DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Yes there was "talk" re the hard drives being wiped. From our verified insider squizzey1...make of it what you will.

Thanks Marly. I don't believe the "talk" about the hard drives being wiped. I also don't believe the rumour about the batwater aka bath water. Similarly, I find it exceedingly difficult to believe the rumour about NBC being seen in the bus shelter at the roundabout.

Roll on committal hearing.

Another possibility is that he may have only found her phone in the pocket of her tracky pants when he was out at Kholo Creek - and suddenly realized that it could have had location services switched on and tracked the entire journey. So maybe he grabbed it before rolling her off the bridge, then got rid of it on the way home? Just another vague possibility.

KG1 - all sorts of stuff can be recovered from a found phone, especially an iPhone which is what Allison had. And especially if she had tracking apps on there such as "Find My Friends" - which GBC had on his. He said he used it, but he didn't - the judge commented that he must have been stupid to say he used it when he hadn't. But Allison's may have been running, so the track would have been recoverable. Also any texts including the ones he sent that morning, but which we only presume got to Allison's phone - we don't actually know that. As they both had iPhones, the messages could have gone via iMessage and not via the phone system at all.

Also Allison's Contacts list, her Calendar, her Notes if she used them.

Now presumably the Police could have got a lot of that stuff from the home computer that Allison used to sync her phone to - it stores backups. So whatever was on there that could have been incriminating would presumably have been something that occurred after the last sync.

And of course we know that details such as phone going on and off charger are logged.

Lots more too, especially with that Cellebrite software that is used by Forensic techs.

Dr Watson How strong do you believe the evidence of GBC putting his phone on and off the charger is. If the facetime call and search for taking the 5th is
discounted, could the on/off charger be called into question?
The missing phone has always intrigued me too. Just why was it missing, and what was on it that was so incriminating or bore witness to another's lies? To those of my fellow posters who are less technically challenged than myself, what can be on a phone, but untraceable via the provider or provider records?
What could be more incriminating than a photo of one's assailant in action.
Or the phone switched on and recording all that was actually said by one's assailant during a tooth and nail fight for one's life.
Then that same assailant discovering all THAT after the event.
Not that I'm suggesting anything here, just mulling over matters.
Seems a certain phone had to be vaporized. Anywhere between coast and home. Must have been a darned good reason.
Personally and I have always maintained I think GBC is too 'shnoop' (miserly) to get rid of her phone. It had a value. ($$$)
My son gave me his when he upgraded and I did not like it. I allowed it to die and removed the sim and (Important) took it off message. It is now 'invisible'.
Hell, it could be the phone he was on all the time in public view ! (To hide the scars)
Personally and I have always maintained I think GBC is too 'shnoop' (miserly) to get rid of her phone. It had a value. ($$$)
My son gave me his when he upgraded and I did not like it. I allowed it to die and removed the sim and (Important) took it off message. It is now 'invisible'.
Hell, it could be the phone he was on all the time in public view ! (To hide the scars)

Hi. I think the police would have ended up checking the phone he was using after she disappeared.
Just my thoughts, I think he would have been far too worried about what stories the phone could tell to worry about the monetary value.
What could be more incriminating than a photo of one's assailant in action.
Or the phone switched on and recording all that was actually said by one's assailant during a tooth and nail fight for one's life.
Then that same assailant discovering all THAT after the event.
Not that I'm suggesting anything here, just mulling over matters.
Seems a certain phone had to be vaporized. Anywhere between coast and home. Must have been a darned good reason.

Couldn't a photo or a recording just be deleted, without the need to destroy the phone?
Couldn't a photo or a recording just be deleted, without the need to destroy the phone?

Yes - and he would have known how to (so not because of not knowing how to) so there must be something else- coupled with the need for the phone to have gone with her to support the "gone for a walk" theory - I certainly would never go for a walk without my phone and I walk in a much more populous suburb - so I wonder what story the phone had to tell -
Perhaps the on and off charge ? But it seems GBC didn't know that the phone recorded that ( hence his story of being fast asleep all night - with his phone popping itself on and off charge)
Hopefully we will hear more about the phone next week - I can't believe this has been going on for almost 11 months - I remember hearing that Allison had gone missing I had just got back to Sydney after a few days on the Gold Coast - I remember that at first it was thought she had gone off - maybe abducted maybe with someone of her free will - but then it unfolded and there was that dreadful interview and ( groan) the granny pash - then it was oh my gosh when will they arrest him
Dr Watson How strong do you believe the evidence of GBC putting his phone on and off the charger is. If the facetime call and search for taking the 5th is
discounted, could the on/off charger be called into question?

Morning HGL :)

The on/off charger event DID happen. As reported in the MSM. I'm not disclosing anything new here, as it merely confirms what the MSM has already reported, but the tech report on the phone was impressively thorough, and the police obtained an identical phone to put through the same processes (eg on/off charger) to make absolutely certain they were interpreting the log files correctly. They were.

In other words, they set up a controlled experiment with an identical phone. Very impressive stuff. So what was reported in the MSM about the charger was spot on.

Just re your other two points above - the "taking the fifth" query wasn't discounted - it happened. But the defence are claiming that the significance of it is different from the interpretation put on it by the prosecution. And the Facetime call - well I can't comment on that, as I don't have a MSM link, but the information is available to anyone who wishes to buy it from the court.
Thanks Marly. I don't believe the "talk" about the hard drives being wiped. I also don't believe the rumour about the batwater aka bath water. Similarly, I find it exceedingly difficult to believe the rumour about NBC being seen in the bus shelter at the roundabout.

Roll on committal hearing.


same here for me makara
The missing phone has always intrigued me too. Just why was it missing, and what was on it that was so incriminating or bore witness to another's lies? To those of my fellow posters who are less technically challenged than myself, what can be on a phone, but untraceable via the provider or provider records?

I wonder if Alison (or one if her friends) had taken photos of bruising or other evidence of prior physical altercations with GBC (assuming this had happened in the past as I think an insider had alluded to in previous posts). Or maybe Alison had taken photos of GBC with a woman other than TM and had threatened to expose him to TM at the conference or to his parents? But I'm thinking photos of something GBC did not want anyone (or perhaps someone in particular) to see. If she didn't synch her phone wouldn't the photos only be on that phone? IMOO. Apologies if this has been proposed before
I wonder if Alison (or one if her friends) had taken photos of bruising or other evidence of prior physical altercations with GBC (assuming this had happened in the past as I think an insider had alluded to in previous posts). Or maybe Alison had taken photos of GBC with a woman other than TM and had threatened to expose him to TM at the conference or to his parents? But I'm thinking photos of something GBC did not want anyone (or perhaps someone in particular) to see. If she didn't synch her phone wouldn't the photos only be on that phone? IMOO. Apologies if this has been proposed before

Very good thought.

Which makes me wonder... since we're all here pondering over what might/ could possibly be on that phone that maybe that's exactly why GBC got rid of it... because he also wasn't sure what could be on it. There might not have been anything in particular he was trying to hide, but he may have been worried about what she could have on there that could be used against him.
Very good thought.

Which makes me wonder... since we're all here pondering over what might/ could possibly be on that phone that maybe that's exactly why GBC got rid of it... because he also wasn't sure what could be on it. There might not have been anything in particular he was trying to hide, but he may have been worried about what she could have on there that could be used against him.

Excellent point, and good thinking outside the box, as they say :)

Maybe there was NOTHING on the phone of note - but GBC just thought there MAY be? I like it....
Another possibility is that he may have only found her phone in the pocket of her tracky pants when he was out at Kholo Creek - and suddenly realized that it could have had location services switched on and tracked the entire journey. So maybe he grabbed it before rolling her off the bridge, then got rid of it on the way home? Just another vague possibility.

Tracky daks doc? Pockets for phones? Sorry, I don't buy that one. The mannequin QPS put on the side of the road revealed 3/4 pants without any pockets.
At the 2nd bail hearing Magistrate Applegate said that it was very foolish of GBC to say that he had checked the 'find my friends app' when in fact he had not used it. That would indicate that perhaps the forensics of GBC's phone were presented at the hearing.

I'd like to propose a hypothesis that perhaps one of the bright young police officers who attended that morning around 8am may have picked up GBC's phone (not knowing that he had not checked his app), opened the app and did a check for themself. Wouldn't GBC's jaw have dropped when it pinged!!!

That would explain the MSM report of the phone being within a 150m radius of the 'hot spot'. We never knew where the precise location of the centre of the circle was at the time, perhaps it was the scene of the crime all the time.

If this hypothesis is correct then I wonder if GBC had time to go retrieve Allison's phone before the searches started. The search warrant didn't take effect until after 3pm, I think the judge said.
Tracky daks doc? Pockets for phones? Sorry, I don't buy that one. The mannequin QPS put on the side of the road revealed 3/4 pants without any pockets.

Yup - already had that error pointed out to me ;)

But then I'm not intimately familiar with womens' clothing :waitasec:

It was just a thought that the perp may have found the phone subsequent to the dastardly deeds. The pocket was one idea too specific.
At the 2nd bail hearing Magistrate Applegate said that it was very foolish of GBC to say that he had checked the 'find my friends app' when in fact he had not used it. That would indicate that perhaps the forensics of GBC's phone were presented at the hearing.

I'd like to propose a hypothesis that perhaps one of the bright young police officers who attended that morning around 8am may have picked up GBC's phone (not knowing that he had not checked his app), opened the app and did a check for themself. Wouldn't GBC's jaw have dropped when it pinged!!!

That would explain the MSM report of the phone being within a 150m radius of the 'hot spot'. We never knew where the precise location of the centre of the circle was at the time, perhaps it was the scene of the crime all the time.

If this hypothesis is correct then I wonder if GBC had time to go retrieve Allison's phone before the searches started. The search warrant didn't take effect until after 3pm, I think the judge said.

Excellent thinking there MM. That could indeed have been where the 150m radius came from. And you're correct that the search warrant was in the afternoon, which would indeed have given GBC or whoever else the chance to retrieve the phone and either turn it off, or simply to take it somewhere in a panic and ditch it - within range of the Fig Tree Pocket tower, where it lay until the battery ran out?

That could certainly explain the apparent discrepancy between the "150m radius of the house" thing, and the connection to the FTP tower until the battery went dead.

So WHO was prowling around the BC house in between the arrival of the police at around 8am, and the search warrant time, and WHO then took a drive??
Excellent thinking there MM. That could indeed have been where the 150m radius came from. And you're correct that the search warrant was in the afternoon, which would indeed have given GBC or whoever else the chance to retrieve the phone and either turn it off, or simply to take it somewhere in a panic and ditch it - within range of the Fig Tree Pocket tower, where it lay until the battery ran out?

That could certainly explain the apparent discrepancy between the "150m radius of the house" thing, and the connection to the FTP tower until the battery went dead.

So WHO was prowling around the BC house in between the arrival of the police at around 8am, and the search warrant time, and WHO then took a drive??

I can remember someone on this thread (apologies to whomever it was) saying that they'd pinged the FTP tower when they were driving within the Brookfield area. I google-mapped it at the time and thought - ooh that's interesting; GBC would have driven down there every day.

Think we need to let go the line-of-sight idea with the towers and expand our vision more peripherally.
At the 2nd bail hearing Magistrate Applegate said that it was very foolish of GBC to say that he had checked the 'find my friends app' when in fact he had not used it. That would indicate that perhaps the forensics of GBC's phone were presented at the hearing.

I'd like to propose a hypothesis that perhaps one of the bright young police officers who attended that morning around 8am may have picked up GBC's phone (not knowing that he had not checked his app), opened the app and did a check for themself. Wouldn't GBC's jaw have dropped when it pinged!!!

That would explain the MSM report of the phone being within a 150m radius of the 'hot spot'. We never knew where the precise location of the centre of the circle was at the time, perhaps it was the scene of the crime all the time.

If this hypothesis is correct then I wonder if GBC had time to go retrieve Allison's phone before the searches started. The search warrant didn't take effect until after 3pm, I think the judge said.

Yup love it - and that is why it took Olivia so long to get back from dropping the girls at school! She picked it up and dumped it somewhere good and proper. She was one of the last people to have contact with Allison and we can only imagine that this was about sleepovers and kids...... but .......
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