All Things Britney Spears - Thread No. 5

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Maybe she's a perfectly normal indiv who doesn't have the mother instinct? I certainly don't. Get off her back

Then, for the sake of the children, she needs to let them go to a family member who does. JMO. The drama and chaos for those children, I just can't even imagine.
Maybe she's a perfectly normal indiv who doesn't have the mother instinct? I certainly don't. Get off her back

Maybe she should have thought of that prior to...

At least having the second one. She chose to have them and it's her responsibility to provide them decent care. People also can learn, change and move forward if they will just take responsibility for their problems.

She has no boundaries at all; each new man is dying to take advantage of her and get money, attention and child support etc.
I think Adnan is going to be 'her Howard K Stern'. I really do. She's certainly following ANS steps albeit much faster. I still feel sorry for her. She desperately needs help.
I think Adnan is going to be 'her Howard K Stern'. I really do. She's certainly following ANS steps albeit much faster.
Oh my! I haven't looked at him that way before but he could definitely turn out that way.
Maybe she's a perfectly normal indiv who doesn't have the mother instinct? I certainly don't. Get off her back

Normal individuals who don't have "the mother instinct" should practice birth control.
Britney doesn't have any problem being a "mother" to her dogs. She is photographed more lugging those dogs around than her caring for her own children.
At the very least, she should just go to court and say she doesn't want those poor kids. Then they can legally terminate her parental rights and be done with it.
This game she plays with the press is getting old. :furious:
Maybe she's a perfectly normal indiv who doesn't have the mother instinct? I certainly don't. Get off her back

It doesn't take motherly instinct / it only takes common sense.
If she doesn't want to be a mother to the kids get herself fixed so she quits burdening everyone else with her responsibility....her actions are speaking loud & clear......while she is at it she needs to quit being a drama queen! Not on her back.....she just needs to get a grip!!!! Life don't owe her nothing!!!!!! But she sure acts entitled!!!!
Maybe she's a perfectly normal indiv who doesn't have the mother instinct? I certainly don't. Get off her back

Why the F*c# did she grab her kid and lock herself in the bathroom with him If she doesn't want 'em?!> Why did she beat the pi$$ out of a photog's car the night Kevin wouldn't let her in to see her kids if she doesn't want 'em??!

Sorry, Your theory doesn't make sense considering her actions!
Maybe she's a perfectly normal indiv who doesn't have the mother instinct? I certainly don't. Get off her back

:confused: Perfectly normal individual?
I don't think so scooter.
IF Britney can't handle motherhood that's one thing. Besides, it looks as if her exhusband will be raising the children.
But normal???

NORMAL isn't shaving your head at a salon after the owner says no.

NORMAL isn't going 'commando' (IE without undies) and stepping spread eagle every time one gets out of a limo.

NORMAL isn't suddenly speaking with a British accent.

NORMAL isn't prancing around town in ones wedding gown on the day that one's child custody hearing is taking place.

boody, IMHO she is far from normal.
I think she's sick and desperately needs help.
Maybe she's a perfectly normal indiv who doesn't have the mother instinct? I certainly don't. Get off her back
Well, if she will "stay off HER back" then we won't have to have another conversation like the one we are having now will we?:slap:
Well, if she will "stay off HER back" then we won't have to have another conversation like the one we are having now will we?:slap:

Good one! :clap:
Then, for the sake of the children, she needs to let them go to a family member who does. JMO. The drama and chaos for those children, I just can't even imagine.

Agreed, DD. That's the thing. I don't have a problem with someone who doesn't have the mothering instinct, but if that were true and Britney was a self-possesed, mentally healthy person - she would let these kids be with their father and not battle all this.

It's not as simple as her missing the "mothering" gene. It's way more complicated than that and her ongoing actions indicate mental illness.
Agreed, DD. That's the thing. I don't have a problem with someone who doesn't have the mothering instinct, but if that were true and Britney was a self-possesed, mentally healthy person - she would let these kids be with their father and not battle all this.

It's not as simple as her missing the "mothering" gene. It's way more complicated than that and her ongoing actions indicate mental illness.

More and more I am beginning to think that that may be the case.

My assumption has always been that she is an addict that pretty much remains intoxicated. Mixing pills, drinking, etc. (Even the judge said it during one of the custody hearings and ordered dug testing) and that the progression of said addiction(s) explained her ever increasing erratic behavior since leaving Kevin.

However, lately she has not seemed intoxicated and we haven't seen any pictures of her out clubbing till all hours. We have seen pictures of her shopping till all hours and showing up at court for hearings but quickly leaving without going in but that's about is bad as it has gotten lately.

Then like last week she is said to have been pulled over by the police for speeding or something and then they let her go. Had she been intoxicated I have no doubt she would have been detained.

Whatever the problem, I honestly hope she has enough left inside of her to be able to dig down deep and pull herself out, if only by saying the words "help me" to just one person in her life!
I could swear that I heard somewhere that Jamie Lynn has decided to not keep her baby. Was I dreaming that?
:confused: Perfectly normal individual?
I don't think so scooter.
IF Britney can't handle motherhood that's one thing. Besides, it looks as if her exhusband will be raising the children.
But normal???

NORMAL isn't shaving your head at a salon after the owner says no.

NORMAL isn't going 'commando' (IE without undies) and stepping spread eagle every time one gets out of a limo.

NORMAL isn't suddenly speaking with a British accent.

NORMAL isn't prancing around town in ones wedding gown on the day that one's child custody hearing is taking place.

boody, IMHO she is far from normal.
I think she's sick and desperately needs help.

I am beginning to think she is just a really good actress, she is smarter than given credit for. As for the being a Mom issue, FPE my parents split when I was young..Dad never came around to see me, and my "Mother" took to bar hopping and getting on with her life..I kind-of became an afterthought, until now, I'm 32..happily married w/ babes of my own and she wants to be a copter thank you...but anyway point is..women do have babies, and they have good intentions to be a good Mom...and well you know they say "the road to he!! is paved with good intentions". I think she has had to learn to take everything with a grain of salt, but the full ramification of things will not hit her until it is too late. But I'm afraid it's already too late for her.:snooty:
"I'll be rolling down hill like a snowball headed for he!!"...anyway sorry song got stuck in my head
I could swear that I heard somewhere that Jamie Lynn has decided to not keep her baby. Was I dreaming that?

i stumbled across this...


Pregnant Jamie Lynn Spears has agreed to give up her baby.

The teen sister of pop wreck Britney Spears will hand over the baby to her mum Lynne as soon as it is born so she can concentrate on her career.

Lynne will then raise the child at the family’s home in rural Kentwood, Louisiana, away from Hollywood.
i stumbled across this...


Pregnant Jamie Lynn Spears has agreed to give up her baby.

The teen sister of pop wreck Britney Spears will hand over the baby to her mum Lynne as soon as it is born so she can concentrate on her career.

Lynne will then raise the child at the family’s home in rural Kentwood, Louisiana, away from Hollywood.

Oh, ok. So, it's not like she's giving it up to strangers.
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