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Would someone clear something up for me. I was under the impression that the facetime call from GBC to NBC lasted only a matter of seconds. Just been googling and found an article from June 24 that stated the call lasted for one minute and some seconds. Lots could be discussed in that time.

Sunday Mail 24 June 2012. Sorry I don't know how to link.
Would someone clear something up for me. I was under the impression that the facetime call from GBC to NBC lasted only a matter of seconds. Just been googling and found an article from June 24 that stated the call lasted for one minute and some seconds. Lots could be discussed in that time.

Sunday Mail 24 June 2012. Sorry I don't know how to link.

It lasted 1 min 23 sec. Lots to talk about IMO.
I have created two new threads in the Jury Room:

Allison Bayden-Clay: The Sunflower Brigade and Memorial


Domestic Violence - Our Stories and Information

[ame=""]Domestic Violence - Our Stories and Information [/ame]

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Wozzle , my hubby and I are buying a boat (cat) next year, and we are selling up too. ( hopefully property market lifts by then)
We will be livaboard.
What a great idea naming boat to symbolize Allison in some way.
I will be interested in ideas too, as I would like to do the same.

Shame Aunty....shame shame shame! Attempting to nick my boat names!! You'll have to queue up! We're getting a yacht that's big enough to live on, but small enough for two to handle (or even one, if fat husband has a heart attack en route to anywhere!) Hubby says it has to have a small 'draft' (?) so we can sail up the rivers through Europe (high hopes, hasn't he?) We're also not going 'fibreglass' as we're both clumsy and I can imagine us ripping her guts out on a bommy in Nth Qld! Poor 'Sunflower/Justice/Allison D'.

But I have a suggestion for you for your boat: 'Allicat', seeing as though you're getting a 'cat'. Gee, I wish Allison could see how she is being honoured. At least in years to come her girls will see the legacy she has left behind. I'm hoping there may be some 'Alison Dickie' scholarships, or foundations, or children's causes, or women's refuges.....or parks....or...or....ALL the above. Ironic isn't it? Those BC's have tried so hard to big note themselves with their 'family connection' but ultimately it will be Allison who'll be remembered with love and respect and be 'known' by so many.

Olivia has been pretty quiet since the bail hearing. Maybe she heard some things she was not prepared for. IMO

I think so too. I believe she was somewhat blindsided until she heard some of the alleged evidence QPS has on him. IMO.
543 was the poster who talked about it. Go back and cheeck out their posts...very very specific for someone not from brisbane who has never been there imo

And the link they said they used to find these places is very interesting as well.
Yepppp!!!!...ages back I posted a report from US in which it mentioned an accused was ordered to "grow a beard" so he could be identified by someone who saw him "without a beard" & had shaved if off....all about disguising themselves these beards I think.

I also think the 3 amigos had planned on doing a runner on the day of the first bail hearing IF he received bail....lots of pieces of info but when put them all together they fit!!!...

Canada looks nice this time of year. :twocents:
Wirraburra is on the right just prior to the bridge, bunya road (the scout camp) is on the right just after the bridge. So the camp is on the bank of the creek, and across the creek, little ugly would feed into kholo creek I think. Tomorroe I am going to put up. A map
Minni, are Ugly Creek and Wirraburra Road on scout land?
And the link they said they used to find these places is very interesting as well.

One thing that struck me about those posts (just read them) was a comment about the lighting. This isn't shown on maps?

Original posts:

5-16-2012, 04:55 PM


Hi Rational
There are many unlit areas along the route that poor Allison took...also, many areas that she could have been run over. A screach and a thud is not necessarily so.....but a scream....yes! The person possibly had a previous DUI or record as previously stated.
It is not logical to leave the phone on! I really believe that the family had nothing to do with poor Allison.
I, including everyone else, are waiting for the forensic report.
Just wish that the police do some really smart investigating and get the perps. behind bars asap.
I think skull manor was bugged the day police went into search & took the computers etc etc....if it wasn't bugged then I'd bet $$$'s it was bugged at a later date when how many detectives were sent in to search car & house???...hmmmm???

Agreed Marly. I reckon even the shed was bugged. :floorlaugh:
Marlygirl....your magnificence knows no bounds!! 'JUSTICE' is a great name for a boat - thank you! And I also like 'Sunflower' very much (but not 'sea' with it, as it makes me think of yellow water, which in my line of work = wee wees....and in my household at the moment peeing is a sore point as Puss has just been in and out of the vet surgery with a retention problem. took three goes to catheterise him, so he certainly did have a 'sore point'....dear little chap, he's 'going' fine now!!)

I can see our lovely yacht with a dirty big bright yellow sunflower painted on the side....wouldn't that look cheerful coming into harbour? Bayside you could be down at your boat, look up, see the 'Sunflower' arrive....and think 'here comes Wozzle'....and of course remember Allison at the same time.

(Hmmm....maybe if I can't choose, I could have 'Justice' on one side...and 'Sunflower' on the other! Or maybe even 'Sunflower Justice'...but that would be a bit unwieldy wouldn't it.....with no room for the dirty big sunflower. That's it then....I'll have to tell hubby we need a BIGGER yacht!)

YEY Wozzle, a bigger yacht. Atta girl. :floorlaugh: You're a crack-up! We've named our boat Just Us (as in Justice because DH is a retired copper - get it?) We love that name for our boat, now we just have to buy the boat. :floorlaugh:
Wirraburra is on the right just prior to the bridge, bunya road (the scout camp) is on the right just after the bridge. So the camp is on the bank of the creek, and across the creek, little ugly would feed into kholo creek I think. Tomorroe I am going to put up. A map


I hope you don't mind me asking but do you think that the dog would have been barking at something happening at the bridge or is it too far away? Do you think something happening at the bridge would have attracted the dogs attention?

A map is a wonderful idea, though I am hopeless at reading maps or so my OH says..:floorlaugh:
Wirraburra is on the right just prior to the bridge, bunya road (the scout camp) is on the right just after the bridge. So the camp is on the bank of the creek, and across the creek, little ugly would feed into kholo creek I think. Tomorroe I am going to put up. A map

Thanks Minni. I've had a look at both roads on a map and I must say I get a very eerie feeling when I look at that area, it gave me goosies. I'm guessing that Bunya and Wirraburra Rds would be more well known to locals as opposed to people just passing through the area?
Me thinks that 543 goes to extreme lengths to explain that they live nowhere near the area where Allison went missing.
Great point about the mention of lighting by 543, BJsleuth
Originally Posted by Mani
It's not clothing Fuskier - it is some sort of cloth on the bank and there were two pieces and they are very large. One was bigger than the other but they are in a cleared section of the bank and it is steep.

I would guesstimate that the dark piece is 1.5metres x 2 metres and the lighter one is about 2.5 x 3 metres.

This may have been placed by QPS to give them a clean area to work on?? IMO

However, if that is the case, I am surprised that it is still there as they could be washed into the river on heavy rains and be dangerous to the environment.

So I am not sure if QPS have left them there, as that doesn't feel right to me. MOO etc

They werent there two weeks ago. Could be helping something germinate? Council Gardner work?

Possum, I'm not sure where you were looking but they've been there for ages. I went there the first time the weekend of the Brookfield show (May 19) and they were there then. I went back a few weeks later and they were still there. I particularly noticed them and thought they looked like old sheets or part thereof. I wondered about them, thought maybe they had been placed there to assist getting down the muddy embankment by people associated with the investigation and body retrieval. The first time the white sheet was spread out from a higher point going down the slope, but when I went back it had sort of scrunched up and was further down. I also had thought they might have been used to place things on to avoid mud. Sort of makes sense although I also thought it strange that they were left there.
Me thinks that 543 goes to extreme lengths to explain that they live nowhere near the area where Allison went missing.
Great point about the mention of lighting by 543, BJsleuth

Yep louisepiglet, 543's posts were quite odd but IMO there is so much more there if you choose to read between the lines of those posts.

At one stage I congratulated 543 on being able to work out the Brookfield, Kenmore and Anstead areas considering he/she lived so far away as I do myself. I received this reply.

I worked out the locations by going onto and looking up Pullenvale - then I play with the maps and spend time like that. I really do not know the area at all...but the industry that I work in with maps. I would suggest you try to look at these maps by just clicking on the first realestate for sale in that area and a map of where it is located will come up. That is how I worked out a lot of things. Also, I researched about Kholo creek and Little Ugly Creek, nearby shopping centres, etc. The real estate maps have roads, rivers, everything on them.


I have no intention of sleuthing 543 but what industry works with maps? I do have a few ideas but I'll leave that for now. And if you work with maps why would you use realestate dot com to search for them? :waitasec:

I don't believe that 543 was a troll. Things happened and then they decided to leave. IMO we may in fact be reading an off the record statement of events according to GBC as told to others.

Something tells me that, in the end, this could all be far more creepier than we think. Not good.

In the beginning I was thinking of it being a bit more simple than it seems to be now.

Yes, I agree. For some reason I can't help feeling that something went wrong (as if it couldn't be more wrong) and a murder was attempted, but Allison wasn't dead and regained consciousness at some point, resulting in a second attack to ensure she really was dead. Or that it was quite difficult to kill her because she fought to survive, so the attempts to kill were much more brutal. It's just a feeling I have now, that it wasn't as simple as her being strangled and it was all over in a few minutes. This is just my vibe on it, it is really bugging me. I hope I'm wrong of course, because if I'm correct it means Allison suffered more.

I realise Police have held back a lot of information, understandably, but does anyone know if it is usual for them to conceal the cause of death and actually release misleading information - simply to throw the perps off the track temporarily, in terms of how much they know? I just wondered, because of the amount of blood in the car, and the positioning of it, if Allison did have a lot more visible injuries.
Yes, I agree. For some reason I can't help feeling that something went wrong (as if it couldn't be more wrong) and a murder was attempted, but Allison wasn't dead and regained consciousness at some point, resulting in a second attack to ensure she really was dead. Or that it was quite difficult to kill her because she fought to survive, so the attempts to kill were much more brutal. It's just a feeling I have now, that it wasn't as simple as her being strangled and it was all over in a few minutes. This is just my vibe on it, it is really bugging me. I hope I'm wrong of course, because if I'm correct it means Allison suffered more.

I realise Police have held back a lot of information, understandably, but does anyone know if it is usual for them to conceal the cause of death and actually release misleading information - simply to throw the perps off the track temporarily, in terms of how much they know? I just wondered, because of the amount of blood in the car, and the positioning of it, if Allison did have a lot more visible injuries.

Sometimes autopsy reports are inconclusive so then further testing will be done such as toxicology etc and the autopsy report and death certificate are amended when that information becomes available. It's not unusual for it to be inconclusive and I doubt very much that the autopsy would be used to trick anyone.
Yes, I agree. For some reason I can't help feeling that something went wrong (as if it couldn't be more wrong) and a murder was attempted, but Allison wasn't dead and regained consciousness at some point, resulting in a second attack to ensure she really was dead. Or that it was quite difficult to kill her because she fought to survive, so the attempts to kill were much more brutal. It's just a feeling I have now, that it wasn't as simple as her being strangled and it was all over in a few minutes. This is just my vibe on it, it is really bugging me. I hope I'm wrong of course, because if I'm correct it means Allison suffered more.

I realise Police have held back a lot of information, understandably, but does anyone know if it is usual for them to conceal the cause of death and actually release misleading information - simply to throw the perps off the track temporarily, in terms of how much they know? I just wondered, because of the amount of blood in the car, and the positioning of it, if Allison did have a lot more visible injuries.

Police can and often do hold back the cause of death. Similarly QPS may still be waiting on further forensic evidence to complete the picture to present to court. The Police can't intentionally release misleading information but they can choose not to release information, hence throwing the perps off track or lulling them into a false sense of security.

From what I've read in MSM there wasn't a huge amount of blood in the car. It was reported that there was a blood smear and another drop of blood that landed on the floor of the car. IMO the staining we saw in the back of the car was caused by a cleaning product (probably bleach or a bleach based solution), which led some to believe that the back of the car was awash with blood when in fact it wasn't.
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