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Hahaha, MINE! But like he said "As if I could stop you!" He knows that they should be more afraid of me though lol

Haha. Yeah, my kids say I always appear very quiet and calm and peaceful, but they tell their friends "Don't p**s her off though."
I have a couple of different ideas running through my head, but if I'm really honest I can only see that GBC murdered his wife alone, no help with that, not even help with the planning etc.
Though I do think either his father or Olivia helped after the fact. I was sure it was the father at first, not sure now. Regardless of who did what, they would have to be pretty sure now that GBC did it.
Does anyone know why OW has been so quiet of late? Or have I missed a couple of things?

She stopped talking once Allison was discovered I think. The reporters asked her how GBC was holding up and she wound the window up and drove off.
Hi Mani - sorry, I must have missed your question in the rush of trying to catch up. My word - this forum is prolific...!

The only way I know of to get onto that road without turning right at the McIntyre Riding Centre for the Disabled (which is the main Anstead Road turn) would be to go further out along Moggill Rd and then go via Kangaroo Gully Road. But I doubt that would be any better, and would be much more round about.

I have driven along that Anstead/Mt Crosby Road countless times, and I always get onto it by turning right off Moggill Rd at the Riding Centre. Yes it involves a right-turn slip lane, but at that hour of the night, you'd be straight into it, no waiting at all, I'd think.

Mani, it's funny that you bring this up because a few weeks ago someone said that the Prado, Captiva or both cars were seen at the crn of Sugars and Kangaroo Gully Rds, on the Thursday night/Friday morn. I've searched for this post but can't find it.

After Mt Crosby Rd, Sugars Rd is the next road on the right but as Doc said, a good few kms on. Travel for a couple of kms down Sugars and then turn right again into Kangaroo Gully Rd. After another couple of kms you run into My Crosby Rd, turn left to head out to Kholo. At this point the mower shop at Anstead is only a km or so away.

I agree with Doc, it's a long way around - would add another 10/15 mins to the trip I guess. I can't see why GBC would go that way when it would be easy just to turn onto Mt Crosby from Moggill Rd. Unless, GBC and and an accomplice(?) still weren't sure of where they were going to take Allison? Maybe that accounts for the stop on Sugars/Kangaroo Gully Rds and then again at the Anstead shops. Maybe they kept changing their minds, needed to stop, think, discuss options again? And then again, maybe these rumours are completely false! But as I said, interesting that you bring it up!
Little Ugly Creek #3

Hi Mani,

Do you or anyone else who has been there, believe that people (locals) driving over that little bridge every day would notice if anything unusual had been placed or thrown over the edge? It looks like a very low and smallish bridge and it appears you could clearly see over the edge and, as opposed to the kholo bridge, you would not likely be driving quickly when passing over it.

I guess I'm asking is, wouldn't a local have noticed if Allison had even placed here? I hope I'm making sense and I could be totally off base as I haven't been there.
Mani, it's funny that you bring this up because a few weeks ago someone said that the Prado, Captiva or both cars were seen at the crn of Sugars and Kangaroo Gully Rds, on the Thursday night/Friday morn. I've searched for this post but can't find it.

After Mt Crosby Rd, Sugars Rd is the next road on the right but as Doc said, a good few kms on. Travel for a couple of kms down Sugars and then turn right again into Kangaroo Gully Rd. After another couple of kms you run into My Crosby Rd, turn left to head out to Kholo. At this point the mower shop at Anstead is only a km or so away.

I agree with Doc, it's a long way around - would add another 10/15 mins to the trip I guess. I can't see why GBC would go that way when it would be easy just to turn onto Mt Crosby from Moggill Rd. Unless, GBC and and an accomplice(?) still weren't sure of where they were going to take Allison? Maybe that accounts for the stop on Sugars/Kangaroo Gully Rds and then again at the Anstead shops. Maybe they kept changing their minds, needed to stop, think, discuss options again? And then again, maybe these rumours are completely false! But as I said, interesting that you bring it up!

There was this post by Keyboredom from some time back...

#876 05-16-2012, 05:19 AM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 323

I was told from a sensible source someone saw a white 4wd and another 'smaller blue car' parked very close behind it on Mt Crosby road. The person saw the cars in their own headlights and near the lit corner of the Anstead 'shops'.

I thought it seemed a bit obvious that a white 4wd was involved, but must have come from more than one source now I guess.

[ame=""]Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8 - Page 36 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
So, is it fact she did walk alone at night regularly that late?

Exactly Pulp ! If Allison was estranged from the knucklehead I'm sure she wouldn't leave the girls alone. Surely her best girlfriends know her usual clothes, unless they were brand new. Wearing black late at night isn't a good idea. Maybe Allison would walk and talk to her girlfriends but I doubt she went for that walk late that night.
......there seemed so many’ hangers on’ with that R/Estate company, poor Allison must have seen all her hopes & dreams for her girls just slipping away.....hopefully she shared her fears with her best girlfriends. I'm sure our QPS know the answers already :please:ALL MOO[/QUOTE]

Yes, yes, yes...some logic has to prevail in terms of normality at least on Allison's part. I can only imagine what her friends must be thinking. I don't think Allison, from what I saw of her and what I hear those close to her thought, was unnecessarily a risk taker or overly impulsive. Generslly speaking most people aren't that way inclined even with the circumstances going on in her life such as they were. Can you just imagine what her friends or family would have said to her if they knew she walked at night alone? Its so odd I can't believe it. Especially after going to the hairdresser. Why would GBC even mention it? It's so preposterous it raises suspicion straight away.
If my children's father went missing in the morning, I don't think I'd even be sending them to school that day. Imagine being a kid, and knowing the police have come around because your mother is missing, then trying to go to school and concentrate on work?

I just don't get how they should have even been there. So... Allison missing was important enough to call the police, but not important enough to keep the kids home?

Do we know for sure that the children went to school that day??
The second time with your eyes open !!?! :floorlaugh:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Chit Chat and Banter[/ame]
Hi Mani,

Do you or anyone else who has been there, believe that people (locals) driving over that little bridge every day would notice if anything unusual had been placed or thrown over the edge? It looks like a very low and smallish bridge and it appears you could clearly see over the edge and, as opposed to the kholo bridge, you would not likely be driving quickly when passing over it.

I guess I'm asking is, wouldn't a local have noticed if Allison had even placed here? I hope I'm making sense and I could be totally off base as I haven't been there.

Good question Thinking.
I have a couple of different ideas running through my head, but if I'm really honest I can only see that GBC murdered his wife alone, no help with that, not even help with the planning etc.
Though I do think either his father or Olivia helped after the fact. I was sure it was the father at first, not sure now. Regardless of who did what, they would have to be pretty sure now that GBC did it.
Does anyone know why OW has been so quiet of late? Or have I missed a couple of things?

I agree with you Linette I think the golden child acted alone but later implicated other BC Clan.
If you go back to earlier posts you will see maps of the Hot Zone and reports of where the screams were heard. Sorry I am not good at linking prior posts. Maybe Marly can help?

Hi again Fergie :)

I think we may simply be talking at cross purposes here. I know the map you're referring to, and that's the one labelled as "Hot Zone" along Rees Way and Creekside Park. Then a bigger circle outisde that one, extending more towards Moggill Rd direction.

But I don't think the main search was conducted based on that Hot Zone - I think that was based around the BC house as the centre. That's only going on what a couple of detectives told me during the height of the search, when we had to search our property and our dam.

But - same difference really. All of that did not result in Allison being found - that finding was pure chance. And as I mentioned before, if she HAD been washed out into the main stream of the Brisbane River, then any connection with Kholo Creek, the scout camp, Ugly Creek, etc etc would never have been known. The river is still very tidal and has significant flow, especially after that rainfall, and on an outgoing tide, a body could easily float several Km downstream.

Just as an example, back in the days when I was younger, fitter, and a keen water skier, we pulled a body out of the water. She had been seen jumping off the Jindalee bridge earlier that morning, and it was only 2-3 hours later that we found her down near the Tennyson Power House, downstream from the Indooroopilly Bridge. That is several Km, as the river is very winding.

If Allison had been washed out of Kholo Creek - and she was only metres from the mouth of the creek - we would never have made the connection with the area at all unless some other evidence turned up or a confession was made!
Do we know for sure that the children went to school that day??

I have no idea, I was just responding to the idea that if OW had taken them to school that morning.
I've heard both, they went and that they didn't... sorry, that's not answering your question, is it?
I have no idea, I was just responding to the idea that if OW had taken them to school that morning.
I've heard both, they went and that they didn't... sorry, that's not answering your question, is it?

Is there anyone who can confirm or deny if the children were at school that morning and if so who dropped them off!
Is there anyone who can confirm or deny if the children were at school that morning and if so who dropped them off!

I'm sure someone on here would know. I just can't remember which version was correct. Did GBC go into work that day?
im thinking ow and nbc may not be involved in the actual planning or killing of allison, but were involved unwittingly after the fact, for example, gbc does the horrible deed, clumsily loads allison into the car (banging her head inside the car) and is so stressed and panicked he rings the face time call to nbc, probably crying and emotional, maybe ow answered the call, wakes up nbc.
they agree to meet gbc at the roundabout with either ow driving and dropping him there or nbc drives his own car and parks in the car park to wait. he may have got out to stretch his legs and wait at the bus stop. both in shock and emotional, ow may have waited with him or gone back to mind the girls.
when gbc shows up there is a fight with nbc and maybe ow, at the roundabout, leaving nbc to sit and cry, and wait for ow or gbc to pick him back up after gbc/ow are finished.
police did visit ow right before gbc was arrested. she may have told them everything with the promise of immunity. nbc knows if he remains silent he cant be implicated or implicate anyone else and it gives him time. all my opinion only.

Have a think about this. The FaceTime call was made 12.30am. The BCs are probably in bed asleep. What other reason to be up at that time? (Unless contacted earlier on Allison's still apparently missing mobile). Now something goes unexpected and awry with Allison & GBC calls the mobile.

Some people sleep with the mobile beside bed like I do but most older folks do not as they're not as addicted to their phones as we are. The phone I'd say must have rung for a while to even be answered by NBC in the middle of thr might, especially if not in the bedroom. If it was beside the bed it may have been answered quickly perhaps but again many don't have their phone beside bed.

So if out in kitchen for example and OW was there she may have answered it quicker as it is also likely that the BCs being older may not have even heard it ringing. Not saying theyre deaf but senses often slow down as you age. Another point is this. Most older people don't even have FaceTime set up on their iphones. It's very interesting GBC and NBC did. In fact the question is why, unless you had something weird going on, would you even use that mode?. To call FaceTime you have to select it usually on your iPhone. Meaning it definitely is an intentional act.

I just find it odd that older BCs were so techno savvy and even answered the call at that hour. For many older parents if you rang At that time of the night it'd ring out before they got out of bed, if heard at all. Necessitating a call back as clearly something was up in the middle of the night if the phone is ringing. But perhaps it was beside the bed. I wonder if the BCs phone records were checked? And also, Allison's phone service even without her phone would be able to see when/who her last calls were to.
Have a think about this. The FaceTime call was made 12.30am. The BCs are probably in bed asleep. What other reason to be up at that time? (Unless contacted earlier on Allison's still apparently missing mobile). Now something goes unexpected and awry with Allison & GBC calls the mobile.

Some people sleep with the mobile beside bed like I do but most older folks do not as they're not as addicted to their phones as we are. The phone I'd say must have rung for a while to even be answered by NBC in the middle of thr might, especially if not in the bedroom. If it was beside the bed it may have been answered quickly perhaps but again many don't have their phone beside bed.

So if out in kitchen for example and OW was there she may have answered it quicker as it is also likely that the BCs being older may not have even heard it ringing. Not saying theyre deaf but senses often slow down as you age. Another point is this. Most older people don't even have FaceTime set up on their iphones. It's very interesting GBC and NBC did. In fact the question is why, unless you had something weird going on, would you even use that mode?. To call FaceTime you have to select it usually on your iPhone. Meaning it definitely is an intentional act.

I just find it odd that older BCs were so techno savvy and even answered the call at that hour. For many older parents if you rang At that time of the night it'd ring out before they got out of bed, if heard at all. Necessitating a call back as clearly something was up in the middle of the night if the phone is ringing. But perhaps it was beside the bed. I wonder if the BCs phone records were checked? And also, Allison's phone service even without her phone would be able to see when/who her last calls were to.

If you do some searches on NBC on the net you will very quickly realise that he is more than techno savvy, so for me this theory doesn't fly.
Thinking, that picture Mani posted of little ugly, that shows the water flowing under it? well exactly under the bridge there, could be a possibility so obvious its not considered, if you know what i mean. it would have been so simple and easy. the creek would have been dry at the time? i think
Hi again Fergie :)

I think we may simply be talking at cross purposes here. I know the map you're referring to, and that's the one labelled as "Hot Zone" along Rees Way and Creekside Park. Then a bigger circle outisde that one, extending more towards Moggill Rd direction.

But I don't think the main search was conducted based on that Hot Zone - I think that was based around the BC house as the centre. That's only going on what a couple of detectives told me during the height of the search, when we had to search our property and our dam.

But - same difference really. All of that did not result in Allison being found - that finding was pure chance. And as I mentioned before, if she HAD been washed out into the main stream of the Brisbane River, then any connection with Kholo Creek, the scout camp, Ugly Creek, etc etc would never have been known. The river is still very tidal and has significant flow, especially after that rainfall, and on an outgoing tide, a body could easily float several Km downstream.

Just as an example, back in the days when I was younger, fitter, and a keen water skier, we pulled a body out of the water. She had been seen jumping off the Jindalee bridge earlier that morning, and it was only 2-3 hours later that we found her down near the Tennyson Power House, downstream from the Indooroopilly Bridge. That is several Km, as the river is very winding.

If Allison had been washed out of Kholo Creek - and she was only metres from the mouth of the creek - we would never have made the connection with the area at all unless some other evidence turned up or a confession was made!

The Hot Zone so named by QPS was near where the screams were heard and the active search zone was from Allison's house radiating out as you say ie the Hot Zone was different to the house as displayed on a map in a CM article before Allison's body was found.

I have seen many of your posts discounting theories put forward for discussion. Based on your verified expertise can you give us a summary of the circumstances and events of Allison's murder in your opinion?
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