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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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*delurking* I used to work at an ISP, and they do keep all the internet traffic logs - however since its just text based files, its not like a database you can quickly look up and go 'what sites did they access on <date>'. It requires a fair bit of work to extract the data you are after out of the logs, which is a time consuming task, so as a normal person you can't just ring up and request this sort of information. If there is a request from the police, then the ISP will oblige and provide the information sought. So I have no doubt they can get information of what sites any of their internet connections made... Hope that helps :)

So pleased for your input.
and i am a little bit hurt but iam ok

Don't start us all again. Ok I will.. Got lost going to an appointment yesterday and called for directions I am a little bit lost. Poss may know why certain phrases are in our vernacular. Plus in your experience would longer or short phone conversations show a trend of rapid speaking?
Don't start us all again. Ok I will.. Got lost going to an appointment yesterday and called for directions I am a little bit lost. Poss may know why certain phrases are in our vernacular. Plus in your experience would longer or short phone conversations show a trend of rapid speaking?

In all of those phone records there seemed to be ALOT of very short calls. Geez, if someone was to go through mine it would be "8.40am ... call duration 45 mins" 10am... call duration 90 mins" ... haha, and that would just be the start. Nobody gets away with a short call from me... well, not family anyway.
3 seconds... not long enough, really.. on the other hand, why is he ringing Kate Rankin? Allison is dead. she isnt going to any seminar ever,not today, not ever. what was he going to say to Kate Rankin?

He says he didnt know that Allison was meeting Kate, but now he knows.......did he still have Allisons phone at 7.09am?.. not impossible. a text on Allisons phone?

Wonder when he knew that, and how he now knows it?? and from whom?

Because, Allison is long dead by 7.09am that morning.... so we know it wasnt Allison. He has been texting messages to a woman who is dead for 40 mins before this. .. he is about to leave, in 4 minutes to go driving around looking for a woman who is dead, and is certainly not walking along a street, because in 4 minutes he is ringing the police about his missing walking wife. Nige is there, but its a long stretch to think Nige would be aware of Allisons fine detail with Kate Rankin when Gerard didnt know this little detail.

Back to the drawing board, sosocurious.

Trooper, I have always been interested in why GBC had early morning phone call with Kate. Didn't he say that he only found out the afternoon before that Kate and Allison were attending the conference.

Does anyone know if Kate ended up attending?
I was looking at the pics at the link below and there were a couple there of Sue Heath. Have a look at the attached image I've put together. I think the mystery of the brunette seen with EBC last year has now been solved. Some thought it was TM but in fact it was Sue Heath who visited EBC and was caught on camera that day.>20120429)&gallery=BODY+FOUND+BRISBANE

View attachment 31544

Great sleuthing work there Makara - excellent stuff!

Yup - the "mystery" lady seen with EBC was Sue Heath, Bruce Flegg's friend.
Trooper, I have always been interested in why GBC had early morning phone call with Kate. Didn't he say that he only found out the afternoon before that Kate and Allison were attending the conference.

Does anyone know if Kate ended up attending?


He says to Toni he only found out that two of them were going to it, one being Allison that day .. . that doesnt mean much, really. he could have known for days, and just mumbled that to Toni, not realising the fire up it would get. .

Towards the end of his interview at the home that morning, Kate rings back. There is a short conversation with Gerard, some of which is transcribed.. ''

*Gerard*,,,to Kate in front of the two SnrSgts,,, and he launches in to the Kabuki play script... ' we dont know where she is, um, so have you heard from., have your heard from her, or anything at all or? Nobody there has ? okay. thankyou. okay, thankyou, I dont think so. thank you for doing that thing, yea, just hold on a minute.... '

he then hands the phone over to Sgt Curtis, and she speaks with Kate.
I was thinking that maybe Allison did only find out the day before the conference that she would be going, and that might be why she called the hairdresser earlier in the day... like a last minute thing.
Folks you've been asked numerous times, if you state something as fact then you must provide a link. IF you can't provide that link then you can't post it
I was looking at the pics at the link below and there were a couple there of Sue Heath. Have a look at the attached image I've put together. I think the mystery of the brunette seen with EBC last year has now been solved. Some thought it was TM but in fact it was Sue Heath who visited EBC and was caught on camera that day.>20120429)&gallery=BODY+FOUND+BRISBANE

View attachment 31544

Ooh! You are good! I think you missed your calling. That is of course assuming that you aren't a detective or private investigator! ;)
WOW thats great....nearly a year on and Allison lives on in the 'Hearts of so many, even those whom didn't get to meet her'.

Did Brian M organise the walk ???? I knew Brian a few years ago through buying and selling properties at Moggill and Anstead.

Sorry to hear Sasha his dog died on Fathers day last year.

I can't be there for the walk as am 800k away but I will get up at 4am and light a candle.....and be thinking of all who attend for such a great tribute to Allison.

Take care on the walk and hope police keep an eye on keep you all safe.
Rug up if it is as cold as it is here at that hour here...daylight saving near over thank my lucky stars....And the fire going as it gets to 10 below.

If Brian M organised the walk someone give him a pat on the back from me,myself and I. Well done Brian M.....:fence::rocker::jail:

I shall endeavour to keep you up to date with this event. I am not allowed (WS rules) to post Brian M's posts from AC site. Yes Brian M is Sasha's owner. He was called upon last month to give evidence, but feels like he was tricked into saying that which he had no intention of saying in Court last month by Davis.
Brian's own words are:
"4.00am is a special time Darkest before the dawn."

Brian M sounds like an altogether normal person who is still in shock and hurting. This crime appears to have a "ripple effect" on so many people.

"Dark" may be how many people feel about this heinous crime.
3 seconds... not long enough, really.. on the other hand, why is he ringing Kate Rankin? Allison is dead. she isnt going to any seminar ever,not today, not ever. what was he going to say to Kate Rankin?

He says he didnt know that Allison was meeting Kate, but now he knows.......did he still have Allisons phone at 7.09am?.. not impossible. a text on Allisons phone?

Wonder when he knew that, and how he now knows it?? and from whom?

Because, Allison is long dead by 7.09am that morning.... so we know it wasnt Allison. He has been texting messages to a woman who is dead for 40 mins before this. .. he is about to leave, in 4 minutes to go driving around looking for a woman who is dead, and is certainly not walking along a street, because in 4 minutes he is ringing the police about his missing walking wife. Nige is there, but its a long stretch to think Nige would be aware of Allisons fine detail with Kate Rankin when Gerard didnt know this little detail.

Back to the drawing board, sosocurious.
Trooper , it only takes 3 seconds to say 'call me on the landline" . iMO he did have Allison's phone . And I think when he says "which I actually didn't know" he is not very happy about that . His plan may have worked if he had known .
Trooper , it only takes 3 seconds to say 'call me on the landline" . iMO he did have Allison's phone . And I think when he says "which I actually didn't know" he is not very happy about that . His plan may have worked if he had known .

How to spend three seconds...IMO
"G here, give me a call. Thanks."
Or divert straight to message bank.
Please may I share some information about this walk for Allison.

Brian M has posted on AC site with a proposal for a walk to Kholo Bridge. Brian is Sasha's owner.


Thoughts from myself: This walk may help people, local and otherwise try and come to terms with this terrible thing that has happened in Brookfield. Perhaps some healing may be necessary. And this walk may address and acknowledge the fact that Allison Baden Clay was a real person, with real merit, and with real love and affection, and neither her passing has gone unnoticed or the manner in which the BC family have conducted themselves in regards to her passing.

I understand that the walk will be to Kholo Bridge. (Although I see in his post he says to Allison's house.) Details to be advised.

My own thoughts here are that this walk may assist in some sort of cathartic way in enabling people to resume their own lives in a little bit more healthy manner. It may be therapeutic in some small measure.
The Baden Clay family have done all that is humanly possible to STOP that happening.
Whilst no way condoning that which has apparently occurred, NO WAY; I fear that the ripple effect of this heinous crime, itself is far from healthy either.
We, that is: you and I are relying heavily on due processes of the Law. And may the Law, please not fail us now.
Having said that, it is truly wonderful to see like minded people brainstorming" with all the facts and clues that are available.

Worse words from me: For the first time in my very sheltered life, I wonder about the death penalty.
As a teen I thought "noble thoughts" as "No man has the right to take the Life of another." (Please no comments as I am far from a teen now, but I do acknowledge silly and dangerous thinking.)
Worse, as a teen I had no knowledge of the cunning, sleuth and dangerous nature of a Narcissistic Sociopathic Person.
That ignorance has cost the life of one, Allison Dickie Baden Clay of Brookfield, Queensland, Australia.
I'm sure the Baden-Clays & TM wish all of us on Webslueths just would die and go away.

But the sluething just gets better! We certainly have some great minds on board, I'm impressed and I'm sure 'the family' hate us. <modsnip> we're here for the long haul and not going anywhere!

Rock on guys.
I'm sure the Baden-Clays & TM wish all of us on Webslueths just would die and go away.

But the sluething just gets better! We certainly have some great minds on board, I'm impressed and I'm sure 'the family' hate us. Haha diddums we're here for the long haul and not going anywhere!

Rock on guys.

I wonder how close we have come at times to what really did happen?
Wow. People are going for a walk. Awesome that this will create more media coverage and I hope more donations to the trust. Has anyone thought to do it in the populated area of the roundabout which was a focus of police inquiries in MSM. Allison was discovered at a location that some say is not safe or a viable option for walking safely and over how many km's. You can possible have more supporters if you make it last less than 14kms.

PS if it is on the news I want a clip of Scraps.

Hi, long time lurker here (since the very beginning of this sorry saga, and also following the Jill Meagher case closely); first time posting.

Maybe if the walk is held over the whole 14km from Brookfield to the Kholo Creek bridge (or is it the other way around?), in the dark, over rough terrain and roads that are not walker-friendly, then a large number of people will confirm, once and for all, that there is no way that Allison could have conceivably made that journey herself on foot - and then allegedly thrown herself from the bridge?

Just my opinion.
I was looking at the pics at the link below and there were a couple there of Sue Heath. Have a look at the attached image I've put together. I think the mystery of the brunette seen with EBC last year has now been solved. Some thought it was TM but in fact it was Sue Heath who visited EBC and was caught on camera that day.>20120429)&gallery=BODY+FOUND+BRISBANE

View attachment 31544

I think the lady in the red jacket is Dr. Griffiths from the first week of the Committal hearing -she was called on to provide further expert evidence about the nature of GBC's scratches.

I suspect one with EBC is Sue Heath.
I was looking at the pics at the link below and there were a couple there of Sue Heath. Have a look at the attached image I've put together. I think the mystery of the brunette seen with EBC last year has now been solved. Some thought it was TM but in fact it was Sue Heath who visited EBC and was caught on camera that day.>20120429)&gallery=BODY+FOUND+BRISBANE

View attachment 31544

Sorry to Sue Heath, but she looks quite different to her appearance in the later photo at the Committal. Could be attributed to her heavier glasses. One could wonder if she was trying to be incognito, and she was delivering something (like a phone) to the BCs. ..... she is a witness for the Prosecution.
I think the lady in the red jacket is Dr. Griffiths from the first week of the Committal hearing -she was called on to provide further expert evidence about the nature of GBC's scratches.

I suspect one with EBC is Sue Heath.

At the risk of disagreeing, Liadan - the lady in the red jacket is, according to that AAP Newswire link of Makara's, Sue Heath leaving the court. :blushing:
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