All about Kristina Prevatt's jail house letter

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And rather than contact police, it's brought to WBG's Mom who sends it to Cobra???

Someone posted the letter was authenticated, by who?
So Donnie is friends with Joe? And they were at a party at Chad's? And NayNay calls it a homicide investigation? :waitasec:

Funny how she seems to spell homicide and investigation right but the rest of her spelling sux.
And rather than contact police, it's brought to WBG's Mom who sends it to Cobra???

Someone posted the letter was authenticated, by who?

I took it from the title from SKY. I really think something's up with this does do alot of us. What the heck is going on here? Talk about a farce.
This is a serious issue... this person is her alibi: so she takes the slow route of writing a letter to speak with them about what happened to her and to verify her alibi?

Something is off...

It also stuck out to me that she wrote twice….
“you know I was at your house”
Kind of like she’s letting him know…. that’s the story!
And they arrested WBG and then let him go right away, after his Mom supposedly has sent to Cobra a letter that placed him at this alleged event and with him disposing of a body?
Is this all one big act to create reasonable doubt, in the event any charges are ever filed? Let's have everyone come out with a new story.

My head is spinning!
And they arrested WBG and then let him go right away, after his Mom supposedly has sent to Cobra a letter that placed him at this alleged event and with him disposing of a body?
Yes. Where is HIS $50,000 bond?! :waitasec:
I admit it stretches belief that these folks with legal issues, and children, would help Misty, jmo, if something like this were to happen, they would have all taken off and left Misty to handle it on her own.
Why can't TJ and AH agree? TJ says the letter came from Donnie via WBG's mom, and AH wrote that it came from a go between in jail.

Sorry to quote myself but I misunderstood what I read. AH doesn't say that the go-between is in jail, it's a reference to Naynay. So they appear to agree after all. My bad.

Private investigator William Staubs, aka Cobra, says he obtained the jailhouse letter from someone close to Nay Nay, who remains in the Putnam County Jail on drug charges, and passed it on to law enforcement. We spoke with the go between who verified the letter as authentic and obtained it from the recipient.
Police have called her accounts conflicting and believe she knows more than she’s been revealing.
Letter was authenticated. NayNay sent the letter to Donnie. Donnie took it to WBG's mom. WBG's mom faxed it to Cobra. Cobra sent it to 97.3 The Sky. Date and time of media posting is Wednesday, 23 September 2009 4:37PM. Following is the link with a snippet:

Nay Nay Prevatt's Jail Letter Authenticated, Claims Haleigh OD'd
TJ Hart

The source of this letter is indeed Prevatt's boyfriend, Donnie Spells. Spells showed the letter to mother of Greg "White Boy" Page yesterday and read the letter to Staubs over the phone from the woman's house. Staubs asked Spells to fax the letter, but he refused. He later left the letter with Page's mother to do with as she wanted. She scanned the letter and sent it to Staubs and Staubs sent it to 97.3 The Sky.
Anybody feel like they're going around in circles?
Anybody feel like they're going around in circles?

I think we're all sick and tired of being spun around. I've been dizzy for months...wait a minute - did I just crack on myself...didn't mean to...:biggrin:
I admit it stretches belief that these folks with legal issues, and children, would help Misty, jmo, if something like this were to happen, they would have all taken off and left Misty to handle it on her own.

....unless their also involved?
If LE was interrogating this Nay Nay person they could have been trying out all kinds of "stories" on her to see in which direction she would run. She probably did write a letter...and it probably doesn't mean much at all.
97.3 The Sky just changed their headline again. Here's the new info & link:

Nay Nay Prevatt's Jail Letter Verified, Claims Haleigh OD'd Not Verified

Date & Timestamp:
Posted: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 6:50PM

A portion of this letter date 9/18/09 refers to a signed sworn affidavit by "JoePsycho" who said Misty, Haleigh and Jr were with Nay Nay Prevatt at a party the night Haleigh disappeared. Prevatt's letter to Spells says according to the affidavit, Haleigh ate some oxycontin and died. Prevatt relays to Spells in the message the again, according to the affidavit, Greg Page put the child in a black bag and dumped it in a pond at the Mondex.

(above BBM)
And they arrested WBG and then let him go right away, after his Mom supposedly has sent to Cobra a letter that placed him at this alleged event and with him disposing of a body?

Makes me wonder if Donnie showed WBG's mom that letter to give them the heads up. Donnie has not been on tv saying, "O by the way, Nay Nay WAS with me."
I am starting to think that maybe it was MISTY, NAY NAY and TOMMY were the culprits in all this. If Misty did not get home until 3 am and had JR with her, she probably did prop the door open to have her story ready. God what a tangled web these people have woven. I think if Nay Nay is implicated, she is not going down alone. If she is friends with Misty and had Misty's back for awhile, she certainly will not anymore. I may be way off, but again, I do not believe Tommy or Misty for one second about anything. These idiots are trying to cover up their drug habits and the negligence for exposing these children to those very drugs which may have killed little Haleigh.
Letter was authenticated. NayNay sent the letter to Donnie. Donnie took it to WBG's mom. WBG's mom faxed it to Cobra. Cobra sent it to 97.3 The Sky. Date and time of media posting is Wednesday, 23 September 2009 4:37PM. Following is the link with a snippet:

Nay Nay Prevatt's Jail Letter Authenticated, Claims Haleigh OD'd
TJ Hart

The source of this letter is indeed Prevatt's boyfriend, Donnie Spells. Spells showed the letter to mother of Greg "White Boy" Page yesterday and read the letter to Staubs over the phone from the woman's house. Staubs asked Spells to fax the letter, but he refused. He later left the letter with Page's mother to do with as she wanted. She scanned the letter and sent it to Staubs and Staubs sent it to 97.3 The Sky.

See!! Art Harris would not put something like this on his website if it wasn't ture. Im sorry he just wouldnt' and Nancy Grace has even said on her show that Art is well respected. Art may have been wrong on a few things but he's got a lot of interviews and has been on a lot of big HLN shows. I doubt if he was full of crap HLN would have him on thier network.
No offense Willen, but we'll have to agree to disagree about AH

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