Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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So these would be the daughters who Castro abducted from his exwife who according to her brother, he killed by repeated beatings of the head which caused the brain tumor which she died from. Given what we know of these girls home life, and suspecting that he might have perpetrated violence and rape against them, I hope this woman will be given a second chance.

I think that her case should be looked at again in light of what we know now.
I hope someone sees to it that the 'house of horrors' is leveled.

I would rather hope Arial and his brothers have to live in it chained up and beaten like they did to their captors for the rest of their lives since DP is not an option least yet. And by that I mean I think this investigation is going to find out that there are some other missing persons that were probably killed.
I think that her case should be looked at again in light of what we know now.

Why? There is nothing new came to light regarding that case specifically. If anybody's case should be looked at it's that of her stepfather, who was convicted of child molestation (of two of Ariel Castro's daughters). Step-father claims he was framed and I wouldn't be surprised if he was framed.
THIS IS TOTALLY AN OPINION .... the feeling I got was that Michelle's mother may have had something to do with Michelle losing custody. That created bad blood between them. That is why she (and police) thought Michelle had up and left without contact.

I would suspect that Michele's mother who placed her own son in a dumpster did not want to have anything to do with Michele and Michele's son.

ETA: How is it Michele's mother does not understand that Michele did NOT run away, she was kidnapped, held hostage, tortured and raped for more than 10 years. What is wrong with this woman! She is just not right!
I would rather hope Arial and his brothers have to live in it chained up and beaten like they did to their captors for the rest of their lives since DP is not an option least yet. And by that I mean I think this investigation is going to find out that there are some other missing persons that were probably killed.

Agree. I am all for an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!
So these would be the daughters who Castro abducted from his exwife who according to her brother, he killed by repeated beatings of the head which caused the brain tumor which she died from. Given what we know of these girls home life, and suspecting that he might have perpetrated violence and rape against them, I hope this woman will be given a second chance.

Shouldn't this Arial man have to face murder charges for this?
I agree. I initially got the feeling they were beaten while pregnant so as to make the women miscarry. One thing I have wondered is why AC let Amanda keep her daughter (and pregnancy).

leverage perhaps. When beatings weren't enough to cause miscarriage he probably didn't want to risk losing his slave to a home abortion attempt and then have to worry about disposing of the body, etc. Perhaps he beat her to within an inch of her life and still the pregnancy remained. Perhaps he didn't know for some time because of the malnourished. IMO it is an absolute miracle that little girl is alive. Once born, the child became IMO a very effective tool to keep Amanda in line.
THIS IS TOTALLY AN OPINION .... the feeling I got was that Michelle's mother may have had something to do with Michelle losing custody. That created bad blood between them. That is why she (and police) thought Michelle had up and left without contact.

I watched an interview this morning either on CNN or Fox. The reporter was talking about the family issues with Michelle. After the interview that is posted on the mother there was another interview with the brother. Unfortunately I can't find the link. But he was sitting on a couch with three others. He was telling a story about abuse when the were young at the hands of a boyfriend. He is very upset that the mother allowed this to go on and did nothing to stop it. The reporter says he is very bitter. I also heard the mother say flyers were put all over which is being disputed by a friend. And this boyfiend may have been the one to cause her to lose custody. So this poor girl seems to have gone through an entire lifetime of one abusive house to this and has known nothing else. Unfortunately it sounds like the mother chose the boyfriend over her daughter. IMO
Sounds like poor Michelle can't get a break.
She doesn't even have a home to go back to.
I would suspect that Michele's mother who placed her own son in a dumpster did not want to have anything to do with Michele and Michele's son.

ETA: How is it Michele's mother does not understand that Michele did NOT run away, she was kidnapped, held hostage, tortured and raped for more than 10 years. What is wrong with this woman! She is just not right!

Michelle's mother said she has been looking for her and has missed her. I think she was lying both times.
I saw some people asking for demographics of the area and thought maybe I could provide some insight based on what I know about the area (and I frequent it as a lover of the old Gothic revival and Victorian architecture) One of the oldest areas in Cleveland, Ohio City is a strange area and has been the recent focus of a lot of rehabilitation projects. As a result, you may have one street that seems ... well ... new. The main road has shops, bars, condos, and while it used to be a predominantly Hispanic area, they've been kinda pushed into one specific area while more people move in lured by tax breaks and home renovation loans.

The areas off the the main roads can get very sketchy very fast. It's not an area I'd frequent at night. There are about 9,000 people in the area with a median income of $20k / yr. The area is very poor. I suspect the only thing that drags the median income up to that number are some are the newer areas that have become popular with the "hip" "artist" "yuppy" types.

There is A LOT of crime in and around Ohio City. Mostly robbery, thefts, assaults, and drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. Murder, random shootings are less common but not at all unheard of.

Add to this that Cleveland (last I checked) was literally the foreclosure capital of the country. While the home Amanda Berry was found in may SAY it's valued at $30 some thousand dollars , I guarantee you it couldn't be sold for anything over $3-5,000. There are literally thousands of homes boarded up by banks, everywhere. In fact, banks have taken to just demolishing them to keep them from becoming flop houses for drugs and prostitution OR in some cases, banks are letting the current residents stay cost free just to keep it occupied and safe. Driving down the street in some of these areas there may only be 2-3 homes that are occupied in 10-20 homes.

This may account for how many people didn't see anything going on at this house. There may not be many occupied homes in that immediate area. The street this is located on sports a lot of boarded up, dilapidated, seemingly unoccupied homes.

It's also an area where you mind your own business. You sure as heck don't go sniffing around or calling police into your area unless someone has a gun pointed at you. A naked girl in a back yard would hardly be pause for thought. Hearing screams would garner the thought "Someone must be beating their wife again." Calling police is likely to draw attention to your own crimes. We all saw Charles jump when he heard the siren. There was a reason for that. The man wasn't kidding when he said a neighbor said he had HUGE TESTICLES... because in that area, doing something like he did could easily have cost him his life.

Further, Cleveland's second district police are a hot mess. With revenue & staffing cuts, response time is extremely long. The attitude of the 911 operator didn't surprise me at all, because she knew that an officer may get there whenever they could. I'm guessing the mention of Amanda Berry is what even got an officer to the site. Otherwise, the call very well may have gone hours before being responded to, if it was responded to at all. You can do google searches on "Cleveland Second District" and there are pages after pages of information on how short staffed they are, how response times are horrible, how reports don't ever get responded too, etc.

Thank you for posting this realistic post. I am not going to be down on the police because after reading about these girls for a couple of hours, and reading posts from people local to the area, I think you are spot on. I living in a nice area in Australia do not know what these areas are like....and I consider myself very lucky for that reason. In fact I take my hat of to the police/fire/ambulance/911 workers who deal with these situations daily, and I just feel so sorry for the decent, everyday people who have to live in these areas because of money..............

This is my first post for months. My family and I have been on a driving holiday for 2 months and purposely did not watch any news or read papers, yesterday I bought my first paper and read about these girls and the first thing I thought about was "I have to get on Websleuths to read more details".............. I hope these girls can stay strong and get on over this somehow, I also feel for the kids of these scum bags, especially the daughters as no doubt they were abused by a family member or more as well.... I hope these human vermin get what is coming to them when they put in jail.
Police speaking live asking media to respect the family's wishes. They are asking the media to stay off of their property. She will make a brief statement when she is ready.

Part of me hates the media is there. :sigh:
Castro, 52, was well known in the mainly Puerto Rican neighborhood. He played bass guitar in salsa and merengue bands. He gave children rides on his motorcycle and joined others at a candlelight vigil to remember two of the missing girls, neighbors said. They also said they would sometimes see him walking a little girl to a neighborhood playground.

Tito DeJesus, an uncle of Gina DeJesus, played in bands with Castro over the last 20 years. He recalled visiting Castro's house but never noticed anything out of the ordinary, saying it had very little furniture and was filled with musical instruments.

"I had no clue, no clue whatsoever that this happened," he said.

Read more:

Just wow. This poor uncle, imagine what is going on in his head right now. Shoulda coulda wouldas. I would be beating myself up about not knowing or suspecting. I hope he realizes that he is not alone. It would seem that many who know AC are downright shocked right now.
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