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If he did, and after I joined the discussion on another thread (the Morgan Huxley thread here on WS) where the young man had 14 girls on the go at once (allegedly), I'd just like to know what their secrets are. Must be an interesting life having women falling all over you merely by being in the same room as them!

Don't know whether to be envious, or not - except that GBC is in jail and the other young man is deceased.

On second thoughts, I think my monogamous state is probably ideal - less trouble that way :drumroll:

To Dear Doc Watson, Re those blokes that seem to have all those women: They also seem to have another qualification or two, which I doubt you would have.
That is: a Diploma in Con-ology, which may obtained along with the diploma in Con-Artist-ology.
These diplomas may be obtained from the University of Streets Wise or any other dis-honourable learning institutions. (Including some Home grown/cultured varieties.)

The other characteristic most common in these species, is the general overall lack of substance. Meaning they are shell deep. (Generally speaking).

Ever seen those beautiful Emu Eggs displayed in a museum? The exterior looks very pretty, exquisite; a wonder to behold. There are three or so, thin layers within the shell, each of different colours. A clever Artist can create a work of great beauty with those three colours upon that empty shell.
Might even display the etched empty shell mounted on an expensive silver egg display holder or tree.
The egg shell, however is completely empty, (it's contents are removed prior to art work); It is devoid of anything that might resemble life. Devoid of anything at all in fact. Just an empty shell. Full of Air. No life, no conscience, no feelings, just a thing of which the outside artwork only can be admired. Sometimes the mounting looks all right too.

Now along with these traits, many of these species are also consummate liars. And they expect to be able to get away with it. To them, that is the norm. (Telling lies all the time, I mean.)
A lot of them like to have the appearance of being High Fliers". (Even when the money is getting a bit thin.) This little foible seems to suck people in quite successfully. Both males and females.

The very notion of monogamy is something of an anathema to these sorts because it detracts somewhat from this glorious "eternally free" state of affairs. This individual is always available for a free ride. Beyond that, he has very little understanding. Of life, of love, of morals, of decency, or of anything at all, that is necessary for harmonious living.

There is an old saying: "Still waters run deep." ...... Well you can forget that with these people.
More appropriate to say that "Running waters run shallow."
Better still: 'A shallow brook babbles the loudest'

Back to Doc W. I personally like you very much the way you are. And I would hazard a guess you have quite a female fan club.
I would reckon those "fans" are highly intelligent, lead worthwhile lives, are morally scrupled, and know the difference between right and wrong. Many have a delicious sense of humour. Also have courage to speak up and voice their opinions on this site.
I am quite sure there would be a male fan club too, but for now, that is another matter. I don't personally like the terminology "Fan Club", but "Admiration Club" says a fair bit more.

That Admiration extends to others here who express their thoughts and ideas, theories and personal summations; fearlessly, courageously, intelligently and with the ability to accept criticism. Demonstrates also that the Moral Compass notion is alive and well.

What a wonderful world, when a good Doctor, (a healer), and Others, (who possess not only a Moral Compass, but are Caring, Considerate, and Intelligent with a degree of Wisdom); can speak up on a site such as this, and demonstrate an empathetic nature in a matter so cruel.

Sometimes it is a good thing when we take another look at our Moral Compass. Or our own directional gyros.
I've been racking my brain over why the counsellor did not want to share her vital information. Particularly as has been so aptly said "You'd hope that murder would trump counselling confidentiality" Thanks missfisher.
Is she more concerned about her future reputation as a marriage counsellor?
I find that highly unlikely given the adage: "Any publicity is good publicity."
Or is she embarrassed regarding the nature of her counselling?
Was it she who advised the 15 minutes (or similar) blocks of discussions? Or has that been mis-represented?
Has GBC exercised his "charms" on this lady also?
From my point of view, I would have much more respect for this counsellor person if she were to be Allison's voice, when Allison is unable to speak for herself.

Right On Ladybird - I couldn't agree more. For a counselor to claim confidentiality in the face of murder of one of her clients? Wouldn't you want to present your notes to the court to - show the world the real situation? To me, this seems like she has to hide something or keep her personal stake in the situation quiet!

Of course - I am completely ignoring the counseling ethical ideals but - if I was dead and my hubby was arrested for my murder -and coincidentally we were seeing a counselor -you bet your bottom dollar I would want everyone to know what he had been thinking about our marriage to be out in the open.

There is no shame and no personal ramifications for Allison in this scenario - we already to know she was far too much of a martyr and was the one who held her family together - and as for GBC - as the accused - sure he has a right to privacy and to object but when his lawyer is just as keen to get his hands on the info as the prosecution - then what is the problem - the information is there - it has the potential to be informative to the case - it is far more important for the court to understand the whole situation (albeit without reporting this info to the public) than hush up the most up to date relevant information about the relationship between the partners in this unfortunate situation.
@LadyBird1: What a lovely post - and thank you for the sentiments. I'm blushing, as I'm not sure I'm worthy of some of those compliments. But the point you make indirectly is a very good one - that many, or most, on here and in our real lives, are good, honest, intelligent, and likeable people. And it's all too easy to get a somewhat warped view of humankind when we spend such a percentage of our thinking on crime, murderers, and other assorted dregs.

I guess it's a reality check - we need to get out and sniff the roses occasionally, even though we become immersed in the darker side of life here (and some of us in our jobs too).

I've personally met with some on here, and communicated with others who are - I can vouch - the most normal, lovely, human beings, and who would represent reality, whereas the people we examine and speculate on in these forums are a microcosm of the other side of the coin (to mix metaphors).

OK - back to work here... :blushing:
Can't sleep - not sure if it's been mentioned before, but there is an interesting unidentified decd case called Taman Shud/ Somerton Man from the late 1940s in south Australia - my friend worked on this case and it has a lot of strange points about it, there is a thread on WS, but don't know how to link it. As a starting point, wiki has a good summary.
Can't sleep - not sure if it's been mentioned before, but there is an interesting unidentified decd case called Taman Shud/ Somerton Man from the late 1940s in south Australia - my friend worked on this case and it has a lot of strange points about it, there is a thread on WS, but don't know how to link it. As a starting point, wiki has a good summary.

Intriguing - has all the makings of the best of Agatha Christie, doesn't it? And of course with the current interest in TV shows like Cold Case, Waking the Dead, New Tricks, etc, all looking at old unsolved crimes, I'm surprised that this one hasn't been much more publicized.

Thanks, Sleuthis, for giving me something else with which to fog up my brain... :banghead: :facepalm:
Can't sleep - not sure if it's been mentioned before, but there is an interesting unidentified decd case called Taman Shud/ Somerton Man from the late 1940s in south Australia - my friend worked on this case and it has a lot of strange points about it, there is a thread on WS, but don't know how to link it. As a starting point, wiki has a good summary.

He was never ever identified and the case is as much still a mystery today as when it happened. He was found dead on the beach, fully clothed and leaning back against the beach wall. He had a torn page from the book 'The Rubaiyat' of Omar Khayyam, (the theme of these poems is that one should live life to the full and have no regrets when it ended), and no identification. Police tried to trace the origin of his clothes etc to no avail. He may have been a European immigrant who jumped ship, or even a spy who was 'terminated'. No cause of death was able to be established if I recall correctly.
When I told my friend I was a 'web sleuth', he said it was my civic duty to put the taman shud case back on the map. :)

A lot of people I've spoken with about this case in real life have said its 'over- thought' and have applied ye olde Ockham's razor to it as suicide. I think there's heaps more to it though, especially the code/rubaiyat.

It's Still a hot topic in Adelaide, some 65 years later.

OT, I still think about Allison a lot and how sad this case is.
Feel so terrible for Detective Leeding's family, friends and colleagues re: his senseless loss. The victim impact statements on the news were heartbreaking :(
Also off topic....justice today for Damien Leeding!!

THE man who murdered Gold Coast police officer Damian Leeding by shooting him in the face during a frightening armed hold-up will remain behind bars until at least 2031

That's assuming there is no change to his parole conditions before then...! And even if he does serve the full 20 years, he'll still be a dangerous 61-yr old when he gets out. Should have been 40 years!
Wondering how GBC would be filling in his days? Any inside info or knowledge of prison routines? I just hope he isn't studying criminology or relationship counselling.
... and here's another mother of three little children murdered by her husband:
Geologist Guilty of Ex-wife's Donvale Murder, October 10, 2013 - 3:36PM

A Supreme Court jury deliberated for more than four days before finding Robert Arthur Meade, 52, guilty on Thursday of murdering Sally Brooks on July 1, 2011.
The Crown had claimed during Meade's four-week trial that he was driven by a hatred of his former wife and bitterness over her decision to move to Britain with their three children when he attacked her in the laundry of her Donvale home.

Ms Brooks said Sally’s three beautiful children had lost the most precious person in the world, their mother. Sally lived for her children and loved them with all her heart.
Wondering how GBC would be filling in his days? Any inside info or knowledge of prison routines? I just hope he isn't studying criminology or relationship counselling.

There was quite a lot about Arthur Gorrie Correctional in a report back in June last year.

June 24, 2012

THIS is where accused wife-murderer Gerard Baden-Clay will live, possibly for up to three years, as the high-profile case goes through the legal process.

A Queensland Corrective Services spokesman said that jobs - including cleaning or kitchen duties, horticulture work in gardens or maintenance - pay $2.80-$8.50 a day.

Also including the following...

Prisoners Information Booklet


Correctional centres with industry workshops provide work training so if you don’t have the
skills when you enter the centre, you can learn.

Full-time study

If you are serious about furthering your education, it may be possible to study full-time.
There are limited places available for full-time students

Right On Ladybird - I couldn't agree more. For a counselor to claim confidentiality in the face of murder of one of her clients? Wouldn't you want to present your notes to the court to - show the world the real situation? To me, this seems like she has to hide something or keep her personal stake in the situation quiet!

Of course - I am completely ignoring the counseling ethical ideals but - if I was dead and my hubby was arrested for my murder -and coincidentally we were seeing a counselor -you bet your bottom dollar I would want everyone to know what he had been thinking about our marriage to be out in the open.

There is no shame and no personal ramifications for Allison in this scenario - we already to know she was far too much of a martyr and was the one who held her family together - and as for GBC - as the accused - sure he has a right to privacy and to object but when his lawyer is just as keen to get his hands on the info as the prosecution - then what is the problem - the information is there - it has the potential to be informative to the case - it is far more important for the court to understand the whole situation (albeit without reporting this info to the public) than hush up the most up to date relevant information about the relationship between the partners in this unfortunate situation.

I agree wholeheartedly having been a Relationship Counsellor myself but now retired.
I suspect this space is very much alive, even though the posts are few.
Fair while to wait for the trial. Meanwhile plenty to think about. Mull over. Consider. Question. Look at .... in the cold hard light of day.
Caterpillars (hitherto unknown in Australia) that spring out and make horrible rash marks on naked torsos. (Why naked by the way ?)
Gillette Razor Blades that are downright dangerous.
Business partners that speak of what appears like being conned by a regular con-artist, albeit with a fancy name.
A big Debt. A fancy lifestyle.
An Insurance Policy (which co-incidentally has been checked upon by the same apparent con artist: before the body was formally identified)
Mistresses plural. (Each thought they were "the one." Each fed with the usual tripe regarding the marriage that was all past tense. And none of it's failure due to him.)
Adultery, big time. (Seems like when and where available.)
Lots of lies. Not sure where they start or finish.
The importance of stating the morning ablutions habits of the bereaved, (no, correction not technically bereaved at his point in time: partner of lost wife, as not exactly technically bereaved at this point); on the very morning of the wife's disappearance. Correction again: Might have disappeared last night, but was watching the footy show on TV. So not real sure.
The employment of relatives to ensure suitable alibis.
The request by relatives for money for bail. Dollars being the all important factor. As opposed to justice for the dead wife.
The appearance at the Local Show so extremely soon after the event. (In a state of "bereavement") Sort of displaying that "business was as usual."
Good God! Was it, was everything: "as usual?" Or was super cool business man able to go about selling Real Estate at an all time low when no properties were actually sold at all?
And last but not least ; the emotional speech about his wonderful wife, his better half, the lady he worshipped and adored, the mother of his children, her wonderful attributes, and those of her family; and how he simply cannot go on with "business as usual" without her. The Light of his Life.
Still waiting for that speech ..... and still waiting for justice....
Just thinking... I wonder if I went missing, if my husband would:
(a) Look around to see if he could find me, leaving no stone unturned.
(b) Try and Locate my mobile phone.
(c) Make a Doctor's appointment for himself ASAP.
(d) Hire a Lawyer ASAP.
(c) Contact my parents and have a long conversation. Ask for advice. Ask for help.
(d) Contact a lady friend and say "We shouldn't talk for a while, and we should lay low."
(e) Carry on with work as usual.
Just thinking... I wonder if I went missing, if my husband would:
(a) Look around to see if he could find me, leaving no stone unturned.
(b) Try and Locate my mobile phone.
(c) Make a Doctor's appointment for himself ASAP.
(d) Hire a Lawyer ASAP.
(c) Contact my parents and have a long conversation. Ask for advice. Ask for help.
(d) Contact a lady friend and say "We shouldn't talk for a while, and we should lay low."
(e) Carry on with work as usual.

LB1, I don't think (thankfully) that there would be too many husbands who would react as GBC did. And I don't think there would be too many husbands who would send such stupid text messages "I've managed to dress myself and had a poo without any help."

Yes, sure is going to be a long wait until next June!
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