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DNA Solves
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Maybe Toni was ringing Gerard on the secret Flegg phone, the one Alison may not have known about... that thought has crossed my mind a fair bit.. either way... even Toni would have realized, surely, that ANY phone Gerard had, whether it was his, Fleggs, Bruce Overlands or whatever was going to be under scrutiny from the police.. She was advised to get a solicitors advice VERY early on , at her first visit to the station <modsnip> Don't use the phone! but no!!....
From Makara.... " TM phoned GBC because she realised that Allison had not come to the conference.'

You have to ask yourself.. where did Toni THINK ALISON WAS??? if not at the conference??? sulking in the bathroom?? down at the 21st Office?? where?? I think she thought she had scored one win in the long and exhausting battle for Gerards asinine attention. He had, against all the odds obeyed her demand and made his wife obey her demand , too. .. a huge win , it must have seemed like.
Toni had made a great kerfuffle about this wretched conference.. it meant a lot to Toni, I gathered , she went to as many as she could , here, there, conferences on real estate piffle were her big thing. SO she gets to the conference, and has a thorough sticky beak around, no Alison... no one from that franchise, ( because the other girl didn't go either, I believe , being in shock that Alison was missing which she was told by Gerard early Friday) it must have been like Xmas, she had told him what to do, and as the hours went on and still no Alison, I bet she sat right near the entrance , she could hardly wait to ring Gerard.

so she does, all thrilled, to find that standing next to Gerard are police officers. What a shock!!
I'll hold on that one till the trial, Makara!!.....

How I see it. . Toni is the Prosecutions witness. a central and crucial one.. the motive for Alisons murder hangs to a great degree on her testimony. The other factor is the money, and I can't decide which one was more urgent to Gerard, I suspect the money was when it's all boiled down to gravy. It was the money that made Gerard burst into tears with Flegg. ( I have always felt those genuine tears of Gerards at that performance were significant )

Toni was in very great need of the protection of the State of QLD early on, I suspect.. protection from indictment and conviction, I say that because it had to be something big enough for her to become the Prosecution Witness and all that position entails. It is no small thing. Considering her blind obsessiveness for Gerard and all the Baden Clay paraphernalia, it had to be something that was a real and inevitable crusher for her to do it.. I cant think of anything that would make her fold in this way. The Prosecution can't make one be their witness.. one has to be persuaded of the benefits of it, in this case, and Toni must have got a big benefit that had real consequences in her life to do so..

I don't mean money, that would not enter into it, but a real and unavoidable extra horrible piece of trouble if she DIDNT. That is.. the Prosecutor has something on Toni that has persuaded her, in her best interests (and Toni hasn't been really savvy at what is in her best interests up to that point) to be a witness AGAINST Gerard.

Isn't it ironic and yet kind of neat that Toni will be the one that sinks Gerard like the Titanic?? don't you think there is a sort of cosmic balance going on there? heheh

Yes, TM is a prosecution witness and I think she will be a hostile witness. TM was found out in a lie (or perhaps many lies) and could have been charged with 'Lie To Police', or more commonly known as obstructing the course of justice. This carries a large fine and/or time in jail. Once this was put to her it would have been a great incentive for TM to 'tell all'. The police would have been fed up with TM by statement #5 and told her straight up that she could be facing other charges unless she co-operated fully. I think they scared the crap out of her and good on them!
Toni had made a great kerfuffle about this wretched conference.. it meant a lot to Toni, I gathered , she went to as many as she could , here, there, conferences on real estate piffle were her big thing. SO she gets to the conference, and has a thorough sticky beak around, no Alison... no one from that franchise, ( because the other girl didn't go either, I believe , being in shock that Alison was missing which she was told by Gerard early Friday) it must have been like Xmas, she had told him what to do, and as the hours went on and still no Alison, I bet she sat right near the entrance , she could hardly wait to ring Gerard.

so she does, all thrilled, to find that standing next to Gerard are police officers. What a shock!!

BBM: :floorlaugh:

I'm wondering how hostile she will be come June, July, Makara.... more hostile?? less?? She has had to go cold turkey on Gerard, all the BadenClays, and its been a long time. No one has been feeding her Alison stuff for the past few years, no one has been calling her Gorgeous Girl, no one has been keeping a little secret with her... Nature fills a vacuum, and I am curious to see how Toni has managed these past long and lonely nights. The general public sees her has a fool and worse than that, a vicious fool and that cant be pleasant. I doubt if she could have gone back to teaching, even QLD isn't that desperate, and selling real estate would be a bit iffy, a bit on the nose... it would be a brave business that would take her on.

and one ages quickly in these middle years..... under stress, daily can't-get-out-of stress.. all takes it toll.
It is hard to understand that GBC's Defence team wouldn't figure out that TMcH is involved in some way.
In that respect, they would be more than happy to get their client off the hook and aim to hang it on her.

In the process ...... maybe this would then provide enough evidence to make TMcH at least an accomplice (a charge may have to be made following the Trial) .... after the Jury has found GBC 'GUILTY'.

JMO, but if she doesn't have an alibi for the night of the 19 April she is in real trouble.
Because she, in her Statement says that she was talking to GBC on the night of the 19th (when he said he would be leaving his marriage first; before selling the business) it sounds to me that her twin boys weren't there.
:applause::applause: Makara and Trooper

I'm wondering how hostile she will be come June, July, Makara.... more hostile?? less?? She has had to go cold turkey on Gerard, all the BadenClays, and its been a long time. No one has been feeding her Alison stuff for the past few years, no one has been calling her Gorgeous Girl, no one has been keeping a little secret with her... Nature fills a vacuum, and I am curious to see how Toni has managed these past long and lonely nights. The general public sees her has a fool and worse than that, a vicious fool and that cant be pleasant. I doubt if she could have gone back to teaching, even QLD isn't that desperate, and selling real estate would be a bit iffy, a bit on the nose... it would be a brave business that would take her on.

and one ages quickly in these middle years..... under stress, daily can't-get-out-of stress.. all takes it toll.

Missy McHugh apparently has quite a temper and I'm thinking that it may rear its ugly head when it finally sinks in that GBC will be trying to throw her under the bus. As well as aging, I just hope that TM has matured in the process. All in all though, it's going to be a very interesting trial!
It is hard to understand that GBC's Defence team wouldn't figure that TMcH isn't involved in some way.
In that respect, they would be more than happy to get their client off the hook and aim to hang it on her.

In the process ...... maybe this would then provide enough evidence to make TMcH at least an accomplice (a charge may have to be made following the Trial) .... after the Jury has found GBC 'GUILTY'.

JMO, but if she doesn't have an alibi for the night of the 19 April she is in real trouble.
Because she, in her Statement says that she was talking to GBC on the night of the 19th (when he said he would be leaving his marriage first; before selling the business) it sounds to me that her twin boys weren't there.

Yes Couldbe, TM seemed to be concerned and careful while talking to GBC when her boys were around. Pity she didn't show the same concern for Allison's little girls when she was fooling around with their father.

TM has stated that she and her ex had their sons on a weekly rotation. TM also stated that her sons arrived home from school on the Friday afternoon, 20 April 2012. Had they been with her for the whole week or was Friday 20th April the commencement of their week with her? Something else that may be revealed at the trial.
Missy McHugh apparently has quite a temper and I'm thinking that it may rear its ugly head when it finally sinks in that GBC will be trying to throw her under the bus. As well as aging, I just hope that TM has matured in the process. All in all though, it's going to be a very interesting trial!

Under the bus, the train and the ferry. If Alisons 'depression' caused Gerard to go entirely against his self advertised upstanding character and tomcat around Brisbane , forcing him to be a person who has to lie at the drop of a hat, imagine what Toni's 'betrayal' has done to him. Gerard has a vindictive nature , I take that from his punishment of Alison for her depression, so he will let his dogs off the leash at Toni... those Gorgeous Girl days are well and truly over, if Gerard is to get anything less than 30 years.

And maybe,, just maybe, Toni might be seeing Gerard in a slightly different light.. could happen. Stranger things have. He has bought a whole lot of anxiety and big , dreadful trouble down on her, with very little return for the laugh lines. A minus return , you could say.. in real estate terms.. she bought a lemon and sold off at a loss.
Yes Couldbe, TM seemed to be concerned and careful while talking to GBC when her boys were around. Pity she didn't show the same concern for Allison's little girls when she was fooling around with their father.

TM has stated that she and her ex had their sons on a weekly rotation. TM also stated that her sons arrived home from school on the Friday afternoon, 20 April 2012. Had they been with her for the whole week or was Friday 20th April the commencement of their week with her? Something else that may be revealed at the trial.
Makara, if she didn't have them on the Thurs night .... unless they were with her Mother (who, for whatever reason, may not be such a good witness to that) they may have been with her ex who it is unlikely would give her an alibi.
Certainly, Gerards defence chaps will be fully aware of whatever deal the Prosecution has made that was worthwhile to the Prosecutor...whatever it cost Toni would be irrelevant to the State of QLD. They can go at her hammer and tongs knowing full well that she wont be charged... with anything.. Unless she lies on the stand.. then it all comes down from all sides... would she be silly enough to do that??

it's not unknown for a sudden silliness to grip a hostile prosecution witness.. the penalty is awfully harsh , though.
TM 4th statement she said the boys were with her on Thurs 19th.
She spoke about the bed process. The boys were 14....
I am seeing Bwana as more likely to be an accomplice after the fact, than Toni.. I see Toni as knowing Gerards frame of mind before though. .Murdering Alison must have shook Gerard to the core, people don't die easy, and I truly believe that Alison didn't die easily or quickly.... and he would have wanted Dad, I reckon.. a man.. hard, tough, capable, help me Dad... I just cant see him turning to Toni at that moment. Women were for other purposes.. when you want things done, in Gerards world, you call Dad.
I am seeing Bwana as more likely to be an accomplice after the fact, than Toni.. I see Toni as knowing Gerards frame of mind before though. .Murdering Alison must have shook Gerard to the core, people don't die easy, and I truly believe that Alison didn't die easily or quickly.... and he would have wanted Dad, I reckon.. a man.. hard, tough, capable, help me Dad... I just cant see him turning to Toni at that moment. Women were for other purposes.. when you want things done, in Gerards world, you call Dad.

BBM: So am I Trooper and I think there are a few 'others' who think the same way.
And for Toni, always the anticipation and dread that other women will emerge from the fog and claim short afternoons and evenings in Gerards bonking car, ( short, because he cant expose his snoring problem ) what a cheap clunker he was, too, backseats of cars at his age.. and hers, and theirs, .. she can never be sure that the three the QPS so kindly informed her of are all there are... I have a scenario in mind where the detectives sit around mulling over how many it would take to tip Toni over the edge... one?? five?? ten?? they settle on three for the moment...
In Toni's first statement to Police, she confirms that her car is a blue Lexus. Has it been confirmed whether it is a sedan model or 4x4 Lexus?
Makara great info in your post GBC's calls to TMH.

He must have be desperate to talk to Toni because according to Kellie Thompson's statement.
Points - not quotes
On the 21st April 2012 at 11.35 am
* Dsc McLeod and I attended 18 Oldfield Street Brookfield and spoke to defendant.
* Whilst at this address- tried GBC's iphone to contact Allison's phone - unsuccessful.
* McCleod, Thompson and GBC attended Durness Street Kenmore
* On arrival we had conversation with defendant. He walked inside and returned with a razor wrapped in plastic.
* We proceeded to Indro Police Station.
* During the trip we asked a question - his reply "I have been advised not to answer"
* McLeod had conversation with GBC about his mobile phone.
* Mobile phoned seized at 12.12pm
So those last 2 calls he made to TMH were while the police were present.
IMO that 11.41am - 57sec may have been made while wrapping that razor in plastic and knowing he was off to the station.
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