Allyson Joy Watterson, Hillsboro, 22 Dec 2019 *MEDIA, MAPS, TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

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The Washington County Sheriff’s Office initally reported that Watterson had been hiking at the time she went missing. But, during a news briefing on Friday, Watterson’s mother said that was not the situation as originally thought around her daughter’s disappearance.

Misty Watterson told media that her daughter and Garland had gone out to the area to see a friend and at some point, their car broke down. It was when they were both seeking help that Watterson and Garland were separated, and Watterson went missing.

Day 4 to Find Allyson: Search continues for missing woman last seen near North Plains
Allyson’s mother Misty asks people in North Plains area to check their home security camera recording gs going back to Sunday. Looking for more clues on daughter’s disappearance. Also now says Allyson and boyfriend were visiting friend in area, not hiking. @KGWNews

HELP #FindAllyson - If you live in the area where she is missing and you remember getting a knock on your door late Sunday night (around midnight), please call us, even if you didn't answer.

This is the area north of North Plains.

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WCSO Oregon (@WCSOOregon) | Twitter

WCSO Oregon on Twitter
#FindAllyson UPDATE: Initial reports were that Allyson was hiking in the area, however at this time the Sheriff’s Office is only able to confirm that she was reported to have been in that area with Mr. Garland. What they were doing is still under investigation.
3:21 PM - 27 Dec 2019

WCSO Oregon on Twitter
#FindAllyson REMINDER: Any details from other sources or seen on social media have not been confirmed by the Sheriff’s Office. We continue to pursue all leads and tips about Allyson’s last known location and any related details.
3:24 PM - 27 Dec 2019
DEC 27, 2019
Allyson Watterson search ‘not really a hiking area’

Most of the search was focused of private property instead of public hiking areas. In a Friday press conference, Misty Watterson said she didn’t know where the initial reports came from that said Allyson was hiking with her boyfriend, Benjamin Garland, when the two were separated. Misty said she thought Allyson might have been visiting a friend in the area at the time, on December 22.
For days, the sheriff’s office maintained that Watterson, 20, and Benjamin Hunter Garland were traversing the rugged and privately owned woods off Old Pumpkin Ridge Road on Sunday when they became separated.

That account came from the boyfriend’s father, Don Garland, who reported Watterson missing to authorities Monday night, said Deputy Brian van Kleef, a sheriff’s spokesman.

According to van Kleef, Don Garland said he and his son had spent that day searching for Watterson and were unsuccessful.

The two men were initially reluctant to make an official report because Benjamin Garland had multiple outstanding warrants for his arrest, van Kleef said.

When he finally contacted authorities, Don Garland said his son and Watterson had been on a hike together before losing each other, according to the sheriff’s office.

“We’ve never been able to verify this narrative,” van Kleef said of the incident he’d described in a news release sent to reporters Tuesday.

No evidence Allyson Watterson was hiking in North Plains, deputies now say
Shane D. Kavanaugh on Twitter
A few new twists in the Allyson Watterson search: Her boyfriend's dad was the one who reported her missing — after he & his son spent Monday looking themselves. BF's dad is the one who said the couple had been hiking. Sheriff's office says no evidence.
3:29 PM - 27 Dec 2019

Jennifer Dowling on Twitter
Misty Watterson, Allyson's Mom: I would like to ask the residents of North Plains to please look at your video gaming cameras or security cameras starting from Sunday morning up until now. Maybe you have footage or maybe you've seen my daughter out there #FindAllyson#koin6news

3:32 PM - 27 Dec 2019

Jennifer Dowling on Twitter
Investigators say that Benjamin Garland's dad had initially reported that his son & girlfriend, Allyson Watterson, had been hiking when they got separated. Her mom, Misty Watterson, says she thought the two had gone to visit a friend in the area #koin6news #pdx#FindAllyson

3:36 PM - 27 Dec 2019

Jennifer Dowling on Twitter
Misty Watterson: "Allyson & Ben were out visiting a friend and their car broke down & they went to get help & somehow got separated. That's why they were out here. I don't know about the hiking." Investigators say they can't confirm that. #koin6news #pdx #portland#FindAllyson

3:42 PM - 27 Dec 2019

Jennifer Dowling on Twitter
A new sign has gone up at the command post where the search for Allyson Watterson continues in Washington County - We are expecting an update at around 4:30 #koin6news #pdx #Portland#FindAllyson #NorthPlains #search#Missing #Oregon @WCSOOregon

4:28 PM - 27 Dec 2019
#Q13FOX on Twitter
#BREAKING: Investigators say 30 hours passed between the time Allyson Watterson was last seen and when her boyfriend's family reported her missing.
5:49 PM - 27 Dec 2019

No evidence missing Oregon woman was hiking, deputies now say
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office on Friday said it had no evidence that Allyson Watterson and her boyfriend were hiking northwest of Portland near North Plains where she was last seen on Sunday.


… She was last seen the morning of Dec. 22.

"At that time, she was with Mr. Garland,” Sheriff's Detective Povolny said, according to KOIN. “Early on Monday morning, a different homeowner found Mr. Garland asleep in that homeowner’s truck. And if you fast forward to that Monday night, around 5:30 p.m. is when Mr. Garland’s father called in to report Allyson as missing.”

“That means that there is a delay of about 30 hours from the time that we last know Allyson was seen by that homeowner on Sunday around noon, until Mr. Garland’s family reported her as missing on Monday evening,” said Povolny. “That delay is concerning to us and we’re trying to put together what happened in that intervening time.”

DEC 27, 2019
Timeline: Disappearance and search for Oregon woman Allyson Watterson
  • Dec. 20: This is the day Allyson’s family was last in contact with her.
  • Dec. 22, shortly before noon: A homeowner north of North Plains reports seeing Allyson with her boyfriend, Benjamin Hunter Garland.
  • Dec. 23, morning: A different homeowner in the area wakes up to find Garland “soaked to the bone” sleeping in the backseat of the homeowners pickup truck. The homeowner told KGW he took Garland home.
  • Dec. 23, 5:30 p.m.: Garland’s father reports Allyson as missing, about 30 hours after she was last sighted. Garland’s father says he believes Garland and Allyson were hiking.
  • Dec. 23, evening: After receiving the report, deputies begin searching the area north of North Plains and find a truck they learn was stolen. A short time later, deputies find Garland in the same area. He is taken into custody on unrelated charges and warrants, in addition to charges connected with the stolen truck.
  • Dec. 24: First day of the search for Allyson.
  • Dec. 25: Second day of the search for Allyson.
  • Dec. 26, morning: The search area expands with nearly 100 people looking for Allyson, including volunteer searchers.
  • Dec. 26, late afternoon: Washington County Sheriff’s Office search and rescue coordinator Tony Morris says searchers found “interesting items and clues.” He doesn’t specify what the clues are. He says the search on Friday will be refocused on a concentrated area that has already been scoured. Only trained personnel will be part of that search.
  • Dec. 27, morning: The search enters its fourth day with search and rescue teams from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office and Columbia County Sheriff’s Office helping.
  • Dec. 27, noon: At a press conference, Morris says he’s not sure where the hiking theory came from, but investigators don’t think it’s likely Allyson and Garland were hiking in the area.
  • At the same press conference, Allyson’s mother, Misty, says Allyson and Garland were visiting a friend on Dec. 22. She said their car broke down, they went to get help and somehow got separated. The sheriff’s office later declines to confirm Misty’s description of events.
  • Dec. 27, 2 p.m.: Deputies reveal they are seeking a resident in the search area who may have heard a door knock at around midnight on Dec. 22. They say the homeowner may not have answered the door. If that situation sounded familiar to any resident, they ask that person call the sheriff’s office.
  • Deputies also announce they’re looking for a person who gave an iPhone to Allyson’s mother, Misty, at Reedville Café in Hillsboro within the last month. Misty gave that phone to Allyson. Investigators have been unsuccessful with pinging Allyson’s cellphone, and are hoping the original owner of the phone may have cellphone provider information that could potentially help them get location data to find Allyson.
  • Dec. 27, 2:20 p.m.: The Washington County Sheriff’s Office confirms they are still investigating the circumstances that led to Allyson’s disappearance.
  • Dec. 27, 4:30 p.m.: At another press conference, Washington County Sheriff’s Office Detective Mark Povolny reveals there is a 30-hour gap between the time Allyson was last seen and when she was reported missing.
  • At the same press conference, he said investigators are still unsure as to what happened to Allyson and they are keeping an open mind.
DEC 28, 2019
Search for Allyson Watterson enters 5th day

The search is set to continue on Saturday after teams of professional searchers from Multnomah, Clackamas and Columbia counties joined the Washington County Search and Rescue team in North Plains on Friday. On its fourth day, most of the search was focused on private property instead of public hiking areas.

The search switched to solely using trained personnel after 3 days utilizing volunteers. The searchers are finding clues, but Deputy Tony Morris, the incident search commander, has declined to share what those clues were multiple times.

“I don’t want to expound on what we’re finding,” he said. Civilian volunteers should not go into the search area, he said, and reminded people not to pay attention to what is being said on social media.

KOIN News on Twitter
The search for 20-year-old Allyson Watterson is planned to continue today. The last known sighting of Allyson was on Sunday morning.

8:00 AM - 28 Dec 2019

WCSO Oregon on Twitter
75-100 members of search and rescue crews from all over the area are briefing for today’s efforts to #FindAllyson

8:14 AM - 28 Dec 2019

WCSO Oregon on Twitter
Today’s search will again be limited to trained people only so we are asking members of the general public to stay out of the search area to allow them to do their jobs properly

8:16 AM - 28 Dec 2019
Pat Garrett on Twitter
In North Plains, thanking the terrific search teams working to find Allyson Watterson. Much gratitude for teams of skillful volunteers from @WCSOOregon, @ClackCoSheriff, and Columbia County S.O. Community support for Allyson and family is very strong. #FindAllyson

9:40 PM - 28 Dec 2019

WCSO Oregon on Twitter
Sheriff Garrett came out to make sure all the search crews know how much we appreciate their dedication and long hours over the holiday season

10:25 AM - 28 Dec 2019

Keaton Thomas on Twitter
The command post for search efforts is still at North Plains Elementary School. #LiveOnK2

12:16 PM - 28 Dec 2019

Keaton Thomas on Twitter
In and around North Plains you'll find signs like these along busy streets. Deputies say this is the number they want you to call if you know anything about where Allyson might be: 503-846-2700 #LiveOnK2

12:23 PM - 28 Dec 2019
Keaton Thomas on Twitter
You'll find plenty of community support in the search for Allyson. Gabriel Martinez, owner of Hits the Spot Cafe in North Plains, says someone attached a missing person flyer to their window on Tuesday. After, he says they brought coffee and pastries to search crews. #LiveOnK2

12:32 PM - 28 Dec 2019

Thursday, DEC 26
This link has extended footage of the search area.
Press conference: Allyson Watterson search, December 26, 2019

Press conference: Allyson Watterson search update, December 27, 2019

Allyson Watterson search: 4:30pm press conference, December 27, 2019
DEC 28, 2019
In search for missing North Plains woman, WCSO asking public not to go to search areas
Washington County Sheriff's Office is still following up on specific clues from the public, but also asking that the public not interfere with search efforts for missing woman, Allyson Watterson.


"We are still doing specific, focused searches where we want to make sure we are preserving specific areas that we are in. We want to do it methodically and do it properly. And so, those efforts are going to continue, " said Detective Mark Povolny with WCSO. "We are asking members of the public, even if they are well-intentioned, to make sure that they are not going into those search areas."

He said that aside from that being counter-productive to efforts to find Allyson, they could also be trespassing on private property.


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