DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Strangeworld... That's because we are highly trained super sleuths!!! Sorry, Friday night and all....

Whoa highly trained super sleuths! COOL! :yes:
Friday night & I'm kicking back with my Websleuths mates.
Is it devotion or stupidity? :crosseyed:

It's pleasurable devotion + it's cold and pouring rain outside

Devotion I think. By a bunch of the best people *advertiser censored*
Asked if anyone else could be charged in connection with Mrs Baden-Clay's death, Acting Chief Superintendent Mark Ainsworth said he could not comment.

"All I can say is the major incident room is still running. There is probably in excess of 15 detectives still in there," Supt Ainsworth said.

15+ still on the case in June. bless them.


(Wasn't nice hearing Daniel Morecombe's killer saying "choked him out")
15+ still on the case in June. bless them.


(Wasn't nice hearing Daniel Morecombe's killer saying "choked him out")
No it wasn't nice hearing him say "Choked him out" And said with apparent ease.
Couldn't help thinking of the angst, heartache, and God Only Knows What the family has been through all these years.
It was like ...... it meant nothing to the killer. Even taking the life of a human soul meant nothing.
What DID matter was that he needed to cover his own tracks, look after himself, have alibis ready, and consider how clever he was. No compassion, no feelings, no sympathy, no empathy, no nothing.
On with "Business As Usual".
Also couldn't help thinking at the same time of Baden Clay, Simon Gittany and 69 seconds.
And I couldn't help thinking of wonderful work of dedicated detectives leaving no stone unturned.
I think it is timely to consider all those "on the periphery" so to speak. Not directly connected, but indirectly involved.
For these people, their lives will never be quite the same. In the knowledge that if only they had ....
Some were actively involved in the search.
Some heard sounds. Sounds like screaming.
Some were neighbours. Or close.
Some owned dogs that went berserk at the time. (But didn't put two and two together together until after the MSM reports.)
Some witnessed unusual things. (Which by themselves appeared innocent)

And for these people, their lives will never be the same.
No, its not "life as usual." It is not right at all. NO.
For these people, they have to go about in the knowledge that Business or indeed Life was NOT or ever would be: "As Usual" ever again.
No, an important part belonging to of the very fabric of life had been exterminated forever. Possibly Murdered.
Her Murderer hiding behind semi-legitimate excuses.
Her Murderer appears fixated on is own innocence. Just like Simon Gittany.
Yes, those people "on the periphery" are yet to speak. Have their voices heard.
Yet to try and clear their consciences albeit even a little.
I think it is timely to consider all those "on the periphery" so to speak. Not directly connected, but indirectly involved.
For these people, their lives will never be quite the same. In the knowledge that if only they had ....
Some were actively involved in the search.
Some heard sounds. Sounds like screaming.
Some were neighbours. Or close.
Some owned dogs that went berserk at the time. (But didn't put two and two together together until after the MSM reports.)
Some witnessed unusual things. (Which by themselves appeared innocent)
Some heard one or two heavy thuds in the middle of the night and from the direction of the nocturnal voices and sounds of car door flaps.

And for these people, their lives will never be the same.
No, its not "life as usual." It is not right at all. NO.
For these people, they have to go about in the knowledge that Business or indeed Life was NOT or ever would be: "As Usual" ever again.
No, an important part belonging to of the very fabric of life had been exterminated forever. Possibly Murdered.
Her Murderer hiding behind semi-legitimate excuses.
Her Murderer appears fixated on is own innocence. Just like Simon Gittany.
Yes, those people "on the periphery" are yet to speak. Have their voices heard.
Yet to try and clear their consciences albeit even a little.
I want to add above sentence.
Your text has to publish as a newspaper article, otherwise the persons in question will perhaps not read it. :smile: And that is the problem!
I want to add above sentence.
Your text has to publish as a newspaper article, otherwise the persons in question will perhaps not read it. :smile: And that is the problem!

Ah, yes. The thuds in the night, the voices, and the sounds of car door flaps.
On the same night, at the same (suspected) time, and at the same place as (when and where) Allison disappeared.
That's some pretty serious sensitive stuff to try and cover up IMO.
Thank you for the amendment From Germany.
Learning the brilliance of how undercover police can 'wire' the suspect's friends to get a confession, I'm so looking forward to 10th June. TMc or Flugg were trusted confidants and could have asked GG some burning questions for the police. GG would have opened up like a ripe melon for them in the early stages.
Did the cops plant these devices in any of the BC homes when searching?
The aunt of one of the Murdocks who viciously murdered nurse Anita Cobby was 'wired' when she visited him in gaol and got the confession and we're seeing the ingenious planning for the Brett Cowan confession and capture.

The best comes out during the trials.

To just think about the union of two people, the unknown journey they each take together and how everything just 'went off the rails', makes one think of this outcome as a worst case scenario.

Due to personality traits of each of them, maybe the marriage of Allison and Gerard was doomed from the beginning ...... however the true commitment was upheld by Allison to the end.

I don't know the facts, but it does seem that Gerard was abusing Allison both mentally and physically; and continuing to live in their marriage seems to have turned Allison into a tormented woman.

With the two of them actually talking for 15 mins each night about his affair brought out the reality of its existence; where previously he was keeping it his secret ..... while Allison was wrestling with it as a ghost. As therapy, Allison used her diary to record her pain, and some facts that she knew had to be addressed.

JMO .... as a result of that therapy, I believe that she had reached the point where she told Gerard that she no longer wanted to 'play the game' ..... she had actually turned the tables on him ..... making him LOSE HIS CONTROL ....... Allison would be leaving him with 'the lot' (debts, another woman who didn't know about the other women he was dabbling with and a well-honed deceit that one really shouldn't be employing).

Even though he didn't consider himself as Allison's property, he had considered her as his property for almost 15 years ........ engraved on her wedding ring: "G&A 23.8.97"; no doubt this is also engraved on his wedding band ..... that he wears when he is in Court; not something that TMcH would relish seeing!
What happened to the Crosses and flowers at the Memorial Site ? There is one single potted flower at the site this morning?
What happened to the Crosses and flowers at the Memorial Site ? There is one single potted flower at the site this morning?

They were all there on Thursday, when I drove over the Kholo bridge twice. They were looking decidedly sad, most of the flowers were dead, but they were all there. The previous week, they looked in good condition.

Sorry to hear that they've been stripped down. The memorial looks good though.
They were all there on Thursday, when I drove over the Kholo bridge twice. They were looking decidedly sad, most of the flowers were dead, but they were all there. The previous week, they looked in good condition.

Sorry to hear that they've been stripped down. The memorial looks good though.

Yes they were there Friday as well. Perhaps they are being refreshed.
Yes they were there Friday as well. Perhaps they are being refreshed.

It is my hope that, as we proceed towards the Trial, locals will maintain the flowers as a signal to the community that this crime offends our collective consciousness. :rose:
It is my hope that, as we proceed towards the Trial, locals will maintain the flowers as a signal to the community that this crime offends our collective consciousness. :rose:

A Supreme Court judge set June 9, 2014 for the start of a trial, which is expected to take a month.

Read more:

That's three months and six days.
The trial itself seems to have been forever in arriving. And I admit to being impatient in seeing justice served in an unjust situation. It appears like the longer we wait, the more comes to light. The picture becomes increasingly clearer.
I am continually gobsmacked by the absurdities that are parried or put forward as "facts" in this matter.
Absurdities that are supposed carry weight or "reasons" for his "innocence"".
Absurdities that are supposed to be true.
Absurdities that will no doubt cost a fortune to disprove.
It appears that "Caterpillars" was just the beginning.
Not wanting to detract from this matter; But there was another "accident" at Kingsthorpe near Toowoomba in 2011.
It has "stuck in my craw" so to speak all this time, because of its oddities. Absurdities. General rubbish.
Much the same oddities as GBC. Appears he simply required a semi plausible explanation for an "accident."

"Mr Sleba, 40, told the first police to arrive at the property that his gun accidentally discharged while the pair had been searching the garage for an eastern brown snake.
Although police initially treated the matter as a homicide investigation, they never charged Mr Sleba over his wife's death, telling an inquest they could not find a motive.
Ms P........ yesterday said she was unable to determine whether the shooting was accidental or criminally negligent without key evidence from Mr Sleba - "the only witness to Leanne's death".

Unless I am mistaken, this "Snake" come "Caterpillar" come "Suicide" come "Anything that isn't Murder" yarn is awfully like the Gerard Brazen Clay story.
The key of the entire matter appears to be: Have a semi plausible fairy story that will need to be refuted by the Crown.

Marleywings, I am wondering if WS has looked at this matter?

My apologies here: But I am a humble scrubber from the bush, who respects guns and snakes and life. And truth. And Justice.

And this one never added up for me.
PS. Can also a use a gun alright, and kill a snake. Snake killing needs not be with a gun BTW. Best weapon a humble garden rake. (Better than a hoe or shovel.)
Apologies for my tardiness in replying. Thanks for fronting court Alioop. Were you able to find out if the recording session has been re-scheduled?

No MM, I havent found out. I suspect that it may have been on, just kept private but I dont know for sure.
News on Novy Chardon (in case you missed it).
POLICE were on Tuesday night digging up a Gold Coast backyard for the remains of missing Gold Coast mum Novy Chardon, who they fear could be entombed inside a car.
A house at Mt Nathan in the Gold Coast Hinterland was declared a crime scene and an earthmoving machine brought in.
It is believed police are searching for a vehicle thought to be buried deep in the yard of the Eden Court property. They are looking for the body of Mrs Chardon, who was 34 when she disappeared,
who they fear could be inside.
Mr Chardon says he woke about 7am on Thursday morning to find his wife missing.

At 8.45am, he booked flights for his two children to join him on a pre-planned business trip to Indonesia. ‘‘I couldn’t find her. I couldn’t leave them home alone,’’ he told Fairfax Media.
Here's the WS Novy thread -

CMC still investigating senior LNP figures over Flegg tapes scandal

QUEENSLAND’S corruption watchdog has confirmed senior LNP figures remain under investigation over the covert recordings undertaken by Moggill MP Bruce Flegg...

Thanks Fuskier! It will be very interesting to see what comes out in regard to this phone at the trial in June. Could it be possible that BF may be more entangled in this case than having been asked for a loan, visiting GBC when A first went missing, offering GBC accommodation, lending GBC his phone and hearing screams on the night in question, might at first seem to imply? IMO
Not wanting to detract from this matter; But there was another "accident" at Kingsthorpe near Toowoomba in 2011.
It has "stuck in my craw" so to speak all this time, because of its oddities. Absurdities. General rubbish.
Much the same oddities as GBC. Appears he simply required a semi plausible explanation for an "accident."

"Mr Sleba, 40, told the first police to arrive at the property that his gun accidentally discharged while the pair had been searching the garage for an eastern brown snake.
Although police initially treated the matter as a homicide investigation, they never charged Mr Sleba over his wife's death, telling an inquest they could not find a motive.
Ms P........ yesterday said she was unable to determine whether the shooting was accidental or criminally negligent without key evidence from Mr Sleba - "the only witness to Leanne's death".

Unless I am mistaken, this "Snake" come "Caterpillar" come "Suicide" come "Anything that isn't Murder" yarn is awfully like the Gerard Brazen Clay story.
The key of the entire matter appears to be: Have a semi plausible fairy story that will need to be refuted by the Crown.

Marleywings, I am wondering if WS has looked at this matter?

My apologies here: But I am a humble scrubber from the bush, who respects guns and snakes and life. And truth. And Justice.

And this one never added up for me.
PS. Can also a use a gun alright, and kill a snake. Snake killing needs not be with a gun BTW. Best weapon a humble garden rake. (Better than a hoe or shovel.)

Apologies for the delay in reply about the Sleba case. I've done a search on WS & there doesn't appear to be any mention of it.

Judging by the reports, at the end of the lengthy inquest into Leanne's death, the coroner was unable to reach a finding. It seems police originally treated her death as a homicide but no charges were ever laid as they couldn't find a motive. I notice there were non-publication orders on certain matters issued by the Coroner so there'd probably not be too much to discuss.

I've made a note of it & if at some stage in the future there's a change in the above or if further info becomes available there'll be no problem starting up a thread.
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