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Absolutely. Given that the QPolice investigation is ongoing and NBC has now become as POI following the reveal of the 'facetime' call. In MSM allegedly these grandparents have refused to be interviewed by Police over the 'facetime' call. Is that role modelling non-cooperation with their mother's murder investigation? Surely the FC Magistrate needs to take that into account? MOO.

In my experience, they would just call it a "moral difference" which doesn't influence the outcome in Family Law. It depends on what the judge thinks is best for the girls. In most cases, that is "status quo".
This quote suggests the Rees Way location, as that is right where the Hot Zone is on the map:

"The screams were heard next to where police declared their search "hot zone''."

It's about half way down this article:

Hi Dr Watson, the quote to me reads it was next to the hot zone, not in the hot zone. As you live in the area you may like to check out the house that I believe is the one Will is photographed next to - on right hand side of R/G Rd going towards Winrock roundabout - set back on hill behind #35 and #29. It is the same colour and design. I am pretty confident in my assumption but respect your opinion if you disagree. (click photo tab above missing video)
Hi, I have been lurking for a while now, but this is my first post.

I wanted to say what a great site this is and how wonderful and caring you all are. This case has touched my heart, I live in the area and drive across the bridge every day and it brings such a sadness to my heart each time. The flowers and the yellow cross and sunflowers really do send a message that Allison was and still is very loved and she will never be forgotten.

I have my own theories etc as everyone does, and I pray that this case is solved sooner than later and the people responsible are locked up for good.

I saw BWANA at the local shops 2 weeks ago, (and nearly freaked out to tell you the truth) and then both of them walking the dog a few days later and I just can not understand how they can show their faces in public. It is beyond belief, in my opinion.
Not sure, but I wasn't certain that she has been granted immunity? I just thought that she told them everything {?} she knew which could have been alot of the financial side, as well as the fact that wasn't the loving family man he was playing to be. I know there was talk of possible immunity but haven't actually heard that any has been given. Then again I could be totally wrong. {Often am }
IMO as we have learned before, the CMC is a highly secret process with serious legal powers in use. The Attorney General's Dept. or QPolice would not breach this confidentiality. IMO we, the public, would not know this information as it may put the person at risk, prejudice the Prosecution and jeopardize the QPolice case. We may discover it during the Criminal Court proceedings in a year or two. My opinion, not fact.
Hi, I have been lurking for a while now, but this is my first post.

I wanted to say what a great site this is and how wonderful and caring you all are. This case has touched my heart, I live in the area and drive across the bridge every day and it brings such a sadness to my heart each time. The flowers and the yellow cross and sunflowers really do send a message that Allison was and still is very loved and she will never be forgotten.

I have my own theories etc as everyone does, and I pray that this case is solved sooner than later and the people responsible are locked up for good.

I saw BWANA at the local shops 2 weeks ago, (and nearly freaked out to tell you the truth) and then both of them walking the dog a few days later and I just can not understand how they can show their faces in public. It is beyond belief, in my opinion.

Hello and Welcome!!

I need to log off and go do some work but just wanted to say that I drove over the Kholo Bridge on the Sunday of Allison's birthday and teared up at seeing all the lovely flowers. I took special notice of K2K cross which is lovely. It was a strange feeling knowing, but not knowing, who put them there and also knowing the story behind it - if you get what I mean. My friends have also commented on the cross so thank you to all the ladies who have gone to so much trouble in this regard. I hope Allison get the justice she so rightly deserves.

(Looks like BigApple and I were thinking and typing the same thoughts at the same time - having just read that post)
I think her info regarding the whole 1st July "I'll be a free man for you" thing was very useful, and I'm sure she'd be privvy to at least some of the financial side of his wicked ways. Maybe she didn't participate in anything to do with the murder, before or after, and was just seen as a very useful witness.
I agree though, that if anyone else DID help then they should cop the full brunt of the law. It's a cop out to go for immunity.
Not necesssarily. There are different views on this just look at the comments of the Attorney General which were printed in MSM about it. If someone has much to lose, then this may lessen their own sentance by guaranteeing that the main Perp was convicted.
Best to revisit MSM if you wish to explore it further. My opinion, not fact.
Hi Dr Watson, the quote to me reads it was next to the hot zone, not in the hot zone. As you live in the area you may like to check out the house that I believe is the one Will is photographed next to - on right hand side of R/G Rd going towards Winrock roundabout - set back on hill behind #35 and #29. It is the same colour and design. I am pretty confident in my assumption but respect your opinion if you disagree. (click photo tab above missing video)

Unfortunately I'm caught up with real world stuff at the moment, but I'll take a spin up there in the next day or so if I get the chance. I don't see any photo or video on that link, most likely due to my ad-blocker. But I think I know where you're referring to.

Those houses up there, though, would also be close enough to Rees Way to hear screams from there - it's just down the hill from there, and the sound would carry up the valley to there. Maybe somebody should do a scream test from Rees Way? ;) The main reason I think it was Rees way and along the creekside parklands is that it would be deserted at 10pm pretty well. Whereas up around Winrock St there are houses in close proximity to the road. And there would need to be a reason that the police nominated that Hot Zone - I thought that was due to the location of the screams - but maybe I presumed wrongly....

I guess, when all said and done, either Rees Way just inside the estate entrance, or up further along R G Rd would make no difference if it were to be in keeping with somebody (GBC or a 3rd party) attacking ABC while walking along or up and around Rafting Ground Rd.

Just keeping all options open in my mind including alternative theories to the one that is becoming increasingly obvious.

I saw BWANA at the local shops 2 weeks ago, (and nearly freaked out to tell you the truth) and then both of them walking the dog a few days later and I just can not understand how they can show their faces in public. It is beyond belief, in my opinion.

Welcome :D

May I just say one thing, if they have done nothing wrong , and I dont really believe this is the case (IMO I think NBC is involved in some way, action or knowledge at least). they do have the right to try and live their life as normal as possible with all thats going on around them.

If they did have some solid evidence against one or both, they wouldnt be walking their dogs anywhere, they'd be soaping up with the other chap.
In my experience, they would just call it a "moral difference" which doesn't influence the outcome in Family Law. It depends on what the judge thinks is best for the girls. In most cases, that is "status quo".

I imagine that the Family Court Counsellors for the 3 little girls would contribute on their behalf via interviews and written reports to the Court. The Family Court Magistrate would need to take these into account in the decision for "the best interest of the children'. MOO
Hi Dr Watson, the quote to me reads it was next to the hot zone, not in the hot zone. As you live in the area you may like to check out the house that I believe is the one Will is photographed next to - on right hand side of R/G Rd going towards Winrock roundabout - set back on hill behind #35 and #29. It is the same colour and design. I am pretty confident in my assumption but respect your opinion if you disagree. (click photo tab above missing video)

just looked on Google Maps, before I drive it in person. What you're saying is making sense. If Truter's house is between 35 & 29, that is quite close to #47 where the other person who discussed screams lives. I'd say that it was unlikely she'd have walked that far toward Moggill Rd. The sidewalks disappear, & there are (few/no) lights, and it's just too far. IMO if the screams were heard here, it is a different situation than if they were heard at Rees Way, where there is more "public land" and much closer to the BC house. MOO I'll drop it now.
Hi Bayside, you are spot on with that picture of where Scrap was photographed but one thing puzzles me and that is #57 backs GBC house not #61. So was Scrap visiting the neighbours when he was photographed or was a photo taken of a conveniently located dog but not actually Scrap. I was going to drive past to check but your sleuthing saved me the trouble, thanks :)

Good point, maybe Scrap wanders a bit haha. Got a feeling it would be his house they took the pic in, seems a friendly little fella.

(OT we own a little place in the city and my daughter just went there and was stopped by police as there is a dead body in the street)

(edited to say some poor girl has fell off balcony at Skyline Apartment, so sad)
Not sure, but I wasn't certain that she has been granted immunity? I just thought that she told them everything {?} she knew which could have been alot of the financial side, as well as the fact that wasn't the loving family man he was playing to be. I know there was talk of possible immunity but haven't actually heard that any has been given. Then again I could be totally wrong. {Often am }

Never Linette!!! and yes its only ever been speculation thats true. I tend to also think that she has told them what she could, but maybe only after they purposely dropped the bombshell on her that she wasnt his one true love, and that there were others. It would depend on the type of person she is, as to whether she readily volunteered information and genuinely wanted to help or whether she held back until she had no choice. maybe the police used the 'shocking truth of the other woman' to get her to spill on the man she thought was about to leave his wife to be with her.

If this is the case, then immunity for TM is a moot point. I just wonder what exactly you can get away with in a murder investigation and be given immunity. I would not take it, if I knew something and did nothing. but then, I would not know something and do nothing....just wondering about her thats all
Hi everyone,
I am new to forums and after registering cant seem to find my way back to where i was reading about people discussing the allison baden-clay case and talking about if the girls were home the night their mother disappeared. I believe the girls were home because in the media they have shown copies of texts that gbc sent to abc and in them he states that they are still sleeping and he is up making lunches.
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