All About Chloroform #3

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Careful, BlondeGurl, you might get subpoenaed, LOL :)

Glad to see P & G gave such a swift and definite response. I wonder if they will be contacting the DT. You've officially done your public service for today- job well done!
You should put a quote from P & G in your sig.
Great work BlOnDe GuRL!!!
actually... the guys who work with my husband attempted to do an air sample test.. when i get the full results & pictures of the experiment, i'll be sure to post it..
but anyway, none of it.. febreze, dryer sheets, etc produced chloroform.
it's interesting to note (and scary) that the generic dryer sheets produced phosphorus.. which is highly flammable.

the bissel carpet cleaner did produce chloroform though.. but only when mixed with (tap) water- @ 2 parts per billion. 6 oz of carpet cleaner was used for one bag and 6 oz of cleaner + 6 oz of water for the other.

eta: all items that were tested are (in tyvek mailing envelopes - it's all i had)
febreze in bottle (original scent) entire bottle used on cotton/nylon blend shirt
febreze in can (lavender & vanillla scent) entire can used on cotton/nylon blend shirt
bissel carpet cleaner - 6 oz used on cotton/nylon blend shirt
bissel carpet cleaner + equal amounts of water (6 oz each) used on cotton/nylon blend shirt
room air - from my kitchen
room air - from the building the GCMS machine was in
bounce dryer sheets (3)
arm & hammer dryer sheets (3)
generic dryer sheets -from dollar store (3)
a tyvek (usps mailing bag) that once contained a 4 day dead gerbil, until he was transfered to his final resting wicker basket & buried (rip stinky, the gerbil)
tap water (20 oz) used on cotton/nylon blend shirt
a "pair of testicles" shaped cheeto (cheese puff) - because i wanted to save it but my daughter put it in the envelope for whatever reason
a hello kitty trading card - once again.. my daughter insisted but i don't know if it was going to be tested.
Ingredients for Febreze Air Effects Extra Strength:

Molecular formula for chloroform is CHCl3. I don't think there would be any chlorine in any of these ingredients to make up the "Cl" part of that formula.

Even with the chemicals in Bounce that contain Cl, is there enough energy (very high heat) in the trunk to break down the stable chemicals in Bounce so that there is enough free Cl to combine with enough free C and free H to make chloroform? The answer is, probably not enough to make even trace amounts.

The problem with a lot of the alarmist websites that warn you of the dangerous chemicals swarming around you in daily life is that almost all of the dangers assume the absolute worst-case (and more often than not - unrealistic) scenarios possible. If they were anything less than unrealistic, we'd all be dead now.
I definately want to dig further into the ingrediants. The words of concern for me are "when used as directed". Perhaps I am jaded because I work in the pharmaceutical industry. Several of the drugs I have sold have some very severe side effect when taken at high does. So I often find myself reminding physicans that when "taken as directed" these risk don't apply. I am sure if CA sprayed an entire bottle of Fabreeze (as she lied to in court) that would not be considered to be "as directed"

Great work,though. I am sure the SA will also be doing this research and be prepared to debunk this theory. Heck, perhaps P&G will submit a formal letter to the court.
Please move if inappropriate

An email I received from P&G -
As I stated in another thread, I emailed P&G because "quite frankly" (which means I really wasn't.. just wanted to prove a point) I was concerned about hosing my sofa and kids shoes, bedding and my car down with Chloroform every time I ran for the Febreez.

Here's what they had to say (copied and pasted)

Is there anyway you can share with us exactly what you wrote to P&G? I would love to know what you told them to get this response so quickly? You don't have to attach the email with your information or anything.

Something is stuck in my head
"contains no HFC's". I read it on propellant cans like hairspray, air fresheners... and my kids asthma inhalers like proventil..
"contains no CFC's"
HFC- hydrofluorocarbons?
CFC- chlorofluorocarbons?

wonder if they relate to chloroform in any way?
Point being the FDA (or whomever) has been eliminating these for years!
NO WAY Febreeze or dryer sheets contain chloroform now or 3 years ago.
We'd all fall unconcious drying our laundry and freshening our homes!
As much as CA cleaned she'd have been comatose! so, no I don't buy her chloroform excuse.
Can you imagine the bad national publicity Proctor & Gamble/Febreze will get from this, once CA is actually on the stand at the trial. Methinks they won't be too happy.
I thought JB was changing it to a tiny wet bathing suit of Caylee's left in the trunk after swimming at TL's.
No matter how the DT tries to explain away the odors in the car, the fact remains that there was a dead body that more accurately explains decomp (garbage) and chloroform(wet bathing suit) than all these extremely rare possibilities. Their explanations would only work if there was no dead body that the car could be linked to. Since there is, that is the best explanation for the smells in the car.
A jury will see this as well.
If casey was the one that cleaned the car. Lets say she took it back to the house. sprayed the entire interior of the trunk with commercial strength pesticide to kill bugs and maggots. Then used a separate cleaner to steam clean the rest out. Then closed up the trunk, still soaking wet, and went on her way. Thinking that that would be enough to get it clean. But it being florida sun, moist hot humid environment. Could that have caused the high concentration of chloroform?? I just dont know where this girl wouldve found chloroform
wow! so wheres this dangerous killer bathing suit at?

Now that CA's memory has miraculously returned, I expect she will recall that it was in the trunk, and it will show up at the Anthony house.
wow! so wheres this dangerous killer bathing suit at?

I don't think they can use that because there is no proof this ever happened, only Ms. Anthony can testify to that. Mums the word. jmo
A reminder to those contacting P&G about this--please do not present yourself as a WS representative or spokesperson.

A reminder to those contacting P&G about this--please do not present yourself as a WS representative or spokesperson.


I would never do that - but thanks for the reminder to all.
(ps - good job on the mod squad ynot!)
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