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DNA Solves
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Reading the 4 statements, I get the impression that TM played down a few things & acted vague. Eg I know GBC lives on Brookfield Rd but I couldn't tell you the house number. Yeah right. When she encountered Allison at the gym she states that GBC 'just said' he'd received abusive texts from both women afterwards. No more said. So TM just left it at that? Not the least bit curious as to what Allison had said in her message? IMO the words in her statements at times have vagueness applied where you would think details should be easy to clearly recall (eg number of phone calls etc). What I find quite weird is the phrasing used to describe Allison being missing. TM quoted GBC as saying "Don't know what happened there" when she phoned him from the conference. That's what I would say if a cake didn't rise or an email bounced back - not my missing spouse!! "Don't know what happened there"... sheeeesh
In Toni's first statement to Police, she confirms that her car is a blue Lexus. Has it been confirmed whether it is a sedan model or 4x4 Lexus?

2009 Blue Lexus Sedan for the past two and a half years, prior to that a Black Holden Captiva
It'd be ace if Toni got a super hot spunky devoted and free to be with her boyfriend before she testifies. Someone to give her the courage to tell it like it was because she sees GBC for what he was and is over it. Failing that, I hope she is as mad as hell at him! If she's a hostile witness, I don't know how she can ever expect people to treat her the same again.
It'd be ace if Toni got a super hot spunky devoted and free to be with her boyfriend before she testifies. Someone to give her the courage to tell it like it was because she sees GBC for what he was and is over it. Failing that, I hope she is as mad as hell at him! If she's a hostile witness, I don't know how she can ever expect people to treat her the same again.

Toni would be getting a lot of support from the Dept of Qld Prosecutors office.. lots of babysitting , coffee time, whatever it takes.. because TONI has a story to tell that is highly valuable to the Prosecution. We've only heard a teaser, so far, just enough to deny him bail.. The Prosecutors office will know how to fill in the big gap of Gerards absence that Toni is enduring.. there will be long phone calls of listening to Toni talk of the romance, the nuisance of Alison, her idea of running the business, how she could have managed it all, how mean people are to her, on and on and on, but they only have to do it until June. They will get her over the line, come hell or high water, that's their job..

the case against Gerard doesn't rest entirely on Toni but she is a big part of it. Probably not as big as she thinks, but big enough. She is a horse being led to water, and the prosecution will make her drink that water.
But Surreptitious:
Who holds the cards? And who is superior in Tactical Maneuvers?
SOME-body dumped Allison Baden Clay off the Kholo Creek Bridge. That is a FACT.
It was NOT Allison. No.
Murder generally speaking, requires Means, Motive, Opportunity.
Looking at Facts; There must be a Person or Persons responsible.
I'm curious to know what TM's current employer thinks about giving her days off for the trial, if in fact she's working?
There was obviously enough in the 1st to 4th statements to prevent bail being granted... quite often no statements are released prior to trial.. its not incumbent on the Dept of Prosecution to do so, more often they rely on statements of fact put by the police...

I bet that 5th one is a real doozy.

At the bail hearing , only the statements put forward by the Prosecutors witness were allowed to be challenged by the defence , and only challenged on the grounds tabled by those particular statements... other statements, other witnesses, statements by the same witnesses not tabled at the bail hearing are all part of the Trial itself.. in a bail hearing, its up to the accused to show cause why bail should be granted ,, on a murder charge it rarely is ( Gittany was an exception but that was NSW, too ) .. I see that Olivia , Bwana and Eileen gave statements for the bail hearing, ( I am assuming they were statements along the lines of where Gerard would reside IF allowed bail ) but they were not used, and not made public , either.
Ben B in his statement said he spoke to TMH on the phone on the 23 April and she said
"I am responsible for her running off"
She said "Allison probably had someone pick her up and she is teaching Gerard a lesson"

But she had been told by GBC on the morning of the 21st that the police feared the worst and that Allison had met with foul play.

It was all over the media that Allison was last seen by GBC on the lounge watching the footy show and given her walking cloths were missing she had gone on her usual 2 or 3 time a week morning walk.

So why would Toni even say Allison had RUN OFF?

Interesting, isn't it.. the bit that Toni floats about 'someone picking her up'... where would she have got that idea from?? and what a strange and peculiar concept.. leaves her children to be 'picked up by someone'?? doesn't take her handbag, wallet, cards.. car... change of undies..nothing. And she must have seen the grief and terror of the Dickies by then.

Teaching Gerard a lesson sounds like Toni projecting her deepest wish. Alison had so much power, in Toni's eyes.. power to have her fired, power to prevent Gerard from getting a divorce, power to take over her job at the franchise, power to check his phone and emails, power to run Gerard ragged with monitoring and checking in ( the story Gerard tells Toni is along these lines.. no one knows if its true, Alison is dead, and its only Toni via Gerard that this is known)
Those poor staff and partners at that ridiculous franchise... what a horrible way to earn a living it must have been for them all.. reading between the lines in their statements, Ben , Joycelyn, Kellie, etc.. it just sounded like a hell on earth, with one upheaval after another, rolled eyes all day, and tip toeing around Elaine and Bwana to boot. AND leaking money like a sieve, day after day . more disappearing funds, profit, capital, most of it borrowed, payment coming due, sorting out the lies, the obfuscations, the sheer persistence of the mad and irrational business practice that went on week after week, with no end in sight..

I think it was Ms Frost , and Ben too who took their losses on the chin, and exited, loosing a big chunk of invested monies rather than stay and deal with it.. they must have weighed up the pros and cons and walked out that door without a backward glance.
Interesting, isn't it.. the bit that Toni floats about 'someone picking her up'... where would she have got that idea from?? and what a strange and peculiar concept.. leaves her children to be 'picked up by someone'?? doesn't take her handbag, wallet, cards.. car... change of undies..nothing. And she must have seen the grief and terror of the Dickies by then.

Teaching Gerard a lesson sounds like Toni projecting her deepest wish. Alison had so much power, in Toni's eyes.. power to have her fired, power to prevent Gerard from getting a divorce, power to take over her job at the franchise, power to check his phone and emails, power to run Gerard ragged with monitoring and checking in ( the story Gerard tells Toni is along these lines.. no one knows if its true, Alison is dead, and its only Toni via Gerard that this is known)

Trooper you picked up on that quickly. I had deleted the post as it did not come across as I intended. Thanks for explaining what I was thinking.
Those poor staff and partners at that ridiculous franchise... what a horrible way to earn a living it must have been for them all.. reading between the lines in their statements, Ben , Joycelyn, Kellie, etc.. it just sounded like a hell on earth, with one upheaval after another, rolled eyes all day, and tip toeing around Elaine and Bwana to boot. AND leaking money like a sieve, day after day . more disappearing funds, profit, capital, most of it borrowed, payment coming due, sorting out the lies, the obfuscations, the sheer persistence of the mad and irrational business practice that went on week after week, with no end in sight..

I think it was Ms Frost , and Ben too who took their losses on the chin, and exited, loosing a big chunk of invested monies rather than stay and deal with it.. they must have weighed up the pros and cons and walked out that door without a backward glance.

Yes Trooper, it would have been an awful place to work..... And I bet Ms Frost and Ben are still paying off some of the debts of the business. IMOO
This was a surprise to read:
On that Friday, quite early, both Toni and Gerard are creepily, uncannily and with unwavering determination are convinced that no one, and particularly not Alison, at any time in the foreseeable future is going to be checking Gerards phone to see if Toni rang or he rang Toni. There has never been any mention of any other person Alison was checking Gerards phone calls about. She may well have been, but it hasn't been a factor in the story so far. This is what Gerard told Toni.. that Alison was checking for her calls... no one else's as far as Gerards story to Toni goes.

'He also mentioned the police were aware of our affair.'
This is a kind of weasel like wriggling fib, too. Because he hadn't said that exactly. He said it was over, ended, some months previously. Gerard was at great pains to make that lie sit up and beg... it was his default position, to Alison, to the counselor, to the police on that morning, and no doubt in previous weeks to staff, colleagues, clientele , certainly Bruce Flegg, creditors and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all. To his parents?? and Olivia??? the vocal Pastor Ian?? I doubt it. Next thing, Bwana and Elaine are facilitating calls on their phone for Gerard and Toni WHILE THE SEARCH FOR ALISON was continuing. Seems to me, they must have known that Alison wouldn't be checking on them, either... What were they going to say should Alison return from her 'walk'?? 'just tryin to help, Al.. you know.. thought it was ok.. didn't see anything wrong with that'...


Damning evidence of complicity IMO: 'Bwana and Elaine facilitating calls on their phone for Gerard and Toni WHILE THE SEARCH FOR ALISON was continuing'.
I went to court this morning for the pre recording of evidence set down for today but if it was on, it wasnt listed and not open to the public. So I sat in on the Cowen trial for the murder of Daniel Morcombe and listened to the mornings witnesses.

Apologies for my tardiness in replying. Thanks for fronting court Alioop. Were you able to find out if the recording session has been re-scheduled?
I'm curious to know what TM's current employer thinks about giving her days off for the trial, if in fact she's working?

One would think her mind would preoccupied much of the time, but as Trooper has said ...... a weaning process would have been taking place ...... all that attention from the males of the legal professions may have made it easier for her.
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