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" sounds OW had taken the children to school before the police had arrived and had then returned...." Could have been that they thought it was best to get the children out of the way to avoid them saying things to the Police; after all, the children must hold some 'useful account' of events.

A truer word was never spoken CB!!! I am with you on this - those girls unfortunately know exactly what has happened. And I am so glad they are with the Dickies!
I can see Marlywings or the good Doctor standing outside the court with a bookmakers bag. A fair and honest gamble is what the Doctor ordered?

Just visualising.
(only joking Marly & Doc no offence intended.)

Haha TGY...:giggle:

I may as well throw a bet in now....he'll try & portray to the world the "fine upstanding citizen" clean shaven
Driving the streets.... Tidying up any loose ends?
Again, very peculiar. If looking for a lost wife, wouldn't you be "driving the streets" BEFORE calling the police.
But no, first a shave, then a few words of "comfort" about mummy not coming back, check in with sis, then um....(thinking hard) ah yes, call the cops, and um, (getting it right), take a drive. (That mobile phone.....?)

Just on this.... Does the call to police coincide with activity on Alison's phone? What time was activity registered? Could it be when he was out allegedly looking for her that he had just dumped or was about to dump her mobile phone?

All MOO. As always keeping an open mind.
Just on this.... Does the call to police coincide with activity on Alison's phone? What time was activity registered? Could it be when he was out allegedly looking for her that he had just dumped or was about to dump her mobile phone?

All MOO. As always keeping an open mind.

I've put together some of the main points of time from the timeline. I think he had oodles of time after his second text msg & before he called 000, to drive four kilometres looking for somewhere to ditch Allison's phone.

awoke 6.15am

6.18am - phone removed from charger

6.20am - sends text msg to Allison's phone (None of the girls are up yet)

6.41am - sent another text msg (I'm dressed and about to make lunches)

7.09am - search self incrimination

7.14am - accessed the Queensland Police Service home page

7.15am - calls 000

8.00am - Constable Ash & Constable Leah Hammond arrive at the house.

8.45am - Two senior officers arrived

10.14am: Triangulation of Mrs Baden-Clay's phone showed the handset was possibly in a four-kilometre radius to her home.

3pm: A second triangulation of Mrs Baden-Clay's phone returned the same result. A crime scene was declared at the Baden-Clay home and yard.
Just on this.... Does the call to police coincide with activity on Alison's phone? What time was activity registered? Could it be when he was out allegedly looking for her that he had just dumped or was about to dump her mobile phone?

All MOO. As always keeping an open mind.

Possibly .....Those streets allegedly being driven would probably be in the vicinity of their home at Brookfield Road (where she was supposed to have gone for a walk), and his phone should have reflected his whereabouts during the call. Therefore, if it was at that time that he dumped her phone, it would have been in the vicinity of that same area. The Police and SES searched the area around their home very thoroughly, but as far as we know Allison's phone has not been found.
"And I got up ah this morning and she, she wasn't there. And that's not unusual. She, she often goes for a walk in the morning . . . I've texted her and called her a number of times."

I've texted her and called her a number times he said to the 000 operator.

Was Allison's phone in the car with him & if so, would Apple be able to see where the calls from GBC were registered ie moving from A to B in the same location?

Apple may see where he was when he made the 000 call, he said "he's driving the streets" to the operator.

Did he call her number and listen to it ring and left messages to make sure the plan was working?

I'm getting really excited for March
I've put together some of the main points of time from the timeline. I think he had oodles of time after his second text msg & before he called 000, to drive four kilometres looking for somewhere to ditch Allison's phone.

awoke 6.15am

6.18am - phone removed from charger

6.20am - sends text msg to Allison's phone (None of the girls are up yet)

6.41am - sent another text msg (I'm dressed and about to make lunches)

7.09am - search self incrimination

7.14am - accessed the Queensland Police Service home page

7.15am - calls 000

8.00am - Constable Ash & Constable Leah Hammond arrive at the house.

8.45am - Two senior officers arrived

10.14am: Triangulation of Mrs Baden-Clay's phone showed the handset was possibly in a four-kilometre radius to her home.

3pm: A second triangulation of Mrs Baden-Clay's phone returned the same result. A crime scene was declared at the Baden-Clay home and yard.

Thanks marly! What about that info that came from 2nd bail app where activity was registered on her phone in fig tree pocket. What time was that? Where does that fit in? Sorry only on a phone and searching will drive me nuts!
It would be interesting to see where his mobile was pinging from when he made the call to police
Hi all. Still visiting here every day but posting rarely. I’m very passionate about this case.

Just wondering if anyone would care to give their thoughts on the pastor brother-in-laws wording and tone of his blog post, (seen in msm)? I am constantly haunted by what he wrote, and the tone, and wondered if others felt the same, or am I reading it in the wrong context.

To begin, he is announcing the death/murder of Allison.
"Well it has been confirmed. Our darling Allison has died," the message began. "We love her so much and can scarcely believe that her gentle, loving life has come to an end!

"Our house is full of deep grief and abounding love.

To me, this sounds like a sermon. It sounds like he is trying to appear connected and affected, but is distant and mechanical.

For goodness sake. She had been murdered. Where is the shock? The disbelief? The determination to get to the bottom of it? The deep sense of guttedness?

But then, he changes altogether. (same article, but skipping bits)

"Precious friends, on another matter you need to be aware that the media are glorying in the most revolting and salacious gossip. They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy.

"They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! They have NO regard for Allison or her family - despite their 'crocodile tears' for Allison. I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

Where has this anger and passion come from? What on earth could be "worse" than what happened to Allison? Everyone else was alive? Even if, in the worst case scenario (they would surely have been thinking this way back then, before any evidence came out) your brother-in-law was charged with murder and had to fight to prove his innocence, its not worse than what had happened?

I understand there were children that stood to lose both parents, but the one that was still alive had life. Plus, at that stage, surely they didn’t really believe he was going to be charged????
I know if this happened in my family, and we truly didn’t for a second think that our brother was involved in any way, at this stage we would all be saying, "don’t worry mate, They'll get who did it. You're not going to be arrested when you didn’t do it". I mean, not many people are wrongly arrested for murder.

He can’t be meaning that further hounding by the media and discrediting of the good name, was "worse"?

Just in typing this now, I'm wondering whether he is predicting a walton involvement???????

For me it’s the word "worse" in this writing. I cant get my head around that chouice of word. And secondly, the tone and passion in the second part. What the??? There is something I feel I'm missing. It’s like a puzzle.

Would be really interested in others views on this. Thanks
Sorry, I need to keep going.... lol

Their "crocodile tears". Who shed crocodile tears????
The public and media seemed so much more affected than the family that chose to stay holed up in skull manor and appeal for understanding while they made life "normal" for the girls. Where were their tears????
The only tears I saw, were GBC's and OW's "crocodile tears".

So, why the aggression?
Hi all. Still visiting here every day but posting rarely. I’m very passionate about this case.

Just wondering if anyone would care to give their thoughts on the pastor brother-in-laws wording and tone of his blog post, (seen in msm)? I am constantly haunted by what he wrote, and the tone, and wondered if others felt the same, or am I reading it in the wrong context.

To begin, he is announcing the death/murder of Allison.
"Well it has been confirmed. Our darling Allison has died," the message began. "We love her so much and can scarcely believe that her gentle, loving life has come to an end!

"Our house is full of deep grief and abounding love.

To me, this sounds like a sermon. It sounds like he is trying to appear connected and affected, but is distant and mechanical.

For goodness sake. She had been murdered. Where is the shock? The disbelief? The determination to get to the bottom of it? The deep sense of guttedness?

But then, he changes altogether. (same article, but skipping bits)

"Precious friends, on another matter you need to be aware that the media are glorying in the most revolting and salacious gossip. They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy.

"They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! They have NO regard for Allison or her family - despite their 'crocodile tears' for Allison. I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

Where has this anger and passion come from? What on earth could be "worse" than what happened to Allison? Everyone else was alive? Even if, in the worst case scenario (they would surely have been thinking this way back then, before any evidence came out) your brother-in-law was charged with murder and had to fight to prove his innocence, its not worse than what had happened?

I understand there were children that stood to lose both parents, but the one that was still alive had life. Plus, at that stage, surely they didn’t really believe he was going to be charged????
I know if this happened in my family, and we truly didn’t for a second think that our brother was involved in any way, at this stage we would all be saying, "don’t worry mate, They'll get who did it. You're not going to be arrested when you didn’t do it". I mean, not many people are wrongly arrested for murder.

He can’t be meaning that further hounding by the media and discrediting of the good name, was "worse"?

Just in typing this now, I'm wondering whether he is predicting a walton involvement???????

For me it’s the word "worse" in this writing. I cant get my head around that chouice of word. And secondly, the tone and passion in the second part. What the??? There is something I feel I'm missing. It’s like a puzzle.

Would be really interested in others views on this. Thanks

They were all 'on the back foot' ..... 'and rightly so'!
Their own survival took over. They seemed to feel that they had 'done their bit', and it was up to the Police and others to find Allison. To use Gerard's own words to the Media, along the lines of: ..... I've helped the Police all I can .... sorry!

And. as he also stated, they needed to focus their attention on the little girls ........ probably especially as they had sent them to school on the first day when their Mother had been reported missing (even though Gerard or his family weren't 'out searching' for Allison more)!.
Must have been quite crowded in the BC parents' home with them all there.
Haha TGY...:giggle:

I may as well throw a bet in now....he'll try & portray to the world the "fine upstanding citizen" clean shaven

And I will go for the 'lucky' pink square shirt he favours
Bear-tackling sex attacker gropes seven in Melbourne's north

A victim of a sexual predator in Melbourne’s northern suburbs has revealed the horrific details of her attack in the hope it will lead to not only justice being served but her attacker getting the psychiatric help he needs.

Two more victims have come forward as a result of the woman telling her story, and police have released an image of the man.

The man on a motorbike has sexually assaulted seven women while they walked or jogged along bike paths along Darebin Creek.

Police fear the assaults, which all happened within six days from December 30, will soon escalate if the offender is not caught.

Read more:
Hi all. Still visiting here every day but posting rarely. I’m very passionate about this case.

Just wondering if anyone would care to give their thoughts on the pastor brother-in-laws wording and tone of his blog post, (seen in msm)? I am constantly haunted by what he wrote, and the tone, and wondered if others felt the same, or am I reading it in the wrong context.

To begin, he is announcing the death/murder of Allison.
"Well it has been confirmed. Our darling Allison has died," the message began. "We love her so much and can scarcely believe that her gentle, loving life has come to an end!

"Our house is full of deep grief and abounding love.

To me, this sounds like a sermon. It sounds like he is trying to appear connected and affected, but is distant and mechanical.

For goodness sake. She had been murdered. Where is the shock? The disbelief? The determination to get to the bottom of it? The deep sense of guttedness?

But then, he changes altogether. (same article, but skipping bits)

"Precious friends, on another matter you need to be aware that the media are glorying in the most revolting and salacious gossip. They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy.

"They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! They have NO regard for Allison or her family - despite their 'crocodile tears' for Allison. I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

Where has this anger and passion come from? What on earth could be "worse" than what happened to Allison? Everyone else was alive? Even if, in the worst case scenario (they would surely have been thinking this way back then, before any evidence came out) your brother-in-law was charged with murder and had to fight to prove his innocence, its not worse than what had happened?

I understand there were children that stood to lose both parents, but the one that was still alive had life. Plus, at that stage, surely they didn’t really believe he was going to be charged????
I know if this happened in my family, and we truly didn’t for a second think that our brother was involved in any way, at this stage we would all be saying, "don’t worry mate, They'll get who did it. You're not going to be arrested when you didn’t do it". I mean, not many people are wrongly arrested for murder.

He can’t be meaning that further hounding by the media and discrediting of the good name, was "worse"?

Just in typing this now, I'm wondering whether he is predicting a walton involvement???????

For me it’s the word "worse" in this writing. I cant get my head around that chouice of word. And secondly, the tone and passion in the second part. What the??? There is something I feel I'm missing. It’s like a puzzle.

Would be really interested in others views on this. Thanks

I have never gotten my head around these words. There is something "not right" about the sincerity of same.
First time I read these words I had to first check they were actually spoken by a family member and not a show-person charlatan.
Then a slow feeling of revulsion at the sheer hideousness of what I was reading.
The whole epistle is laced with falsities.
Nowhere did anyone witness crocodile tears. Excepting from members of one family.
The public shared great and grave concern.
They searched leaving no stone unturned whilst the one family did nothing.
The entire epistle leaves me with a feeling of dread, and feeling we are looking at false persons who wish above all else to come out innocent. And THAT is more important than Allison. who has been cruelly and callously murdered.
The whole thing appears to be a DECOY.
Is there anything worse to come? Except truths.
I agree completely.
The whole piece; the grief (yeah right), the anger, the mistrust of police and authorities, the hiding, the projected accusations, everything about it, just seems so screwed to me.

I keep thinking, that with what we know now, and knowing when this was written, it shows the family had a lot of knowledge and almost acceptance about where this case was headed.
I believe, if GBC was innocent and deemed to be so by his family, this article would be so different.
They were all 'on the back foot' ..... 'and rightly so'!
Their own survival took over. They seemed to feel that they had 'done their bit', and it was up to the Police and others to find Allison. To use Gerard's own words to the Media, along the lines of: ..... I've helped the Police all I can .... sorry!

And. as he also stated, they needed to focus their attention on the little girls ........ probably especially as they had sent them to school on the first day when their Mother had been reported missing (even though Gerard or his family weren't 'out searching' for Allison more)!.
Must have been quite crowded in the BC parents' home with them all there.

Yes, sent them to school with the idea in their minds that their precious mother had 'probably fallen down a hole and wouldn't be back'.....

Good point Obsessor re the Pastor's lack of passion describing Allison and her fate, followed by his Moral Outrage at the 'crocodile tears' of The Media and Others.

When The Truth outs eventually, wonder if that Moral Outrage will extend to all those directly involved, and not only those revolting and salacious media on the periphery attempting to blacken the double-barrelled heritage.

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