaled chloroform. didn't KC have a seizure awhile back? PR-you might be onto something here....

I was thinking this same thing. Yes, it's reported she had a seizure. The thought that maybe Casey had been buying chloroform for awhile entered my mind. Thanks for letting me know I wasn't the only one wondering if this was what brought on the seizure.:)
Has anyone had the idea that someone in Casey's new circle of friends cooked crystal meth? Chloroform is an ingredient. This could also explain her need for gas cans, and her using other peoples' checks and credit cards to purchase ingredients.

I think maybe someone before mentioned the possiblity of Casey being on meth, but discarded that idea because she doesn't have sores and her teeth are okay. But if she was only helping to make it, and selling it, her complexion would be fine. And even if she did start using, it would not be physically noticable after only a couple of months.

This could also explain her trips to Target and other places with someone else's checks and credit cards - she didn't want the purchases of meth ingredients to come back on her.
At my Target when you purchase items that could be used to make meth they request your ID. A friend of mine went in to buy some meds for her family and they told her she couldn't buy them because she had purchased too many with X amount of months. They probably thought she was a meth-head but in reality she and her entire family had been very sick and needed a lot of meds.
I know someone who has been a regular meth user for two years. She has beautiful skin and teeth. I think the chloroform was used for other purposes such as meth and may have accidently spilled in Casey's car.
I believe the problem with meth is... even most of the cookers/sellers are addicted. Meth is a nasty, nasty drug. Casey's party scene didn't exactly coincide with meth use to me.
I actually thought meth was a problem way before news of the chloroform came out... And this is all purely speculation, but I had a friend with a meth problem, and she would never give anyone an indication she was on it, unless you were looking for the signs... Now, around probably a year into it, she started looking bad (scabs, weight loss) and acting differently (where anyone could notice), but at the beginning, her only personality changes were that she was void of emotion when she came off of it... She was super exuberant, happy, full of life, while on it, but when she came off, she was cold, didn't care about anyone (including her own son), and very combatitive (cussing, yelling, etc.) When I first heard KC on the jailhouse tapes, I was like, oh, wow, okay, she's on meth, but now... I just don't know anymore... This might just be who she really is.
I actually thought meth was a problem way before news of the chloroform came out... And this is all purely speculation, but I had a friend with a meth problem, and she would never give anyone an indication she was on it, unless you were looking for the signs... Now, around probably a year into it, she started looking bad (scabs, weight loss) and acting differently (where anyone could notice), but at the beginning, her only personality changes were that she was void of emotion when she came off of it... She was super exuberant, happy, full of life, while on it, but when she came off, she was cold, didn't care about anyone (including her own son), and very combatitive (cussing, yelling, etc.) When I first heard KC on the jailhouse tapes, I was like, oh, wow, okay, she's on meth, but now... I just don't know anymore... This might just be who she really is.

ITA. I have worked at a rehab facility for 3 years and I've seen all types and class of people come through with meth addiction. Its not always obvious to others ...especially if she were a casual user and not necessarily an addict. My first thought, after hearing her irate phone calls from jail, seeing her eyes in her mug shot and the fact she told Kristine that she hadnt slept in four days.... not to mention the lack of emotion that she has shown, led me to think she may be a meth user. I could be wrong but I dont think its outside the relm of possibility.

Also, I have seen quite a few women who "work" for the cookers/sellers by going from store to store purchasing or stealing the required ingredients to make the drug then paying the women with either cash or finished product.
You're right... I totally forgot about the up for "four days" part... good memory!! Also compare the three mug shots... the first one her pupils are dialated and her skin looks tight, while the second one looks better, and the third she finally looks somewhat "normal"...
I have two brothers that are meth addicts, they don't look like junkies. When someone is on meth they hallucinate and get ULTRA paranoid and are completey unreasonable.

I don't think Casey is into Meth, pot and pills yes, but she and the group from Lake Vaj don't look like Meth people.

The Chloroform was used to give Caylee a soft death IMHO. I believe she has premeditated this whole thing and has been planning it for months.
Praying for Grace:
I agree completely. KC was involved one way or another....
Remember her "chameleon" like ways.
Has anyone had the idea that someone in Casey's new circle of forms cooked crystal meth? Chloroform is an ingredient. This could also explain her need for gas cans, and her using other peoples' checks and credit cards to purchase ingredients.

I think maybe someone before mentioned the possiblity of Casey being on meth, but discarded that idea because she doesn't have sores and her teeth are okay. But if she was only helping to make it, and selling it, her complexion would be fine. And even if she did start using, it would not be physically noticable after only a couple of months.

This could also explain her trips to Target and other places with someone else's checks and credit cards - she didn't want the purchases of meth ingredients to come back on her.

I have seen various recipes on the net for making meth but I have never seen one that called for cloroform as an ingredient. I do know that cloroform can be one of the by-products producted when making meth. I don't know how one would go about collecting the cloroform or if it could even be done. I just don't believe that the cloroform found in CA's trunk was for making meth. JMO
I have seen various recipes on the net for making meth but I have never seen one that called for cloroform as an ingredient. I do know that cloroform can be one of the by-products producted when making meth. I don't know how one would go about collecting the cloroform or if it could even be done. I just don't believe that the cloroform found in CA's trunk was for making meth. JMO

It's not an ingredient but is used in the extraction phase of meth synthesis. Other chemicals can be used for extraction as well.
You're right... I totally forgot about the up for "four days" part... good memory!! Also compare the three mug shots... the first one her pupils are dialated and her skin looks tight, while the second one looks better, and the third she finally looks somewhat "normal"...

Thats right! I noticed all those things as well! I also took note that when someone from the media asked a guard (i think?) at the jail how KC spent her days, they were told that she sleeps a lot and reads. Sleeping ALOT is common when someone on meth "crashes" or comes down.
I have seen various recipes on the net for making meth but I have never seen one that called for cloroform as an ingredient. I do know that cloroform can be one of the by-products producted when making meth. I don't know how one would go about collecting the cloroform or if it could even be done. I just don't believe that the cloroform found in CA's trunk was for making meth. JMO

I'm not sure if the chloroform had anything to do with meth or not. Maybe...maybe not...I dunno. I am basing my opinion strictly on what I have seen/heard from KC herself.
Please keep in mind that meth is not only smoked, but can be injected as well. If injected, some of the tell tale signs are lessened as the smoke it very caustic and damaging to the teeth. It will cause a desire for sugary drinks, but that issue with that would be from cavities, not the caustic smoke itself, so signs would take longer to show.

As for her crowd, I am 26 and have seen many in the party crowds become involved with meth as it allows the user to go days on end without sleep (kinds of seems like she was on the computer tirelessly at all hours) which is a bit suspicious to me, as even at 26 and having a 2 year old child, I am well worn out by midnight. All kinds of people use both meth and coke whom you would never suspect.

However, regardless of our speculation, LE will be able to take a hair test and very quickly, easily, and accurately determine if Casey was using illegal substances.

As for the chloroform, that is a hard call, it is not something that someone usually has at their home. I used it for years, as well as ether in school doing semi-micro qualitative analysis, however, it was always left at the lab. Chloroform is relatively easy to purchase however, you can go to Sigma-Aldrich, a major raw chemicals supplier and order from their website, but there are a very finite amount of legal uses of the chemical which are pretty much limited to use as a chemical reagent. No one in their right mind uses it as a cleaning solvent. If they can prove it was, that is insane. It was either used to drug the child or as a component of meth manufacture in my opinion, jmo.
I suspect that the chloroform was not for meth, but for Honey Oil, a substance made from the "shake" of marijuana.

Butane works, as does alcohol, but chloroform is specifically mentioned on several sites, as a good solvent. Remember, Amy mentioned specifically in her interview with LE that KC has been using more weed since dating Tony, and that he was her supplier.

Like some of you, I suspect that the chloroform was probably spilled in the trunk accidentally, and incidental to the death of Caylee.

Of course, marijuana would not cause the sleeplessness that she was experiencing, so perhaps I'm wrong.
Please keep in mind that meth is not only smoked, but can be injected as well. If injected, some of the tell tale signs are lessened as the smoke it very caustic and damaging to the teeth. It will cause a desire for sugary drinks, but that issue with that would be from cavities, not the caustic smoke itself, so signs would take longer to show.

As for her crowd, I am 26 and have seen many in the party crowds become involved with meth as it allows the user to go days on end without sleep (kinds of seems like she was on the computer tirelessly at all hours) which is a bit suspicious to me, as even at 26 and having a 2 year old child, I am well worn out by midnight. All kinds of people use both meth and coke whom you would never suspect.

However, regardless of our speculation, LE will be able to take a hair test and very quickly, easily, and accurately determine if Casey was using illegal substances.

As for the chloroform, that is a hard call, it is not something that someone usually has at their home. I used it for years, as well as ether in school doing semi-micro qualitative analysis, however, it was always left at the lab. Chloroform is relatively easy to purchase however, you can go to Sigma-Aldrich, a major raw chemicals supplier and order from their website, but there are a very finite amount of legal uses of the chemical which are pretty much limited to use as a chemical reagent. No one in their right mind uses it as a cleaning solvent. If they can prove it was, that is insane. It was either used to drug the child or as a component of meth manufacture in my opinion, jmo.

Good post Aries.....I agree with all the above :)
I know someone who has been a regular meth user for two years. She has beautiful skin and teeth. I think the chloroform was used for other purposes such as meth and may have accidently spilled in Casey's car.

Meth does not show up on the skin and teeth for a number of years in young people. It is a misconception that people have sores all over their bodies. That rarely happens until someone is in their 30s.

Casey had her teeth all capped,(most likely Lumineers) so there was a problem with her teeth, but most likely not from meth.

In some of the pictures if you blow them up, you will see she did have some type of sore places on her face, and neck occasionally.
I think she liked a good drink and smoked a little weed. I don't think meth played any part in Casey's life. jmo
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