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DNA Solves
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Thanks grannie...that's interesting about the scouts being there that weekend you mention....& yep I think you're right re them knowing that whole area. I think NBC would be the one who'd know the area like the back of his hand.... a lot of old guys love maps....& of course him being the big Bwana descendant of..blah blah blah...

I think it was a pretty dumb move though to leave her body anywhere near the Scouts club, as it could be connected to them easily as they know the area well. If they were smart, wouldn't you think you would go as far away as possible from that area to make the random killer theory a little more plausible. I don't think anything was thought out very well and it appears that the dumping of her body was done quickly without much thought. I believe that her killing was probably a heat of the moment thing and the body dumped in a hurry.
Hi everyone,
I am new to forums and after registering cant seem to find my way back to where i was reading about people discussing the allison baden-clay case and talking about if the girls were home the night their mother disappeared. I believe the girls were home because in the media they have shown copies of texts that gbc sent to abc and in them he states that they are still sleeping and he is up making lunches.
he would say anything he is a blatant liar IMO but at the bail hearing the prosecution said the girls were at home I thought. someone correct me iof i am wrong
I think it was a pretty dumb move though to leave her body anywhere near the Scouts club, as it could be connected to them easily as they know the area well. If they were smart, wouldn't you think you would go as far away as possible from that area to make the random killer theory a little more plausible. I don't think anything was thought out very well and it appears that the dumping of her body was done quickly without much thought. I believe that her killing was probably a heat of the moment thing and the body dumped in a hurry.

Time was something they probably didn't have much of so couldn't go too far afield??.....I don't think smart is in their genes.
Going back to scraps house again for a sec as Bayside posted the address......just now had time to have another look at it on GoogleEarth....scraps there at the back seems a distance away from BC's??...

houses brookfield.jpg
Hi everyone,
I am new to forums and after registering cant seem to find my way back to where i was reading about people discussing the allison baden-clay case and talking about if the girls were home the night their mother disappeared. I believe the girls were home because in the media they have shown copies of texts that gbc sent to abc and in them he states that they are still sleeping and he is up making lunches.

Hello enthralled and Welcome!!

Sorry, can't help with that information but I'm sure somebody in this great bunch will know.

Never Linette!!! and yes its only ever been speculation thats true. I tend to also think that she has told them what she could, but maybe only after they purposely dropped the bombshell on her that she wasnt his one true love, and that there were others. It would depend on the type of person she is, as to whether she readily volunteered information and genuinely wanted to help or whether she held back until she had no choice. maybe the police used the 'shocking truth of the other woman' to get her to spill on the man she thought was about to leave his wife to be with her.

If this is the case, then immunity for TM is a moot point. I just wonder what exactly you can get away with in a murder investigation and be given immunity. I would not take it, if I knew something and did nothing. but then, I would not know something and do nothing....just wondering about her thats all

I know what you mean. And yes, it does depend on what type of woman she is. She may have had genuine feelings for him, the affair may have meant alot more to her than him. Then again, they could have both been just having fun. We now know that GBC could spin a good yarn... we'll probably never know what their relationship was like.
I'm like you, if I knew something I would have to tell... I couldn't sit on it. If it was the other women in his life that made her tell all, that makes me think she thought what she had with him was serious... otherwise you'd half expect there'd be others.
Hmmm - I thought the screams were heard down around Rees Way, which is the road leading into Huntingdon estate along the parklands and creek bank, off Rafting Ground Rd? The main entrance to Huntingdon....

The Winrock St roundabout is further up and around.

You could probably get from the BC house to Rees Way in 15 mins or so of brisk walking, up and over Boscombe Rd (which almost faces the BC house) then left into Rafting Ground Rd, past the bottom of Greentrees Avenue, and then into Rees Way. 15-20 minutes perhaps.

That spot - Rees Way - was the spot on the map that has been posted on here some time ago, labelled "Hot Zone" I think it was.

And yes - I'm still puzzled about that, especially given that most locals would go via Rafting Ground Rd to get to Kholo Creek, and not backtrack all the way to Kenmore first, unless for a specific reason.

EDIT: And come to think of it - Rafting Ground Rd would also be the quickest way to the BC Seniors house from Brookfield - then left into Moggill Rd and their place would be just up a little bit and on the left side of the road....

So why Kenmore Roundabout at all?

EDIT #2: Hmm - looking at it on Google Maps, I guess it's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. If it were me, I would go Boscombe Rd, Rafting Ground Rd, Moggill Rd and into the Durness St complex. But I suppose it's a matter of habit - you could go the other way, around Kenmore roundabout, then outbound Moggill Rd, but then you'd have to turn across the inbound lanes to get into Kilkivan Ave etc. But each to their own habits, I guess. Probably not a valid point to be made there, on reflection.

Here's a possible scenario:
GBC might be able to scream like a woman...(seriously!)
He could have done this to back-up the walk story. If he had heard the nearby resident (Mr Truter's neighbour) yell out in response, he'd have known the screams were heard and could be verified later to police. Then, he might choose not to travel later by car along Rafting Ground Rd in case the scream-detecting residents were hyper vigilant and noting passing traffic or had called police to search the area for the scream victim.

Might have been mentioned already - I'm way behind in the thread again (sorry).
Is there a chat section still open? Last time I looked it said closed. Is there another one?
Here's a possible scenario:
GBC might be able to scream like a woman...(seriously!)
He could have done this to back-up the walk story. If he had heard the nearby resident (Mr Truter's neighbour) yell out in response, he'd have known the screams were heard and could be verified later to police. Then, he might choose not to travel later by car along Rafting Ground Rd in case the scream-detecting residents were hyper vigilant and noting passing traffic or had called police to search the area for the scream victim.

Might have been mentioned already - I'm way behind in the thread again (sorry).

mmmm dont buy that one MOO but sure he acted like a girl with police and press
Is there a chat section still open? Last time I looked it said closed. Is there another one?

[ame=""]Chit Chat and Banter - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I imagine that the Family Court Counsellors for the 3 little girls would contribute on their behalf via interviews and written reports to the Court. The Family Court Magistrate would need to take these into account in the decision for "the best interest of the children'. MOO

I would hope so.
I think it was a pretty dumb move though to leave her body anywhere near the Scouts club, as it could be connected to them easily as they know the area well. If they were smart, wouldn't you think you would go as far away as possible from that area to make the random killer theory a little more plausible. I don't think anything was thought out very well and it appears that the dumping of her body was done quickly without much thought. I believe that her killing was probably a heat of the moment thing and the body dumped in a hurry.

You know, i've been thinking about this quite a lot and it occurred to me that perhaps the point of dumping her body there was a ruse to deflect suspicion because their connection with it was too obvious. I hope that makes sense. If there's a better way to explain what i'm getting at, please jump in and translate lol. MOO
Here's a possible scenario:
GBC might be able to scream like a woman...(seriously!)
He could have done this to back-up the walk story. If he had heard the nearby resident (Mr Truter's neighbour) yell out in response, he'd have known the screams were heard and could be verified later to police. Then, he might choose not to travel later by car along Rafting Ground Rd in case the scream-detecting residents were hyper vigilant and noting passing traffic or had called police to search the area for the scream victim.

Might have been mentioned already - I'm way behind in the thread again (sorry).

This makes me wonder, did the walking route stories GBC told different people change depending on where the screams were heard?
It sounds like you feel quite confident with this, so I'll leave it at that, thanks. wish i had the techno ability to see exactly where the arrow points! Makara, can you help? thanks guys!

This is a screencap of the arrow at pointing to where the screams were heard.

You know, i've been thinking about this quite a lot and it occurred to me that perhaps the point of dumping her body there was a ruse to deflect suspicion because their connection with it was too obvious. I hope that makes sense. If there's a better way to explain what i'm getting at, please jump in and translate lol. MOO

Understand exactly what you are getting at and that had occured to me too!

Here's a possible scenario:
GBC might be able to scream like a woman...(seriously!)
He could have done this to back-up the walk story. If he had heard the nearby resident (Mr Truter's neighbour) yell out in response, he'd have known the screams were heard and could be verified later to police. Then, he might choose not to travel later by car along Rafting Ground Rd in case the scream-detecting residents were hyper vigilant and noting passing traffic or had called police to search the area for the scream victim.

Might have been mentioned already - I'm way behind in the thread again (sorry).

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: oh thanks Globe....that is the funniest image I have had in AgES...oh dear (wiping tears away)
good thought though actually....haha aaaahhhhhh
This quote suggests the Rees Way location, as that is right where the Hot Zone is on the map:

"The screams were heard next to where police declared their search "hot zone''."

It's about half way down this article:

Thanks DrWatson. My understanding is that Will Truter lives in Rees Way, not that the screams came from Rees Way. IMO the screams could have come from a wide radius of Rees Way, especially at that time of night.
This is a screencap of the arrow at pointing to where the screams were heard.


I don't think that picture is anywhere near accurate. If you look closely, you'll see that:

(a) the BC house label points to a spot nowhere near where it actually is (as a visual clue, the bright orange patch under the letter 'B' on the label is the Pony Club arena across the road from the showgrounds. The blue blob at the end of the pointer is just about overlaying the Brookfield School)

(b) the "Screams reported" is pointing to a spot in the bush well away from Rafting Ground Rd. - somewhere between R G Rd, Melaleuca Place, and Wybelenna St near the bottom of the frame.

I think it is just a generic picture, with the general area annotated at each end of that line.

I really don't think that the screen grab can be used as an accurate indication of where the screams where actually heard.

Also, remember that the pointer may be intended to point to the house where the screams were HEARD - not the place where they were uttered. In fact, picking a direction may have been very difficult - a couple of screams heard through a window, and I don't know if any more were heard AFTER the witnesses went out into the garden.

If we're assuming, for the sake of debate, that Allison MAY have actually gone for a walk (although it is looking less and less likely that she did) then I really can't see her walking all the way up there. And while that could be said to be on the way to the BC Seniors' house (still a long walk away), then why would she go there, and why would she not take her car?

I can see her doing a walk over Boscombe Rd, or even down and around the showgrounds and Produce Store, then into Huntingdon along Rees Way (a popular walking and cycling track) then back and over Boscombe Rd to home. That would still be a reasonably stiff walk if that's what she had been intending.
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