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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Gerard must have put on a good show joining in with all this- I wonder if his demeanor gave him away to the family at that time? Probably not as Olivia was doing all that fund raising later on- but Ian, I wonder if he picked up anything? He would have skills in reading people surely?

But what if one or more of them were actually involved that fateful night? If this is the case, then I can't believe that they wouldn't all know, especially after being in such close quarters (it is not a big house) at that crucial time? I believe that either
(A) gbc acted alone and none of the rest of them knew, but surely by now must suspect his involvement; or
(B) one or more of them were involved also and they all know what happened to Allison.
I agree with you 100% on this point.

Referring back to recent conversation, the presence of BOTH NBC and OW so early on the morning of the disappearance is just too odd. How many dads could not cope with getting 3 kids ready for one morning without calling for double back-up. I agree with so many others on this that it was way too early in the piece for GBC to be as worried as he claimed, and for the family members to have sprung into action and be there, what, 20 mins or so after she was due back? This is alarming in itself.

I know if my brother called me and asked for help I'd probably tell him to settle down, as Allison would be back soon and tell him just to make the lunches. It doesn't take much more than that to get them out the door. But, who knows what was really going on. I can hardly wait to hear.

Just a thought, I think NBC & OW may have been asked to come early that day to help with the kids and take them to school....a possibility?? Not quite sure I believe this but trying to think of all options. We haven't been made aware of any calls made in the morning to NBC etc so when were they asked to come over
Just a thought, I think NBC & OW may have been asked to come early that day to help with the kids and take them to school....a possibility?? Not quite sure I believe this but trying to think of all options. We haven't been made aware of any calls made in the morning to NBC etc so when were they asked to come over

With all due respect, I am unable to buy this at all. (Nice thought though.) Explanation following.

1. At 06.00am hours OW was at the GBC household, when the children were told Mummy had fallen down a hole and wouldn't be back.

2. At 06.15am GBC "woke up."

3. At 6.20am: GBC sent a text message to Allison saying: “Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G”

4. At 6.41am: GBC sent second text message “Al, getting concerned. Where are you? The app doesn’t say either? The children now up. I’m dressed and about to make lunches. Please just text me back or call! Love G”.

5. At 7.09am: Police allege GBC searched the term ‘self incrimination’ on the internet.

6. At 7.14am: It is alleged GBC accessed the Queensland Police Service home page.

7. At 7.15am: GBC called 000.

8. At 8.30am: Uniformed police arrive at the home in response to the triple 0 call

9. At 9.34am: Police allege GBC searched ‘psychiatrists Brisbane West’ on his phone.

10. At 9.54am: Police commenced the investigation into Allison’s disappearance.

There is more, but where, when and why does GBC decide he can't cope without Allison who allegedly is simply out walking?

And where when and why do the parents decide to come over to help clean up?
Clean up what?

(PS The psychiatrist search would be necessary to suit the depression theory, which, after a hard days night, might seem better than a random killer story.)
(PPS Might pay to get the kids off and away ASAP to allow for some clear thinking time. Back at the.... before police arrival mark.)
With all due respect, I am unable to buy this at all. (Nice thought though.) Explanation following.

1. At 06.00am hours OW was at the GBC household, when the children were told Mummy had fallen down a hole and wouldn't be back.

2. At 06.15am GBC "woke up."

3. At 6.20am: GBC sent a text message to Allison saying: “Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G”

4. At 6.41am: GBC sent second text message “Al, getting concerned. Where are you? The app doesn’t say either? The children now up. I’m dressed and about to make lunches. Please just text me back or call! Love G”.

5. At 7.09am: Police allege GBC searched the term ‘self incrimination’ on the internet.

6. At 7.14am: It is alleged GBC accessed the Queensland Police Service home page.

7. At 7.15am: GBC called 000.

8. At 8.30am: Uniformed police arrive at the home in response to the triple 0 call

9. At 9.34am: Police allege GBC searched ‘psychiatrists Brisbane West’ on his phone.

10. At 9.54am: Police commenced the investigation into Allison’s disappearance.

There is more, but where, when and why does GBC decide he can't cope without Allison who allegedly is simply out walking?

And where when and why do the parents decide to come over to help clean up?
Clean up what?

(PS The psychiatrist search would be necessary to suit the depression theory, which, after a hard days night, might seem better than a random killer story.)
(PPS Might pay to get the kids off and away ASAP to allow for some clear thinking time. Back at the.... before police arrival mark.)

I agree, (I assume) there is the landline sitting at home -that is the usual and the archaic way I call my parents if I want to bring them over. We don't have those home phone records to review but it is just as likely to have been used if GBC was up making those lunches and using his mobile phone to surf the internet and establish the trail for his alibi .
I agree, (I assume) there is the landline sitting at home -that is the usual and the archaic way I call my parents if I want to bring them over. We don't have those home phone records to review but it is just as likely to have been used if GBC was up making those lunches and using his mobile phone to surf the internet and establish the trail for his alibi .

Just one quick question Liadan. Have you EVER called your parents at 06.00am with the expectation they should get here quick.
Like...... now.
I agree, (I assume) there is the landline sitting at home -that is the usual and the archaic way I call my parents if I want to bring them over. We don't have those home phone records to review but it is just as likely to have been used if GBC was up making those lunches and using his mobile phone to surf the internet and establish the trail for his alibi .

Just thought of another angle Liadan. If you and I were siblings and close. And I called you at 06.00am asking you to please come here to my place ASAP.
(I have not said my children are sick or in any kind of trouble.)
Your response?
With all due respect, I am unable to buy this at all. (Nice thought though.) Explanation following.

1. At 06.00am hours OW was at the GBC household, when the children were told Mummy had fallen down a hole and wouldn't be back.

Hi LB1...
Has it been established that OW was there at 06.00?
If so, what explanation could she possibly give for being there before GBC woke up.
Does anyone know when NBC arrived?

IMO...The phone records (mobile & landline) of all relatives and "*advertiser censored*ociates" will be uber important at the trial stage.
I am sure that the relevant parties will be squirming and TENA's will be on the March shopping list.
Thank you for this article Curiousasacat. This was a case I followed and it would be one of the most horrific crimes that Australia has seen. Still, he has never confessed, and if he reaches his release date, he will only be 54 or 55 years, provided he serves the full sentence of 35 years. It is my belief that he will always be a threat at any age.

Just read this KAPUNDA story.....compelling reading.....
I'm back after being put out to spell......better behave myself this time.

Any one know where T M is????? Gone overseas for a holiday maybe!!!!!!

M O O.....

By the way from the mouths of babes.....When I split from my first husband.....I was on the phone to my besty girlfriend and said.....'I think I am turning into an alcoholic" my five year old daughter went to school the next day and announced to every one......teachers and parents my mother is an alcoholic......I was in undated with phone calls to help.......She had no idea of the meaning of the word.......Had a fairly high profile job at that stage......I think she thought she was braging about my status.......

Children repeat things they they hear it!!!!!:jail::banghead:

Hi LB1...
Has it been established that OW was there at 06.00?
If so, what explanation could she possibly give for being there before GBC woke up.
Does anyone know when NBC arrived?

IMO...The phone records (mobile & landline) of all relatives and "*advertiser censored*ociates" will be uber important at the trial stage.
I am sure that the relevant parties will be squirming and TENA's will be on the March shopping list.

Whitechapel, I am busy looking for the suitable reference (MSM) to the police report stating that shortly after 06.00am their mother had fallen down a hole ....
Whitechapel, I am busy looking for the suitable reference (MSM) to the police report stating that shortly after 06.00am their mother had fallen down a hole ....

Why 6.00 am not 4 am. etc.....was it pre organized for O W to help out that morning so Allison could get ready to go to her conference.....Allison was to leave by was she not.....

Raises another question....if O W was there to get children ready for school....why did G B C state he was making lunches...
OH...was he out in his car searching in his he did not wake till 6.15.....nothing add's time frame's. The lunch box's would have been done before O W took them to school.....If G B C was so concerned he would not have been in a state to make up 3 lunch box's....and dress him self.....
The catapiller's were on the attack at the same time.....must have been horific time for all concerned.....
My guess panic stations all round......Who was to do what.....clean, get kids off..get rid of Allison's phone.....and stay calm......'We must all stay calm'....:banghead: and everyone shut the crap up!!!!!:jail:

Wasn't OW noted to be there when the police arrived? i.e. about 8:30?

Where has it been stated that she was there before that? I thought the attending police said that she was coming down the steps when they got there, and then took the girls to school (which is essentially just across the road) before returning.

Or am I getting my timescale all screwed up?
Wasn't OW noted to be there when the police arrived? i.e. about 8:30?

Where has it been stated that she was there before that? I thought the attending police said that she was coming down the steps when they got there, and then took the girls to school (which is essentially just across the road) before returning.

Or am I getting my timescale all screwed up?

Lady Bird I said it had been noted OW was there from 6am....a couple of posts back....:banghead:
Here we go:

"I'm now driving the streets. My, my father's come over and, to look after the children," he said.

No mention of OW - just his father. That was in the call to police at 7:15


One of the first officers to respond to the emergency call was Constable Kieron Ash from Indooroopilly station.

In a witness statement, he said he arrived at the Baden-Clay's Brookfield residence at about 8am with Constable Leah Hammond.

Constable Ash said he first saw a woman he now knows to be Baden-Clay's sister Olivia Walton walk three children down the stairs and put them in a car.

So the police arrived about 8:00am - not 8:30. And that was the first mention of OW being there, heading out to take the girls to school.

Source of that info is this report of the court documents:
I may have misread that.....think she looking to verify

Thanks Geanie. Yes I have been looking to verify that with the MSM report. It was recent. Meaning it was after the second application for bail in December.
It came out of Police reports, the same ones that told of Mummy falling down a hole. (I have limited computer access at the moment.)
The time frame was one of those OMG moments.
Thanks Geanie. Yes I have been looking to verify that with the MSM report. It was recent. Meaning it was after the second application for bail in December.
It came out of Police reports, the same ones that told of Mummy falling down a hole. (I have limited computer access at the moment.)
The time frame was one of those OMG moments.'s all on the link Doc posted in previous post...


Two senior officers arrived at 8.45am and began talking to Baden-Clay, whose sister Ms Walton returned to the home.

"I asked her what the girls had been told this morning," Constable Ash said.

"She said 'that Gerard told the girls shortly after 6am that mummy had gone for a walk and probably fell down a hole (and) would not be back'."
Yes, I think we just need to be careful not to confuse the initial responding police officers (Ash and Hammond), who arrived about 8:15, with these two senior officers who arrived about 8:45 after having been called by Constable Ash, whose instincts were spot on.

It would appear that OW returned home after taking the girls to school around that 8:45 mark or just before, from that report. She was first noted to be there and just leaving when the first two police arrived at 8:15.

Which then raises the question - and of course it depends on the accuracy of those times noted by the police from their watches - what was OW doing for about 30 minutes? The school is just over the road. That would be enough spare time to take a a quick spin out towards Fig Tree Pocket to ditch a phone - oops, I didn't say that. Pure conjecture! But I'm not sure why it took about 30 minutes to take the girls to school.....
I said most of this oroginally....given by respectable reports,,,but was cut off for months....from websleuths... I will have to be very careful in future...
Hope every one is going well...a shock for us all.....not forgetting the girls at Anstead...I lived over the road......many years ago.....
Here we go:

No mention of OW - just his father. That was in the call to police at 7:15


So the police arrived about 8:00am - not 8:30. And that was the first mention of OW being there, heading out to take the girls to school.

Source of that info is this report of the court documents:

What I find interesting is that if OW was pre-organised to look after the children, so Allison and GBC could get to the conference, then why did he need to call daddy to look after the children?
I said most of this oroginally....given by respectable reports,,,but was cut off for months....from websleuths... I will have to be very careful in future...
Hope every one is going well...a shock for us all.....not forgetting the girls at Anstead...I lived over the road......many years ago.....

Wow Geanie, cut off for months? Rough eh? I LIKE YOUR STYLE :rocker:
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