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Maybe the Bawannamobile was parked diagonally across form where the traffic cameras face ( in front of ReMax, and all those little RE agents ).It's that tiny little parking lot within the fork in the road if you were going from Moggill Rd, towards Brookfield and beared left onto Brookfield Rd. Y'all know the one. ( I don't think it has chains)

I'd say anyone in the area would notice if something was going on that night at the roundabout, it's not really norm for around here, not usually too much excitement in Kenmore. Dunno either. It bugs me too. I would have definetly gone Rafting Ground Road.

Maybe the cars pre- or post trip from Kholo (without Allison) included a drive to Taringa for some reason, or something else further out than Kenmore?

WARNING.This is the "trailer photo" that caused some crazy posts :floorlaugh: I am just re introducing it as I always felt the car parked in this snap shot photo in the top left side was strange. At aprox 415am the camera blacked out and when the footage returned the car was gone. This was the night they were doing the re enactment at the roundabout. It could be nothing at all but the question is could a silver car look white at night and could this be Bwanna car???
Just putting it out there.

Let's not question why the Dickies need whitegoods, let's just do what we can to help them get them?

Oh Noooooo, I'm sorry, absolutely meant no disrespect, was off on a tangent about the B-C's.....

How do you do that from a Mac?? and would you mind one looking down, I'm trying to show you the small parking lot near the RE agents . cheers!

Just for the record...a shot from above...

roundabout c.jpg

I think the Committal Mention of 9 July 2012 revealed an important bit of information The Prosecutor's submission to the Magistrates Court that it would take about 5 months for the accountant to analyse GBC's finances indicates that GBC's financial records are relevant to the case.

In my opinion, this bit of information gleaned from the Committal Mention confirms that the Prosecution's case is that the motive for GBC allegedly killing ABC was financial gain. In my opinion, this confirms that the Prosecution will run the case that GBC intended to kill ABC and the killing was a premeditated act.

:cow: MOO
I am just back from the bridge and you could see the water from Little Ugly Creek flowing into the Kholo Creek - not a torrent mind you. We haven't had as much rain as they forecasted which is a pity. It was low tide as well.

Rain is still on the forecast for tonight...high tide around 6.30am tomorrow...
MarlyQueen, or Makara, would either of you be able to upload a screen shot from Google Maps of the roundabout and it's immediate surroundings? (I failed) Thanks in advance

Yes, there is also a bus shelter in front of the school heading outbound

There seems to be a bit of confusion as to which of these bus stops NBC was actually sitting at. In the early threads, I got the impression that it was the stop outside Kenmore Village -the carpark and the bins often got mentioned in the same conversations. In some recent threads, someone (sorry, can't remember who) said that it was actually the other bus stop, outside Kenmore State School. This seemed to be mentioned in terms of the 'spotting' theory - watching for Police cars coming/going along Brookfield or Moggill Rds. But IMO, NBC would have a good view from either bus stop.

Yep, all these 'roundabout stories/theories' do my head in! All seem quite plausible to me - I just want to know what actually happened there!
Oh Noooooo, I'm sorry, absolutely meant no disrespect, was off on a tangent about the B-C's.....


I know Ollijack! I'm sorry! I'd give the Dickies everything if I could. I can't imagine the situation they find themselves in at their age when they should be relaxing. It's even worse because of WHY they have their Grand-daughters. The other side of the family make me want to do bad things!
originally posted by dunnozo
marlyqueen, or makara, would either of you be able to upload a screen shot from google maps of the roundabout and it's immediate surroundings? (i failed) thanks in advance

yes, there is also a bus shelter in front of the school heading outbound

Screen Shot 2012-07-14 at 2.56.47 PM.png
Just for the record...a shot from above...

View attachment 24490

Just for the record, the little parking area DunnoZo referred to is immediately to the left (9 o'clock) of the roundabout in this view. Brookfield Rd goes off at about 10-11 o'clock, and the bus stop I think is the one involved is in front of the Kenmore Village car park at about 1 o'clock, just in front of two white cars in the car park.

If you look down at about 6:30, you'll see the Kenmore School swimming pool, and on the road, under the tree, is another bus stop with a bus stopped at it. I think this is the one that the Facebook crew had in their photo - but I think that's the wrong one.

However, one point is that both of these bus stops are a LONG fairly stiff walk from NBC's house, and would be up a long hilly stretch of Moggill Rd. Why walk all the way up there, into a potentially more populated, well-lit area with cameras? Why not meet up somewhere nearer NBC's house, say, on Kilkivan St? Or down at the Rafting Ground Rd junction (or just walk down there and across the road to the nursery and its carpark which is dark, and heading outbound towards Kholo Creek)?

I can think of a lot of places that would make WAY better rendezvous spots than the Kenmore roundabout for numerous reasons.

But - the police know or suspect something went on there, and we just don't know what that may be.

Frustrating? You betcha... ;)

And our creek is also well up and flowing fast today, but not over its banks, although if we get more rain overnight or tomorrow, it will come up and over. Which would be similar to what happened that fateful weekend before Allison was found....
I can't remember if it was verified that it was that bus shelter or the one going outbound? Squizzy'd know.

Hi Dunno - yes Squizzey confirmed with me the other day that it was apparently the bus shelter at the village, not the other one at the school.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying I definitely believe this story either, it just seems too weird for the many reasons that have been discussed here. It is the most public place in the area! But then, you just never know I guess. :dunno:
Oh Noooooo, I'm sorry, absolutely meant no disrespect, was off on a tangent about the B-C's.....


I feel extremely bad for adding that last question on one of my posts(If you don't know what I mean good!) If I could give them anything I would if I could.
There is a little parking lot under that blue awning straight ahead. I won't ask for any more help:blushing:

I know the one that you mean DunnoZo, but I'm hopeless with photos or linking! Sorry. But is that carpark still one way only - meaning one entrance (off Moggill Rd) and one exit (onto start of Brookfield Rd)?
Anyone notice how Kholo Creek was running today? My little creek was running, but observed carefully and concluded that there would have to be quite a torrent to keep a body (sorry)from catching on branchs and protruding roots, etc. Is little Ugly Creek relatively free of debris?

Our property backs onto Kholo Creek, and it was running very fast this morning, however we did not get the predicted amount of rain today, it has not rained much at all, so it has slowed down a bit now.
However I still believe that the rain that we received over the weekend before Allison was found, would have been strong enough to have washed her body down into Kholo Creek, from say the scout bushland area, or the Ugly Gully bushland area.
I believe that her body was trapped under the bridge and she got caught up in all the branches and debris left over from the floods, otherwise she would have washed out into the Brisbane River, and maybe have never been found.
Also, just out of interest, if you look at that overhead view of Kenmore roundabout, you'll see a long shadow of a pole pointing to, and TOUCHING the 10 o'clock spot on the actual roundabout itself.

THAT is the shadow of the pole with the cameras on top. Follow the shadow up to its base, and that is where the camera pole sits.

As a comparison, look at the little rosette of lights you can see in the centre of the roundabout itself - then see where that pole casts its shadow and the shadow of the lights. It cuts the roundabout at 6 o'clock and the lights themselves are shadowed onto a car.

For the benefit of a couple of people who weren't sure just where the camera pole is....
Our property backs onto Kholo Creek, and it was running very fast this morning, however we did not get the predicted amount of rain today, it has not rained much at all, so it has slowed down a bit now.
However I still believe that the rain that we received over the weekend before Allison was found, would have been strong enough to have washed her body down into Kholo Creek, from say the scout bushland area, or the Ugly Gully bushland area.
I believe that her body was trapped under the bridge and she got caught up in all the branches and debris left over from the floods, otherwise she would have washed out into the Brisbane River, and maybe have never been found.

Thanks judging by my creek, I agree! Where do you think she was placed?

(Do you like apples or come from one?)
Thanks judging by my creek, I agree! Where do you think she was placed?

(Do you like apples or come from one?)

Either the bushland area near the scouts or the bushland off the side of Mt Crosby Road.

Come from one?? What does that mean??

I love New York City, the big apple.....
There is a little parking lot under that blue awning straight ahead. I won't ask for any more help:blushing:

Is this the one you mean DunnoZo? I get totally lost at that roundabout. :what:

I feel the same about the roundabout Thinking. :banghead: When I first heard that QPS were asking the locals if they'd seen anything "unusual" and "out of place" at the roundabout on the 19 and 20 April, I was thinking more along the lines of a hit-run, a prang or a loud altercation. QPS then proceeded to create a re-enactment and later had officers stopping traffic from 11:00pm on a Thursday night. I just don't get it! Perhaps QPS were wanting to eliminate something as opposed to finding something. But what? 543's posts continually mention the roundabout on Rafting Ground Road and they were also disparaging of QPS wasting time looking for evidence at the Kenmore roundabout. I'm wondering if someone did report something happening at a roundabout but didn't say or got confused as to which one?

Back to Kenmore roundabout - we next hear about NBC sitting in the bus shelter and being identified by someone who knows him. Did CCTV footage pick him up sitting in the bus shelter and in the next sequence of video he was gone? Were QPS trying to ascertain who picked him up? We've never heard anything in MSM about NBC being at the bus shelter, yet we've heard plenty about witnesses seeing the two vehicles that night. Why no mention of NBC? No disrespect to Squizzey who told us about NBC but I don't believe it. IMO I think this is a rumour that someone concocted for why QPS were interested in the roundabout that night.

Similarly, I don't believe that NBC was at GBC's place washing cars when the police arrived. It did state in the bail affidavit's that NBC had spoken to GBC at 6:30am on the 20 April, this was obviously after the facetime call they thought was their dirty little secret never to be discovered. :jail:

I agree Makara, and Dr W. A real sticking point for me is that, if NBC WAS at the bus stop, how does this tie in with two vehicles being seen? I do believe that two vehicles were involved and I think the police think so too, given the appeals for information about both family cars right from the beginning, plus the witness reports. If NBC was at the bus stop it was presumably to be picked up so he didn't need to bring his car or be seen in his car or heard leaving and returning from his home in his car...

Unless he was waiting at the roundabout to be collected, taken back to BC residence then both family cars were driven from there. But if that is the case, why on earth wouldn't he just walk along Brookfield Rd and be collected along that route somewhere - much darker and less conspicuous? MOO
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