DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I just had a thought - I don't really understand the whole mobile/mobile towers/app finder thing, but MAYBE the Find My Friends detection of Allison's phone was actually an error, and GBC knew this. That may be why he didn't react - he knew they wouldn't find the phone or Allison there because neither of them were there. And/or maybe his mind was racing thinking 'it couldn't be there' which distracted him from pretending to react in a 'normal' way.

Just a thought, IMO.

My theory is he didn't expect it to come up because he turned off the location before he disposed of the phone. I am just having a stab at it, but perhaps the app is showing where the phone was the last time it logged in, slightly off as these things often are - which was at their home.
Can we all show up in the courtroom on Monday with signs saying IKYKIK:::Banana4:
My theory is he didn't expect it to come up because he turned off the location before he disposed of the phone. I am just having a stab at it, but perhaps the app is showing where the phone was the last time it logged in, slightly off as these things often are - which was at their home.

Very good thought there, Oz - that had occurred to me at one stage, and it would be worth experimenting with that app to find out if that does indeed happen. I'm currently on holiday in the middle of nowhere, with only one phone between us, and not due home for a couple of weeks. But if somebody in a family with two iPhones could do that experiment, that would be VERY interesting.

CaptB may also know if that app would simply display the last known location, if there is no broadcasting of a current location.
I just want to say how angry I was with Davis with regard to the questioning re ABC's depression and the fact that she was on antidepressants. I realise that he is just defending GBC and trying to shoot holes through the prosecutor's evidence etc, but depression is nothing to be ashamed of and does not in any way suggest that she was suicidal imo.
The fact that ABC sought help for her depression and was on Zoloft just proves that she was getting help for her problems. The medication does make it easier to cope etc. I would think that it would be more likely for someone who is not on any medication to have suicidal thoughts. IMO

... we only need for the Defence to say that ... she provoked him!!
My theory is he didn't expect it to come up because he turned off the location before he disposed of the phone. I am just having a stab at it, but perhaps the app is showing where the phone was the last time it logged in, slightly off as these things often are - which was at their home.

In my experience, once location services are turned off, it will NOT be trackable, i.e. it will not be able to be located.
Can we all show up in the courtroom on Monday with signs saying IKYKIK:::Banana4:

That's a great idea, but I would rather have a whole group of us go right up to him and scream "I don't love you, I hate you" :great:
I apologise in advance if someone has already suggested this, but what if GBC asked ABC not to go to the conference on the Friday and then she asked him outright if he was still seeing TM and he admitted it. He didn't deny seeing TM when someone at the school tuckshop told ABC about the affair. Most men, imo, would just deny it, but for some reason, he admitted it and the affair ended (the first time).
The admission that he had started the affair with TM again would probably have started an almighty fight. And quite possibly, ABC told GBC she was going to leave him.
This would have infuriated him because he had already planned to "get rid of her" so that he could be with TM and get ABC's life insurance and superannuation to clear his debts. ABC leaving him was not an option!
I, like many others on here, believe that he did plan to kill her, but not on that particular night.
I have also thought that he killed her out the front of the house, because from seeing the house quite awhile ago, it does have a very big front yard. And maybe the girls' bedrooms were at the back of the house? He could have then dragged her out to the back yard while he organised what he was going to do with the body. This would then be when all the plant material got in her hair. I don't think he would have killed her and then immediately dumped the body. He had to work out what he was going to do, as he hadn't worked out all the details.
According to the autopsy report, alcohol was found in Allison's system.

This (to me) shows that she was in a routine which did not include going for a walk after consuming alcohol.
However the alcohol in her system could have been caused by the decomposition process of her body
Statement of Phil Broom summary -
26th April.
Had interview sometime in July 2005 . Met EBC,NBC,ABC. Interviewed by GBC. Two days later offered a job.
Commenced working for GBC in Sep 2005 at the Moggill Rd office at Kenmore.
During that first year he got to know the BC family well. Allison was not very active in the business. Around this time Allison gave birth to second daughter. S.

Phil and Gerard did personal training together on Tuesday mornings. He would shower and change at GBC and Allison's house. They were living at an address in Kenmore at this time.

It was normal not to see Allison at any work events.

Elaine told Phil Allison had depression. He was told that GBC had stopped working for Flight Centre to care for Allison as H<modsnip> was born around this time.

(Did we ever find out what happened with that dismissal case of GBC from Flight Centre?)

Gerard and Phil spent time playing golf together and discussing the business and personal matters.

April or May of 2006 whilst away in Cairns GBC referred to Allison as an angel and his girls were his angel girls.

Early 2008 Phil was made Senior Sales Agent and was given a personal set of licence plates - Settle.

In 2008 at a conference at Hamilton Island Jocelyn was "spotted" as an award winning agent.
In less than two months (around Sep 2008) the 3 were partners.
Around this time NBC and EBC stepped out of the business.

Gerard was not forthcoming with financial data, even when requested by JF and PB.

Phil gave a sum of money to a school friend of GBC.(PC) Either 25 or 30 thousand dollars. Phil was basically paying off Gerard's debt to this school friend. It was called payment for joing the business.

At the end of 2008 Ben B was employed by GBC and JF.

Business name changed from Baden-Clay Real Estate to Settle Westside.

2009 was a profitable year. Phil and Gerard discussed buying out JF due to her not performing.

Discussions same as JF regarding engagement party and how Allison was ignored.

Phil believed the relationship with TM broke up in Dec 2009. He became aware it was back on at the AREC 2010 conference in May. Toni flew from Sydney to be with GBC.
Also openly affectionate in front of Phil and his wife.

Jackie C was also at this conference, GBC and her had become close after attending a training course together. (JC has also been named as a mistress}.

GBC told Phil he was in love with TM and talked about a future with her. GBC mentioned he would need a bigger car as he would have his children and Toni's children.

In Aug 2010 Gerard and Phil were at another conference in Sydney. Phil told GBC he needed to "put an end to the duplicate world he was leading" GBC advised Phil that the relationship with ABC was over and he did not love her. They were not sleeping in the same bed and had not been intimate since E was born.
Phil was advised that GBC slept on the couch or in the spare bedroom.

Gerard never sold a property in 2010. It was their most profitable year.

GBC and Toni would meet regularly for breakfast and sit together during awards.
GBC would hug staff to try and mask his affection with TM.
GBC would attend Toni's place when her kids were in bed.
Partners owed backpay.

Jan 2011 business wiped out by floods. TBC

I actually think the most intriguing aspect of Phil Brooms statement comes on page 14 where he stated " I was in the car one time with Gerard.... when Gerard drove at speed down a track that joined Moggill Road and Rafting Ground Road. I am aware that Allison by default would know the area". He then on page 15 details how he drew a picture for the police of the same area.

Can the locals fill us in what is the significance of this track? Is it a back way that one could walk or drive to Kholo Bridge??
Regarding whether it was a big fight that went wrong, or was more pre-meditated, or both......
Firstly, I dont see Allison as being confrontational to the degree of heading into a big verbal argument.
My hunch is that, as GBC was so controlling, Allison would have been pretty accustomed to tiptoeing on eggshells.
I doubt she would have engaged herself in a full-blown argument with him- (but I'm glad she eventually ripped into him with her nails though!!!!) due to the fact that she would have known from past experience that this was not an effective way of dealing with him. He would have always come out on top, and I'm sure she had experienced threatening enough behaviour before to warn her off flexing her muscles with him. Hence the usage of a counsellor to help them sort through their issues. I believe she could have been quite powerless and without voice in the marriage.

(I am even more convinced of this after reading about the signal system. No-one crossed the master, is what I'm guessing.)

Women in these situations know to tread very carefully, for the wrath of the master is not worth getting to have your say.

IMO the only way Allison would have ever been able to leave GBC would have been to flee, so I cant see her verbally threatening to leave him. Could be wrong. (reading between the lines with limited we all are )

Also, someone suffering anxiety and depression would in my mind be adverse to full-blown arguments, as it only makes you feel more anxious and upset.
It would be my guess that she'd easily give up on going to the conference and go to bed with stress-induced paralysis. Afterall, she was not very present in the business really, and her main priority was functioning as a mother to the girls, so whatever that took is what she would give. MOO again.

I see the murder as pre-meditated and not as a result of a conflict.

The fact that he had not thought of a cohesive, rational story was IMO probably due to the fact that he expected to be believed at face value, and he didnt bother to think any further on this point, plus, the scratches were not part of the plan.

The thing I cant work out is how was he going to claim the insurance without a body.

Maybe that part of his plan was yet to come??????????????
Absolutely agree with this.

There was an incredibly bitter/sad/sarcastic/hurt message from Allison to GBC on the 18th April at 11.59am

(See Paragraph #94 from the Neil Robertson phone analysis)

"Having fun with your companion? Hope you're not putting any seats down in the back of snowy ???"

MOO/IMO This is a heartbreaking insight into how the trust had been destroyed by his selfish behaviour.:furious:

Snowy = Prado?

I think there are times when Allison would have stood up to GBC - such as the message she sent above. I think she had a strong spirit, and even though she apparently didn't want to lose her marriage, she still was scorned by his infidelities.
I think there are times when Allison would have stood up to GBC - such as the message she sent above. I think she had a strong spirit, and even though she apparently didn't want to lose her marriage, she still was scorned by his infidelities.

Definitely she would have, but she would have also had to pick her arguments.
She was soooo strong. She endured soooo much.
Just my hunch that full-blown arguments were probably a thing of the past as a way of dealing with issues- although there were reports of an argument that night - so maybe its time for me to sign out. lol.
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