All about Kristina Prevatt's jail house letter

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This is true and then get the letter up on Nancy Grace where Misty can see it.....
OMG - now I'm really wondering what's going on! Didn't Misty's dad say something about getting his pain killers from Ron? Are they trying to frame Ron? Could this be why Misty's family are moving around so much now? I'm wondering if LE is so desperate to get answers that they're making deals with people for other things in return. Although, I do have to admit, it very well could add up with this letter coming into play. Sooo many things are going through my mind right now. If they happen to find Haleigh in a black bag in a pond, chances are several people could face the DP.

One thing we do know for certain though, since Misty is an emancipated minor now, she'd be tried as an adult. Hmmm, maybe it was a good thing Ron married her. I swear I hope this is not true...I really do...but what about if it's a true fact?

Even though this is just now coming to light, I'm still not sold on it as being fact. These are all known drug users.
Seriously guys think about it. It fits with everything....

- Misty & the kids not being home that night Haleigh went missing. According to the brother he went over and they were not there. In that letter it says that RJ, Haleigh, and Misty were at the friends house.

-Misty's failed polygraph test. One of the questions she got 45% on which the professionals said that was b/c more than one person was involved in it & didn't it also state that Misty wasn't directly involved? In the letter that girl states a group of people covered it up & got rid of Haleigh's body + if she overdosed then Misty would not have been directly involved in it.

- LE had a massive pond search over the weekend. In the letter it says Haleigh's body was thrown in a bag & put into a near by pond.

- No crime scene at the MH was found which means she died else where. In he letter it says they weren't home that she died at a party from ODing.

- Known fact that Misty is a drug addict.

-The LE have thought since day one that Misty was inovled & that this wasn't an abduction case.
This just seriously makes me want to vomit. Toi posted this letter on another thread, I'm just pulling it over thanks to her:


I'm not a handwriting expert, but do we know for sure this letter was written 09/18/09? I am looking at NayNay's handwritten and it is written very how do I say this....bubbly? Her letters are wide and the a's, d's, o's, & e's are written with large round circles. I hope I'm explaining this good enough..hahhaa But if you look at the date, I would think the numbers, especially 8's and 9's, would be written the same wide, rounded, bubbly way? This looks as though an investigator or someone tagged this with a date on the top of it....

I may be out in left field on this...but that might explain the drainage of the pond before the letter was "supposedly" written?? JMO of course....
The thing is they were already searching the pond when she wrote the's dated the 19th..........

Hey teh, the letter is dated the 18th. I seriously don't know what to make of it. I thought the pond was drained after. PCSO would no way drain that pond, as expensive as that would be, if they thought there wasn't some merit...or would they? My initial thought was they had NayNay write this letter. Now I'm rethinking that b/c they did in fact drain the pond at the mondex! There's no way they'd do that "just to validate" this letter. They must have considered something to be deemed credible. OMG. I have no idea what I'm thinking right about now.

SS, if you're still on here...why would PCSO drain that pond at the mondex if they were the one's that put NayNay up to this letter? I'm really confused now. Would they do that just to relieve some public pressure? They've been under a bunch of scrutiny lately. I just don't know about going as far as draining a pond (a very large one) if they were really the one's that put NayNay up to this letter. I personally don't even know what to think right now. The only thing I'm still sticking with is the same thing I've said since the very beginning - drugs had to be involved somehow, someway. Holy cow! This truly makes me sick!
Okay, who is Donnie? Anyone talked to him/her?
So "Joe psycho" supposedly went to detectives and told them this story, so who the heck is Joe? Cousin Joe from Tenn?
Donnie is the father of Naynay's baby.
This is a serious issue... this person is her alibi: so she takes the slow route of writing a letter to speak with them about what happened to her and to verify her alibi?

Something is off...
Seriously guys think about it. It fits with everything....

- Misty & the kids not being home that night Haleigh went missing. According to the brother he went over and they were not there. In that letter it says that RJ, Haleigh, and Misty were at the friends house.

-Misty's failed polygraph test. One of the questions she got 45% on which the professionals said that was b/c more than one person was involved in it & didn't it also state that Misty wasn't directly involved? In the letter that girl states a group of people covered it up & got rid of Haleigh's body + if she overdosed then Misty would not have been directly involved in it.

- LE had a massive pond search over the weekend. In the letter it says Haleigh's body was thrown in a bag & put into a near by pond.

- No crime scene at the MH was found which means she died else where. In he letter it says they weren't home that she died at a party from ODing.

- Known fact that Misty is a drug addict.

-The LE have thought since day one that Misty was inovled & that this wasn't an abduction case.

And what about what JR told his mother? About the men, black took HaLeigh? Perhaps they misunderstood - we don't know exactly what JR said do we - just what CS said that he said? And maybe not men in black took HaLeigh but maybe the men took HaLeigh in a black bag?
I'm not a handwriting expert, but do we know for sure this letter was written 09/18/09? I am looking at NayNay's handwritten and it is written very how do I say this....bubbly? Her letters are wide and the a's, d's, o's, & e's are written with large round circles. I hope I'm explaining this good enough..hahhaa But if you look at the date, I would think the numbers, especially 8's and 9's, would be written the same wide, rounded, bubbly way? This looks as though an investigator or someone tagged this with a date on the top of it....

I may be out in left field on this...but that might explain the drainage of the pond before the letter was "supposedly" written?? JMO of course....


If you look at the overall handwriting, It slants to the left. The date, the numbers slant to the right.
And what about what JR told his mother? About the men, black took HaLeigh? Perhaps they misunderstood - we don't know exactly what JR said do we - just what CS said that he said? And maybe not men in black took HaLeigh but maybe the men took HaLeigh in a black bag?

Another good point! I didn't even think of that.
This is a serious issue... this person is her alibi: so she takes the slow route of writing a letter to speak with them about what happened to her and to verify her alibi?

Something is off...

(BBM) Not if she wrote it while incarcerated. You can only call people that are on your approved list. You can only receive visitors that are on your approved list. You can send mail to anybody, as long as you don't have a charge against you stating you're not allowed to contact them. I've never been incarcerated, but my ex is a Sgt Det with NJSP and started out as a Sheriff's Officer in a jail. These were the jail's rules.
This is a serious issue... this person is her alibi: so she takes the slow route of writing a letter to speak with them about what happened to her and to verify her alibi?

Something is off...

She's still in jail, isn't she? Not easy to communicate,especially if you'd need to confirm your alibi still holds.

Who is this and why did she have the letter?

Private investigator William Staubs, aka Cobra, says he obtained the jailhouse letter from someone close to Nay Nay, who remains in the Putnam County Jail on drug charges, and passed it on to law enforcement. We spoke with the go between who verified the letter as authentic and obtained it from the recipient.
Police have called her accounts conflicting and believe she knows more than she’s been revealing.
I'm not a handwriting expert, but do we know for sure this letter was written 09/18/09? I am looking at NayNay's handwritten and it is written very how do I say this....bubbly? Her letters are wide and the a's, d's, o's, & e's are written with large round circles. I hope I'm explaining this good enough..hahhaa But if you look at the date, I would think the numbers, especially 8's and 9's, would be written the same wide, rounded, bubbly way? This looks as though an investigator or someone tagged this with a date on the top of it....

I may be out in left field on this...but that might explain the drainage of the pond before the letter was "supposedly" written?? JMO of course....

I agree whoever wrote this letter didn't write that date on there. All I can say is whoever said things would start popping this week were right. NOT. This is all just too convenient for me. All I can say is. Poor Haleigh. She is never going to be found with all of this going on. If the Joe that Nay Nay writes about is the same Joe in Tennessee....well how convenient he is the one that came up with this story to tell LE. This just gets more and more disturbing by the day. Where is the focus? Not on Haleigh! In my opinion it is on "like sands through the hourglass" these are the days in Satsuma.

Is it too much to wonder if LE has talked with the person who Haleigh and RJ were supposed to be at the home of that night? I have never heard the name Chad....unless Misty went to party with Crystal's fiance. I just am very sad.
Hmm, if this letter was written around the time the pond was drained, then I would think that WBG supposedly mentioning the bit about the "black bag" and everything would be the reason why they drained the pond. :twocents: Anyone else think so? Are LE even allowed to do something like that (have a pond drained) without complete, undeniable, 100% certainty?

If they found nothing in the pond it could be a coverup for what really happened. JMO
And why did they arrest WBlast night? They are doing all of this for a reason while Misty is out of town?! As long as she is away from RC the truth may just come out ... Oh I pray!!
Hey teh, the letter is dated the 18th. I seriously don't know what to make of it. I thought the pond was drained after. PCSO would no way drain that pond, as expensive as that would be, if they thought there wasn't some merit...or would they? My initial thought was they had NayNay write this letter. Now I'm rethinking that b/c they did in fact drain the pond at the mondex! There's no way they'd do that "just to validate" this letter. They must have considered something to be deemed credible. OMG. I have no idea what I'm thinking right about now.

SS, if you're still on here...why would PCSO drain that pond at the mondex if they were the one's that put NayNay up to this letter? I'm really confused now. Would they do that just to relieve some public pressure? They've been under a bunch of scrutiny lately. I just don't know about going as far as draining a pond (a very large one) if they were really the one's that put NayNay up to this letter. I personally don't even know what to think right now. The only thing I'm still sticking with is the same thing I've said since the very beginning - drugs had to be involved somehow, someway. Holy cow! This truly makes me sick!
I think the Joe fellow probably did say some things to LE in order to make some kind of a deal on a drug charge and why they drained the pond. Doesn't mean it is a true story tho. They are saying they did not find anything. However, it could be they showed Prevatt an affidavit...but could have added some things to it in order to put pressure on her to talk. Getting her to write the letter to be put out in public would show Misty that she had been accused by the Joe fellow and would not be out of the question, imo.

Why would jail officials allow this letter? Why did Donnie give it to Cobra or anyone else? Something is very fishy with the whole thing, imo.

ETA: the letter came via WBG's mom then?! Even fishier.
And why did they arrest WBlast night? They are doing all of this for a reason while Misty is out of town?! As long as she is away from RC the truth may just come out ... Oh I pray!!
That is the easiest question to answer yet! WBG is a druggie. They had to catch him with the drugs to arrest him. They caught him. End of story. They didn't have him in jail long enough to interrogate him, imo.
I think the Joe fellow probably did say some things to LE in order to make some kind of a deal on a drug charge and why they drained the pond. Doesn't mean it is a true story tho. They are saying they did not find anything. However, it could be they showed Prevatt an affidavit...but could have added some things to it in order to put pressure on her to talk. Getting her to write the letter to be put out in public would show Misty that she had been accused by the Joe fellow and would not be out of the question, imo.

Why would jail officials allow this letter? Why did Donnie give it to Cobra or anyone else? Something is very fishy with the whole thing, imo.

I seem to remember LE stating,,,I reporting that LE stated the pond search was a truth test. I wonder who failed?

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