All about Kristina Prevatt's jail house letter

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Re: Joe in NayNay's letter. Link following snippet:

Posted: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 9:46PM
EXCLUSIVE: Joe ID'd In Jail Letter as Man Who Said "Haleigh OD'd"
TJ Hart

The man whose name was difficult to read in the letter Kristina Rene "Nay Nay" Prevatt sent to her boyfriend from jail regarding questioning she received a few days ago about the disappearance of missing 6-year-old Haleigh Cumming of Satsuma, FL., has been identified as Joseph Franklin Pytko.

An earlier attempt to decipher his name had it as a street name "Joe Psycho."

It has been confirmed by sources close to the investigation that Pytko is the man who signed a sworn affidavit stating that Prevatt, a party gal pal of the missing child's stepmom Misty Croslin-Cummings, was at a party with Misty, Greg Page (a man that Misty just had a weekend of sex and drugs with before the child vanished) and the children Haleigh and Junior the night Haleigh disappeared.
Last night I was talking to my husband about this. He was amazed that it's still going on. Anyways I told him that they think possibly Haleigh was given/taken a drug called oxi something.. He automatically gave me that name of it.. I asked how did you know about that he said back in his wilder days he took it once. He said 1 pill is VERY powerful. He also said if a little girl that has medical problems took it that it would definitely kill ya. He said that if JR took it and him seeing a man in black or the couch bouncing. That pill does stuff like that to you. Like a hallucigen(sp?)
Anyways what I don't get is if they were all at a party and the kids were there you have SEVERAL witnesses i'm assuming. Ok so a little girl goes missing, you have a reward for her out, why on earth is no one for what 7 months now say anything all this time???? I mean if I was at that party and saw something and knew the girl was there and then she came up missing... You bet i'm going to tell LE about it right away otherwise doesn't that make you an accomplice after 7 months and you're going to go down as long as everyone else there???
Also little jr says the couch was bouncing.. could it be the couch at the party?? he's just a baby his mind has a possibly a week memory if you know what I mean. As far as Miss Grace last night stating why don't they question the little boy again.. HELLO??! he's a baby.. he is not going to remember a thing after all this time now...
Please find Haleigh someone needs to speak up..
Hi all- this is my first post- something has been nagging at me.... if Misty had been out partying that night, wouldn't the police have noticed that she was under the influence (or coming out of it) when they came in the middle of the night? They are usually pretty experienced at telling something is up. I would think she would still have some effects of the partying and that the police would be able to tell that she might be coming off a high. I suppose it depends on how much she took but certainly the police would have mentioned if she had alcohol on her breath. If it really was a partying night, seems the police would have noted something about Misty's mental state.

I am not as experienced at all this as you all are but this has been bugging me and just wondered what you all thought.

Hi there and welcome. I hope you post more often. What you say has been bugging you has nagged at me as well. However, with me it was early on that I wondered whether or not Misty might still have some effects and outward clues that Law Enforcement may have picked up on. These drugs that people are talking about nowadays are just beyond my comprehension.
I am 37 and I have never used drugs besides alcohol or marijuana and that was years before I had my children. My oldest daughter had to have oral surgery last year and the surgeon prescribed oxycodone(?) for pain. I slept beside her the whole time she needed to take them(and I cut them in half). I collect clowns so they are all over my house, well she looks at me and says "oh my gosh mom...what happened to your face" I said what do you mean? She told me my face turned into a clown face right in front of her eyes. I was so scared.

When I hear that these type of drugs were on hand I try not to jump to conclusions but everyday this case gets uglier. Anyway....I veered totally off course with my post. Yes, I think one of the officers on the scene that night should have darn well noticed if Misty was under the influence. If they didn't this just adds to my list of questions about LE in Putnam County.
He's one bad dude.

Oh yeah and he does look pizzed. I can see him blowing this whole thing wide open. I think we're gonna see em fall like dominoes.
This dude has nothing to lose and probably has a little sumpn to gain by spilling his guts.
Also, the date slants to the right whereas the rest of the letter is to the left.
Just in case people may not know, ROXIES is the street name for Roxicodone or Roxicet. Roxicodone has actaminophen and Oxycodone in it. I've been wondering if Oxycontin could have been cut with some Tylenol and put in a joint - wouldn't that knock Misty out? It wouldn't make sense, though, b/c this stuff is usually snorted.

Something that's been bothering me for sometime now. Misty's father came out awhile ago saying he was on pain killers. First thing I thought of was Percocet or Oxycontin. He then insinuated that he used to get some from Ron...or am I mistaken? I really don't believe Ron is involved in this, and I'm wondering if there's some sort of setup taking place. What about if the party really did happen & Misty really was there...but what about if Misty was the one that brought the Roxies?

Let me please say again that I believe Ron is innocent in Haleigh's disappearance. While there's many questions surrounding her parents, I truly believe Crystal & Ron have nothing to do with this. I've thought since the beginning that Misty may have stepped out of the house but all of this stuff happening now - 8 months into the investigation - seems like it should have happened a long time ago. I do think NayNay wrote that letter b/c she was coerced...or guided. It's a pretty smart move, imo, if that's the LE's strategy...but a gamble...and a costly one. It costs money to drain a pond the size of a normal lake. I'm very curious to see if this affidavit really exists and the full correct wording of it. I'm inclined to think it may be in the works b/c obviously LE let this letter get out I'm thinking there may be some truth mixed into it. I do think it's a big gamble to take, though. Maybe they're trying to put the squeeze on Misty to garner more info? Is this the right way to go about accomplishing that? I guess only time will tell now.

Here I must respectfully disagree. Not interested into who should have won parent of the year in this crime. But, to focus on just the facts and common sense to the crime that took place that night.
I can understand why you choose not to believe a dad could have played a role in what happened to Haleigh. For the life of me and as a parent who loves and would protect my children(young adults now) to my dying breath. IMO and my Parental Opinion Ronald and his family had a responsibility to provide both children an environment that was a safe place for them where they could feel secure and trust their adult family members to protect them.
That being said. From the latest reports and interviews with LE, attorneys, search groups and these particular family members, Ronald was fully knowledgeable of Misty's character, that she had been out partying all weekend long, he was aware that it allegedly involved a combination of drugs that are dangerous and alters the persons perceptions of their environment and choices are made which are dangerous and sometimes lethal.
Misty returned home and was allowed to stay just based on Ronald's actions at that time. Although Ronald continues to have his suspicions leaves his kids in the care of Misty. Now we hear that even after Ronald went to work he attempted to call x amount of times to talk with Misty. Ronald has admitted there was some form of argument but doesn't elaborate which could provide some insight into the tension b/w Ronald and Misty. Then we hear after x amount of calls that go unanswered by the person who was suppose to be caring for his children and keeping them safe, Ronald calls her family to find out what's going on.

Ronald holds equal responsibility b/c
1. He left his children in an unsafe environment with someone he knew had been on some week end binge which included particular drugs. Would you have left your sweet little child with an individual who was returning from a drug weekend? I wouldn't.
2. Why didn't he call TN or GGSykes to see if they would watch the children b/c Ronald didn't feel it safe to leave them with Misty? I would and if I hadn't been able to find someone, would have called out of work explaining why.

3. During the time Ronald was making all those unanswered phone calls why didn't he pick up the phone and call his family in an emergency setting, fearing for his children rather than call Misty's family?

4. The truth has yet to be determined about the conversations b/w Ronald and Hank Jr, that night so the jury is still out.

So in my motherly opinion that although Ronald may not have physically harmed Haleigh himself. He put her in a situation that put both her and her brother and extremely high risk of being harmed. He gets no sympathy from me as a father nor a pass of innocence nor a victim. But, this is my opinion which I am entitled to have.

Novice Seeker
Also, to the post above, I would think if they were all partying and something happened to Haleigh, people would have been sobering up fast. Misty, to me, seems as if she is a little mentally delayed. Her regular appearance is that of someone on if they knew Misty or knew who she was, this was probably her normal demeanor. I get the feeling that everybody knows everybody in this town. I also get the feeling they all know what happened, including Ron. He may be in the dark about some things, but I think he knows what went on.
This just probably be more for the what I think happened thread, but here is moo.

I had the thought that maybe MC's family was involved in some type of abduction for something RC and maybe somebody else did to them; and that he married MC for a show of good faith, meaning he was married to one of them so he would stand by the family and not the other person with whom he committed the wrong.

Also, if MC actually left the children there alone and someone knew they were there alone, they could have gotten Haleigh, no time to get JR, because by then, Ron had sent Tommy over there because he knew there was a possibility someone would come and get his kids (he had many enemies and some were at this party). By the time Tommy got back to MC, he took JR with him, and she went to check out that Haleigh wasn't there, Ron was on his way in. So, really, the things as she saw them were how they appeared when she arrived home.
I just want to say that back in 2003 my 17 yr old cousin took a couple of Oxycontin. He had invited transients to stay at my aunts house. They took him to the doctor saying his back was hurting and while there the transient man stole the RX papers. He wrote numerous prescriptions for various drugs. My cousin took the pills and told the man he felt like he was having a heart attack. They were all so highed up they just laughed at it. My aunt found my cousin laying unresponsive and blue the next day face down in his bed. She called 911 and the revived him. This was 2 months before his 18th birthday. He was in a coma until right before his birthday, when he woke up he was more like Terry Shiavo or however you spell her name. His eyes were open and he could move his hands and make grunting noises. He wasn't there to say the least. The doctors call everything reflexes. Seven months after the overdose on fathers birthday he passed away. Oxycontin is a very powerful drug and I am sure even half a pill could have lethal consequences on a 5 yr old.
Misty ain't ever going to tell the truth. They might as well forget about that. You could beat her, torture her, whatever, she ain't gonna tell...she's just that type of person, you can tell by her demeanor and attitude. She's not the cold, calculated killer like KC, but she is the dumb-bunny (and my husband has a word for these type people that I cannot use in this forum), huh-duh, ding-dong that is not going to tell the truth. And sorry for bashing MC so, but words just can't describe her. If she had any sense to begin with, we wouldn't be discussing her on this forum in the first place because Haleigh would not be missing.
junkies have a limited thought process...they cannot think abstractly. .. opiates affect the intellect. ...
junkies have a limited thought process...they cannot think abstractly. .. opiates affect the intellect. ...

Over time, as in forever? I mean, once you start abusing them, or overusing them, they affect the intellect? And is this a permanent affectation or just during the time period of said abuse?
Hi all- this is my first post- something has been nagging at me.... if Misty had been out partying that night, wouldn't the police have noticed that she was under the influence (or coming out of it) when they came in the middle of the night? They are usually pretty experienced at telling something is up. I would think she would still have some effects of the partying and that the police would be able to tell that she might be coming off a high. I suppose it depends on how much she took but certainly the police would have mentioned if she had alcohol on her breath. If it really was a partying night, seems the police would have noted something about Misty's mental state.

I am not as experienced at all this as you all are but this has been bugging me and just wondered what you all thought.

Welcome cjhesq. Let's see more of your posts.
Over time, as in forever? I mean, once you start abusing them, or overusing them, they affect the intellect? And is this a permanent affectation or just during the time period of said abuse?

Well, it depends. Some people are all right cognitively after they stop using but in other cases there are lasting effects even after a long period of abstinence. It's not necessarily easy to separate the effects of opiates from the effects of other factors that operate simultaneously: abuse of other substances, bad living conditions, deprivation, injuries and lack of health care, insufficient nutrition etcetera.
Hi all- this is my first post- something has been nagging at me.... if Misty had been out partying that night, wouldn't the police have noticed that she was under the influence (or coming out of it) when they came in the middle of the night? They are usually pretty experienced at telling something is up. I would think she would still have some effects of the partying and that the police would be able to tell that she might be coming off a high. I suppose it depends on how much she took but certainly the police would have mentioned if she had alcohol on her breath. If it really was a partying night, seems the police would have noted something about Misty's mental state.


Welcome! and I agree, if she had only just returned or discovered Haleigh, and had she been doing downers, drinking heavily etc. Perhaps not quite as easily in the case of stimulants, and trauma like a deceased child or missing child could also sober a person up pretty fast. :( But if that's truly what Misty was doing (partying at home or elsewhere) and RC had no knowledge, then she'd also known she'd have to appear halfway cognizant by the time RC showed up. Too bad LE did not just line everyone up and drug test them all on the spot!! Anyway, keep sharing your ideas! :)

Also, to the post above, I would think if they were all partying and something happened to Haleigh, people would have been sobering up fast. Misty, to me, seems as if she is a little mentally delayed. Her regular appearance is that of someone on if they knew Misty or knew who she was, this was probably her normal demeanor. I get the feeling that everybody knows everybody in this town. I also get the feeling they all know what happened, including Ron. He may be in the dark about some things, but I think he knows what went on.

Yes, her slow measured speech and consistantly even demeanor make her seem like she is under the influence of something.

There is a video of her giving an interview sitting on a sofa (?) and her Mother is sitting beside her.

No matter how many times I look at that video ~ how dialated her pupils are (they are h-u-g-e) always catches my eye. I find myself each and every time looking out how blown out her pupils look LOL.

Just an aside. It doesn't mean she was under the influence of anything at the time. JMHO.
I just want to say that back in 2003 my 17 yr old cousin took a couple of Oxycontin. He had invited transients to stay at my aunts house. They took him to the doctor saying his back was hurting and while there the transient man stole the RX papers. He wrote numerous prescriptions for various drugs. My cousin took the pills and told the man he felt like he was having a heart attack. They were all so highed up they just laughed at it. My aunt found my cousin laying unresponsive and blue the next day face down in his bed. She called 911 and the revived him. This was 2 months before his 18th birthday. He was in a coma until right before his birthday, when he woke up he was more like Terry Shiavo or however you spell her name. His eyes were open and he could move his hands and make grunting noises. He wasn't there to say the least. The doctors call everything reflexes. Seven months after the overdose on fathers birthday he passed away. Oxycontin is a very powerful drug and I am sure even half a pill could have lethal consequences on a 5 yr old.

This is just heartbreaking dani, I am sooo very sorry :hug: and the people who did this should be given the maximum penalty for their despicable part in it :mad: :furious: I think it's possible someone may have given drugs to Haleigh to cause her either to sleep or alter her state so she would be unaware or have no memory afterward of the events of that night. I'll pm you w the rest since it's slightly off topic but thank you for sharing, a brain, a life, is a terrible thing to waste, and I'll be absolutely enraged and heartsick if this kind of abuse caused Haleigh's demise. GOD BLESS YOU :blowkiss:


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