DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Folks some of you need to watch it with the derogatory name calling. This is not allowed on WS & will be removed.

Last warning about posting rumours. Kimster will not have a problem sending any one of you off to time-out if you continue to post them.

<Kimster flies in, waves her ray gun around, :saber: agrees with Marly, :yes:, goes back to patrolling the universe. :beamup:>
It will be interesting who will be at the committal. GBC for sure. OW very likely given she attended both bail hearings. Wonder if any other BC's will be there and any of Allison's family.

Alioop do you think the parents could be called up to give evidence as they have been very quiet so could they be witnesses? How many weeks do you think the actual court case will take before we hear the outcome, wow March seems just around the corner now :great:
Alioop do you think the parents could be called up to give evidence as they have been very quiet so could they be witnesses? How many weeks do you think the actual court case will take before we hear the outcome, wow March seems just around the corner now :great:

March 11th is the Committal Hearing not a Trial Date. Court has set aside three days for the hearing.
March 11th is the Committal Hearing not a Trial Date. Court has set aside three days for the hearing.

From Armstrong legal's website
The major purposes of a committal hearing are to attempt to have the charges dismissed by a Magistrate; to discover all of the evidence against you; and to find out further details surrounding the case so that you can prepare for your trial.

So hopefully we will have some more information to talk about after the committal hearing :)
Alioop do you think the parents could be called up to give evidence as they have been very quiet so could they be witnesses? How many weeks do you think the actual court case will take before we hear the outcome, wow March seems just around the corner now :great:

Only the prosecution presents their case at a committal and the defence can cross examine the agreed 43 witnesses. The BC's won't be witnesses for the prosecution at the committal.

At the end of the committal I am not sure how long it will take for the magistrate to make a decision whether to commit GBC for trial, it may be immediate or within a few days. The committal is estimated to take 4 days but only 3 have been allocated so unless they wrap it up in the 3 which is very unlikely I think, there will be another day or maybe more allocated at some later time, maybe a few weeks later. I have said before that a 4 day committal is not allowing much time for cross examination of 43 witnesses. See my posts about comparisons to the Morcombe committal.
Could it be that Allison's phone was thrown from a car travelling on the freeway in the vicinity of the FTP tower and it didn't move from there?
There is a camera on the Fig Tree Pocket overpass - I walk past it most mornings. I seem to remember one on the Kenmore Road overpass too. These would be to monitor the traffic flow of course....but I wonder if they recorded the Captiva that morning
There are so many areas to discard something as small as a phone....don't you all think I haven't already wanted to start looking!
Please please someone find that phone

God only knows where it ended up, it may have been thrown into water, sunk, buried in mud and with the floods may have washed anywhere. I was watching an old MSM vid and it said when they searched the parents home they took bags of evidence and mobile phones, I wonder whose phones & what evidence they will show? The police searched the fathers car, they were looking for something.

it says at 114.

[ame=""]Police raid in-laws home - YouTube[/ame]
<Kimster flies in, waves her ray gun around, :saber: agrees with Marly, :yes:, goes back to patrolling the universe. :beamup:>

Oooh Kimster .... not the ray gun! Thought you only used that on the gun control thread where you may need to penetrate the heavy armour that posters are required to wear to post there!

God only knows where it ended up, it may have been thrown into water, sunk, buried in mud and with the floods may have washed anywhere. I was watching an old MSM vid and it said when they searched the parents home they took bags of evidence and mobile phones, I wonder whose phones & what evidence they will show? The police searched the fathers car, they were looking for something.

it says at 114.

Police raid in-laws home - YouTube

Was looking at this vid closely, trying to see what was in the basket. If you look at the contents in the laundry basket in gbcs hands coming out of the home and then you can see the same basket in the back of the car when ow is interviewed, you see something had been taken out as it is less full. Gbc however, walks into home empty handed. Just thought it was odd.
Constable Ash asked Baden-Clay how he came to get the scratches on his face, the statement says.

"He said 'I cut myself shaving this morning as I was in a hurry, trying to get the girls ready'," the documents say.

Inside the house Constable Ash "could not see any evidence of tissues, towels or blood that was consistent with Gerard previously stating that the scratches on his face was a shaving cut he had received that morning".

Outside the house, Constable Ash made a phone call to a senior officer and said he was "uncomfortable with the version" Baden-Clay had offered, the statement says.

Constable Ash is my hero, well done
Was looking at this vid closely, trying to see what was in the basket. If you look at the contents in the laundry basket in gbcs hands coming out of the home and then you can see the same basket in the back of the car when ow is interviewed, you see something had been taken out as it is less full. Gbc however, walks into home empty handed. Just thought it was odd.

Yes definitely something large has been taken out of the basket - if it was so important to go and get whatever it was why didn't he take it in to the house
Constable Ash asked Baden-Clay how he came to get the scratches on his face, the statement says.

"He said 'I cut myself shaving this morning as I was in a hurry, trying to get the girls ready'," the documents say.

Inside the house Constable Ash "could not see any evidence of tissues, towels or blood that was consistent with Gerard previously stating that the scratches on his face was a shaving cut he had received that morning".

Outside the house, Constable Ash made a phone call to a senior officer and said he was "uncomfortable with the version" Baden-Clay had offered, the statement says.

Constable Ash is my hero, well done

Hadnt realised Constable Ash is my hero too. Thankyou for pointing that out.
That GBC, he really must have thought the police were a little bit silly,
oh how they must feel satisfaction when a person like him is xxxx
Hadnt realised Constable Ash is my hero too. Thankyou for pointing that out.
That GBC, he really must have thought the police were a little bit silly,
oh how they must feel satisfaction when a person like him is xxxx
Mummmmmy I got attacked by a caterpillar & they blamed me !

Hilarious! :floorlaugh: diddums
Strange what OW said during that interview....

"Unfortunately Allison has still not been found so we are desperate for her to be returned to us as soon as possible"

Found ? Returned ?

Interesting choice of words knowing what we know now but not at that time.

In my opinion seems to me that she knew 'something'....just sayin'
Strange what OW said during that interview....

"Unfortunately Allison has still not been found so we are desperate for her to be returned to us as soon as possible"

Found ? Returned ?

Interesting choice of words knowing what we know now but not at that time.

In my opinion seems to me that she knew 'something'....just sayin'

It makes sense if you pretend that you're listening to the words of someone who is convinced the missing person would never have left of their own free will and therefore must have been taken, or suffered an injury that prevents them being able to return home. It's only fair to consider that may have been OW's mindset when she said those words.
It makes sense if you pretend that you're listening to the words of someone who is convinced the missing person would never have left of their own free will and therefore must have been taken, or suffered an injury that prevents them being able to return home. It's only fair to consider that may have been OW's mindset when she said those words.

No Grammy awards for this performance :what:
Strange what OW said during that interview....

"Unfortunately Allison has still not been found so we are desperate for her to be returned to us as soon as possible"

Found ? Returned ?

Interesting choice of words knowing what we know now but not at that time.

In my opinion seems to me that she knew 'something'....just sayin'

"Found" and "returned" words imply reference to inanimate object. Possibly a dog. Or a parcel. Or a thing. IMO

If my daughter or sister in law went missing, my choice of words would have different.
"Found" and "returned" words imply reference to inanimate object. Possibly a dog. Or a parcel. Or a thing. IMO

If my daughter or sister in law went missing, my choice of words would have different.

Totally different wording than Allisons parents' plea for her 'safety'.

‘‘We must find her. She’s just so precious and she’s so loving. We desperately need your support. Please, please help us.’’
Ms Baden-Clay’s father Geoff Dickie was holding on to hope his daughter would see their desperate plea and come home.
‘‘Please contact the police or your family,’’ he said.‘‘We love you very much.’’

Read more:
"Found" and "returned" words imply reference to inanimate object. Possibly a dog. Or a parcel. Or a thing. IMO

If my daughter or sister in law went missing, my choice of words would have different.

At the time this was said, my reaction was that it seemed a strange choice of words;
in fact, it seemed to denote that a person who was trying to disown something and separate himself/herself from something, would choose such words to then state their considered account of what they might be feeling. IMO
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