All sorts of people suing casey

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Remember she was convicted of six felony charges...

938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
(1) In all criminal cases, convicted persons are liable for payment of the documented costs of prosecution, including investigative costs incurred by law enforcement agencies, by fire departments for arson investigations, and by investigations of the Department of Financial Services or the Office of Financial Regulation of the Financial Services Commission, if requested by such agencies. These costs shall be included and entered in the judgment rendered against the convicted person.
(2)(a) The court shall require the defendant to pay the costs within a specified period or in specified installments.
(b) The end of such period or the last such installment shall not be later than:
1. The end of the period of probation or community control, if probation or community control is ordered;
2. Five years after the end of the term of imprisonment imposed, if the court does not order probation or community control; or
3. Five years after the date of sentencing in any other case.

However, in no event shall the obligation to pay any unpaid amounts expire if not paid in full within the period specified in this paragraph.
(7) Investigative costs which are recovered shall be returned to the appropriate investigative agency which incurred the expense. Costs shall include actual expenses incurred in conducting the investigation and prosecution of the criminal case; however, costs may also include the salaries of permanent employees. Any investigative costs recovered on behalf of a state agency must be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the agency operating trust fund, and a report of the payment must be sent to the agency.
(8) Costs that are collected by the state attorney under this section shall be deposited into the state attorney's grants and donations trust fund to be used during the fiscal year in which the funds are collected, or in any subsequent fiscal year, for actual expenses incurred in investigating and prosecuting criminal cases, which may include the salaries of permanent employees.
"State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick filed a new motion Wednesday, asking that Casey pay for "reimbursement for the special costs of investigation and prosecution."

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office and the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation said they are also hoping they can send Casey a bill for the time spent on the case."

Here's the whole article: New Motion Filed To Make Casey Pay
Perhaps GA could sue for slander and the A's attorney fees and "body guards." (i.e DC)

Supposedly GA cannot sue JB for slander because litigators get something called litigation privilege.....I read this in the lawyers thread. It seems so bloody unfair.
That's not what LDB says...
I have a feeling she knows what she can or cannot claim.

JA also said on HLN this afternoon they were going to go after her for the costs..

I wasn't talking from a legal point of view. Just from the basis of fundamental fairness.

You will also note that LDB does not say in that motion that State of Florida can claim costs of ALL of the murder investigation or at all.
Personally, I think JB will be first in line. He's got his pen/paper/calculator out to determine how much more she owes him. After all, he did save her life! She'll prolly have to pay for that celebratory lunch too.

He'll "pimp" her out to the highest bidder, take a huge chunk of change, and give her an allowance. He'll do this until he can't squeeze out any more money and will move on.

Casey will end up broke, doing *advertiser censored* movies, and end up on Dr. Drew.

Of course his is my opinion only.



Oh, no. When you mentioned Dr. Drew, I immediately got an image of Celebrity Rehab two years from now, where the remainder of the cast walks in one-by-one with Shelly, stops, glances at Casey down the hall, blinks, and walks out saying, "It worked! I'm sober."
I see lot's of IRS talk...

On JVM today it was said that Baez has been holding ICA's money in a client/trust account for which he was responsible for paying taxes to IRS out of said funds but did not do. They did not mention how much was there, but I'm curious to know how she qualified as indigent if she had assets which her attorney was holding in a client/trust fund <insert personal comment> from advice of Todd Macaluso probably.

Any accountants in the house to explain how that works?
If Jose was trustee, the IRS will go after him too!!! And KC could file suit against him as well. IMO, that's comin' someday anyway, for something or other. We can bet on that.
"State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick filed a new motion Wednesday, asking that Casey pay for "reimbursement for the special costs of investigation and prosecution."

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office and the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation said they are also hoping they can send Casey a bill for the time spent on the case."

Here's the whole article: New Motion Filed To Make Casey Pay

AND, the FDLE for the search efforts in looking for a missing child?
Casey Anthony is going to make so many millions from book deals, movies deals, DVD sales, etc, etc that she will be able to pay off all the ones that actually win their suit, and still be sitting very pretty financially.

I disagree Kaybug. The tide is turning. If a *advertiser censored* production company (Vivid) saw the writing on the wall and took back their offer, others will too. The backlash is becoming abundantly clear to many outlets. I sent out over a dozen emails myself today to various networks and I know there are many more who are taking a proactive stand for Caylee and doing the same and not just running their mouths for the sake of running their mouths.
I disagree Kaybug. The tide is turning. If a *advertiser censored* production company (Vivid) saw the writing on the wall and took back their offer, others will too. The backlash is becoming abundantly clear to many outlets.

To be fair, Vivid issued that press release for press only. They never intended to feature her because they knew she wouldn't accept anyway. It sets no precedent as far as what mainstream media would do for an exclusive interview with her, what publishers would do for a tell-all, etc.
If Jose was trustee, the IRS will go after him too!!! And KC could file suit against him as well. IMO, that's comin' someday anyway, for something or other. We can bet on that.


I went back to the original thread on the IRS lien and was reminded that it was sent to ICA at JB's law office. I remember thinking then it was awkward that the address on file was actually JB's which would imply that he has some type of holding over those "photo funds"; aside from him simply paying himself.

IIRC, there are strict regulations on these trustees, which regulators enforce with or without a request from the client. I might be wrong there...but I'm going to do some digging on this...if she in fact had funds that could've been used to assist in her counsel / defense; then I'm sure the state is aware and will try to recoup...I just want to know for my own benefit...LOL!
I wish all the men who slept with Casey around the time that she got pregnant, would come out of the woodwork and ask for a paternity test. Perhaps the father could be found and a wrongful death suit filed!
Roy Kronk should be able to sue or something - The Defense said Caylee died in the family pool and they filed this motion anyway -

Nov 2009
Page 4
9) Despite the State's sole focus on herself, Miss Anthony
has uncovered circumstantial evidence which tends to indicate that
Ray M. Kronk, and not Miss Anthony, is equally as likely
to be responsible for the death of Caylee Anthony.
Even thought it goes on to say "while circumstantial in nature"
They claim Caylee died in July in the family pool.
There are rules for Attorney's about not filing anything
"in bad faith"
There seems to be a split of opinion. Richard Hornsby said on WESH that he thought she could be required to pay ALL the prosecution and defense costs even although she was only convicted of the lying to LEO offenses based upon a literal translation of the statute. Others have disagreed.

Even RH said that this could be the biggest issue on appeal.

In my view, it is unfair to require her to pay the costs of prosecuting her for a murder that she has been acquitted off based upon her conviction for some misdemeanour lying to police officer charges.
I strongly disagree. Her lying is why the police had to investigate everything under the sun trying to find Caylee. Her lies lead to a lot of money being spent that could have been saved had she told the truth about what she alleges happened to Caylee. It is not the fault of the police that they were lied to and they should be able to recover every dime that was incurred due to one of her lies. Just my opinion...Let her pay and pay dearly, since she got away with murder.:sick:
Remember the Runaway Bride?

Runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks has agreed to pay $13,250 to the city of Duluth, Ga., to help pay for the costs the city incurred searching for her, the mayor said Tuesday.

In accepting the agreement, the city will have to write off about $30,000!

Do I think ICA will have to reimburse all costs incurred during all her nonsense. Probably not. I think ICA may have to pay a portion of costs, but probably not the whole lot.

I wish she would, but it's rare, and I can't find a case where someone actually had to pay all the costs.



I was just reading that "Balloon Boy's" parents had to pay $36,000 restitution and the judge also imposed a ban on them receiving any profits from the hoax for a number of years.

I SO wish Judge Perry could and would impose a similar ban on ICA's HOAX!

[ame=""]Balloon boy hoax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Larimer_County_Colorado_Incorporated_and_Unincorporated_areas_Fort_Collins_Highlighted.svg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/c/c2/Larimer_County_Colorado_Incorporated_and_Unincorporated_areas_Fort_Collins_Highlighted.svg/220px-Larimer_County_Colorado_Incorporated_and_Unincorporated_areas_Fort_Collins_Highlighted.svg.png[/ame]

C'mon Judge Perry! We know this isn't your first rodeo, so buck up!
She's def going to have to pay money back to the State here. I think they get back every red cent they can legally.
Good -
I am curious on how people think ICA is going to make money after she gets out of jail?

Who would have a psychopathic liar on their talk show or to read a book ICA wrote?

I hope when she gets sued and has no money to speak of -and no way to make a living - who would hire her?

She will be the queen of the ball in the media as soon as she gets out.
And it won't be for free, mark my word.
Sickening, but the msm will pay her big bucks for any appearance she agrees to. And why won't she agree? She will. Makes me sick
Amd all of the jurors who let her off, think she will have to change her ways, ha.
Do they think that she will become a better person because they gave her a chanse?
Not in a million years. Liars are always liars. She will never change her spots.
She will also get her A@@ kicked. deserved.
I think this is quite simple.

If Casey had told them Caylee drowned when they talked to her on July 16, 2008 and led them to her body...

There likely would have been no murder investigation... (unless of course... Casey LIED about what happened to Caylee and the body proved that.)

So Casey's LIES are what caused them to investigate until they found Caylee in December.

Then for another 2.5 years until the trial.

Then the trial itself.

Without Casey blatantly lying, none of that would have been needed.

Since they came out and made it clear during trial that Caylee died June 16, 2008 and Casey was there when it occurred...

She KNEW it happened...

She hid it and allowed everyone to keep searching...

She is liable for the costs.

She is the only one convicted of lying to investigators. She is the one they can go after.

I don't blame them.
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