DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Don't we only have a statement from their financial advisor, not from the insurance companies? I remember hearing something early in MSM that there were other phone calls prior to Allison going missing. Maybe there were direct calls made to the insurance companies that the financial advisor wouldn't be aware of?

Sorry, just going through each report one by one.

Kind of to summarize each one.
just wondering what sort of sewage/water pipe network lay beneath the properties at brookfield?

Are you thinking this could be where the phone was? I had the same thought but if the phone was submerged I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have pinged until the battery went flat. It would have fried the battery. Unless it was suspended in there somehow, but that would mean more likelihood of being found. IMO
I beg to differ on one point: the financial adviser received an email from Allison's account. Nobody can be certain that she was sender. MOO

Yes, that is a good point but I think at this point everything was ok with them. Both parties on speaker phone. Both seemed aware of what was happening.
Allison trying to sort out the paperwork ie rolling GBC's super accounts into one.

I just think they knew they were in financial trouble. $39,000 credit card bill!! You would have to know things weren't great. I think they were just trying to find ways to save cash anyway. Downsizing cars as an example.

sidenote - Wonder who paid for TM's lexus?
I'm skipping the autopsy report.....

Someone else can do that one if they want.
I think someone said earlier on that they had septic mostly

this is no doubt way off the mark, but if the property at 61 boscombe road had it's own sewage treatment plant that expels grey water into the garden area below the house - could it be at all possible that IF ABC's iphone was dumped into 61 boscombe road's sewage tank (is this the property of Scraps the barking dog?), somehow managed to continue working electronically, moved its way underground through the grey water pipes to find it's resting place under the back garden?

from the start I was always sus on the Captiva being reverse parked in the carport. Good to read that one of the attending police officers was in tune with this and questioned GBC about it reversing skills

Thanks so much for sharing all the bail hearing docs. It's been fascinating to the point that some of it is unbelievable. It's like reading the script of a real life telemovie, so very sad that daughters lost their loving mother for sex and money.

still a bit creeped by '****, shower, shave'. maybe if he added shag (in better words "selfless love towards his WIFE") we wouldn't be here right now?
this is no doubt way off the mark, but if the property at 61 boscombe road had it's own sewage treatment plant that expels grey water into the garden area below the house - could it be at all possible that IF ABC's iphone was dumped into 61 boscombe road's sewage tank (is this the property of Scraps the barking dog?), somehow managed to continue working electronically, moved its way underground through the grey water pipes to find it's resting place under the back garden?

A good thought, Kailee. But the way the BioCycle and similar systems work (eg EnviroCycle, OzziKleen, etc) is that they have rotating blades in them to aerate and stir the contents, before the second stage of treatment. After the multiple stages, the contents (now almost pure water but still classified as black or grey water, and chlorinated) are pumped into an irrigation system, which may consist of soaker hoses (like ours does) onto garden beds, or sprinklers in a designated disposal area. There is also pumping from one chamber to the other during the cycle.

So I doubt that something like a phone would survive the first 20 minutes in such a treatment plant. Ours runs on 3 twenty-minute stages, then starts all over again, 24/7
this is no doubt way off the mark, but if the property at 61 boscombe road had it's own sewage treatment plant that expels grey water into the garden area below the house - could it be at all possible that IF ABC's iphone was dumped into 61 boscombe road's sewage tank (is this the property of Scraps the barking dog?)
yes it is Scraps back yard
J.Frost statement.

Interviewed 26th April.
Met GBC and P Broom possibly in 2005. Met at several Century 21 conferences.
2008 asked GBC for a job. He asked if she would be interested in joining the business with Phil and himself. she agreed and moved back to Brisbane in Aug 2008.
Met Allison fleetingly.
Phil and J did not have full licences but were still partners even though this was illegal.
It became legal in Dec 2008.
Not sure how much of her money she put in the business.
Paid something and then $20,000 into the cash flow.
She thinks it was possibly sixty thousand.
She did not look into the financial records as she trusted Phil.
When JF first started GBC always ran the finances.
The 3 made the decision that GBC would manage the business as he had accounting experience. Phil and JF were to look after the sales,
Toni and Nigel employed at the time.
JF got a long well with NBC.

Jan 2009 Ben B became partner in property management role.He paid a small fee and worked a couple of months free of charge. Rent roll was very small and virtually nothing.

JF thinks it was late 2008 when she found out about the affair. Phil was unaware of the affair at this time.
Once JF found out Toni confided in her often.

No other staff seemed aware of the affair.

Toni would get upset with JF when advised she should leave GBC and did not speak to JF.
Toni advised that GBC promised to marry her.

Gerard used to tell Allison he was working late but would be at Tm's Apartment until early hours.

Allison was not invited to events because of Toni.

Work collegues attended an engagement party where GBC seemed to be ignoring Allison and spending time instead with Toni.

Toni and GBC were affectionate with each other in the presence of JF.

Complaints were made twice to Century 21 in regards to the running of the business. They were advised that Gerard was not accountable to anyone.
GBC would pay staff when things were good and not as much when things weren't.

Mid 2010 they were being paid $5000/week.

2010 great year for business.

Joint decision was made to move to larger premise's.

JF ended up buying PB's share of rent roll as PB was in financial trouble.

A couple of days prior to the floods GBC called a meeting to state the company was in diabolical financial trouble.

Phil and JF wondered where money went?

They were to meet a few days later but all caught up instead at NBC's to help clean up from the floods. There, they rang Charles Tarby for a loan.

JF felt that GBC was lazy. He employed someone who was doing the job GBC should have been doing and paying her very well.

The staff suggested GBC take some time off to sort out his personal life.

JF signed over the company for $1. GBC offered an incentive to stay and promised them a bonus.

JF planned to leave and was told she was owed nothing.

Toni advised that her and GBC had been together again since December 2011.

Toni apparently has a bad temper and felt she could not live her life without GBC.

GBC and Toni had words at 5pm on the last day of Allison's life. An argument about Allison attending the same conference as her.
Was there a pic somewhere of the text messages GBC sent to Allison?
Found the pic

On my iPhone if the message is sent through iMessage ( wifi) it shows up blue not green

That's a very good point Maigret. Mine too.

However, if you look at those two pictures, I suspect they're just mockups of the messages, not the actual messages themselves (where would the Courier Mail get them?). This is because of what appear to be "headers" or titles on each of those screenshots. In real messages, they would show in a single thread, to the same number. Also, real text messages, whether SMS or iMessage, are offset, with sent on one side, and received on the other. Those pictures show the messages taking up the whole width of the screen...

I think it is just the Courier Mail art department taking liberties, and not getting it quite right.
Hi everyone, I would just like to introduce myself, as briefly as possible.
This is my first post, but started following this case on Websleuths not long after ABC went missing. I wasn't sure about joining as it is such an established forum already, but I couldn't resist.
This case has touched a nerve with me in so many ways. I am the same age as ABC and I have 2 daughters. I was with their father for 19 years and without going into too much detail, he was very controlling and emotionally abusive. And also hopeless with money, hence I was bled dry for a long time.
I finally had the strength to leave, with the help of antidepressants.
Enough about me.
I feel I know you all, as I have been following all your posts for soooo long. You are amazing people and obviously feel as strongly about GBC's guilt as I do.
I still have all the Courier Mail articles from when ABC first went missing.
I believe that this WILL go to trial and I strongly believe that GBC WILL be found guilty, beyond all reasonable doubt. I know that the case is mostly circumstantial, but I believe justice will prevail in this case. And believe me, I can't wait for that day to come.
I will say that I have many favourites on this forum. There are soooo many that I can't mention you all right now, but a big thanks to Dr Watson and Alioop for starters.
I knew that the suicide theory would be shot down in flames after Dr Watson provided all the info awhile ago regarding the levels of Zoloft found in the liver. I do wonder what Davis will try at the trial? I guess he will say ABC went for a walk and was then murdered by a random person!
I work at Toowong and have driven to Brookfield once, driving past the house where I believe the murder occurred, and I knew straight away that there was no way that GBC is innocent. The area is such a beautiful and peaceful community that I believe crime would be non-existent there. Anyway, enough of my rambling for now. Hello again to all of you.

Yes this explanation potentially makes much more sense. The whole phone analysis and records are doing my head in. I have concerns that the mobile
phone evidence will not be treated as very reliable after the first bail hearing and the "evidence" of the facetime calls at the 11th hour before the application. If the find my phone app was giving signal within 150 meters which does not seem to be correct considering extensive search with all those zillions of metal detectors, is the jury then expect to believe GBC did not actually use this App to try and find Alison. It will be hard to be selective about which aspects of the forensics regarding the mobile phone we are to believe and which we are not.

I was just having a conversation with my son who is studying micro-electonics at the moment about GBCs phone off and on the charger. If the phone was in the charger but not connecting properly a small vibration may have re-established the connection. Does anyone know when the i phone gives a signal for low battery. My Samsung makes a noise at around the 18% mark. I could not tell you exactly. But I remember checking my phone shortly after it gave the low battery noise at it was around 18%. My phone is also set such that it gives a small vibration if there is a text or incoming facebook message. These are all possible explanations for a charger that that was in the slot but not properly connected.

Happy my iphone4 gives a signal at about 20% to say it is low on charge. I am no phone tech but when you plug the charger into and iphone it clicks into place. There is no way that the vibration could loosen the connection between the phone and the charger.
A good thought, Kailee. But the way the BioCycle and similar systems work (eg EnviroCycle, OzziKleen, etc) is that they have rotating blades in them to aerate and stir the contents, before the second stage of treatment. After the multiple stages, the contents (now almost pure water but still classified as black or grey water, and chlorinated) are pumped into an irrigation system, which may consist of soaker hoses (like ours does) onto garden beds, or sprinklers in a designated disposal area. There is also pumping from one chamber to the other during the cycle.

So I doubt that something like a phone would survive the first 20 minutes in such a treatment plant. Ours runs on 3 twenty-minute stages, then starts all over again, 24/7

Ok, so 0% chance of surviving the full cycle.
How about this possibility.. My experience with on site sewage treatment plants is that you have the option to pump the grey water for irrigation, or just allow the grey water to drain/seep into the ground. In the later case, the irrigation pipes can still be in place, but not in use. These pipes can sometimes be exposed above ground (ie. ready to be hooked up to drip feeders or nozzles), or concealed. Could a phone be shoved down one of these irrigation pipes? My thoughts are that an iphone is probably too wide to fit down such a pipe, but worth a thought all the same. They searched the area high and low with metal detectors, heat detectors, but how low did they go?
Would love to hear from anyone who could elaborate on the sewage system of 61 boscombe road.

Also, can anyone confirm if GBC was an active Geocacher, and if so his username? I've found some ingenious 'hides' since hearing about caching through this forum. perhaps it was geocaching skills that came in handy for successfully hiding the iphone in the back garden? I'm aware of the cache at kholo creek and across from the GBC house. I might have to have a looksee through some old cache logs to see what i find..
Who is Toni Ann smith?

It was in one of the policewoman's report that Toni gave her a page from her diary and some notes she had made at the time
Kellie Thomson - she has some interesting things including a hand written note from one of the children that she took on that Friday morning

I also think its very suss that Allison's wallet/ purse was on the table with the credit cards spread out - was he planning which one he would use first ??
Could he have taken it when he attempted to leave with the vacuum? Did he stay all day or did he leave?

Yes !!!

And the little blue dot is not always spot on depends on the satellite - mine often has me just a little way off
It was in one of the policewoman's report that Toni gave her a page from her diary and some notes she had made at the time
Kellie Thomson - she has some interesting things including a hand written note from one of the children that she took on that Friday morning

I also think its very suss that Allison's wallet/ purse was on the table with the credit cards spread out - was he planning which one he would use first ??

do you thing g emptied her handbag out on the table in exasperation looking for the phone? wondering if the daughter left allison a loving note amongst the bag contents hoping her mother would see it when she returned. how sad.
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