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DNA Solves
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I've just accidently closed down the page that has that photo that Maraka posted of the car with the front doors open, in the driveway. So I can't quote it, with the link back to the original post. {I'm shaped ATM, and it's taking ages for pages to load} It looks to me to be the silver captiva. It does have a blue colour cast to the surface of the car, which is more than likely reflecting off the sky, or the house.

Also the calibration of your monitor can also affect whether you see the colours of an image to look more orange, green, blue, magenta. See the attached image to explain, and just a quick test of how your monitor is calibrated.


  • Calibrate.jpg
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Miss Marly, pretty please if you can have a look, I just searched Allicat and she is a registered user but has 0 posts...have I done this right? has she had her posts removed maybe?? thankyou in advance or thankyou just for all the other post retrievals and links you pull out of your hat xxxxxx
Zookyliz? Has someone beaten me to this AGAIN?? :please:

That was Brookielocal that originally posted about their friend seeing something being placed in the white prado. And I posted a link back to that post. If you go through my past posts from my statisics you'll find it. I was about 4 or 5 posts of mine ago. And I don't have that many.
Miss Marly, pretty please if you can have a look, I just searched Allicat and she is a registered user but has 0 posts...have I done this right? has she had her posts removed maybe?? thankyou in advance or thankyou just for all the other post retrievals and links you pull out of your hat xxxxxx

Isn't it Allycat..? Not Allicat.
My understanding was that the area was occupied by scouts over the weekend on the 14th-15th. GBC could have visited the camp, in theory, but I do not think it really matters as he knows every tree there. As probably NBC as well. Allison could have known that area pretty well, too. So she "could be" there for some unclear reason, on her own, independently. That's why I think that the plan (yes, pre-med) was to "hid" Allison there because she would be found fairly soon and because she was kind of 'affiliated' with the camp via family. If the rainfalls were not that heavy, she would have been found there, and then, who knows, GBC would have come up with some story. He did not have a story for the bridge, he wasn't prepared, hence his confusion and fear right from the day 1. All in my opinion.

Thanks grannie...that's interesting about the scouts being there that weekend you mention....& yep I think you're right re them knowing that whole area. I think NBC would be the one who'd know the area like the back of his hand.... a lot of old guys love maps....& of course him being the big Bwana descendant of..blah blah blah...
Miss Marly, pretty please if you can have a look, I just searched Allicat and she is a registered user but has 0 posts...have I done this right? has she had her posts removed maybe?? thankyou in advance or thankyou just for all the other post retrievals and links you pull out of your hat xxxxxx

I think it was 'alicat' - one 'l' not two :)
Marly to stop you being overworked and underpaid maybe you can post a quick tutorial to bring us up to scratch on looking up old posts.

Last night I ended up using google and that was much more useful than trying to use the search engine. Or alternatively I was typing in the persons name and sifting through pages of posts.

Is there a trick or two you would be willing to share :please:
Marly to stop you being overworked and underpaid maybe you can post a quick tutorial to bring us up to scratch on looking up old posts.

Last night I ended up using google and that was much more useful than trying to use the search engine. Or alternatively I was typing in the persons name and sifting through pages of posts.

Is there a trick or two you would be willing to share :please:

Haaa underpaid...I'll send GBC a bill...but bugger because he's a little bit

I left a post way back in chat thread about searching... post #354
Not sure if anyone one interested.

I just googled the Holden website.

The captiva seems to come in a certain range of colours. From what I can see the colour of the BC car is " Nitrate ". The blue is called " Midnight Blue " and is quite dark in colour, you can test them out by building your own car..

Now could the silver be mistaken for blue in the dark. I'm not sure.

I feel confused at the moment as well about the Blue car!!!

Haaa underpaid...I'll send GBC a bill...but bugger because he's a little bit

I left a post way back in chat thread about searching... post #354

Thanks for re-posting that Marlywings. I've gotten so used to you finding everything, I think I might still pretend I don't know how to do it so I don't have to-like how I pretend I don't know how to use the new vacuum so my husband does the vacuuming!
OT. Where do I go to talk OT? I got all confused when I search WS. Anyway my OT question. If a partner was elderly and ill and the other partner gave them drugs to kill them and took some themselves (because he loved her too much), would this be classed as murder-suicide? Sorry OT. Life support just been turned off on my dear elderly neighbours.

Very sad. Not sure, but helping someone to die is still classed as murder/manslaughter from what I know.

I really feel for the people in this situation. He just didn't want to go on without her?
OT. Where do I go to talk OT? I got all confused when I search WS. Anyway my OT question. If a partner was elderly and ill and the other partner gave them drugs to kill them and took some themselves (because he loved her too much), would this be classed as murder-suicide? Sorry OT. Life support just been turned off on my dear elderly neighbours.

[ame=""]Chit Chat and Banter - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
One thing I will say is that of course he thinks he is guilty lol.

I might add too that my hubby does not tell me everything because he knows I might tell my friends lol.

I do have the ability to snoop and I use this ability often haha. He really should learn to delete his text messages and lock his briefcase if he doesnt want me to know things lolol.

OMG Bayside how funny. I can so relate to that, although not all of it. My hubby was U/C for 13 years and he sometimes talked in his sleep, I would try and ask him thing about work / cases . It didnt work though. Theyre trained well. sorry o/t.:blushing:
i also meant to post earlier that a friend of mine bought their current house from gbc (and his father was also there at most of their meetings) and he distinctly told her that he "owned a house on 10 acres" in brookfield. that was just under 5 years ago - the crappier mail reported that they had been in the rented house for 6 years. could it be that GBC tells porky pies:what:

nbc was a total nob - kept going on about how he was born in "keeenya you know" and when my friend's baby cried he said he soon sorted his kids out when they cried as babies.

I was also told by a work colleague who knew GBC through work that many people were unaware that the house was rented until it was reported in the news.
The drag marks have come up a few times. I don't know the area well enough to comment on this, but could it be drag marks from a canoe? Are there locations along the creek that someone could drag their canoe down (not necessarily at the bridge, but further upstream), or is there a typical spot (similar to a boat ramp) where people would normally enter the water to canoe?

Edit: should mention I don't mean anyone associated with Allison's murder dragging a canoe down, just mean regular canoeists could have made the drag marks prior.

I think that's a good point but would depend on how heavy the canoe was, as some are quite light and can be carried. IMO
Thanks for re-posting that Marlywings. I've gotten so used to you finding everything, I think I might still pretend I don't know how to do it so I don't have to-like how I pretend I don't know how to use the new vacuum so my husband does the vacuuming!


Can I just ask - did you get your answers about the cars; washing of them, doors open etc?
Isn't it Allycat..? Not Allicat.

Alicat said it so much better than I could regarding parking at the bridge etc MOOO

Originally posted by Alicat
Where would they park on Mount Crosby Road? Unless they park going outbound, but that is a heck of a walk with a body and you don't have much notice until you would see headlights from both ways.

Going inbound there is (was overgrown at the time) place to park, but the police would most likely have noticed the grass to be driven over if they did park there...

I wish my memory was better... I was driving home one night (don't know if it was that night or not) but saw a car parked on the outbound side of the road. It was a dark car but thought it was odd it was there. It was only around 8.45pm so probably not related, BUT it was strange to see a car there. Being a local I notice when cars are in weird places..
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