DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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All the BC's including G have had many chances to shout the real reason for Allisons death. They have had plenty of chances. COUGH IT UP! WHAT OTHER INVESTIGATIONS DO THE POLICE NEED TO DO? If OW believes it was someone else suely she would have said loudly when the police first arrived, in her statement, the little bit hurt tape and business as usual. Instead of running from the press through that gate, that was her chance of saying -'OMG they're holding the wrong person & there's a killer out there. I need to warn everyone lock your doors there is a still killer out there!!'
I think the locals know they don't need to lock up and be fearful cause they've got their man.
How unlawful would it have been to say what she believes what really happened outside the court instead of wishy washy tripe with loose ends.
From the very beginning I would be telling of names, creditors or hitmen who may have had a reason of doing this but no!
Like Jill Meagher there were posters of her EVERYWHERE within moments of her disappearance. Did any of the family do that??
'the truth will come out'? When? What truth? Who OW?

Sorry just too little too late.

What does she say to bro through the glass @ court? Surely it's been said before.

What unbelievable strength the Dickies showed to stand either side of G at the funeral.
I think I detected a very watchful eye from Mr & Mrs Dickie that day. They knew an arrest was imminent.

When is the trial because I'm thinking of have a week off work and flying up to QLD.

Exactly!! And if at any time the family really thought it was a hit man or someone trying to hurt GBC's family because of owed money etc, then they would have done their utmost to get the info to the police and have those little girls protected at all costs. Surely if a hit man had killed Allison then they'd be worried the girls could be next? Or even one of the family? But no, there was none of this.
Anything they try to come up with now the prosecution will be able to shoot holes right through.

When is the trial because I'm thinking of have a week off work and flying up to QLD.

Maybe they don't have the money to cough up for their investgation.

Hope you pack a bright yellow tent and shirt.

Exactly!! And if at any time the family really thought it was a hit man or someone trying to hurt GBC's family because of owed money etc, then they would have done their utmost to get the info to the police and have those little girls protected at all costs. Surely if a hit man had killed Allison then they'd be worried the girls could be next? Or even one of the family? But no, there was none of this.
Anything they try to come up with now the prosecution will be able to shoot holes right through.

I'm desperately sorry Allison had to fight for her life and the fear she felt but, Allison, if it wasnt for your telling scratches it could have been a totally different outcome.
Those scratches STRIPPED TM from being a wealthy mommy dearest to your babies.

Seriously I wonder if Mr & Mrs Dickie suspected it was GBC from the get go and at what point did the police confirm their thoughts and advise an arrest was coming. Their knowledge of this and knowing GBC was out enjoying freedom must have been a parents living hell for them.
4.17 am on 19th April - could TM still have had a key to the Office premises and gone in to make the quick phone call to GBC to arrange a meet? Allison wouldn't have suspected a phone call coming from the office .
4.17 am on 19th April - could TM still have had a key to the Office premises and gone in to make the quick phone call to GBC to arrange a meet? Allison wouldn't have suspected a phone call coming from the office .

I think that all those calls from the office phone to GBC's phone were TM calling the office and the call diverting to GBC's phone - therefore Allison would not have known - they had not finished the affair at all but were carrying on and on
4.17 am on 19th April - could TM still have had a key to the Office premises and gone in to make the quick phone call to GBC to arrange a meet? Allison wouldn't have suspected a phone call coming from the office .

Such an ungodly hour.
Usually an alarm needs a code to disarm or the alarm system could be a back to base? I doubt the cleaners would ring the boss at that time.

I'm sure there are ways of hiding the name of an incoming call, say instead of 'naming' a number 'TM' it could be named anything like 'head office' or 'load'.
I think that all those calls from the office phone to GBC's phone were TM calling the office and the call diverting to GBC's phone - therefore Allison would not have known - they had not finished the affair at all but were carrying on and on

Great thinking Maigret but wow why would the mistress be pestering him at that time of morning its sounding crazy antics to me.
What a horrid family environment for the business phone to be diverted and to think nothing of waking the family.
Great thinking Maigret but wow why would the mistress be pestering him at that time of morning its sounding crazy antics to me.
What a horrid family environment for the business phone to be diverted and to think nothing of waking the family.

The pair of them only thought of themselves as far as I can see
I think that all those calls from the office phone to GBC's phone were TM calling the office and the call diverting to GBC's phone - therefore Allison would not have known - they had not finished the affair at all but were carrying on and on

Thanks M. My hinky metre just went off. If G and T were broken up officially at at staff meeting.. humilation x 10 in the industry.. why 2 weeks after that was T at the gym getting the hairy eye ball from ABC and feeling assertive enough to send G abuse. A lady of leisure no less... But I work and I have money in the bank. :banghead:
I think that all those calls from the office phone to GBC's phone were TM calling the office and the call diverting to GBC's phone - therefore Allison would not have known - they had not finished the affair at all but were carrying on and on
The office phone has my interest as well.
Allison phone records show she dialed the office phone number 6 times during the billing cycle. GBC only twice.
That phone is a mobile number so IMO who ever or how ever that number was dialed at 4.17am, than the person dialing would not have needed to be in the office, just in the location of the phone tower it was connected.
The question is - Who had the phone?
Too right about all the women on his mind... seems all the time
The only friend being the sister?

Snap. Who are you going to call... Not ghost busters but your sister. Brothers don't listen to weakness because... They they know your business but can't discuss because men are fix it guys. Sisters have listened to you and your problems more than your parents. Ie why did we have to move to Australia. Wrong accent' wrong clothes. Parents are to busy too because they are too busy getting on with job. But it hurts them. Crap I do feel guilty.... Throw money at the problem and make it go away.
4.17 am on 19th April - could TM still have had a key to the Office premises and gone in to make the quick phone call to GBC to arrange a meet? Allison wouldn't have suspected a phone call coming from the office .

It will be interesting to see at trial if there is a statement from any locals/friends regarding the rumoured scratches and bloodshot eyes of GBC at the school cross country on the 19th - and if this early phone call has any relevance in that regard.

It will also be interesting to see the statement from the person who served him at the chemist on the morning of the 19th, to see what he purchased and again if it has any relevance. There are many question marks over that entire day, starting from 4:17am (and perhaps earlier).
The office phone has my interest as well.
Allison phone records show she dialed the office phone number 6 times during the billing cycle. GBC only twice.
That phone is a mobile number so IMO who ever or how ever that number was dialed at 4.17am, than the person dialing would not have needed to be in the office, just in the location of the phone tower it was connected.
The question is - Who had the phone?

I don't know but a guess is the person who gets paid the most. 1 step down the chain in authority... 1 G , 2 A, 3 is someone maybe working all hours of the day to keep with the boss.
He probably didn't get the security access codes reset as this costs $ after TM left IMO and not all firms have CCTV - they might just ave a security firm that drops by so many times a night - they leave a card to say they checked the premises at a certain time IM O
The other thing that's bugging me is that GBC said that NBC And EBC came around to their place on the wed night to watch the Good Wife. GBC phoned his father 3 times - 7.45 7.47 and 8.45 prior to them going over there one would assume to watch the series. He then googled "taking the fifth" while they were there at 10. 08 - the show must have been on 9.30 to 10.30 - seems desperate to go out late to watch a tv show you could have watched at home. His parents aren't young and the grandchildren you would assume would be in their beds asleep then NBC would have to drive home later after and most tv series run over time so a late night for the NBC .
He probably didn't get the security access codes reset as this costs $ after TM left IMO and not all firms have CCTV - they might just ave a security firm that drops by so many times a night - they leave a card to say they checked the premises at a certain time IM O

If ABC was driving the bus looking at accounts. OK we are broke... don't tell me that the business woman of the year who is a bright spark does not know financial details. Hmm this expense is viable in cutting. But this is not. Change the locks... Done. Have your breakfast at home. Morning tea trists are fine but give me the receipt. I suspect that business after hours activities are not kosher.. Do we have elite clients from overseas calling the in their time zone... Lead us though not into temptation. How many babysitters does it take.
The other thing that's bugging me is that GBC said that NBC And EBC came around to their place on the wed night to watch the Good Wife. GBC phoned his father 3 times - 7.45 7.47 and 8.45 prior to them going over there one would assume to watch the series. He then googled "taking the fifth" while they were there at 10. 08 - the show must have been on 9.30 to 10.30 - seems desperate to go out late to watch a tv show you could have watched at home. His parents aren't young and the grandchildren you would assume would be in their beds asleep then NBC would have to drive home later after and most tv series run over time so a late night for the NBC .
I agree PD -- But I didn't realise he had said in his home. So with you having pointed that out I just had a look at Nigelaine Internet Account and they show someone connected on Wed 18th at 10.39 pm from Kenmore for 42.04minutes. There could have been a visitor in the house but IMO it would be unusual to leave your visitor to pop over and watch the good wife.
Assuming that it was not a visitor - than they got home and connect very quickly.
The other thing that's bugging me is that GBC said that NBC And EBC came around to their place on the wed night to watch the Good Wife. GBC phoned his father 3 times - 7.45 7.47 and 8.45 prior to them going over there one would assume to watch the series. He then googled "taking the fifth" while they were there at 10. 08 - the show must have been on 9.30 to 10.30 - seems desperate to go out late to watch a tv show you could have watched at home. His parents aren't young and the grandchildren you would assume would be in their beds asleep then NBC would have to drive home later after and most tv series run over time so a late night for the NBC .

Moo the grand parents have a pool... Social life sorted for the grandchildren. I thought that ABC lived in a complex with a pool. What a shame she had to up grade to a premise that didn't have a pool but has a spare room for TM to get jiggy. :furious:
Sorry for taking up the thread. I have some free time and I have a lot of opinions. Just based on having lots of people in my life..

Army dates and Med-sin people.
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