All about Kristina Prevatt's jail house letter

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I'm beginning to think that ALL of the folks involved are such druggies and were so doped up that night that no one has a clear memory of what happened. :banghead:
I'm beginning to think that ALL of the folks involved are such druggies and were so doped up that night that no one has a clear memory of what happened. :banghead:

This is the best theory I have heard yet!
I'm beginning to think that ALL of the folks involved are such druggies and were so doped up that night that no one has a clear memory of what happened. :banghead:

There is of course some truth to this, but there are some things you never forget :(

Street names: O.C. and Oxys

It does not strike me as odd that she didn't use the street name.

What does stand out to me is that WBG mentioned he and Misty were using "roxies" during their party weekend, which is pretty much the same thing. Not that I think that's the only time Misty had access to that drug, she probably did on a regular basis, imo.

My point is, Nay Nay mentioned that it was said that Haleigh ODed on that drug, the same type of drug that Misty was supposedly using around the time Haleigh went missing.

Nay Nay said in her interview Misty liked weed. So which druggie to believe?
unless maybe they were crushed and put into a drink or some food. I am not sure that i believe the story though. It sounded to me, that NN was explaining why she was being questioned and what she was questioned about. I think the theory in the letter was offered by LE detectives, while questioning NN.

Then again, it is MO that anything is possible in this case, but if i am to believe this story, the backing of the Cummings family still doesn't make sense to me anyways, and i am not buying that they are trying to get info from her, b/c out of the mouth of RC they did't discuss the night, i would find myself in jail, b/c i wouldn't be able to be around the last person who was with my child who is now missing and i don't have anger control issues.

this is my opinion.

Oxycontin is a VERY small pill and a VERY powerful opiate, easy to swallow or chew, even for a five-year-old. One other possibility (shudder) is that Haleigh could have gotten ahold of some crushed Oxycontin (used to snort) or (more shuddering) some residue left in a spoon after IV use of the Oxycontin.

The theory that Haleigh ingested (whether accidentally or intentionally or was given some to make her go to sleep) some powerful controlled substance does hold some water for me.

Like Caylee, makes you wonder if she had been medicated before to sleep during "parties." I also wonder if any of her hair samples were found/taken and drug tested. This could even have been done to Jr. also.
Oxycontin is a VERY small pill and .....

Like Caylee, makes you wonder if she had been medicated before to sleep during "parties." I also wonder if any of her hair samples were found/taken and drug tested. This could even have been done to Jr. also.

~~~~ respectfully snipped ~~~~

I am wondering the same thing. Surely if it hasn't been done, it is being done now.
Yes, her slow measured speech and consistantly even demeanor make her seem like she is under the influence of something.

There is a video of her giving an interview sitting on a sofa (?) and her Mother is sitting beside her.

No matter how many times I look at that video ~ how dialated her pupils are (they are h-u-g-e) always catches my eye. I find myself each and every time looking out how blown out her pupils look LOL.

Just an aside. It doesn't mean she was under the influence of anything at the time. JMHO.
I always notice that too. HUGE pupils.

Nay Nay said in her interview Misty liked weed. So which druggie to believe?
It was also said that she liked to use Lortab/hydrocodone.

I believe she did/does pain pills and weed.
Actually opiates cause pinpoint, small, pupils and cocaine, meth cause dilated pupils.
ok so this is a little hard for me but here goes.

3 years ago I was addicted to OC, at first when I started abusing, you could tell I was under the influence, my eyes, my face, my reaction time, way off! After a year of that, no one could tell. No one ever asked me what was wrong. I could go to job interviews ect doped to heck and back! All i'm saying is, by the time she's panicking (Misty) about Haleigh, sobriety can come fast, also, if your a hardcore user, you may NOT give the outward appearance of someone under the influence.

That being said, I was also thinking along the lines of, they are out (misty, haleigh, and Jr) and Haleigh starts whining, or crying, or just throwing a tantrum, who knows. Maybe misty (not thinking already ON the drugs) gave her 1/2 of a pill to calm her down.

Those pills are so so SO powerful (even at the smallest dosage) that it would not surprise me someone of her weight and tolerance (haleigh) would have an adverse reaction.

I really hope we get to the bottom of this, Poor Haleigh!
opiates cause the pupils to retract ...if she was high her pupils would be pinned, which is the term.
Nay Nay said in her interview Misty liked weed. So which druggie to believe?

I remember that statement also.

Not directed at cajun:

If we are going to entertain the idea that Haleigh may have OD'ed by accidently ingesting Oxy (or the other drug mentioned by a male in this case called "roxies"), which I haven't seen any facts as of yet that could rule out that as a possibility. Given what little we know, at best we can try to rule it out as a probability. I haven't seen anything yet that does that completely. Arguments have been made against this theory, but have been rebutted with some very logical posts.

My suggestion is for those that are still trying to rule it out as a probability is that MC may not have necessarily been consuming that particular drug.

If this alleged scenario happened ~ it could also have happened because someone at that party or at that meeting that night had that particular drug with them and it was inadvertently made accessible to a child that was not being monitered closely.

The argument that supports the reason any ppl there (which in my mind would be limited to a few, don't ask me why I just "feel" that way) is that those ppl do have prior records and understand the justice system well and also anticipated that they could/would be charged with involuntary manslaughter. (not my theory, but one of the TH's on TV made it and it sounded very logical).

I hope that doesn't sound like rambling. I can't yet categorically dismiss this theory that this is what might have happened to sweet Haleigh. I'm still working on it.

The one thought I had about it was (I have never abused a drug, I have been drunk a few times though but that's different I think...) is that what sounds like a good plan and cover-up after a buzz-kill really isn't logical and really isn't such a good idea when one comes to ones full senses. But that it's too late to back out, without suffering the consequences legally.

Sorry for the ramble.
Oxycontin is a VERY small pill and a VERY powerful opiate, easy to swallow or chew, even for a five-year-old. One other possibility (shudder) is that Haleigh could have gotten ahold of some crushed Oxycontin (used to snort) or (more shuddering) some residue left in a spoon after IV use of the Oxycontin.

The theory that Haleigh ingested (whether accidentally or intentionally or was given some to make her go to sleep) some powerful controlled substance does hold some water for me.

Like Caylee, makes you wonder if she had been medicated before to sleep during "parties." I also wonder if any of her hair samples were found/taken and drug tested. This could even have been done to Jr. also.

My husband's brother died 8/11/2007 from taking a oxycontin and drinking two beers. He passed out and landed in a flower pot and smothered himself to death at age 34. He was a grown man so I know this could happen to a child. Larry was 185 pounds. If two beers and 1 oxycontin can put a man out like that then it can kill a child in a instance. I hope they find out where they have hidden her body. It is just hard for me to see Ron's mother standing behind Misty. If it was my grandchild I would get the truth out of her if you know what I mean.
Lisa C's arrest warrant is on charges of forgery. Forgery charges in Florida cover prescription fraud.


831.30 Medicinal drugs; fraud in obtaining.--Whoever:

(1) Falsely makes, alters, or forges any prescription, as defined in 1s. 465.031(2), for a medicinal drug other than a drug controlled by chapter 893;

(2) Knowingly causes such prescription to be falsely made, altered, forged, or counterfeited; or

(3) Passes, utters or publishes such prescription or otherwise knowingly holds out such false or forged prescription as true,

with intent to obtain such drug, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. A second or subsequent conviction shall constitute a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

History.--s. 1, ch. 71-331; s. 1, ch. 72-234; s. 30, ch. 73-331.

1Note.--Repealed by s. 4, ch. 79-226.

831.31 Counterfeit controlled substance; sale, manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver.--

(1) It is unlawful for any person to sell, manufacture, or deliver, or to possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver, a counterfeit controlled substance. Any person who violates this subsection with respect to:

(a) A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(1), (2), (3), or (4) is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(b) A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03(5) is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

(2) For purposes of this section, "counterfeit controlled substance" means:

(a) A controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03 which, or the container or labeling of which, without authorization bears the trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark, imprint, or number, or any likeness thereof, of a manufacturer other than the person who in fact manufactured the controlled substance; or

(b) Any substance which is falsely identified as a controlled substance named or described in s. 893.03.
Oxycontin is very strong and I believe could kill a child. They are often prescribed for pain, and I have had them, I didn't find them that much stronger than other similar drugs.
My husband's brother died 8/11/2007 from taking a oxycontin and drinking two beers. He passed out and landed in a flower pot and smothered himself to death at age 34. He was a grown man so I know this could happen to a child. Larry was 185 pounds. If two beers and 1 oxycontin can put a man out like that then it can kill a child in a instance. I hope they find out where they have hidden her body. It is just hard for me to see Ron's mother standing behind Misty. If it was my grandchild I would get the truth out of her if you know what I mean.

Sorry for you and your husband's family; even if someone is an abuser and/or addict, the family still has grief.

I saw Ron's mother on NG Monday night (I think) when NG was questioning her about how did she reconcile MC's statements versus MC's brother's statement about going to the house and nobody being home. She looked very tense, fatigued and even perplexed at this "new" info. I felt sorry for her. And yes, I probably would have gotten her down and wailed the tar out of her until she told the truth.

You know, at the very beginning of this case I believed MC, thinking she was a girl from a poor family with little education and didn't want to hold that against her. She probably is not a monster but my conscience could not let me personally perpetuate what is now in all likelihood a homicide of an innocent child.
(respectfully snipped)
You know, at the very beginning of this case I believed MC, thinking she was a girl from a poor family with little education and didn't want to hold that against her. She probably is not a monster but my conscience could not let me personally perpetuate what is now in all likelihood a homicide of an innocent child.

I haven't believed Misty since day one, but it has nothing to do with her lack of education or upbringing, etc. Those things are not her fault, and I would never hold something like that against someone.

I have just never bought any of her stories, none of it has ever sounded right to me. And the way she closes her eyes when she's talking about it reminds me so much of Susan Smith.

She needs to tell what happened to that baby. :furious:
Over time, as in forever? I mean, once you start abusing them, or overusing them, they affect the intellect? And is this a permanent affectation or just during the time period of said abuse?

When our addictions take hold we stop growing emotionally. Much of that can be a life long struggle. If the addiction begins early enough in life it can cause learning disabilities that may never be reversable.
Agreed, Snookie. Those of us mothers who've had kids and grandkids can spot certain things. I could always tell when someone was lying. Wrong muscles were used to scrunch up the face and force fake tears. Of course, I could be proven wrong. But it's not just her body language. Who washes clothes without detergent? Wouldn't she have poured in a few drops of Dawn, if nothing else? LE is not stupid. If THEY say evidence and her story don't add up, then I believe them. 25 years ago, an incident happened with my sister. LE was telling us the evidence pointed to her faking a car wreck, but of course we were in denial and had our own scenario figured out. But LE was right from the first hour. (She was found, by the way, in another state, but was fully restored to the family and has a great life now.)
Actually opiates cause pinpoint, small, pupils and cocaine, meth cause dilated pupils.

Emotional stress causes the pupils to dilate, and crying does too; something she did a lot of, in that interview and several others. Tears were literally streaming down her face.

And she was likely speaking slowly because she was so emotionally drained and suffering from extreme exhaustion.

I know it flies in the face of reason, given this new information about the letter and alleged affidavit, but I still think Misty did not harm Haleigh, does not know what happened to her, does not know who took her, or where she is.

In that interview, all her emotion and tears, leads me to believe that she was telling the truth. Her voice cracks when she talks about how much she loves Haleigh, that she would never harm her, and says that if she knew what happened to her they would not be sitting there doing that interview. I strongly believe her.

I also wonder if the letter was not factual, but meant to stir things up, to put pressure on Misty to give up more info. I believe that she put that child to bed that night. However, LE would not have drained that pond on a whim. They did say that it was drained on some other tip, and had nothing to do with a letter, but info from them does flip-flop at times, and they do have every right to say whatever they want, in pursuit of the truth.

I also believe that if Tommy really went to the home that night to check on Misty, that she either was sound asleep and did not hear him, or that she did, and simply did not answer the door because she did not want to see him, for whatever reason. It boggles my mind that so many believe that she was not home, simply because she did not open the door !
I have not opened the door many times in my life, for various reasons.

Also, if by some chance she had taken some sort of recreational drug, she may have been in a deep sleep. If she put the children to bed at 8, and went to bed herself at 10 when Tommy went there, she would have already turned the tv and lights off, therefore he saw all lights out and no tv on, just like he claims. And given the fact that she was in a pajama top and boxer shorts at 3 am the next morning gives more credence to the idea that she had been in bed, before Ron came home.

I do, however, believe that she has some information or suspicions that she is not sharing with LE. Either out of fear of retribution, or perhaps shielding a loved one.

Could she possibly have gone to a party earlier that evening, and then come home before 8, and put the children to bed ? There were several visitors to the home that night that saw her. Is there a large enough time gap between visitors and 8 pm where she could have gone out ?

I'm baffled. :crosseyed:

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