All about Kristina Prevatt's jail house letter

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Who washes clothes without detergent? Wouldn't she have poured in a few drops of Dawn, if nothing else? LE is not stupid. If THEY say evidence and her story don't add up, then I believe them.

They don't add up. No one throws dirty laundry in a dryer.

But someone did, and it was done for a reason. No one tidies up a house just because they know LE is coming, not with a child missing and all that anguish. But who did it, and why ?

And why did Ron say to Misty while they were on the phone with 911 that "We're f#%&%d. I had nothing to do with this." ?

Specifically the "We're f#%$%d." part.
The way Misty's voice cracks and gets squeaky, her overall speech reminds me of Scott Peterson. Talking with her eyes closed is like Susan Smith. Then there's all the failed LDT tests.....
They don't add up. No one throws dirty laundry in a dryer.

But someone did, and it was done for a reason. No one tidies up a house just because they know LE is coming, not with a child missing and all that anguish. But who did it, and why ?

And why did Ron say to Misty while they were on the phone with 911 that "We're f#%&%d. I had nothing to do with this." ?

Specifically the "We're f#%$%d." part.

BBM, because they are both culpable in some way. JMO
They don't add up. No one throws dirty laundry in a dryer.

But someone did, and it was done for a reason. No one tidies up a house just because they know LE is coming, not with a child missing and all that anguish. But who did it, and why ?

And why did Ron say to Misty while they were on the phone with 911 that "We're f#%&%d. I had nothing to do with this." ?

Specifically the "We're f#%$%d." part.

Where is this? (I heard RC's other profanities during 911 call, but never these specific words). And wasn't the washing machine running when LE arrived? That's always bothered me. Besides him saying bed was still made and never slept in, there was also the woman reported yelling overheard by their neighbor at 2:30. I think we'll find out LE has other evidence too that she had never gone to bed. JMO

Where is this? (I heard RC's other profanities during 911 call, but never these specific words). And wasn't the washing machine running when LE arrived? That's always bothered me. Besides him saying bed was still made and never slept in, there was also the woman reported yelling overheard by their neighbor at 2:30. I think we'll find out LE has other evidence too that she had never gone to bed. JMO


I never heard this either..but then, its been so long since I heard it, I guess he could have said it????
I never heard this either..but then, its been so long since I heard it, I guess he could have said it????

If you're like me, you've listened to 911 call a hundred times tho :confused: KarenAnneRN I've never heard nor read in the transcript of the 911 call either... please tell us when this was said or where you saw TIA (Thanks In Advance) :)

I never heard the We're *advertiser censored**** statement - so I went and listened again wondering how the heck I could of missed it. Still do not hear that anywhere in the 911 call - can you give me the time on the 911 call you hear that? TIA

They don't add up. No one throws dirty laundry in a dryer.

But someone did, and it was done for a reason. No one tidies up a house just because they know LE is coming, not with a child missing and all that anguish. But who did it, and why ?

And why did Ron say to Misty while they were on the phone with 911 that "We're f#%&%d. I had nothing to do with this." ?

Specifically the "We're f#%$%d." part.
Where is this? (I heard RC's other profanities during 911 call, but never these specific words). And wasn't the washing machine running when LE arrived? That's always bothered me. Besides him saying bed was still made and never slept in, there was also the woman reported yelling overheard by their neighbor at 2:30. I think we'll find out LE has other evidence too that she had never gone to bed. JMO


Somewhere online there is the taped 911 call with the background noise filtered out. I listened to it several times, and there is no doubt that this is what he said. i'll find it and post it here in a little while.

I remember hearing that the washing machine was running, but never heard about a report that a woman was heard yelling at 2:30,THAT is interesting ! I'll have to look it up.

It's thundering, and I'll be loosing DSL shortly; dang thing always goes down when it storms. There goes the satellite; tv's off.. BBL
Here I must respectfully disagree. Not interested into who should have won parent of the year in this crime. But, to focus on just the facts and common sense to the crime that took place that night.
I can understand why you choose not to believe a dad could have played a role in what happened to Haleigh. For the life of me and as a parent who loves and would protect my children(young adults now) to my dying breath. IMO and my Parental Opinion Ronald and his family had a responsibility to provide both children an environment that was a safe place for them where they could feel secure and trust their adult family members to protect them.
That being said. From the latest reports and interviews with LE, attorneys, search groups and these particular family members, Ronald was fully knowledgeable of Misty's character, that she had been out partying all weekend long, he was aware that it allegedly involved a combination of drugs that are dangerous and alters the persons perceptions of their environment and choices are made which are dangerous and sometimes lethal.
Misty returned home and was allowed to stay just based on Ronald's actions at that time. Although Ronald continues to have his suspicions leaves his kids in the care of Misty. Now we hear that even after Ronald went to work he attempted to call x amount of times to talk with Misty. Ronald has admitted there was some form of argument but doesn't elaborate which could provide some insight into the tension b/w Ronald and Misty. Then we hear after x amount of calls that go unanswered by the person who was suppose to be caring for his children and keeping them safe, Ronald calls her family to find out what's going on.

Ronald holds equal responsibility b/c
1. He left his children in an unsafe environment with someone he knew had been on some week end binge which included particular drugs. Would you have left your sweet little child with an individual who was returning from a drug weekend? I wouldn't.
2. Why didn't he call TN or GGSykes to see if they would watch the children b/c Ronald didn't feel it safe to leave them with Misty? I would and if I hadn't been able to find someone, would have called out of work explaining why.

3. During the time Ronald was making all those unanswered phone calls why didn't he pick up the phone and call his family in an emergency setting, fearing for his children rather than call Misty's family?

4. The truth has yet to be determined about the conversations b/w Ronald and Hank Jr, that night so the jury is still out.

So in my motherly opinion that although Ronald may not have physically harmed Haleigh himself. He put her in a situation that put both her and her brother and extremely high risk of being harmed. He gets no sympathy from me as a father nor a pass of innocence nor a victim. But, this is my opinion which I am entitled to have.

Novice Seeker

Please don't take my words literally to their fullest meaning. I'm speaking of the abduction and/or death. As far as parent of the year is concerned, I don't live my life the same way they have - therefore who am I to judge? Some people live a harder life than others, experience many more negative things in their lives. I tend to think that could help to mold a person in how they parent as well as how they make decisions, communicate, & interact with others. In no way am I suggesting this is an excuse. I haven't seen anything referring to drugs on Ron that are recent, so I'm sort of inclined to think he was getting his life together. His daughter is missing - I owe him the benefit of the doubt. All I'm saying is that I'm open minded. Both Haleigh and Jr have biological parents that have done drugs. Both of them have iffy pasts. While I would never ever ever get married a month after my daughter was discovered missing, let alone get married to the person whose care she was left in, again I say to myself "Who am I to judge"...b/c I didn't grow up the way they did, I don't live the way they do...I don't have a hardened edge that goes with the territory of growing up around drugs & violence - so again, who am I to judge? So many people, in the beginning, jumped on the media's bandwagon of portraying these people as Trailer Trash. I find that deplorable. I despise even repeating that phrase b/c it makes living in a trailer, manufactured home, mobile home seem bad or less than something else. I look at it like this - If people think the parents are trash, what the heck do they think about Haleigh? There's nothing in this world that makes me better than anybody else. Nothing. I think being open minded helps me to look at things differently and accept things I myself would never understand under any other circumstances. I may have more than most, but I'll tell ya I definitely have less than others - does that make me more important or better? No, I'm equal. Thank GOD I live where I do, have the family I do, and live the life I live. I'm truly blessed...but not better than anybody else.

I agree with alot of your post, I'm just openminded with some of the reasons on both sides of the family. Again, I don't like this stuff anymore than you or any of us here...I'm just trying to be openminded. That's why I had to take a break for awhile, got too attached...came back after a few months. Answers to your questions are I simply don't know. Seriously. I know what I would have done, but then again, I don't have the life they do...don't live the way they an area such as theirs. That may make them think, speak, and react in different ways.
I started searching...nada yet. But, reading the transcript again was interesting.

Ronald Cummings: “where is my f’ing phone…we’ve got better people to talk to then some mother f’ers who ain’t coming.”

I don't know who would be better than LE...nor why he believed they wouldn't come. Did he ever explain this?

ETA: in reference to Karen's post.

"Basically, because of this irresponsible journalism, they killed this little girl off in the media," Ryan said. "We're still of the mindset that this child is alive, and we're going to continue to pursue it as such until we know. Otherwise, frankly, it's perpetuating more drama."
I don't doubt they could have trouble determining which pond mom, it's been my understanding tho it actually is the smaller of those two "L-shaped" ponds that was in fact searched. (The larger one would have been huge, can only imagine how long it would have taken to search that). Great map btw thanks. :)


Food for thought...and I posted this in another thread, there are several "Mondex" areas near Palatka. A poster on a different forum posted this:


Toughenough said,in September 24th, 2009 at 8:20 am I wonder if the police know for sure the lake they searched is the lake in question. I grew up in Flagler Co. Florida, neighboring Putnam county Fl and there is an area about 20 miles from Satsuma called Mondex…It was originally a subdivision developed by the Mondex Co. around 30 years ago but never quite sold like developers intended and it is a poor man’s haven, infested with drugs and criminal activity. Until the search last weekend I had never heard of another area called “Mondex” and there are several lakes in that area, if police aen’t sure maybe they should consider this area to search…druggies hang out with druggies and this Mondex area is full of people on drugs.

Toughenough said,in September 24th, 2009 at 8:38 am This area is easy to get to from Satsuma and although maps make it look like a town alot of the roads are unpaved and grassy two of the lakes I remember are secluded, if you take Water Oak rd to Tangerine there are 2 lakes on Tangerine and if I remember correctly Tangerine is sparesly populated but I moved from Flagler Co six years ago and things may have changed….it was just a thought.

Toughenough said,in September 24th, 2009 at 8:40 am Water Oak is the closest to Putnam Co and is one of the main roads (A PERIMETER RD) and the Tangerine area is in a less populated corner.

Map of said area, check out near Crescent Lake (Google map of Mondex Near Palatka FL): palatka fl&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl

This is how I found it. I saw this post, and then googled the Geraldo info:

"Ron knows what went on that night. You can hear him in the background of this tape, in the 911 call part of it, in a threatening voice telling Misty: “We’re f–ked. I didn’t have anything to do with this!”


You can google this tape by typing in Video: Haleigh Cummings Mother Crystal Sheffield on Geraldo Part 1.

Why would he be saying I didn’t have anything to do with this if he was in a panic about coming home and finding his little girl missing.

Listen to the portion of 911 call that starts at marker 5:20 to 5:50. The background noise is clearer than on any other tape I have heard! Ron knows and he wouldn’t have protected Misty unless he thought he was going to be in trouble, also.

Misty could have put the dirty clothes in the dryer to make Ron think she had been at home cleaning and washing all night. She may have thought he would never check to see if they were clean or not."
Sorry, JerseyGirl, I apparantly replied to the wrong post. I've seen in other posts that some think that the date may have been put on the letter other than the author. I also don't think LE has been as meticulous as they should have been in many instances but, I don't know what's happening in their office behind closed doors. I'm pretty sure, I'm hoping anyway, that it's a lot more than they've divulged thus far. Let's hope it's enough for them to crack this case and soon.

As far as the letter out there informing what's in somebody else's sworn affidavit...when this is a state that has the Sunshine Law...and that affidavit isn't online've got me stumped on that one for an answer. The only thing I can think of is this person may well become a witness and not a POI so they are keeping it under wraps as long as possible. I wish I knew.

No worries :blowkiss:
Yeah, I know alot of people think the date was added but I'm just not one of them. Who knows, they could very well be right, it does seem like it slants different...but then again, her letters and words are all over the place...some of the words appear to have been misspelled on purpose. Why would that be? Wouldn't even make sense.

I still haven't been able to find the affidavit. It either doesn't exist yet...or for some reason the PCSO haven't made it public yet. Everything else is public with regards to booking data etc, that kind of makes me wonder. I do in fact think this affidavit exists. I'm just curious with regards to the wording in it.
"Basically, because of this irresponsible journalism, they killed this little girl off in the media," Ryan said. "We're still of the mindset that this child is alive, and we're going to continue to pursue it as such until we know. Otherwise, frankly, it's perpetuating more drama."

The letter said that police interrogated the inmate about Haleigh's disappearance and showed her a sworn affidavit from a witness.

That affidavit, according to the letter, said that Misty and some friends were at a party when Haleigh got a hold of some OxyContin and died.

Everyone supposedly freaked out and put Haleigh in a black bag and drove her to a pond near Mondex, according to the letter.

That's the same pond that investigators drained and searched over the weekend and found nothing.

Channel 4 asked Putnam County Chief Deputy Rick Ryan about the letter on Thursday and the report on "Nancy Grace."

"We know about the letter," Ryan said. "There was some issue about draining of the pond. The pond was drained before the letter. Quite frankly, we feel like it's irresponsible journalism to put this on the air that this letter is the gospel.

"I'm very disappointed, and quite frankly, appalled."

Ryan said every time something new, fact or fiction, surfaces, he
When asked if the affidavit mentioned in the letter is true, Ryan said, "Again, we don't care anything about this letter, and we're not going to waste our time on it. Even if it was our theory, we're just not going to talk about it."
gets frantic phone calls from Haleigh's family. "Look at what it's doing to the family," Ryan said. "It's a rollercoaster ride for the families, and just because one or two TV shows says it is, doesn't mean that it's happening."

Hank Croslin Jr. Released From Jail

A member of the Croslin family who was locked up on unrelated charges is now out of jail. He was released Thursday on bond.

Thanks for posting. I highlighted some very important points that posters here have been pointing out since this broke and am glad to see a new spokesperson for LE speaking out about the rumors, innuendo, media and effects this is having on Haleighs family. Anyone that is contacting NG, LE, family and other media needs to adhere to what he's pointing out. He's saying it's causing problems as some here have mentioned and now have LE confirmation.

Wonder who this new fella is? Has he been around for a while and I haven't heard of him? I like his no nonsense stick to the facts and consideration for Haleighs family. Mr. Ryan reports that LE is still looking for an alive Haleigh in the article. Good for them. Explains further Tn and GGMS latest tv interviews stating this very thing. Good for all of them. There's still hope.
This is how I found it. I saw this post, and then googled the Geraldo info:

"Ron knows what went on that night. You can hear him in the background of this tape, in the 911 call part of it, in a threatening voice telling Misty: “We’re f–ked. I didn’t have anything to do with this!”


You can google this tape by typing in Video: Haleigh Cummings Mother Crystal Sheffield on Geraldo Part 1.

Why would he be saying I didn’t have anything to do with this if he was in a panic about coming home and finding his little girl missing.

Listen to the portion of 911 call that starts at marker 5:20 to 5:50. The background noise is clearer than on any other tape I have heard! Ron knows and he wouldn’t have protected Misty unless he thought he was going to be in trouble, also............."

P.S. The words in black are not my words; they are the words of the poster.

Also, I do not necessarily agree with his sentiments..... just wanted to put the link and post here, for those who might want to listen to the 911 call.

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