All about Kristina Prevatt's jail house letter

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She did say the door was open and our daughter is missing. I still question on how she would know that the screen door was propped open when the main door was closed, (is there a window in that door, i can't remember). Also did I miss any conversations regarding Nay Nay saying in the letter that Joe got her involved in a HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION.

Humph....I don't see that Bombshell being dropped anywhere:banghead::banghead::banghead:
I remember a peephole in the back door, but no window.
Nancy Grace just said LE is looking into it and that parts of the letter are credible.
Some details in the letter may be off, such as where Haleigh's body was put, but I actually think the part about what happened, ingesting Oxy, could be very possible. It sure makes a lot more sense to me than somebody going into the mobile home and snatching Haleigh from the bedroom while MC & Jr. were sleeping. MOO
I think that something people don't think about is that a journalist's article is only as good as his/her sources. Often a journalist has to make a judgment call when running a story. Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they have to make corrections. It is the nature of the business. Add to the fact that the the police may be playing games (which they have every right to do) and the key players in this story have questionable backgrounds and you can see what a nightmare this can be for a writer. You have to go with your gut and cover the story as it plays out.


Why is LE just now doing testing on NayNays car? Items from her vehicle were recovered in a search supposedly why not test her vehicle months and months ago?

That is what I was wondering too, and if they just got wind that Nay Nay had taken Misty home that night...if Haleigh was in the car as well, or transported in the car to be dumped somewhere...this is just so sad...I am also thinking that is when Misty made all those phone calls to Tommy..."help me brother..."
This group of people, (addicts, thieves, etc.) will do anything to keep themselves out of trouble. This is their way of life, so of course they will be practiced and convincing liars, anyone who has worked with these type of people know that they will make up anything to make themselves look good at the cost of damaging someone else. God that poor child(Haleigh) just truly had no chance.
Also if there was any credibility in the letter WBG wouldnt of bonded out in 45 minutes - his bail would of been high just like Tommys IMO
? I'm confused by what you just said. I don't think anybody changed the date on this, and I'm one of the people that happen to think that NayNay did in fact pen this letter. I never even once suggested that LE altered this letter. I'm really unsure what you're inferring in your post. Do you have me mixed up? Just so you know, I agree with you here. I am one of those people that think LE is trying to scare info out of the people they can get hold of. That's part of their job with interrogations. I find it kind of crazy, though, that there's a letter out there informing what's in somebody else's sworn affidavit...when this is a state that has the Sunshine Law...and that affidavit isn't online yet. So, it leads me to believe it could be a scare tactic to squeeze info out of some people and scare Misty to death. Heck, maybe it'll pay off. Maybe there's a bigger reason Misty left town.

Let me say, please, I do think PCSO is playing scare tactics with NayNay, as well as anybody else involved in this case. They'd be stupid not to. I do think they should have been doing things different all along, but then again I'm not privy to the data they've already collected. As a taxpaying citizen, as well as a child advocate, and a volunteer for my local Visiting Nurse's Assoc, I find it deplorable that the PCSO did not obtain a warrant to perform drug tests on the people that were in Haleigh's immediate family, especially the one's giving statements. They have that right to do so. This is what would have been done in the county I live in. Everyone that knows anything about polys, hypnosis, voice analysis - any of the such - they would know that if a person was high or had a deterrent in their system during the time of the crime, their memory & senses would not be as cognitive as a "normal" person's. There should have been extra methods used, some different tactics...especially when dealing with a street-smart, drug riddled, raised in a dysfunctional drug ridden family, that just so happened to have been raped by a school colleague, and molested by a cousin, and happened to have quit school when she was in 6th grade person. There's a missing child here and several people surrounding her are known drug users. I have a problem with poly's being given when these people could have been high on drugs. Again, this is jmo.

Please don't think I'm shouting, I'm meaning this very respectfully. I agree with you. I just don't want anyone to think I personally think LE wrote that letter. Do I think they may have had something to do with why NayNay wrote that letter? Well, heck yeah.


Sorry, JerseyGirl, I apparantly replied to the wrong post. I've seen in other posts that some think that the date may have been put on the letter other than the author. I also don't think LE has been as meticulous as they should have been in many instances but, I don't know what's happening in their office behind closed doors. I'm pretty sure, I'm hoping anyway, that it's a lot more than they've divulged thus far. Let's hope it's enough for them to crack this case and soon.

As far as the letter out there informing what's in somebody else's sworn affidavit...when this is a state that has the Sunshine Law...and that affidavit isn't online've got me stumped on that one for an answer. The only thing I can think of is this person may well become a witness and not a POI so they are keeping it under wraps as long as possible. I wish I knew.
Is it possible they drained the wrong pond? There is a smaller "L" shaped pond to the West of where they drained.
Sorry, JerseyGirl, I apparantly replied to the wrong post. I've seen in other posts that some think that the date may have been put on the letter other than the author. I also don't think LE has been as meticulous as they should have been in many instances but, I don't know what's happening in their office behind closed doors. I'm pretty sure, I'm hoping anyway, that it's a lot more than they've divulged thus far. Let's hope it's enough for them to crack this case and soon.

As far as the letter out there informing what's in somebody else's sworn affidavit...when this is a state that has the Sunshine Law...and that affidavit isn't online've got me stumped on that one for an answer. The only thing I can think of is this person may well become a witness and not a POI so they are keeping it under wraps as long as possible. I wish I knew.

I am pretty sure that it does not become subject to the Sunshine Laws until it is evidence or a statement in a charged crime. We got spoiled with the Caylee Anthony case. Because LE initially jumped the gun and charged KC with child neglect very early it opened pretty much everything after that point up to our scrutiny using the Sunshine laws. We will probably not be able to see that signed afadavit until someone is arrested.
The gentleman that supposedly signed the affidavit with this info that NayNay writes about has a charge of

2008-12-08 1 ORGANIZED SCHEME TO DEFRAUD < $20,000

that is just one of his 30 something charges for PCSO I stopped counting
I'm just coming to this thread and this was probably addressed already. But it appears that Joe made his sworn statement first. He could have made that statement two weeks ago or six months ago who knows. Then the pond search started, then Nay nay was brought in for questioning about the statement.
Is it possible they drained the wrong pond? There is a smaller "L" shaped pond to the West of where they drained.
I doubt that very much. They would have made certain that their "oh so credible" witness who wrote out that "oh so incredible" affidavit showed them which pond. The problem is...they came up empty. He now has some explaining to do. Expect him to be arrested again very soon, imo.
I'm just coming to this thread and this was probably addressed already. But it appears that Joe made his sworn statement first. He could have made that statement two weeks ago or six months ago who knows. Then the pond search started, then Nay nay was brought in for questioning about the statement.
My guess is that Joe made his sworn statement when he was busted back in July. ;)
I am really not sure how to take that letter, if as indications seem to be its author and sourcing are authentic. She seems to be complaining because Joe may or may not have made up some story that she was with Misty etc when Hayleigh died and they disposed of the body using her car. On it's face it can easily be dismissed as someone facing alot of charges seeking to toss someone else under the bus in order to leverage a deal. Not real credible.

BUT! A few things bother me.

- She is sooo obviously trying to feed a story to her BF in order to reinforce an alibi. It seems like she is doing this a little too hard.

- While she is reinforcing to the BF that she was "with him" that night, the rather obvious fact that we are seeing the letter seems to be a pretty clear indication that he isn't sticking his neck in this noose. He handed over the letter to someone else to his mother, and they then contacted someone to get it out into the investigation. So in other words he pretty clearly chose to not alibi her. Kind of a HUGE red flag regarding her.

- She says she was with the BF, etc etc etc, but she says Joe is claiming her car was used, and LE recovered it from the junk yard in order to CIS it. Ummm why exactly did she ditch the car at a junkyard? Once again a HUGE red flag about her. If the car was simply broken down and cops had to tow it, it would be one thing. But a vehicle that was her primary means of transport when this all went down? At a junkyard now?

I can see why LE is taking a more serious look at this story.
Did you ever get a look at that car?! It should have been junked long before. It probably quit running and she left it somewhere to be towed away, imo. However, I don't know that to be a fact or anything.

I do find it interesting they FINALLY picked up that car after 7 1/2 months. Sheesh!!
Why is Nay Nay trying so very hard to establish an alibi!!!
RED FLAG is right.
When we are innocent, we don't need to convince others of where we were.
Makes ya go huh...
I will have to go dig but NayNay going to D.S. after dropping Misty off has been her alibi from the beginning - I am pretty sure it is in the videos on AH. Will dig for it in a bit - may be tomorrow though have a bunch going on right now.

Why is Nay Nay trying so very hard to establish an alibi!!!
RED FLAG is right.
When we are innocent, we don't need to convince others of where we were.
Makes ya go huh...
She says she went and slept at the other L's place, then woke up and went to Donny's at about 4 that afternoon and stayed with him for a week in the Art video iirc
Did you ever get a look at that car?! It should have been junked long before. It probably quit running and she left it somewhere to be towed away, imo. However, I don't know that to be a fact or anything.

I do find it interesting they FINALLY picked up that car after 7 1/2 months. Sheesh!!

This is just crazy, unacceptable. Anyone inquiring into a missing childs case, with no training, schooling, or experience would do these basic inquiries. Just do the basics. What was that campaign slogan years back for one of our presidents, think it was Clinton who won over George Sr. when his campaign motto was focused on the economy versus George sr. was not fashioning 2 or 3 words. Can't remember, darn it. It's the economy Stupid, LOL something to that reference. :croc:

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