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DNA Solves
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Originally Posted by minni Possum, as usual, I am undecided! After much debate, I still 'feel' like she was placed there, and its based on only a few things. It seems unlikely she just happened to wash up and come to rest under the bridge. There is nothing there that 'snagged' her that stands out. To me. He has been charged with interfering with a corpse at kholo bridge which indicates the police believe he was there. Allicat got a feeling everytime she drove over the bridge in those 11 days before she was found. And finally, just my gut feeling. But the scout camp also seemed to provide a reasonable theory too, the others after a lot of discussion have (I think) discarded the idea she was tossed over or dragged down from this point. It makes more sense that she washed downbased on the lack of broken bones (and the hugely difficult task of climbing down there in the dark but I'm still hesitant to disregard my initial feeling

I thought it was interfering with a corpse at Kholo River, not bridge.

But I am also for the placing theory.

I agree with both of you. I really wish i'd been there today to discuss with those who got together, and i think it was a great idea. I respect their views because of the effort put into evaluating the different scenarios.

However I've been to the area twice and walked down the embankment and looked across to where the body was found. I feel it is possible, and not all that difficult. I agree it would be hard in the dark, but I thought if one person took the main weight of the body, and the accomplice just stabilised the lower legs and feet and also held a torch it could be done. Alternatively the perp drags the body down the slope and along under the bridge, with the accomplice carryng the torch.

I think it's the simplest explanation in one sense, and after realising how close houses are to the Scout Camp entrance I think that would be too risky, I just dont think they'd drive down there as a car would make too much noise and they would know that. Whereas the bridge itself is much further away from houses, and if you drive onto the vacant section there and back in as close as you can to where it slopes down, you could get the body out of the back of the vehicle quite quickly without being noticed.

I also thought that if GBC is the perp, and wanted the insurance money, he would want the body to be found, hence the placing of the body under the bridge. Whereas dumping the body in the river further up could indicate not wanting the body to be found.

That said, I do think there is merit in what our on-site sleuthers concluded today. But I just dont know how high the tide would have been at the time. The body was found in a fairly high position.
I have been thinking about what has been said here about the two cars and how that would stand out anywhere at the bridge at that time of night. If cars were parked, one with the bonnet up (or both looking like one was getting a jump start) would anyone REALLY pay much attention to them? I'm not saying that's what happened but we tend to rationalise the unknown. If we saw two cars we may just think one has broken down and the other has simply come to their aid and we may put it out of our mind, not make the connection and just forget about it.
Maybe we could start up some sort of private forum or online discussion group where we could chat about what we like without the entire general public having the ability to read it. And then shoot over here if there is anything new to post about the case, or any new events occurring such as court dates, new evidence released etc. Nothing to stop groups who find they 'click' to organise something among themselves.

I have only followed one other case with interest here and that was the Kupunda murders. Mrs G (a member) had arranged a private area for a few posters but not sure how she did it?? Only invited members were allowed.

Mrs G you lurking? Can you help with this???

I too would rather a bit more privacy and then people won't get upset when we personalize.
May I just say that some gorgeous brightly coloured dried sunflowers were added to the ones on the cross today and it looks stunning. I don't want to be stealing the thunder of the member who did this either as it is her story to tell................

Yay I did it, I managed to upload the photo :woohoo:

Great photo, it's beautiful. Thank you so much for posting this Mani x
Me thinks that 543 goes to extreme lengths to explain that they live nowhere near the area where Allison went missing.
Great point about the mention of lighting by 543, BJsleuth

Yes, former poster 543 went to extreme about everything they said. Very forceful in getting their point across... to the point of being downright rude.
Alot of people here were spooked by him/her.
[ame=""]Allison Baden-Clay of Australia - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Please be sure to thank Kimster and our owner SoSueMe!

Please take all topics to the correct threads! If you want a new one, just let me know!


I hope you don't mind me asking but do you think that the dog would have been barking at something happening at the bridge or is it too far away? Do you think something happening at the bridge would have attracted the dogs attention?

A map is a wonderful idea, though I am hopeless at reading maps or so my OH says..:floorlaugh:

Firesnake if you go into google maps and go to satellite, you will be able to place where the nearest house on Wirrabara is in relation to the bridge.
It is a possibility about the dogs as their hearing is very good. I posted in an earlier post that a friend's dogs (blue heelers) can hear the drone of his car engine (diesel) at the cattle grid 2 kms away and they start barking excitedly as they know he is nearly home!!!

However, IMO it would be more likely that the dogs were howling about something going on closer to home.
Looks like the mention is on at 9am. Damn, I was hoping for a sleep-in today.
This post sounds like it is not genuine and likely written by an internet troll. Mentions the phone for what purpose and doesn't back it up?
Also for someone who lives far away, has gleaned an awful lot of knowledge that I doubt could be seen in such detail on google maps. What do others think?

KG that is only one of the posts by 543. At the time I remember a few of us thought the posts were quite different from what others were posting and what I remember is that 543 was adamant.
This post sounds like it is not genuine and likely written by an internet troll. Mentions the phone for what purpose and doesn't back it up?
Also for someone who lives far away, has gleaned an awful lot of knowledge that I doubt could be seen in such detail on google maps. What do others think?

There was another one, either just before or just after 543 who forcefully went on and on about the phone, with nothing to back it up. I can't recall the name, but I know others here will... they were so sure that if the phone was found it would prove GBC was innocent. Again, forceful and rude, like 543. When questions were asked as to why, they went unanswered,
Would someone clear something up for me. I was under the impression that the facetime call from GBC to NBC lasted only a matter of seconds. Just been googling and found an article from June 24 that stated the call lasted for one minute and some seconds. Lots could be discussed in that time.

Sunday Mail 24 June 2012. Sorry I don't know how to link.

Yes, in one of the first reports I read about it, it did state that the call went for 1.23 seconds. I thought at the time, "Wow, not really a proper call." Then the next day it was written as 1minute 23 seconds. Yes, alot more time in the second case.
I remember people saying you could not park on the side of the road when I said you could, I was happy to see that you guys verified for me that you could.

Thanks for not getting irate at my post - just thought I'd put some other views as well, as we have all experienced people scanning a post and then thinking it was gospel. LOL

JK - no worries - I needed to go and see for myself. I had seen that small flat area off the road to the side of bridge and did not realise how large it was.

You can get a few cars parked there now. It is a bit boggy though and it is all flattened out because it has been cleared. If a car had pulled over there before Allison was found, IMO it would have left tyre marks and flattened the bushes/undergrowth down.

I have tried to keep an open mind on here at all times. However, we have had some members like Keyboredom and one other that have been vehement about how much water came down the Kholo the weekend before Allison was found and I have relied very much on their key accounts as they are locals and know the area well. IMO

There appears to be a lot of snags and submerged logs in the creek but if you have a deluge - well it would push all sorts of things down that creek and into the Brisbane River. IMO
... what we tried to do today is to give all of you a better understanding of the area...MOO

MANI and team: This is appreciated by most of us here on the forum as it gives us a real visual of the area etc.
MANI and team: This is appreciated by most of us here on the forum as it gives us a real visual of the area etc.

Thanks Fuskier - good point as this was definitely a team effort.

I may have posted the photos (taken by my hubby) but the thanks goes to everyone that went out to the bridge, as we all placed flowers and we all tidied up some of the other flowers placed there and all five of us discussed what might have occurred.

Cheers :)

What amazed me, was it took us some figuring out and looking at the photos that one of us had on their phone, before we realised how 'down' the bank Allison was.

I would have thought she was much higher up the bank but I now think she was down in the mud.

That's just my opinion and I am very interested to see what the information from QPS will show at a later date once the trial is under way. MOO

I agree with both of you. I really wish i'd been there today to discuss with those who got together, and i think it was a great idea. I respect their views because of the effort put into evaluating the different scenarios.

However I've been to the area twice and walked down the embankment and looked across to where the body was found. I feel it is possible, and not all that difficult. I agree it would be hard in the dark, but I thought if one person took the main weight of the body, and the accomplice just stabilised the lower legs and feet and also held a torch it could be done. Alternatively the perp drags the body down the slope and along under the bridge, with the accomplice carryng the torch.

I think it's the simplest explanation in one sense, and after realising how close houses are to the Scout Camp entrance I think that would be too risky, I just dont think they'd drive down there as a car would make too much noise and they would know that. Whereas the bridge itself is much further away from houses, and if you drive onto the vacant section there and back in as close as you can to where it slopes down, you could get the body out of the back of the vehicle quite quickly without being noticed.

I also thought that if GBC is the perp, and wanted the insurance money, he would want the body to be found, hence the placing of the body under the bridge. Whereas dumping the body in the river further up could indicate not wanting the body to be found.

That said, I do think there is merit in what our on-site sleuthers concluded today. But I just dont know how high the tide would have been at the time. The body was found in a fairly high position.
Is it possible that she was placed at the top of the steep area or only part way down it? Then when the river rose on the weekend after her disappearance, and perhaps rose that high, her body was moved by the water as it receded and tstopped where she was discovered. It would have receded much slower than it rose.

That is an excellent point, it may have just reached her at Its highest point, then sort of lapped enough to nudge her along slowly. This would seem more likely if she was taken or thrown down on the right side rather than the brisbane river side. I've not considered her being thrown or rolled from that side (that is the area which has been cleared.) I originally thought it was for police to gain better access but of course they would clear it for evidence too
Several Twitter notifications are saying GBC will appear via Video-Link!
Possum, I'm not sure where you were looking but they've been there for ages. I went there the first time the weekend of the Brookfield show (May 19) and they were there then. I went back a few weeks later and they were still there. I particularly noticed them and thought they looked like old sheets or part thereof. I wondered about them, thought maybe they had been placed there to assist getting down the muddy embankment by people associated with the investigation and body retrieval. The first time the white sheet was spread out from a higher point going down the slope, but when I went back it had sort of scrunched up and was further down. I also had thought they might have been used to place things on to avoid mud. Sort of makes sense although I also thought it strange that they were left there.

Thank you Vibey.
Several Twitter notifications are saying GBC will appear via Video-Link!

Someone on here a few days back mentioned that would probably be the case.

Greg said he was going...wonder if he still is.
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