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I've just read a report which says BOM is forecasting quite a bit of heavy rain for this coming Friday...IF the rain eventuates Saturday may be a good time to check out the flow/height of the creek??...

July 10, 2012

Weather Bureau forecast Michelle Berry said while showers had been light across the southeast so far, they would intensify throughout the week.

The bureau is expecting falls of around 50-100mm and thunderstorms in Brisbane on Friday.

I was thinking that very same thing! I was wondering what it was doing today..
I've just read a report which says BOM is forecasting quite a bit of heavy rain for this coming Friday...IF the rain eventuates Saturday may be a good time to check out the flow/height of the creek??...

July 10, 2012

Weather Bureau forecast Michelle Berry said while showers had been light across the southeast so far, they would intensify throughout the week.

The bureau is expecting falls of around 50-100mm and thunderstorms in Brisbane on Friday.

Excellent idea! If I get down that way I will have a look, but can't guarantee it.
I assumed the seats were down for examination only. The booster seat would probably have been taken by whoever was driving the children to and from school, perhaps.
Long time watcher first time participant.

I have many questions my learned friends may be able to solve?
If the Captival was Allison’s usual car and her youngest little girl is 5, then would there have been booster seats or car seats in the vehicle. Most mums usually leave the seats up and place tubs of things in the cargo bay, unless Allison was to pick up others. I noticed the back seats were down, I found that strange. JMO

Hi and Welcome...

You have a really good point that I have never thought of. I thought those pics of the toys in the back looked fake, who takes a crate of naked dolls out with them.
Long time watcher first time participant.

I have many questions my learned friends may be able to solve?
If the Captival was Allison’s usual car and her youngest little girl is 5, then would there have been booster seats or car seats in the vehicle. Most mums usually leave the seats up and place tubs of things in the cargo bay, unless Allison was to pick up others. I noticed the back seats were down, I found that strange. JMO

Good point

Hmmm - I thought the screams were heard down around Rees Way, which is the road leading into Huntingdon estate along the parklands and creek bank, off Rafting Ground Rd? The main entrance to Huntingdon....

The Winrock St roundabout is further up and around.

You could probably get from the BC house to Rees Way in 15 mins or so of brisk walking, up and over Boscombe Rd (which almost faces the BC house) then left into Rafting Ground Rd, past the bottom of Greentrees Avenue, and then into Rees Way. 15-20 minutes perhaps.

That spot - Rees Way - was the spot on the map that has been posted on here some time ago, labelled "Hot Zone" I think it was.

And yes - I'm still puzzled about that, especially given that most locals would go via Rafting Ground Rd to get to Kholo Creek, and not backtrack all the way to Kenmore first, unless for a specific reason.

EDIT: And come to think of it - Rafting Ground Rd would also be the quickest way to the BC Seniors house from Brookfield - then left into Moggill Rd and their place would be just up a little bit and on the left side of the road....

So why Kenmore Roundabout at all?

This is the map you're referring to Dr. Watson. It was reported that the screams were heard by people at Rees Way (don't have a link at the moment).

I personally don't believe that the screams heard that night came from Allison. IMO she did not leave the house alive again on the Thursday night.

just an aside, but still on that topic.....if I had to drag a body downstairs and out to a car or to hide in the yard somewhere etc...I would use a blanket to wrap them in, making it much much easier to move (by pulling them along). It also helps disguise the body (barely) in case of unexpected company (child) and also, you wouldnt go outside with a body, you would wrap it.

Just one point re that - GBC is not a small guy, and could have put ABC - wrapped or otherwise - over his shoulder to move her. No need to be dragging her anywhere.

And yes - thanks Makara - that's the map I was referring to.
According to the link below caterpillar season in Queensland is from December 1 until November 30th that tells me that April 19th was NOT caterpillar season!! Hoping the QLD police are aware of these small facts JMO

This link is more reliable, takes you through the stages. I can assure you we had caterpillars here until recent weeks.
According to the link below caterpillar season in Queensland is from December 1 until November 30th that tells me that April 19th was NOT caterpillar season!! Hoping the QLD police are aware of these small facts JMO

Sorry to be a spoilsport, but Dec 1st to Nov 30th = 1 whole year exactly (Dec 1st is the day AFTER Nov 30th). I think whoever posted that is nuts. Also, I think it's an American site, and not applicable to Queensland caterpillars (they probably don't read American... ;) )

Hmmm - I thought the screams were heard down around Rees Way, which is the road leading into Huntingdon estate along the parklands and creek bank, off Rafting Ground Rd? The main entrance to Huntingdon....

The Winrock St roundabout is further up and around.

You could probably get from the BC house to Rees Way in 15 mins or so of brisk walking, up and over Boscombe Rd (which almost faces the BC house) then left into Rafting Ground Rd, past the bottom of Greentrees Avenue, and then into Rees Way. 15-20 minutes perhaps.

That spot - Rees Way - was the spot on the map that has been posted on here some time ago, labelled "Hot Zone" I think it was.

And yes - I'm still puzzled about that, especially given that most locals would go via Rafting Ground Rd to get to Kholo Creek, and not backtrack all the way to Kenmore first, unless for a specific reason.

EDIT: And come to think of it - Rafting Ground Rd would also be the quickest way to the BC Seniors house from Brookfield - then left into Moggill Rd and their place would be just up a little bit and on the left side of the road....

So why Kenmore Roundabout at all?

Why indeed? It doesnt make sense does it? Mani and I specifically discussed this on Sunday as we drove from Durness St out to Brookfield via Rafting Ground Road. It is quicker, it is more discreet. Some unknown took them via Kenmore

In regard to Rees Way...I heard a story that Will Truters neighbour (the one that also heard the screams and spoke to him that night about calling the police).....I heard they live on Rafting Ground Road, so would be 'backfence' neighbours with Will Truter. The very large roundabout near here is the one I have been trying to refer to today, alas, I had to go to work and as a result, I am still posting erratically and only when I get a quick minute. My belief is she ran there, was found by him using 'find my app' and now Doc, you reminded me that this is indeed the hot zone and the phone triangulation area.
This is the rear view of the BC house. It looks like there are no steps to negotiate as opposed to the front of the house. IMO it would have been possible for Allison to be carried out the back door and around the side of the house and loaded into the car.

The vehicles in the front driveway look like (from left to right) the Prado, a forensic van and the Captiva with the front doors open.


Hi and Welcome...

You have a really good point that I have never thought of. I thought those pics of the toys in the back looked fake, who takes a crate of naked dolls out with them.

Maybe they were GBC's toys??
hi and welcome...

You have a really good point that i have never thought of. I thought those pics of the toys in the back looked fake, who takes a crate of naked dolls out with them.

Hmmm - I thought the screams were heard down around Rees Way, which is the road leading into Huntingdon estate along the parklands and creek bank, off Rafting Ground Rd? The main entrance to Huntingdon....

The Winrock St roundabout is further up and around.

You could probably get from the BC house to Rees Way in 15 mins or so of brisk walking, up and over Boscombe Rd (which almost faces the BC house) then left into Rafting Ground Rd, past the bottom of Greentrees Avenue, and then into Rees Way. 15-20 minutes perhaps.

That spot - Rees Way - was the spot on the map that has been posted on here some time ago, labelled "Hot Zone" I think it was.

And yes - I'm still puzzled about that, especially given that most locals would go via Rafting Ground Rd to get to Kholo Creek, and not backtrack all the way to Kenmore first, unless for a specific reason.

EDIT: And come to think of it - Rafting Ground Rd would also be the quickest way to the BC Seniors house from Brookfield - then left into Moggill Rd and their place would be just up a little bit and on the left side of the road....

So why Kenmore Roundabout at all?

I can't say where the screams were heard, just went back and searched links, but no luck, Oh MARLY QUEEN, I NEED YOU!!. I thought I recognized the front of Mr. Truter's entrance as that newish house w/ the staircase up on the hill? (RG Rd & Winrock) I may be wrong. Can anyone help? If it was Rees Way, it would have been closer still, definetly walkable in 15 min's.

Agree about taking RG Rd. instead of Kenmore roundabout, So WHY the roundabout??

someone long ago posted quickly about creekside park, my friend 543 again maybe?
This is the rear view of the BC house. It looks like there are no steps to negotiate as opposed to the front of the house. IMO it would have been possible for Allison to be carried out the back door and around the side of the house and loaded into the car.

The vehicles in the front driveway look like (from left to right) the Prado, a forensic van and the Captiva with the front doors open.



What!!! ?? The Captiva was blue?? I always thought it was white and we were looking for another blue car? Maybe I am the dimwit here!?
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