Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #1

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Feeling happy and sad for these women at the same time! So happy they escaped! So sad that they endured such horrors for so long!

Just a thought but I think since Gina was abducted a whole year after Amanda from around the same area that Amanda was abducted from that Gina would have had the knowledge of Amanda's abduction and the subsequent search for her in the year past and most likely communicated that to Amanda.
they are discussing the lack of empathy of the dispatcher on the phone call on live feed now-the man will get "retraining" or something "a little sterner"

Reminded me of the Josh Powell fiasco!
Is there a media links and timeline thread for this case yet? I think we're going to need one.....
That did not sound like a man on the phone with Amanda. Now, the one with Charles Ramsey was a man.

The person who was on the phone with Amanda sounded like a big, husky broad! In fact, she sounded like someone I used to work with, who is fortunately no longer walking this earth continuing to terrorize employees!
father of Gina going to speak later, according to live feed
The person who was on the phone with Amanda sounded like a big, husky broad! In fact, she sounded like someone I used to work with, who is fortunately no longer walking this earth continuing to terrorize employees!

That's what it sounded like to me as well. But they are claiming it was a young male.
Listening to Greta on Fox, now, from Cleveland. She's also going with the neighbors didn't think he was still living there story, just dropping in occasionally to check up on things, mow the lawn, etc. Yet Charles, who's only lived in the neighborhood for a year says he's barbecued with him, saw him out in the yard with his dog, tinkering with his car and his motorcycle. Nobody seems to recall seeing the brothers there that I've heard, yet they are charged.
Fox 8 reporting that a neighbor called 911 two years ago to report there were naked women on leashes in the backyard. Police did not respond. Last year another neighbor reported there was a little girl crawling out of the attic window. Police again did not respond.
Listening to Greta on Fox, now, from Cleveland. She's also going with the neighbors didn't think he was still living there story, just dropping in occasionally to check up on things, mow the lawn, etc. Yet Charles, who's only lived in the neighborhood for a year says he's barbecued with him, saw him out in the yard with his dog, tinkering with his car and his motorcycle. Nobody seems to recall seeing the brothers there that I've heard, yet they are charged.

His son seemed to think he lived there, he said he last visited him there 2 weeks ago.
I'm aware there are many who believe that the 911 dispatcher was thorough & professional, but I beg to differ. S/he received a call from someone who was clearly distraught, saying she had been kidnapped & was now free.

This dispatcher kept saying "Talk to the police when they get there - talk to the police when they get there." It seemed to me that s/he wanted to end the call.

This dispatcher did not ask Amanda if she was injured or ask if she needed an ambulance.

Dispatcher: "I told you they're on the way (referring to police)."

I've been in an emergency situation before (attempted home invasion), and thankfully, the 911 dispatcher I was lucky enough to contact kept me on the line until LE arrived. We have excellent 911 dispatchers where I live. I'm not so sure about some of Cleveland's 911 dispatchers.

IMO, it doesn't matter that Amanda was at a neighbor's house when she made her 911 call. Until LE arrived, she may have still been in potential danger. The dispatcher should have kept her on the line until LE arrived.

At no time did the dispatcher ask Amanda if she knew whether or not her kidnapper was armed with firearms or other weapons. I think this was blatant negligence, especially since police need this type of info when responding to a call, so that LE has as much info as possible when responding to a call.

Amanda & Charles are to be commended as heroes. In their 911 calls, they both demanded immediate assistance. I wonder if Amanda & Charles hadn't been so adamant & assertive in their calls, if police would have been dispatched as soon as they were.

As far as I'm concerned, the dispatcher who answered Amanda's call needs more training.

I am sorry to hear you've had a terrible experience. It must be so terrifying to have something like your situation happen.

The dispatcher DID ask her if she wanted police, fire or ambulance. She said police. Amanda DID say she was free and at the neighbours' house using their phone. The dispatcher told her to stay there with them (neighbours) until the police arrived. He said police will be there as soon as they get a car open. Amanda said she need them now, before AC came back. The operator then asked her his name and age and what he was wearing. He kept telling her to talk to the police when they got there. IMO in all the hysteria he was trying to reassure her the police were on the way with his repeated sentences talk to the police, wait for the police to get there, the police are on their way. I don't see this as the operator trying to hang up on her, just reassurance on his part as she was so hysterical and so much background noise. At 1:20 you hear him slightly chuckle as if he's happy and he calls her Dear = reassurance. For all we know as it's very unclear, the police may have pulled up in front of the house and Amanda seen them as the call ended. It was AMANDA who said BYE not the dispatcher. She may have very well hung up on the operator.

As far as the MSM, there has been no concern from the regarding this operator's actions or lack thereof. Had it been serious issue, it would have been discussed by now MOO. I'm sure this will be looked into and resolved one way or another if this 911 was neglectful during this call.

I'm am just so grateful the operator got all the imperative information (address, name of abductor) and these girls are now out of anymore harm from their perps. MOO
Watching Elizabeth Smart on CNN right it gives me hope for these three women and it reminds me that we have learned so much since Steven Stayner, these kids are getting the counseling, help and understanding needed and are able to move on with their lives successfully.

Colon (STEPFATHER)had fallen under the suspicions of the FBI during their investigation into DeJesus’s whereabouts. By way of marriage, he was somewhat close to the Castro family, and his step-daughters certainly ran in the same circles at the missing teenager. Colon was soon brought in for questioning regarding the disappearances.
But he was cleared following a polygraph test. The man in turn insisted that FBI agents look into Ariel Castro, a man who seemed to attract tumult and disorder throughout his adult life.
“They did not follow up on that,” Giannini says. The Cleveland Division of the FBI offered no comment on the matter when contacted by Scene.

Emily and Arlene Castro, teenagers themselves, did not live with their father. Their mother, Grimilda Figueroa, had married Colon and brought her daughters to live with them over on West 110th Street. Allegations of sexual molestation against Colon soon threatened the stability of the household. Law enforcement once again zeroed in on Fernando Colon, all while Ariel Castro egged them onward. As his daughters continued to accuse Colon of touching them inappropriately - of penetrating them - Ariel Castro began visiting them more frequently and showering them uncharacteristically with gifts. They didn’t spend much time at Castro’s Seymour Avenue house, though. He ensured that much.
We know from reports that the women watched the news coverage last year of the search for Amanda's remains. We also know that whenever Amanda's story is told they always talk about her mother dying of a broken heart. Logic just points to Amanda hearing that.

So...what the family member said on the interview last night was not true?
I heard that stated.

However, I have not heard stated that she did know. Has anyone? Not speculation, but actually heard?
This is amazing. That they were found 9, 10 and 12 years after they were taken is absolutely incredible. I truly do not have the vocabulary to express myself in a more comprehensive manner. I just had to come out of lurking mode to say these things. It's big news where I'm from (I'm not from the US), it truly gives you hope. :skip:
Fox 8 reporting that a neighbor called 911 two years ago to report there were naked women on leashes in the backyard. Police did not respond. Last year another neighbor reported there was a little girl crawling out of the attic window. Police again did not respond.

Oh my goodness! Crawling out an attic window?
On leashes...?
These girls were spitfires and kept trying to get away. Good for them and their bravery!
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