Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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Arlene Castro was with DeJesus moments before she disappeared. She appeared on “America’s Most Wanted” in 2005 to draw attention to the case. The girls were walking home from school and hoping to spend the afternoon at Arlene Castro’s home, she said in the television appearance. But Arlene’s mother — who apparently was not married to or living with Ariel Castro — said no.

Perhaps the most mysterious case involved Knight, now 32, who police said vanished in 2002. She apparently was not treated as a missing person because some family members thought she had left home voluntarily.

In 2005, Castro was accused of attacking his former wife, Grimilda Figueroa, whose injuries included broken ribs and two dislocated shoulders, the Plain Dealer reported. The paper cited court records that were not available online.
On a lighter note, Charles Ramsey is awesome. Not only is he an amazingly brave man, but his personality is very likable and ... strong? (Not sure if that's the right word.)

I was trying to stay serious when watching his interview, but when he kept referencing his Big Mac and said something like ''You know something's wrong when a white girl runs into a black guy's arms like that'' ... I cracked up. I know, it's a very serious and sad story, but I couldn't help it when I saw how awkward and uncomfortable the reporter got when Ramsey said it.

Now there's an online petition going around to get McDonalds to give Ramsey free food for the rest of his life. It's the least that can be done for a hero like him.
Arlene Castro was with DeJesus moments before she disappeared. She appeared on “America’s Most Wanted” in 2005 to draw attention to the case. The girls were walking home from school and hoping to spend the afternoon at Arlene Castro’s home, she said in the television appearance. But Arlene’s mother — who apparently was not married to or living with Ariel Castro — said no.

Perhaps the most mysterious case involved Knight, now 32, who police said vanished in 2002. She apparently was not treated as a missing person because some family members thought she had left home voluntarily.

In 2005, Castro was accused of attacking his former wife, Grimilda Figueroa, whose injuries included broken ribs and two dislocated shoulders, the Plain Dealer reported. The paper cited court records that were not available online.

You think Daddy was having his daughter bait girls to bring to him? I also think that the daughter who tried to murder suicide may have had reasons because she knew her baby would be molested and tortured. How sad this man is so evil and so many ruined lives. I feel so sorry for all women and children involved.
Back to a depressing note: I wonder if there have been any unsolved rapes, attempted rapes or attempted kidnappings in the area in the time between the girls' abductions and their rescue. The police (and us WebSleuthers) should really look into any other cases in the area AND anywhere these rapists previously lived. Just because only these three women were discovered, doesn't mean that these ''men'' didn't assault another poor woman or try to kidnap one.
I saw some people asking for demographics of the area and thought maybe I could provide some insight based on what I know about the area (and I frequent it as a lover of the old Gothic revival and Victorian architecture) One of the oldest areas in Cleveland, Ohio City is a strange area and has been the recent focus of a lot of rehabilitation projects. As a result, you may have one street that seems ... well ... new. The main road has shops, bars, condos, and while it used to be a predominantly Hispanic area, they've been kinda pushed into one specific area while more people move in lured by tax breaks and home renovation loans.

The areas off the the main roads can get very sketchy very fast. It's not an area I'd frequent at night. There are about 9,000 people in the area with a median income of $20k / yr. The area is very poor. I suspect the only thing that drags the median income up to that number are some are the newer areas that have become popular with the "hip" "artist" "yuppy" types.

There is A LOT of crime in and around Ohio City. Mostly robbery, thefts, assaults, and drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. Murder, random shootings are less common but not at all unheard of.

Add to this that Cleveland (last I checked) was literally the foreclosure capital of the country. While the home Amanda Berry was found in may SAY it's valued at $30 some thousand dollars , I guarantee you it couldn't be sold for anything over $8,000. (Trulia shows it valued over 100K but look at the recently solds at the bottom in the area for $7-14k that house would be at the low low end) There are literally thousands of homes boarded up by banks, everywhere. In fact, banks have taken to just demolishing them to keep them from becoming flop houses for drugs and prostitution OR in some cases, banks are letting the current residents stay cost free just to keep it occupied and safe. Driving down the street in some of these areas there may only be 2-3 homes that are occupied in 10-20 homes.

This may account for how many people didn't see anything going on at this house. There may not be many occupied homes in that immediate area. The street this is located on sports a lot of boarded up, dilapidated, seemingly unoccupied homes.

It's also an area where you mind your own business. You sure as heck don't go sniffing around or calling police into your area unless someone has a gun pointed at you. A naked girl in a back yard would hardly be pause for thought. Hearing screams would garner the thought "Someone must be beating their wife again." Calling police is likely to draw attention to your own crimes. We all saw Charles jump when he heard the siren. There was a reason for that. The man wasn't kidding when he said a neighbor said he had HUGE TESTICLES... because in that area, doing something like he did could easily have cost him his life.

Further, Cleveland's second district police are a hot mess. With revenue & staffing cuts, response time is extremely long. The attitude of the 911 operator didn't surprise me at all, because she knew that an officer may get there whenever they could. I'm guessing the mention of Amanda Berry is what even got an officer to the site. Otherwise, the call very well may have gone hours before being responded to, if it was responded to at all. You can do google searches on "Cleveland Second District" and there are pages after pages of information on how short staffed they are, how response times are horrible, how reports don't ever get responded too, etc.
While it all might be saw, the mother of the two girls who saw naked woman admit she didn't call police.
And police aren't admitting to getting any calls about naked women and such.
I am not so sure police was ever called to that house.
It is hard to try not to draw conclusions before facts come out. I am really working on trying not to suspect AC's children didn't know he had girls locked up in his house.

The article Anthony wrote is suspect considering events of late and the attacking of the child and the last person to see Gina before she vanishes .

I find it odd they never questioned the locks and what ever on the doors. Is isn't normal not to question those types of things. At the very least they would have thought him a drug dealer.
I think this story is bigger that we know

I think we are going to find out about more missing girls

I know all the girls have been through a lot

But Michelle's story just makes me so mad

Seems like no one cared about her at all

She went missing from the same street as G & A
someone should have made the connection they were link a long time ago

I hope they can have some sense of a normal life after the horror they have been through
While it all might be saw, the mother of the two girls who saw naked woman admit she didn't call police.And police aren't admitting to getting any calls about naked women and such.
I am not so sure police was ever called to that house.

I guess hindsight is 20/20. :dunno: If my kids told me about seeing a naked woman like that. I would have been calling the police PRONTO! But that's just me.
She seems to me a woman who has had a rough life and does love her daughter.

I didn't see that. i saw a woman use her other daughter as an excuse for not doing more. And I wish she'd been asked why she abandoned Michelle's twin brother. And why she let Michelle take the fall for the abuse to her son.

I hope she's kept away until Michelle wants to see her.
It is hard to try not to draw conclusions before facts come out. I am really working on trying not to suspect AC's children didn't know he had girls locked up in his house.

The article Anthony wrote is suspect considering events of late and the attacking of the child and the last person to see Gina before she vanishes .

I find it odd they never questioned the locks and what ever on the doors. Is isn't normal not to question those types of things. At the very least they would have thought him a drug dealer.

And thinking your father is a drug dealer would be completely normal in that area. Just sayin'. That's probably why they minded their own business about locks on doors and such. They knew "Dad" was up to something but didn't want any first hand knowledge that could implicate them. Life is all about keeping your own rear end out of jail. It really is the way things are in that area.
I didn't see that. i saw a woman use her other daughter as an excuse for not doing more. And I wish she'd been asked why she abandoned Michelle's twin brother. And let Michelle take the fall for the abuse to her son.

I hope she's kept away until Michelle wants to see her.

You are right. We don't know the whole truth and the fact that Michelle hasn't contacted her is suspect. I also was shocked when she nonchalantly said that her boyfriend thought it was funny the baby was taken from Michelle. Sick.
It is hard to try not to draw conclusions before facts come out. I am really working on trying not to suspect AC's children didn't know he had girls locked up in his house.

The article Anthony wrote is suspect considering events of late and the attacking of the child and the last person to see Gina before she vanishes .

I find it odd they never questioned the locks and what ever on the doors. Is isn't normal not to question those types of things. At the very least they would have thought him a drug dealer.

Well I find it hard to believe they didn't know also. I will not be surprised about any findings at this point. I can now see why his daughter Emily is so messed up. I'm surprised she didn't use her daddy and his escapades to help reduce her prison sentence, she must be very afraid of him.
You are right. We don't know the whole truth and the fact that Michelle hasn't contacted her is suspect. I also was shocked when she nonchalantly said that her boyfriend thought it was funny the baby was taken from Michelle. Sick.

Ack, I didn't see that! You know, this entire story rips your heart into a million pieces. I so hope the best for all of them. But if I could go up and protect Michelle myself, I would. I want to convince her she matters.
I saw some people asking for demographics of the area and thought maybe I could provide some insight based on what I know about the area (and I frequent it as a lover of the old Gothic revival and Victorian architecture) One of the oldest areas in Cleveland, Ohio City is a strange area and has been the recent focus of a lot of rehabilitation projects. As a result, you may have one street that seems ... well ... new. The main road has shops, bars, condos, and while it used to be a predominantly Hispanic area, they've been kinda pushed into one specific area while more people move in lured by tax breaks and home renovation loans.

The areas off the the main roads can get very sketchy very fast. It's not an area I'd frequent at night. There are about 9,000 people in the area with a median income of $20k / yr. The area is very poor. I suspect the only thing that drags the median income up to that number are some are the newer areas that have become popular with the "hip" "artist" "yuppy" types.

There is A LOT of crime in and around Ohio City. Mostly robbery, thefts, assaults, and drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. Murder, random shootings are less common but not at all unheard of.

Add to this that Cleveland (last I checked) was literally the foreclosure capital of the country. While the home Amanda Berry was found in may SAY it's valued at $30 some thousand dollars , I guarantee you it couldn't be sold for anything over $3-5,000. There are literally thousands of homes boarded up by banks, everywhere. In fact, banks have taken to just demolishing them to keep them from becoming flop houses for drugs and prostitution OR in some cases, banks are letting the current residents stay cost free just to keep it occupied and safe. Driving down the street in some of these areas there may only be 2-3 homes that are occupied in 10-20 homes.

This may account for how many people didn't see anything going on at this house. There may not be many occupied homes in that immediate area. The street this is located on sports a lot of boarded up, dilapidated, seemingly unoccupied homes.

It's also an area where you mind your own business. You sure as heck don't go sniffing around or calling police into your area unless someone has a gun pointed at you. A naked girl in a back yard would hardly be pause for thought. Hearing screams would garner the thought "Someone must be beating their wife again." Calling police is likely to draw attention to your own crimes. We all saw Charles jump when he heard the siren. There was a reason for that. The man wasn't kidding when he said a neighbor said he had HUGE TESTICLES... because in that area, doing something like he did could easily have cost him his life.

Special thanks for this information.


Sadly this makes alot of sense. I wondered about the drug trade actualy and if it was open air. People don't say n-a-d-a when you have corners being manned.

This just makes the people that helped these dear women and child even more heroic I believe.
Bet Mr Ramsey never dreamed when he woke up that morning he would become a hero and have so many people fall in love with him.
It seems as though Michelle may not have any stable family to go back to. What will happen if this is the case?
It was Ariel's daughter in law that tried to kill her baby.His son's daughter.

No, this is incorrect. It was Ariel's daughter Emily. There are lots of photos on FB of her sister Arlene (aka Cheri) visiting her in prison.
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