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On the washing machine, it maybe was dismantled as part of forensic testing. Another reason they would need one.
Great thinking 99 that would be good if they did have footage!

Thanks Rational - am on a bit of a roll now! :)

Perhaps the footage, for example, shows NBC getting into a 4WD, and the police are wanting to know if any passing motorists saw this pickup occur, and if so, could they describe the driver of the 4WD? Or did they see the number plates of the 4WD? or anything unusual (eg a ding) about the 4WD?

Maybe the police could see on the footage that other car(s) did go through the roundabout at that time, so they are sure there is someone out there that may have seen this and be able to provide a description?
I'm a bit confused about the request from a school saying the Dickie's need the white goods....what on earth did the Baden-Clays do with all the belongings from the house when they emptied it....surely they would let their granddaughters have what they selfish and horrible..... wouldn't the girls have a legal claim on the entire contents of the dare those <Modsnip> force the Dickie's to need help like that.
Maybe the little girl's need legal representation against those <modsnip> IMO
Hopefully it's just that the white goods just stay with the rental.
Let's not question why the Dickies need whitegoods, let's just do what we can to help them get them?
I'm still so intrigued about the roundabout. Why were the police so interested and needing to question people who were on it that night?

If it is true that NBC was at the bus shelter near the village, then he would have been seen on cc camera so the police wouldn't need random drivers' confirmation of that. Also, the fact that at least local who knows him could verify it was definitely him, then you would think this aspect would be done and dusted in terms of verification (if this is more than a rumour).

What else was it that they were stopping drivers about? Do they really think a driver would remember if they passed a particular car on the roundabout that night - I admit I wouldn't notice at all, if they were just driving through and we passed in the night? I wonder if there really was something else bizarre that happened there.

And why, why the obsession with that roundabout....when the perp would have been better off taking RG Road... going round in circles and getting dizzy....

I feel the same about the roundabout Thinking. :banghead: When I first heard that QPS were asking the locals if they'd seen anything "unusual" and "out of place" at the roundabout on the 19 and 20 April, I was thinking more along the lines of a hit-run, a prang or a loud altercation. QPS then proceeded to create a re-enactment and later had officers stopping traffic from 11:00pm on a Thursday night. I just don't get it! Perhaps QPS were wanting to eliminate something as opposed to finding something. But what? 543's posts continually mention the roundabout on Rafting Ground Road and they were also disparaging of QPS wasting time looking for evidence at the Kenmore roundabout. I'm wondering if someone did report something happening at a roundabout but didn't say or got confused as to which one?

Back to Kenmore roundabout - we next hear about NBC sitting in the bus shelter and being identified by someone who knows him. Did CCTV footage pick him up sitting in the bus shelter and in the next sequence of video he was gone? Were QPS trying to ascertain who picked him up? We've never heard anything in MSM about NBC being at the bus shelter, yet we've heard plenty about witnesses seeing the two vehicles that night. Why no mention of NBC? No disrespect to Squizzey who told us about NBC but I don't believe it. IMO I think this is a rumour that someone concocted for why QPS were interested in the roundabout that night.

Similarly, I don't believe that NBC was at GBC's place washing cars when the police arrived. It did state in the bail affidavit's that NBC had spoken to GBC at 6:30am on the 20 April, this was obviously after the facetime call they thought was their dirty little secret never to be discovered. :jail:
Anyone notice how Kholo Creek was running today? My little creek was running, but observed carefully and concluded that there would have to be quite a torrent to keep a body (sorry)from catching on branchs and protruding roots, etc. Is little Ugly Creek relatively free of debris?

Well for today it looks like the forecast heavy rain is a no go.I think majority of it slipped away to Nth NSW.....supposed to be more coming in tonight so maybe that will be which case the creeks may flow tomorrow although at this stage I can't see it being up to 100mm.
Getting back to NBC at the shelter and the fact that it is in full view of the cc camera - this means that the camera would have captured him getting there, and also being picked up or leaving on foot, wouldn't it? Would have been interesting to see how he left there - if by car especially.

I can't remember if it was verified that it was that bus shelter or the one going outbound? Squizzy'd know.
I feel the same about the roundabout Thinking. :banghead: When I first heard that QPS were asking the locals if they'd seen anything "unusual" and "out of place" at the roundabout on the 19 and 20 April, I was thinking more along the lines of a hit-run, a prang or a loud altercation. QPS then proceeded to create a re-enactment and later had officers stopping traffic from 11:00pm on a Thursday night. I just don't get it! Perhaps QPS were wanting to eliminate something as opposed to finding something. But what? 543's posts continually mention the roundabout on Rafting Ground Road and they were also disparaging of QPS wasting time looking for evidence at the Kenmore roundabout. I'm wondering if someone did report something happening at a roundabout but didn't say or got confused as to which one?

Back to Kenmore roundabout - we next hear about NBC sitting in the bus shelter and being identified by someone who knows him. Did CCTV footage pick him up sitting in the bus shelter and in the next sequence of video he was gone? Were QPS trying to ascertain who picked him up? We've never heard anything in MSM about NBC being at the bus shelter, yet we've heard plenty about witnesses seeing the two vehicles that night. Why no mention of NBC? No disrespect to Squizzey who told us about NBC but I don't believe it. IMO I think this is a rumour that someone concocted for why QPS were interested in the roundabout that night.

Similarly, I don't believe that NBC was at GBC's place washing cars when the police arrived. It did state in the bail affidavit's that NBC had spoken to GBC at 6:30am on the 20 April, this was obviously after the facetime call they thought was their dirty little secret never to be discovered. :jail:

IF this is the bus stop he was supposedly at then police would have a very good pic of him.... - Moggill Road - Kenmore Road (East)
I feel the same about the roundabout Thinking. :banghead: When I first heard that QPS were asking the locals if they'd seen anything "unusual" and "out of place" at the roundabout on the 19 and 20 April, I was thinking more along the lines of a hit-run, a prang or a loud altercation. QPS then proceeded to create a re-enactment and later had officers stopping traffic from 11:00pm on a Thursday night. I just don't get it! Perhaps QPS were wanting to eliminate something as opposed to finding something. But what? 543's posts continually mention the roundabout on Rafting Ground Road and they were also disparaging of QPS wasting time looking for evidence at the Kenmore roundabout. I'm wondering if someone did report something happening at a roundabout but didn't say or got confused as to which one?

Back to Kenmore roundabout - we next hear about NBC sitting in the bus shelter and being identified by someone who knows him. Did CCTV footage pick him up sitting in the bus shelter and in the next sequence of video he was gone? Were QPS trying to ascertain who picked him up? We've never heard anything in MSM about NBC being at the bus shelter, yet we've heard plenty about witnesses seeing the two vehicles that night. Why no mention of NBC? No disrespect to Squizzey who told us about NBC but I don't believe it. IMO I think this is a rumour that someone concocted for why QPS were interested in the roundabout that night.

Similarly, I don't believe that NBC was at GBC's place washing cars when the police arrived. It did state in the bail affidavit's that NBC had spoken to GBC at 6:30am on the 20 April, this was obviously after the facetime call they thought was their dirty little secret never to be discovered. :jail:

I thought the facetime call was about 12.30am, rather than 6.30am. Were there two calls?
I can't remember if it was verified that it was that bus shelter or the one going outbound? Squizzy'd know.

Bus shelter at roundabout...or are there two bus on each side of roundabout??...

#814 05-31-2012, 02:54 PM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 300

it was in that timeframe that witness saw BC senior at bus shelter at roundabout and stopped and checked if he was ok apparently about 10.30

[ame=""]Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #15 - Page 33 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Also Makara, it is possible that the reports of NBC at the bustop are false, or a ruse, but I would hope the QPS would see through something like that.
MarlyQueen, or Makara, would either of you be able to upload a screen shot from Google Maps of the roundabout and it's immediate surroundings? (I failed) Thanks in advance

Yes, there is also a bus shelter in front of the school heading outbound
I thought the facetime call was about 12.30am, rather than 6.30am. Were there two calls?

Sorry for the confusion LauraMars. Yes the facetime call was at 12:20am (some reports state 12:30am). The affidavit also stated that NBC had spoken to GBC at 6:30am and I'm assuming this was by phone, not facetime as far as I know.
Isn't there a girl guides hut somewhere right behind Kenmore State school? Is that the same as scouts?
MarlyQueen, or Makara, would either of you be able to upload a screen shot from Google Maps of the roundabout and it's immediate surroundings? (I failed) Thanks in advance

Yes, there is also a bus shelter in front of the school heading outbound

Brookfield Rd on left of roundabout...

roundabout a.jpg
I wonder if there are items from Allison's house that the Dickies do NOT want in their home when they relocate. For instance, I wouldn't personally want a washing machine just in know....

OMG.....You and Rational make a lot of sense......Oh dear....frigging hell....he has made such a mess......lunatic...IMO
I was wondering, when my girls were young, I had wonderful parent's and a big sister, my ex and I made will's that said if something had happened to both of us that my sister would care and raise my girl's, this was with mum and dad's blessing, they all lived in the same town, but it was because mum and dad were elderly....:heartluv:Im wondering if the Dickie's are going to do the total raising of the girl's or if Allison's sister and brother are going to be involved.
I worry about Mr and Mrs Dickie, poor old darling's.
Anyone notice how Kholo Creek was running today? My little creek was running, but observed carefully and concluded that there would have to be quite a torrent to keep a body (sorry)from catching on branchs and protruding roots, etc. Is little Ugly Creek relatively free of debris?
I am just back from the bridge and you could see the water from Little Ugly Creek flowing into the Kholo Creek - not a torrent mind you. We haven't had as much rain as they forecasted which is a pity. Kholo Creek was lower today than last week - it was high tide then and low tide today when we were there
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