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A big THANK YOU in advance to all who will attempt to be present in Court on Monday !! We are all very appreciative of your effort.

I have mixed feeling about the whole thing. Many months have passed since the second Bail Hearing and I hope the Detectives have managed to piece together more of what went on in April of last year. I feel for the Dickies and those little girls, and I would imagine that all they want now (as they cannot have Allison back) is for this man to pay for what he did. I also feel we can expect the unexpected with GBC and I would not be surprised if he puts on another "show" of some sort before the Committal. A little bit hurt? ... but not enough to do himself in! IMO.
I have been here since day one. I have wanted justice for Allison as much as anyone of you but I'm going through weird feelings on this courtcase. Is anybody else feeling what I'm going through? I don't know how to explain it but I'm actually feeling scared and anxious about this. The excitement has ebbed and now I'm kinda feeling fear or dread. I guess I'm fearful of justice not being served and I actually am readying myself because IF/MAYBE he eventually walks free I know I will be a basketcase & will therapy (or something). It's crunch's like I've been training for the last year and now the big race is on.
Anyone else feeling similar? Hopefull tomorrow I'l feel differently.
Please don't put me down with my feelings here as I'm wanting to share my thoughts?

they'll get you....we're going to have to bring you back to the bright side.

How about a little dose of Crown Prosecutor Danny Boyle's outstanding achievements in the court of law??

June 20, 2012

Mr Boyle is an experienced prosecutor who has tried a number of murder trials, including one in 2009 which led to the conviction of a Hervey Bay man who paid a hitman $10,000 to murder his wife.

In April 2010, Mr Boyle prosecuted a man convicted and jailed for nine years for the manslaughter of his de facto wife in September 2008.

More recently Mr Boyle won convictions against two teenagers who brutally bashed a 52-year-old man to death in an inner-Brisbane city park in July 2008, and three dangerous prisoners convicted of killing a fellow central Queensland jail inmate 12 years ago.
I wonder what chance GBC thinks he has of getting off? Would he still be confident or think he's doomed?

I doubt he sees himself sitting in a jail cell for 15 years. lol
I'll also add in Justice Boddice's comment about the case back at the first bail hearing...


June 22, 2012

Prosecutor Danny Boyle conceded the Crown’s case was “circumstantial” but argued it was “compelling” when the circumstances were put together

Justice Boddice disagreed with the defence submission that the Crown case was “weak”. While circumstantial, it could “be taken by a jury as strong evidence”.

ps...they'll get you...Allison has a lot of good men on her side ;)
Let's just see how long it's taken me to pick this up but Marlywings, when did you go from being a Mini Mod to Moderator? Belated congrats!!!
Let's just see how long it's taken me to pick this up but Marlywings, when did you go from being a Mini Mod to Moderator? Belated congrats!!!

Where have you been LollyPop? Marly has been a mod forever and she's done a fantastic job too. So many good people on this thread. I don't post often but I read every single post. Just ask my husband who says I'm addicted to this case and I'd have to agree. A special shout out to Alioop and Dr Watson. I always look forward to your answers to our questions. Much appreciated. I dearly wish I could attend court next week but I'm a few hours drive from Brisbane so it's just not possible. I thank those people who are attending for your court reports. Looking forward to being a step closer in getting justice for Allison.
Where have you been LollyPop? Marly has been a mod forever and she's done a fantastic job too. So many good people on this thread. I don't post often but I read every single post. Just ask my husband who says I'm addicted to this case and I'd have to agree. A special shout out to Alioop and Dr Watson. I always look forward to your answers to our questions. Much appreciated. I dearly wish I could attend court next week but I'm a few hours drive from Brisbane so it's just not possible. I thank those people who are attending for your court reports. Looking forward to being a step closer in getting justice for Allison.

Sorry to quote my own post but I didn't mean to be rude LollyPop. I hope you don't take offence at my comment. That's why I don't post often as I don't like offending anyone.
Let's just see how long it's taken me to pick this up but Marlywings, when did you go from being a Mini Mod to Moderator? Belated congrats!!!

Thankyou LollyPop!....I started as a mini-mod end of July 2012 & became a moderator back in the first week or so of January :)
I have been here since day one. I have wanted justice for Allison as much as anyone of you but I'm going through weird feelings on this courtcase. Is anybody else feeling what I'm going through? I don't know how to explain it but I'm actually feeling scared and anxious about this. The excitement has ebbed and now I'm kinda feeling fear or dread. I guess I'm fearful of justice not being served and I actually am readying myself because IF/MAYBE he eventually walks free I know I will be a basketcase & will therapy (or something). It's crunch's like I've been training for the last year and now the big race is on.
Anyone else feeling similar? Hopefull tomorrow I'l feel differently.
Please don't put me down with my feelings here as I'm wanting to share my thoughts?
To dear They'll get you, You are not alone. Reckon all who can "know, sense, and feel" the truth of this event, yet not be able to prove it, share this horrible unease with you.
But, about now, I would like to tell you a little story about a Snowflakes chance in Hell. Once upon a time, there was a little snowflake, .............
Now the only hope for that little snowflake to survive, is for there to be some very crooked business going on somewhere. Or some-one getting paid off somewhere. But, (and this is the good bit, we are in Australia) that too is most unlikely.
And I seriously don't think any crookedness would be with the QPS. On the contrary. They need applauding IMO.
So that leaves the Court system in Australia, or someone/s within the Court system, or someone higher up.
I, a humble Australian citizen, hope earnestly and truly, that all loopholes will be locked, and that the Australian Judicial System will stand proud.
May Australia be seen as a Country of where Justice, Honour, Truth and Integrity prevails.
May Justice for Allison Baden Clay of Queensland Australia, prevail.
Hi Everyone,
Can't believe I am finally posting..due to my technical insufficiencies I have not been able to get all the registering process a-happening'. Have followed this thread since the beginning, and This case has really provoked some very deep emotions and thoughts. In fact, trying to scope the human suffering and the flow-on effect in the lives of so many of Allison's nearest and dearest often becomes just too huge to take in, understand, express or affirm in words..but in my own little corner of the world, I know the memory of Allison has often compelled me to give thanks for the joy and privilege of being able to tuck my precious little daughter into bed each night, and i have told her how much I love her over and over again, simply because I have the chance to do so. I will always cherish the privilege.
To dear They'll get you, You are not alone. Reckon all who can "know, sense, and feel" the truth of this event, yet not be able to prove it, share this horrible unease with you.
But, about now, I would like to tell you a little story about a Snowflakes chance in Hell. Once upon a time, there was a little snowflake, .............
Now the only hope for that little snowflake to survive, is for there to be some very crooked business going on somewhere. Or some-one getting paid off somewhere. But, (and this is the good bit, we are in Australia) that too is most unlikely.
And I seriously don't think any crookedness would be with the QPS. On the contrary. They need applauding IMO.
So that leaves the Court system in Australia, or someone/s within the Court system, or someone higher up.
I, a humble Australian citizen, hope earnestly and truly, that all loopholes will be locked, and that the Australian Judicial System will stand proud.
May Australia be seen as a Country of where Justice, Honour, Truth and Integrity prevails.
May Justice for Allison Baden Clay of Queensland Australia, prevail.

I am highly reflective now that the court date draws close. Today I see the word truth in many posts and I explore in my mind what this concept of truth, means to different people. For the non scientist, there is no objective reality of truth only the interpretation of those that seek it. As such, my concern has always been that many of the key people to be examined have their own version of "truth" that they truly do believe to be representative of reality. It is not however - websluethers and the media have been providing evidence of this from day one.

But my point is not that people lie so much - but that they actually see themsleves as honest and truthful people, even if their version of the truth is very much skewed from reality (like some religions and "ministers"). Therefore it wouldn't surprise me if GBC himself and his family are truly convinced that he had nothing to do with the death of his wife. My point is - this is the demeanour I am expecting next week. Opinion only.
Thankyou LollyPop!....I started as a mini-mod end of July 2012 & became a moderator back in the first week or so of January :)

Ah so only two months....not as bad as I feared :laughcry: It's a good thing I'm not working on this case
The defence team would have all 433 statements. One cannot in a demoncratic society withhold statements from the accused. He has a right to defend himself and receive a fair trial. This is not achieved by "blindsiding" him with new information at trial. I believe both the prosecution and defence agreed on the witnesses that would be examined at committal. Just because the majority may believe GBC is guilty, this does not negate the principles of due process and receiving a fair trial.

Ah, OK? So it's not like Hollywood and the big fat lawyer can't bring in his pretty blonde trump card at the last minute and wow the courtroom!
Thankx Happy that was great info.
Hey Rocky! Watch me pull this rabbit outta my hat!
Sorry to quote my own post but I didn't mean to be rude LollyPop. I hope you don't take offence at my comment. That's why I don't post often as I don't like offending anyone.

No offence taken Snails. I've been here since very early on too and am aware of Marly's marvellous moderating. I only just realised Marly had been promoted at some point (very well deserved too!)
I wonder what chance GBC thinks he has of getting off? Would he still be confident or think he's doomed?

I doubt he sees himself sitting in a jail cell for 15 years. lol

I wonder if GBC has been sleeping with his back to the wall?

Mummy & daddy have always got you out of tight squeezes but they can't help you now, can they? Not even a Baden-Clay is above our justice system.

Our cops are tops:great:
Hi Everyone,
Can't believe I am finally posting..due to my technical insufficiencies I have not been able to get all the registering process a-happening'. Have followed this thread since the beginning, and This case has really provoked some very deep emotions and thoughts. In fact, trying to scope the human suffering and the flow-on effect in the lives of so many of Allison's nearest and dearest often becomes just too huge to take in, understand, express or affirm in words..but in my own little corner of the world, I know the memory of Allison has often compelled me to give thanks for the joy and privilege of being able to tuck my precious little daughter into bed each night, and i have told her how much I love her over and over again, simply because I have the chance to do so. I will always cherish the privilege.

Glad you are posting now! :greetings:

And while I'm here, I'm going to take advantage of welcoming all our wonderful new members!

The defence team would have all 433 statements. One cannot in a demoncratic society withhold statements from the accused. He has a right to defend himself and receive a fair trial. This is not achieved by "blindsiding" him with new information at trial. I believe both the prosecution and defence agreed on the witnesses that would be examined at committal. Just because the majority may believe GBC is guilty, this does not negate the principles of due process and receiving a fair trial.

Oh yes the witnesses! Unknown to many of us what they witnessed.
Problem was that it took for a canoeist to find Allison's body after 11 days. Maybe the canoeist witnessed something and went out looking ..... took a long time though.

On day one, the Police knew that there had been a crime committed and had their suspect(s) although they didn't give name(s). Finding Allison was then to take the 11 days.....witnesses' statements didn't lead them to her body.
It would seem that the key witnesses at the Committal will be of a forensic nature. The perpetrator, even in his wildest dreams, would never have imagined what forensics can contribute now.
For that matter, the majority of us websleuthers wouldn't either, but we are about to be given a bit of an education.
The defence team would have all 433 statements. One cannot in a demoncratic society withhold statements from the accused. He has a right to defend himself and receive a fair trial. This is not achieved by "blindsiding" him with new information at trial. I believe both the prosecution and defence agreed on the witnesses that would be examined at committal. Just because the majority may believe GBC is guilty, this does not negate the principles of due process and receiving a fair trial.


You are right HGL, that would be a truly DEMONIC feature of society if there was one set of principles for the accused and different set for the innocents.

Freudian typo slip up no doubt!
I have been here since day one. I have wanted justice for Allison as much as anyone of you but I'm going through weird feelings on this courtcase. Is anybody else feeling what I'm going through? I don't know how to explain it but I'm actually feeling scared and anxious about this. The excitement has ebbed and now I'm kinda feeling fear or dread. I guess I'm fearful of justice not being served and I actually am readying myself because IF/MAYBE he eventually walks free I know I will be a basketcase & will therapy (or something). It's crunch's like I've been training for the last year and now the big race is on.
Anyone else feeling similar? Hopefull tomorrow I'l feel differently.
Please don't put me down with my feelings here as I'm wanting to share my thoughts?

Hi they'll get you,
I think a lot of us here can relate to your feelings and this site is a great place to share your feelings with those that care...thank you for sharing. We are all here for the same reason and are fortunate to have the lovely people on this site to support each one of us...
I have so many mixed emotions in this case also, not that I don't think that GBC didn't commit the crime, but the fact that the murderer may walk free. I keep thinking to myself that there are cases where a murderer has walked free, however that doesn't mean that the person is innocent. It just means that there isn't enough evidence to convict the person. Sadly though, if the murderer walked free in this case then that is not justice for Allison and her family.
I have great respect for the QLD Police and all those who have put so much time and effort into this case and so hope they have enough evidence for a conviction so justice will be served for Allison and her family.
What concerns me is that quiet often once a person has committed murder and isn't convicted that they then believe that they have committed 'the perfect crime' and then find it much easier to commit the same crime this case murder.
I hope and pray that justice will be served in this case and another murderer is taken off our streets and put where they belong.

My deepest thoughts go out to Allison, those beautiful little girls, her family and friends...( sometimes, I just can;t stop crying when I think of Allison's family and what they are going through )
I'm not a religious person, however I am going to say a prayer for all those involved in this case ( especially Allison's family) and that the Judge on the day will make the right decision.

all my opinion only

welcome to this wonderful site Millsi.....
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