All about Kristina Prevatt's jail house letter

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I googled it and I get a video but only part of the 911 call is in it. Can anybody link the actual 911 call that Geraldo has? I can't hear the background on the other ones on youtube. TIA
Please don't take my words literally to their fullest meaning. I'm speaking of the abduction and/or death. As far as parent of the year is concerned, I don't live my life the same way they have - therefore who am I to judge? Some people live a harder life than others, experience many more negative things in their lives. I tend to think that could help to mold a person in how they parent as well as how they make decisions, communicate, & interact with others. In no way am I suggesting this is an excuse. I haven't seen anything referring to drugs on Ron that are recent, so I'm sort of inclined to think he was getting his life together. His daughter is missing - I owe him the benefit of the doubt. All I'm saying is that I'm open minded. Both Haleigh and Jr have biological parents that have done drugs. Both of them have iffy pasts. While I would never ever ever get married a month after my daughter was discovered missing, let alone get married to the person whose care she was left in, again I say to myself "Who am I to judge"...b/c I didn't grow up the way they did, I don't live the way they do...I don't have a hardened edge that goes with the territory of growing up around drugs & violence - so again, who am I to judge? So many people, in the beginning, jumped on the media's bandwagon of portraying these people as Trailer Trash. I find that deplorable. I despise even repeating that phrase b/c it makes living in a trailer, manufactured home, mobile home seem bad or less than something else. I look at it like this - If people think the parents are trash, what the heck do they think about Haleigh? There's nothing in this world that makes me better than anybody else. Nothing. I think being open minded helps me to look at things differently and accept things I myself would never understand under any other circumstances. I may have more than most, but I'll tell ya I definitely have less than others - does that make me more important or better? No, I'm equal. Thank GOD I live where I do, have the family I do, and live the life I live. I'm truly blessed...but not better than anybody else.

I agree with alot of your post, I'm just openminded with some of the reasons on both sides of the family. Again, I don't like this stuff anymore than you or any of us here...I'm just trying to be openminded. That's why I had to take a break for awhile, got too attached...came back after a few months. Answers to your questions are I simply don't know. Seriously. I know what I would have done, but then again, I don't have the life they do...don't live the way they an area such as theirs. That may make them think, speak, and react in different ways.

Oh, I'm not judging him. I'm holding him accountable for the welfare of his child. Hard life makes some out to be....., no drugs on Ronald......irregardless of the lifestyle any of us live, it does not change, allow or excuse a parent in his/her responsibilities of keeping his children safe. As for Ronald, I never said he had drugs. I stated that he left his two children with a teenager who had been on an alledged drug binge which took place the entire weekend. One simple nap doesn't make one who is suffering from drug abuse to become normal. If anything DT's will start showing. Fact is Ronald knew what Misty had been up to, Fact is Ronald chose to leave his children with her in spite of his knowledge of what she had been up to that weekend. Fact is at some point that night Ronald and Misty argued over the phone. Fact is Ronald made numerous calls to Misty and her family. Why was he so frantic to get in touch with her? Why didn't he leave his children with one of his own family members? Again, that's not judging it's basic parenting 101

Novice Seeker
Emotional stress causes the pupils to dilate, and crying does too; something she did a lot of, in that interview and several others. Tears were literally streaming down her face.

And she was likely speaking slowly because she was so emotionally drained and suffering from extreme exhaustion.

I know it flies in the face of reason, given this new information about the letter and alleged affidavit, but I still think Misty did not harm Haleigh, does not know what happened to her, does not know who took her, or where she is.

In that interview, all her emotion and tears, leads me to believe that she was telling the truth. Her voice cracks when she talks about how much she loves Haleigh, that she would never harm her, and says that if she knew what happened to her they would not be sitting there doing that interview. I strongly believe her.

I also wonder if the letter was not factual, but meant to stir things up, to put pressure on Misty to give up more info. I believe that she put that child to bed that night. However, LE would not have drained that pond on a whim. They did say that it was drained on some other tip, and had nothing to do with a letter, but info from them does flip-flop at times, and they do have every right to say whatever they want, in pursuit of the truth.

I also believe that if Tommy really went to the home that night to check on Misty, that she either was sound asleep and did not hear him, or that she did, and simply did not answer the door because she did not want to see him, for whatever reason. It boggles my mind that so many believe that she was not home, simply because she did not open the door !
I have not opened the door many times in my life, for various reasons.

Also, if by some chance she had taken some sort of recreational drug, she may have been in a deep sleep. If she put the children to bed at 8, and went to bed herself at 10 when Tommy went there, she would have already turned the tv and lights off, therefore he saw all lights out and no tv on, just like he claims. And given the fact that she was in a pajama top and boxer shorts at 3 am the next morning gives more credence to the idea that she had been in bed, before Ron came home.

I do, however, believe that she has some information or suspicions that she is not sharing with LE. Either out of fear of retribution, or perhaps shielding a loved one.

Could she possibly have gone to a party earlier that evening, and then come home before 8, and put the children to bed ? There were several visitors to the home that night that saw her. Is there a large enough time gap between visitors and 8 pm where she could have gone out ?

I'm baffled. :crosseyed:

So, should we simply overlook what LE has that led them to believe Misty is involved? Those lie detector test, yeah all 4 probably, were malfunctioning and the voice analysis...just junk science:twocents:

Novice Seeker
Incase anyone is wondering. Someone posted this in the Nancy Grace thread & I decided to make its own thread on it. Below are some quotes along with my comments:

When asked if the affidavit mentioned in the letter is true, Ryan said, "Again, we don't care anything about this letter, and we're not going to waste our time on it. Even if it was our theory, we're just not going to talk about it."

Well quite frankly I am quite appalled by his comments. Especially the above. I mean are you serious that you don't care about the letter so you aren't going to waste your time on it? We are talking about a missing child here & doesn't matter what YOU think you should follow through and look into anything that comes up. I just can't believe his comment. He came off as he doesn't care. :banghead:

"Basically, because of this irresponsible journalism, they killed this little girl off in the media," Ryan said. "We're still of the mindset that this child is alive, and we're going to continue to pursue it as such until we know. Otherwise, frankly, it's perpetuating more drama."

Well then why don't you do a press conference and clear all the BS up. Its been 7months since this child went missing so people are going to think the worse. At least Nancy is keeping Haleighs face out there. Yes she might have made a mistake putting that up on her show but the person you need to be pointing the finger is Art Harris(as much as I like the dude) b/c he is the one that put it out there. :banghead:
Those lie detector tests and voice analysis are not fool proof and not meant to say innocent or guilty. They are both unreliable especially if a person is under a lot of stress.
Snipped quote by

Well quite frankly I am quite appalled by his comments. Especially the above. I mean are you serious that you don't care about the letter so you aren't going to waste your time on it? We are talking about a missing child here & doesn't matter what YOU think you should follow through and look into anything that comes up. I just can't believe his comment. He came off as he doesn't care. :banghead:
"Basically, because of this irresponsible journalism, they killed this little girl off in the media," Ryan said. "We're still of the mindset that this child is alive, and we're going to continue to pursue it as such until we know. Otherwise, frankly, it's perpetuating more drama."
I'm grateful someone in authority surrounding Haleighs case, is finally publically recognizing the harm and damage being done to the entire case and the family who are victims too. This case to me, isn't about Haleigh being the main focus, it's about soap opera drama, gossip, and attacks which thwart progress.

I admit its been hard when we get no information, and believe LE could have done a much better job offering periodic updates, especially to the families. But, that's when a new "bombshell" revelation, tip, innuendo, calls and rumors to LE, NG, media pops up and all of a sudden we would have something popped up suddenly. I've seen that happen throughout the cases at WS, but never in this magnitude, frequency and precise timing within one slow news day.
Those lie detector tests and voice analysis are not fool proof and not meant to say innocent or guilty. They are both unreliable especially if a person is under a lot of stress.

This is the "key", Misty is delayed in her ability to express herself. I'm feeling more upbeat as it appears LE has a new commander in chief concerning this case, or at least someone with some type of authority and it's starting to move fast and furious. This family needs some answers. This family has been hurting long enough. Let the unknown be revealed.

Love your beautiful flower and hat name.
I don't really give a crap about the letter either. More drama added to the case.

Bless your heart Haleigh, you are loved by many.:heart::angel2::
Oh, I'm not judging him. I'm holding him accountable for the welfare of his child. Hard life makes some out to be....., no drugs on Ronald......irregardless of the lifestyle any of us live, it does not change, allow or excuse a parent in his/her responsibilities of keeping his children safe. As for Ronald, I never said he had drugs. I stated that he left his two children with a teenager who had been on an alledged drug binge which took place the entire weekend. One simple nap doesn't make one who is suffering from drug abuse to become normal. If anything DT's will start showing. Fact is Ronald knew what Misty had been up to, Fact is Ronald chose to leave his children with her in spite of his knowledge of what she had been up to that weekend. Fact is at some point that night Ronald and Misty argued over the phone. Fact is Ronald made numerous calls to Misty and her family. Why was he so frantic to get in touch with her? Why didn't he leave his children with one of his own family members? Again, that's not judging it's basic parenting 101

Novice Seeker

Ya know what? I believe you're right in everything you've stated here. I practice parenting the same way. I have wonderful values and share them with my children. I truly make a difference in this world, at least I try to, and I raise my boys to be the same way. I know everything you're saying, and myself as a parent can agree with you, however I didn't grow up like Ron or Misty or Crystal. I didn't have the most pampered life, and I did have a few yucky things in my childhood, but I "turned out" good. Not everybody can say the same thing. Sure, we may know right from wrong - but somebody else's idea of right or wrong may differ from my idea. Ron may have felt he was doing the best he could be doing even though I could rip him apart for leaving his kids with Misty & then marrying her a month after Haleigh disappeared. Still, I don't know him...don;t know any of them. One thing I do know is that area is hard pressed with a bunch of stuff happening there - has progressively gotten worse according to citydata. For all I know, Ron lives a tough life in a tough town. That's why I see things just a little tiny but different. Yeah, I feel bad, just not enough to throw stones at him. It would be easy for me to say I'd never do this or never do that b/c of the life I have. If it were any different, who knows what kind of decisions I'd make.
Iirc LFlorida posted about Mondex back in February

Yes she did...and she was actually the 1st person I thought about when I read the word "Mondex" in that letter! Not only did the police drain the pond at the Mondex, then a letter pops up with "Mondex" in it.

LFlorida - we wub wu!
The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in identifying a woman who left a tip about the HaLeigh Cummings case at The St. Augustine Record on Wednesday.

The blonde woman, wearing blue scrubs, dropped an envelope off at the paper at 3 p.m., then quickly left the building.

Those with information about the woman in the video should call the Crimestoppers tip line at (888) 277-8477 or the Sheriff’s Office at (386) 329-0808.
Those lie detector tests and voice analysis are not fool proof and not meant to say innocent or guilty. They are both unreliable especially if a person is under a lot of stress.

ITA! And I find it perplexing that they only released, what....5 questions out of so many, that all showed deceit.
Why not provide the entire results? There are at least two times in that vid where you can see the screen showing truthful responses.The parts that do show an honest response could be key to finding where Haleigh is or what happened to her.
I like to see the whole picture, rather than just the bits they choose to release that suggest MC is lying about everything.
I absolutely believe she has been deceptive , and knows more than she is telling, but ultimately I think they are targetting the weakest of them all, MC, in the hope that if they put the pressure on her she will eventually break and talk about what she does know.

Also If ron suspected MC was out partying and surrounded by drugs, he should also be found negligent in allowing her to be alone with those children.
Or in a home where drugs were laying around.
Oxy could very well be responsible for killing Haleigh, but it could just as easily have happened at their home.

MC leaving the kids alone while she went to score or party makes more sense to me than her taking the kids with her, since haleigh and jnr were old enough to tell Ron that they went out that night, or any other night.
The whole oxy thing makes little sense, although its possible. I doubt that they would 'waste' an oxy pill on the kids when they could use it themselves, so deliberate dosage on the kids doesnt fly with me.
But haleigh could have ingested them thinking they were candy, or just because she see's everyone else taking them around her. An OD would likely cause vomitting, which could have been why the blanket needed cleaning.
This is all just my personal opinion.
This just seriously makes me want to vomit. Toi posted this letter on another thread, I'm just pulling it over thanks to her:


IMO, Nay Nay is setting up her alibi in this know I was with you that night!

Also she said she is in the middle of a "homicide investigation" far as we know this is a "missing child investigation" and that is very telling to me...Not once have I heard it's a homicide investigation, heck LE has said there's no crime I see why, if it turns out to be true.

I've thought from the beginning, either MCC wasn't home or HaLeigh got hold of some drugs and OD...I pray this is not so..:furious:
P.S. The words in black are not my words; they are the words of the poster.

Also, I do not necessarily agree with his sentiments..... just wanted to put the link and post here, for those who might want to listen to the 911 call.
I totally agree with the words in black.

Thanks for the link. :)

Those lie detector tests and voice analysis are not fool proof and not meant to say innocent or guilty. They are both unreliable especially if a person is under a lot of stress.
But she failed them all..... and "miserably"!!
Oh, I'm not judging him. I'm holding him accountable for the welfare of his child. Hard life makes some out to be....., no drugs on Ronald......irregardless of the lifestyle any of us live, it does not change, allow or excuse a parent in his/her responsibilities of keeping his children safe. As for Ronald, I never said he had drugs. I stated that he left his two children with a teenager who had been on an alledged drug binge which took place the entire weekend. One simple nap doesn't make one who is suffering from drug abuse to become normal. If anything DT's will start showing. Fact is Ronald knew what Misty had been up to, Fact is Ronald chose to leave his children with her in spite of his knowledge of what she had been up to that weekend. Fact is at some point that night Ronald and Misty argued over the phone. Fact is Ronald made numerous calls to Misty and her family. Why was he so frantic to get in touch with her? Why didn't he leave his children with one of his own family members? Again, that's not judging it's basic parenting 101

Novice Seeker
:clap: Thank you for this most excellent post!
IMO, Nay Nay is setting up her alibi in this know I was with you that night!

Also she said she is in the middle of a "homicide investigation" far as we know this is a "missing child investigation" and that is very telling to me...Not once have I heard it's a homicide investigation, heck LE has said there's no crime I see why, if it turns out to be true.

I've thought from the beginning, either MCC wasn't home or HaLeigh got hold of some drugs and OD...I pray this is not so..:furious:

Bold is mine and this is exactly what I'm thinking. I still wonder if LE fed her some lines. I know cops in my family that would have been doing that all along. I question why this letter, of all things, is stirring the pot after almost 8 months have passed since Haleigh's disappearance. I for one think she;s no longer with us, but I sure as heck hope I'm wrong. I think it's crazy that it's taken this long to haul these people in. I still wish to know why drug tests weren't performed on all of them when Haleigh first disappeared. I know you need warrants & such. Any friggin' judge would have signed off on them in a heartbeat with a child missing and known drug users surrounding her. These cops are paid employees of ths state/county/town. As a taxpayer, I'd demand to know why this wasn't done right away. A drug test can even figure out how long something's been in your system. Sure I know some things don;t show up after a certain amount of time, but Misty's partying the weekend before Haleigh's disappearance was well known. I guess I just don't understand. It definitely would have been done here where I live. How else can they get a truthful statement, poly, etc...
Bold is mine and this is exactly what I'm thinking. I still wonder if LE fed her some lines. I know cops in my family that would have been doing that all along. I question why this letter, of all things, is stirring the pot after almost 8 months have passed since Haleigh's disappearance. I for one think she;s no longer with us, but I sure as heck hope I'm wrong. I think it's crazy that it's taken this long to haul these people in. I still wish to know why drug tests weren't performed on all of them when Haleigh first disappeared. I know you need warrants & such. Any friggin' judge would have signed off on them in a heartbeat with a child missing and known drug users surrounding her. These cops are paid employees of ths state/county/town. As a taxpayer, I'd demand to know why this wasn't done right away. A drug test can even figure out how long something's been in your system. Sure I know some things don;t show up after a certain amount of time, but Misty's partying the weekend before Haleigh's disappearance was well known. I guess I just don't understand. It definitely would have been done here where I live. How else can they get a truthful statement, poly, etc...

I agree. Misty's hair is quite long. They could probably do some testing on it now and get an idea what she was using even though it's been 7 months.

Then again, maybe they have done testing, but aren't releasing the results just yet. Misty having drugs in her system wouldn't automatically prove her guilt regarding Haleigh's disappearance.
I think they care about the letter-they are mad because it linked out.
Oh, I'm not judging him. I'm holding him accountable for the welfare of his child. Hard life makes some out to be....., no drugs on Ronald......irregardless of the lifestyle any of us live, it does not change, allow or excuse a parent in his/her responsibilities of keeping his children safe. As for Ronald, I never said he had drugs. I stated that he left his two children with a teenager who had been on an alledged drug binge which took place the entire weekend. One simple nap doesn't make one who is suffering from drug abuse to become normal. If anything DT's will start showing. Fact is Ronald knew what Misty had been up to, Fact is Ronald chose to leave his children with her in spite of his knowledge of what she had been up to that weekend. Fact is at some point that night Ronald and Misty argued over the phone. Fact is Ronald made numerous calls to Misty and her family. Why was he so frantic to get in touch with her? Why didn't he leave his children with one of his own family members? Again, that's not judging it's basic parenting 101

Novice Seeker

I couldnt agree more. I would never in a million years leave my children with someone coming off a 3 day matter how desperate I was for a sitter. They are either going to be crashed out, or strung out which is not healthy for kids to witness, and could put them in a very vunerable or dangerous position.

My personal opinion is that Ron was using drugs too. It seems they all were. Even if it was just pot.

Is there any evidence that proves he was not using drugs at the time? (even if his work required drug testing there are soooooo many ways around that, and plenty of websites dedicated to helping people pass drug tests when they are using).

Personally I think that when ever a child goes missing the family should all be drug tested. Might seem extreme to some, or a violation of their rights, but it would help LE to know what kind of drugs the children may have been exposed to at the time.
What I want to see is the "sworn affidavit from the supposed witness"!

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