All Things Dick Cheney

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close_enough said:
it hasn't j2mirish...nowhere in this thread has anyone said they wished Whittington would's just something to "push buttons" ...hey, don't sweat the small stuff...just ignore ;)
I know it...thats makes me even more angry when it works,
cause I know better :silenced: !!!!!!!!!!
j2mirish said:
I am one of "they"--- but I dont appreciate being put into your thoughts of me wanting the gentleman to die, nor do I think that has been insinuated anywhere on the LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG thread-
Cool your jets, and let me clarify-

"they" are those that have been on a death watch. Unless you have identified yourself as having been on a death watch, relax. I was not referring to anyone here...haven't even had a chance to read the entire thread, just talking about the jumping up and down I've heard on the radio, etc.

I can tell by all your GGGGGGGGGGGGGGs, I pissed you off, but that wasn't my intent. I was responding to someone else's post.
close_enough said:
it hasn't j2mirish...nowhere in this thread has anyone said they wished Whittington would's just something to "push buttons" ...hey, don't sweat the small stuff...just ignore ;)
:doh: geesh! Did I address my post to you?!
IdahoMom said:
Cool your jets, and let me clarify-

"they" are those that have been on a death watch. Unless you have identified yourself as having been on a death watch, relax. I was not referring to anyone here...haven't even had a chance to read the entire thread, just talking about the jumping up and down I've heard on the radio, etc.

I can tell by all your GGGGGGGGGGGGGGs, I pissed you off, but that wasn't my intent. I was responding to someone else's post.
no you didnt piss me off-- i was just trying to make sure that as a "they" i wasnt included in the death wish --
the long ggggggggggggggg were because i am beginning to ask myself why i continue to come back because i have read this thing from start to finish! :doh:
IdahoMom said:
I am sure that Cheney has apologized repeatedly.

My point was why is Mr. Whittington so apologetic to Cheney? He is exceedingly gracious, I would say.

And one would have to be a real low life to want him to die, for an "agenda", I seriously doubt many would, he's a nice guy and well respected attorney right here in Austin.

On the other hand I can't stand Dick Cheney but that has to do with other things he's done and not this.
Posted by James Wolcott
...wings bystander.

Time to take the shotgun away from grandpa, who's blasted perhaps hundreds of innocent birds into bloody feathers during his life, before he has another senior moment. Bush at least had the semi-decency or caution to stop after his first wrongful birdicide.

Keep a Coffin Handy
Posted by James Wolcott
I have it on excellent authority that future Vice Presidential motorcades will include not only the ambulance that currently follows Mr. Cheney around wherever he weaves, but a state-of-the-art hearse in case he kills someone during recreation period and rapid removal and burial is required. The deathmobile will be driven by a young Republican chosen at random from Ken Mehlman's bobsled team.
As Elmer Fudd's cottontailed nemesis is fond of saying, "What a maroon."
My wonderful local independent bookstore had a great "Cheney" display today. Books about quail, bird hunting and gun safety.
VP Accident Tale Filled With Discrepancies

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney said he didn't immediately disclose his hunting accident because he wanted the confusing details to come out right. Instead, authorized accounts came out slowly — and often still wrong. The result: a week of shifting blame, belatedly acknowledged beer consumption (not "zero" drinking after all) and evolving discrepancies in how the shooting happened, its aftermath and the way it was told to the nation.

"There's a reason they call this crisis management," said corporate damage-control specialist Eric Dezenhall, "and that's because it's a mess."

In the first days after the vice president wounded attorney Harry Whittington while shooting at quail last Saturday in Texas, blame was placed on the victim for not announcing his presence to fellow hunter Cheney. "The vice president did everything right," Katharine Armstrong, the ranch owner approved by Cheney to disclose the accident, said Monday. Whittington, 78, should have shouted that he was rejoining the hunting group after drifting off to retrieve a downed bird. "The mistake exposed him to getting shot," she said. "It's incumbent on him. He did not do that."
Great article Buzz. Glad someone is adding these discrepancies up. IMO If it were anyone else and the LE was aware of these problems with the story, they would reopen the investigation. The fact that LE was under the impression there was NO alcohol is enough to warrant investigation.
Becba said:
Great article Buzz. Glad someone is adding these discrepancies up. IMO If it were anyone else and the LE was aware of these problems with the story, they would reopen the investigation. The fact that LE was under the impression there was NO alcohol is enough to warrant investigation.
The fact that Cheney said that nothing was discussed during dinner that Saturday night, regarding releasing the news of the shooting, as they were all too concerned for the welfare of Whittington, should be investigated.

We all know that "Damage Control" was the first thing that came up for discussion after Whittington was safely in the hospital. For them to say otherwise. we all know, is just another big crock full of B.S. They must think we are all idiots and will believe anything they say.
Buzzm1 said:
The fact that Cheney said that nothing was discussed during dinner that Saturday night, regarding releasing the news of the shooting, as they were all too concerned for the welfare of Whittington, should be investigated.

We all know that "Damage Control" was the first thing that came up for discussion after Whittington was safely in the hospital. For them to say otherwise. we all know, is just another big crock full of B.S. They must think we are all idiots and will believe anything they say.
WAS the Coverage really overkill?

Reporters reacted to years of secrecy: "Finally, returning again to the biases of the media, it doesn't take a p.r. genius to know that journalists have spent the last five years being annoyed by the Bush administration's penchant for secrecy.

Political journalists crave access and information the way women crave chocolate. But when it comes to any story that could potentially cast this administration in anything less than a rosy glow, the media know that the Bushies are more likely to start handing out free Snickers bars than straight answers.

So for Cheney to follow up his ill-fated shoot by refusing to comment on the matter for several days — even as White House flak Scott McClellan unsuccessfully struggled to make it look as though the VP wasn't giving everyone the finger — was a move guaranteed to provoke some unflattering coverage."
Given the circumstances, the coverage didn't seem overblown at all.
lostfaith said:
"For weeks, Americans of every stripe have laughed about Dick Cheney shooting his friend in the face," Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon briefing today. "We are hopeful that by laughing at Dick Cheney together, both Sunnis and Shiites will find common ground."

The Cheney jokes were culled from late-night television, translated into Arabic, and then printed on flyers which were airdropped over the war-torn nation in the early hours of the morning, Secretary Rumsfeld said.

He added that if the Dick Cheney jokes take root in Iraq, he could envision a scenario in which Dick Cheney jokes flourish across the entire Middle East.

But so far the response to the Cheney jokes from Iraqis has been tepid at best, with few Sunnis or Shiites finding humor in the Vice President's predicament.

"If a man shoots his friend in his face, he is a menace and must be punished," said Hisham Dalal, 39, a Baghdad office worker. "His friend should be permitted to shoot him in the face."

Elsewhere, President Bush acknowledged today that the U.S. had not yet found Osama bin Laden, but added, "On the positive side, we continue to arrest Cindy Sheehan."

Andy Borowitz writes a daily humor column at and is the author of a new book, The Borowitz Report: The Big Book of Shockers.
The only thing I could see that would pass as *advertiser censored* in the reflection would mean they were even with her shoulders like right under her chin. People it's called A LIFE.....get one.
I despise Cheney, but it's definitely a hand, not a naked lady.

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