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At the time this was said, my reaction was that it seemed a strange choice of words;
in fact, it seemed to denote that a person who was trying to disown something and separate himself/herself from something, would choose such words to then state their considered account of what they might be feeling. IMO

Exactly !!!
Totally different wording than Allisons parents' plea for her 'safety'.

‘‘We must find her. She’s just so precious and she’s so loving. We desperately need your support. Please, please help us.’’
Ms Baden-Clay’s father Geoff Dickie was holding on to hope his daughter would see their desperate plea and come home.
‘‘Please contact the police or your family,’’ he said.‘‘We love you very much.’’

Read more:

All just shows how cold it must have been for Allison away from her family
This doesn't make sense to me, why oh why would an intelligent adult (in her right mind) tell the police this at such an important time? But lucky she did!

Two senior officers arrived at 8.45am and began talking to Baden-Clay, whose sister Ms Walton returned to the home.

"I asked her what the girls had been told this morning," Constable Ash said.

"She said 'that Gerard told the girls shortly after 6am that mummy had gone for a walk and probably fell down a hole (and) would not be back'."

I am fairly sure that those claims couldn't be backed up at all. Will have a search.

Hadnt realised Constable Ash is my hero too. Thankyou for pointing that out.
That GBC, he really must have thought the police were a little bit silly,
oh how they must feel satisfaction when a person like him is xxxx

HAHAHA!!! Cracking me up!
All just shows how cold it must have been for Allison away from her family

Agreed, COLD exactly!

I read into her words in her diary and I felt her loneliness, despair & her feelings of being left behind, discarded.
I felt she needed resolve but he had already moved on, the cruelty was exasperating. :furious:
This doesn't make sense to me, why oh why would an intelligent adult (in her right mind) tell the police this at such an important time? But lucky she did!

Two senior officers arrived at 8.45am and began talking to Baden-Clay, whose sister Ms Walton returned to the home.

"I asked her what the girls had been told this morning," Constable Ash said.

"She said 'that Gerard told the girls shortly after 6am that mummy had gone for a walk and probably fell down a hole (and) would not be back'."

I wonder if Olivia sees the inconsistencies in her statements to the Police and the Media. It sure does seem that she is involved more than just to support her brother in saving him from being tried for murder.
In my opinion, she knows more than we have heard about.
Everything that she has said is purely circumstantial .... no actual evidence to prove why he is 'not guilty'!!!!! .......Was she there?????
OW was there that morning, as stated in the police report, surely she asked GBC 'WTF happened to your face'? I wonder what the answer was? Gee big brother not much of safety razor.

After the foot in mouth comments no wonder she ran from the media. No room for more mistakes. Paleeeese!
OW was there that morning, as stated in the police report, surely she asked GBC 'WTF happened to your face'? I wonder what the answer was? Gee big brother not much of safety razor.

After the foot in mouth comments no wonder she ran from the media. No room for more mistakes. Paleeeese!

Interesting that none of the Baden-Clays has ever attributed the blame for her body being found at Kholo Creek on anyone other than Allison herself.

In the initial stages of her disappearance, others had wondered if she had come to grief while out walking ...... but no not them! (wonder why?) Just concentrated on keeping out of the way to allow the Police and SES to do their job of searching.

Seems like we all know where this is going .......... when 'the chips are down'.
OW was there that morning, as stated in the police report, surely she asked GBC 'WTF happened to your face'? I wonder what the answer was? Gee big brother not much of safety razor.

After the foot in mouth comments no wonder she ran from the media. No room for more mistakes. Paleeeese!

Exactly! WTF has just happened to your face?
My God, We should sue Gillette.
Better get to a Doctor so those terrible injuries can be documented as caused by anything but fingernail scratches.
Just grow a beard, and in the meantime, keep the marks covered or away from any cameras.

A lot of little inconsistencies ....

PS If I arrived at my brother's place at 06.00am and his face was that badly lacerated, my focus would be on that. His face.
OK He says his wife is out, but being as it's only 06.00am that's no big issue.....but that face IS an issue right now.

That is: If my brother's wife's absence was of no concern and the cuts were genuinely gouged out by an of control drastically dud Gillette razor.

Makes one wonder re sis's involvement.
Interesting that none of the Baden-Clays has ever attributed the blame for her body being found at Kholo Creek on anyone other than Allison herself.

In the initial stages of her disappearance, others had wondered if she had come to grief while out walking ...... but no not them! (wonder why?) Just concentrated on keeping out of the way to allow the Police and SES to do their job of searching.

Seems like we all know where this is going .......... when 'the chips are down'.

Military Strategy:
Amidst the Turmoil of Events, Do Not Lose Your Presence of Mind: You must stay focused, define your goals and have the confidence to achieve those goals. With this in place, strive toward that goal relentlessly. The Counterbalance Strategy.

Keep focused.
Evidence is what counts.
Military Strategy:
Amidst the Turmoil of Events, Do Not Lose Your Presence of Mind: You must stay focused, define your goals and have the confidence to achieve those goals. With this in place, strive toward that goal relentlessly. The Counterbalance Strategy.

Keep focused.
Evidence is what counts.

Exactly and they were all in the military of some sort - I think a life in South Africa would have prepared them a little
Military Strategy:
Amidst the Turmoil of Events, Do Not Lose Your Presence of Mind: You must stay focused, define your goals and have the confidence to achieve those goals. With this in place, strive toward that goal relentlessly. The Counterbalance Strategy.

Keep focused.
Evidence is what counts.

In my opinion, as you state LadyBird, "Evidence is what counts"...... and to try and save everybody's skin, it is just so evident that is what the Baden-Clay family are doing..... that is all that they really can do.
The rest is up to their 'clever' legal representation who, IMO will only be able to get a lesser charge(s)/sentence(s).
In my opinion, as you state LadyBird, "Evidence is what counts"...... and to try and save everybody's skin, it is just so evident that is what the Baden-Clay family are doing..... that is all that they really can do.
The rest is up to their 'clever' legal representation who, IMO will only be able to get a lesser charge(s)/sentence(s).

It is my hope and prayer that their "clever" legal representation will hold the considerations of Allison's children uppermost.
Over and above the intricacies of evidences.
Over and above the cleverness of "getting a client off."

I dearly hope and pray for justice for Allison.
For although no Law or Court of this land can restore her in body, it would be inconceivable that her murderers be allowed to "get away with murder" due to the "cleverness" of a legal team.

Who-ever that/those murderer/ murderers may be.
It is my hope and prayer that their "clever" legal representation will hold the considerations of Allison's children uppermost.
Over and above the intricacies of evidences.
Over and above the cleverness of "getting a client off."

I dearly hope and pray for justice for Allison.
For although no Law or Court of this land can restore her in body, it would be inconceivable that her murderers be allowed to "get away with murder" due to the "cleverness" of a legal team.

Who-ever that/those murderer/ murderers may be.

Well said ................. let it prevail, and let it also nourish the spirit of so, so many of us.
Exactly and they were all in the military of some sort - I think a life in South Africa would have prepared them a little

As far as I know they never 'lived' in South Africa. They did live in Zimbabwe for about 8 years before emigrating to Auatrlia. NBC did attend private school in Zim. Prior to that they lived in Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya.

As far as I know none of them were ever in the military in any of those different countries in Africa.

You will see more family history on this link if you scroll down to the CV
CV - Read by Toby Clay, Grand-son
As far as I know they never 'lived' in South Africa. They did live in Zimbabwe for about 8 years before emigrating to Auatrlia. NBC did attend private school in Zim. Prior to that they lived in Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya.

As far as I know none of them were ever in the military in any of those different countries in Africa.

You will see more family history on this link if you scroll down to the CV
CV - Read by Toby Clay, Grand-son

According to family history records all offspring of NBC and EBC have spent time in the Australian Defence Force.
GBC spent three years with Australia Army Reserve as a training officer.

The Smyth Family Pedigree
According to family history records all offspring of NBC and EBC have spent time in the Australian Defence Force.
GBC spent three years with Australia Army Reserve as a training officer.

The Smyth Family Pedigree

Sorry thought that was common knowledge - also I did think it was South Africa - sorry Zimbabwe is different - apologies :)
Hi all, not sure if we had a link for Denni North, can't find one. O/T

Interesting now they are saying her death is suspicious as she was not found face down in the pool but alongside the pool, laying on her back with the feet in the water. She had been with three of her friends by the pool, they went to bed and she stayed there alone.
The police have tracked down two of the friends but not the other one? Her father talks on Today/Tonight, I feel so sorry, poor man, he thinks there is foul play involved. My heart breaks for him, omg how much he loved his daughter!:cry:

Denni's father on Today Tonight :(
This doesn't make sense to me, why oh why would an intelligent adult (in her right mind) tell the police this at such an important time? But lucky she did!

Two senior officers arrived at 8.45am and began talking to Baden-Clay, whose sister Ms Walton returned to the home.

"I asked her what the girls had been told this morning," Constable Ash said.

"She said 'that Gerard told the girls shortly after 6am that mummy had gone for a walk and probably fell down a hole (and) would not be back'."


You know tgy, I think about what he said to those children about mummy falling down and hole and not coming back, and I just can't fathom why in heaven's name he would tell them that??? THEN, his blood relative, his own sister tells QPS that her brother told the children that? I cannot wrap my head around that, whichever way I turn it, let alone other things they have said/not said, done/not done in this case.
To me it seems they were both in very strange frames of mind at the same time, he telling the children (he shouldn't have said that) and OW telling QPS (she should've said that, but may be regretting it now).

You know its the "not coming back" bit that is highly suspicious I mean how would he know she's not coming back?? I mean that would be on the Police statement to be used in Court I would say? He told his children their mother would not be coming back. Point blank.
It is my hope and prayer that their "clever" legal representation will hold the considerations of Allison's children uppermost.
Over and above the intricacies of evidences.
Over and above the cleverness of "getting a client off."

I dearly hope and pray for justice for Allison.
For although no Law or Court of this land can restore her in body, it would be inconceivable that her murderers be allowed to "get away with murder" due to the "cleverness" of a legal team.

Who-ever that/those murderer/ murderers may be.

It is not the defence lawyer's job to consider the interests of the children or anyone else including other BCs. They only have their client's interests to serve within the rules of the court.
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