DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Please no need to reply. But Prawns/Shrimps aren't on my list of most favourite for the most obvious reason. Detritus.
Forget the fish, forget the dogs.
Despite what most people think about dogs, including wild dingoes/dogs, they have a degree of spiritual intellect higher than the human murderer dog.
Meaning they do possess a manner of respect for the human species alive or deceased.

I agree with you about the dogs .
Hmm ... things are not making sense to me. If Allison was found where that concrete block/brick is stuck in the muddy area in those last photos, then she was definitely under water more than once. I cannot understand why she wasn't then washed away with the torrent after those very heavy rains and flood. My understanding is that bodies float after decomposition sets in. Also, I cannot understand why she didn't have more types of plant material on her considering she was under water more than once. When I viewed Makara's stills taken from the news helicopter footing, I thought she was found further to the right of that pylon, i.e. in the area with some grass/vegetation (more elevated) and therefore she would not have been underwater IMO. Could the Hydroligist have been mistaken?
BINGO! I couldn't understand how he could have been a flight risk when he stayed and looked after the girls before the arrest. I'm wondering now if there was a request for passports for the girls or even enquiries to travel before the arrest.
Regarding passports, I have searched through some earlier WS threads. In Thread #31 on pp.36-37 there is discussion referring to 'passports' by BJSleuth, Rational, Marlywings, Fuskier, etc. Some suggest fake passports, others suggest additional passports such as: GBC was born in England, so he may have an English passport; he lived in Zimbabwe, so he may have a passport to South Africa. EBC & NBC may have South African and English passports as well. There was speculation that the girls passports had been renewed in the days before his arrest. I guess we'll find out at the Committal Hearing.
....just wondering if GBC considered that most insurance companies do not pay out for suicide....
Wondering if there were any winches or pulley things at the nearby bush fire brigade place at Brookfield that caught GBC or NBC's interest.
Hmm ... things are not making sense to me. If Allison was found where that concrete block/brick is stuck in the muddy area in those last photos, then she was definitely under water more than once. I cannot understand why she wasn't then washed away with the torrent after those very heavy rains and flood. My understanding is that bodies float after decomposition sets in. Also, I cannot understand why she didn't have more types of plant material on her considering she was under water more than once. When I viewed Makara's stills taken from the news helicopter footing, I thought she was found further to the right of that pylon, i.e. in the area with some grass/vegetation (more elevated) and therefore she would not have been underwater IMO. Could the Hydroligist have been mistaken?

Or do you think she may have been moved at any time ?
Shower curtain not necessarily THE exact mode of transport. But something of roughly that size and strong enough to transport her in or with. Makes carriage of a dead weight easier. That's all.

Been trying to find some from the very earlier overhead bridge footage of when Allison was found. Does anyone recall a blue tarp or interior car mat close to Allison but it was dismissed having no significance? In hindsight it could have great significance. Some suggested it looked like the boot liner to a hatchback or the like. Sorry but can't find it now.

Makara your timeline and gateway to this thread is priceless, you've done a great job :seeya:

Big Thanks

Time is ticking away & I'm having some sleepless nights !
If your wife went missing and one initial thought was abduction, would you send your children to school knowing such fear? Only very trusted members of my family could do the job on watching them while I was out searching every moment and only resting when I could not continue due to absolute exhaustion.
I'm telling you I would have those kids safety paramount!

Obviously he knew there was no further threats.
If your wife went missing and one initial thought was abduction, would you send your children to school knowing such fear? Only very trusted members of my family could do the job on watching them while I was out searching every moment and only resting when I could not continue due to absolute exhaustion.
I'm telling you I would have those kids safety paramount!

Obviously he knew there was no further threats.

Particularly chilling after he had told them that mummy had probably fallen down a hole
Hmm ... things are not making sense to me. If Allison was found where that concrete block/brick is stuck in the muddy area in those last photos, then she was definitely under water more than once. I cannot understand why she wasn't then washed away with the torrent after those very heavy rains and flood. My understanding is that bodies float after decomposition sets in. Also, I cannot understand why she didn't have more types of plant material on her considering she was under water more than once. When I viewed Makara's stills taken from the news helicopter footing, I thought she was found further to the right of that pylon, i.e. in the area with some grass/vegetation (more elevated) and therefore she would not have been underwater IMO. Could the Hydroligist have been mistaken?

I know exactly what you mean.
I thought I was clear on where she was found in relation to the height of the creek too, but the creek is a lot more tidal than I realised, and one set of pylons from one picture looks like another in a different picture (especially if you cant see the cross-beams)

Look back to my post 224. That pic cleared it up for me. She had to be below the pylon and was therefore covered with water on the high tides.
Which then certainly does raise all the questions you ask (like I did) about floating out or washing away.

It seems that the bank she lay on was gently sloped but then rose steeply where the footings for the pylons are. I'm guessing that she may have ony been partially covered on the high tide. In the pic on post 224, it looks like the river would keep falling away sharply, but I think it actually flattened off considerably just below the water level we can see there.

But,as you say, it definitely was a wonder she didn't wash or float out.
It was just a stroke of luck.
Or do you think she may have been moved at any time ?

Like around the 4am mark, perhaps having brought someone else with him to show them what he had done? Perhaps then it was decided to remove the sheet/covering that may have been used also? After which time items were disposed of, maybe at Kenmore Village? Only throwing ideas around, pure speculation.

Could someone remind me who owns the gold Suzuki 4wd, is it OW or the BC seniors?
From an earlier thread posted by Unfolding Truth

Just on the comments about whether the white 4wd spotted on the night Allison went missing was indeed the little gold suzuki of the Baden-Clay seniors. I am thinking it doesn't probably fit. The suzuki is a small 4wd. The witness report said the blue 4wd was a smaller car than the white(maybe gold).. I am not sure there would be too many smaller 4wd's than the little suzukis..MOO
I've gone back over all the photos & I'm now of the opinion (although this may change that GBC did drop Allison's body from the bridge into the water, with the thought that it would float out to Brisbane River...because of the close proximity between the bridge & the river.

Some years back I recall reading an article about suicide cases in which they've jumped from bridges. In most cases when they've jumped into the water the bodies became stuck in the mud. GBC wouldn't have realised her body would have become stuck in the mud & most likely thought her body would float out to Bris River....where it would be found by passing traffic...which, of course, there's quite a lot of in the river.

Photos showing just how close the bridge is to Brisbane River...

1st is an aerial shot from GoogleEarth....


2nd photo shows Bris River in the background

MAKARA, thanks for the link to the media timelines on the WS Allison Baden-Clay thread.
I found the map by Neuromancer, of the geographic areas in question, interesting, i.e. the one with the blue and red stars marked. I have again questioned where Allison was first attacked. We know that she was also on/around the back patio of the Brookfield house from plant material found in her hair and cothing. It is possible that there is an assumption that Allison was subjected to a one-off fatal attack at Brookfield. However, it is also possible that she was subjected to two attacks i.e. first attacked along Rafting Ground Road area, taken home, changed into walking clothes, regained consciousness, then second attack i.e. finished off with a blow to the head, dragged through the vegetation around the patio towards the car etc. This could account for the rivulets of blood in the car. We just don't have enough information to be certain either way, so this is also open for consideration IMO.
Just wondering if there's been any reports of footprints in the mud around where she was found? If not I guess that could mean she was either dumped or water has washed them away.
It is alleged that Allison sent her friend a text about 8.00pm that evening. IMO it would need to be established that this text was sent by Allison herself. Would it be possible that the girl friend's phone could register the location of the incoming text?
This could reveal Allison's whereabouts around 8.00pm that evening.
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