Amanda Berry (2003), Gina deJesus (2004), & Michelle Knight (2002) found alive! #2

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I am so far behind here - but I did watch Charles explain to CNN's Anderson Cooper last night that Michelle had her hair in a pony tail, a while tank top, makeup and jewelry. I think AC was 'nicer' to her because of the daughter and maybe she played him too just waiting for her chance. Some of what I have heard could explain the posts that I read on AC's fb page. This morning, driving to work, I heard about the multiple pregnancies and how the women were beaten until they miscarried ~ It turned my stomach! And how Michelle had to deliver Amandas baby and was told if the baby died, she would die too.

At this point, the bottom line is the women are out and free - hearing Amanda speak with her grandmother last night I thought how brave and strong she must have been throughout this. Gina's family are saying she is in good spirits and now home ~ I worry about Michelle most. I am happy and excited that they are free - I am disgusted and saddened for the horror they have endured for the past many years. I hope and pray that they can continue being strong and gaining confidence to live free and happy lives.

eta: now off to read this thread

I think AC knew that Michelle had delivered a live baby once before, so it stands to reason that she would somewhat know what to do with Amanda's baby/delivery. It seems to me AC had an "affinity" toward Amanda. I also think Amanda used that to her advantage. She even let J call AC "daddy" per Ramsey's recount of the events on Anderson Cooper, and if he is to be believed, she had on makeup and had jewelry. She is a BRAVE soul. I couldn't do it.

This part doesn't make sense to me:

Amanda Berry told the law enforcement source that Castro also offered her a ride home, telling her that his son worked at Burger King so dropping her off there wouldn't be a problem.

Did Ariel offer her a ride home or a ride to BK? It seems to read both ways, although we know she was headed home after her shift.

There is so much conflicting information out there. One report said that ALL of Amanda's BK uniforms were found at home and another says that they knew she hadn't run away because no one would run away wearing a BK uniform.
Cadaver dogs and investigators found no evidence of any remains in that house or another house nearby they searched. Ariel was charged with four counts of kidnapping and 3 of rape. The 4th kidnapping count was for the little girl of Amanda's since she was forced to stay inside the house. The two brothers were not charged and were let go. Also early today it was said Ariel left a suicide note in his house that he wrote years ago in which he put some blame on the victims for getting into his car to begin with because he claims to be a sex addict and unable to help himself. We also found out Michelle is still in the hospital and doesn't want to see her mother.

Plus Jodi A. was found guilty on that other case, which is also big news today.

bbm ~ That would explain the WHAT? in my previous post ~ thank you! I wonder if her mother had any involvement in Michelle losing custody of her son originally. I thought that she was probably have put up more of a fight considering she had a son she wanted to get out and see, hence, the more severe beatings :(
I am sure there will be more charges against Castro, 3 counts of rape? He didn't just rape each girl once, this has been going on over the years. I think the charges are just the beginning. IMO

As for Ramsey, he has a thread here for anyone to discuss, I don't want to take away from these 3 woman. Ramsey had a past, it belongs to him, if we judge those who help, then what, they may stop. IMO
we examine facts and deal with emotions here. we're each entitled to our viewpoints and opinions. let's not battle each other because that just causes the mods to lock and load! on a brighter note, I can barely wrap my mind around the joy these families are feeling. their girls are home (or safe in the hospital and rec'ing good care). they're not lost anymore and they're not dead. one family has a new granddaughter. AND there's only one man involved, not three!
BTW a lot of the details that have come out such as the naked women in the backyard. The girls may be withholding this information at this time, due to the fact of how they think the public would look at them. These women have been through absolute hell. The details of the last ten years are not all going to come out in the first few days of being freed. I am sure that as time goes on, more and more details will come out as the women feel more and more comfortable. Plus, they may have blocked a lot of the abuse/mistreatment out. They may not remember it all right now. You can bet that they are all going to have PTSD, and possibly depression and or other health conditions related to the trauma that they have been through.
I'm shocked. Suicide note, and Amanda and J were left "out" to leave? He's a *advertiser censored***ing monster.

What does this mean? TIA

ETA: Ignore. I see you've answered this earlier.
If the police are called for screaming coming from a house and a child in a window, they then arrive and knock for 10 minutes and no answer so they leave, anyone would hope if that was their family member there would be a follow up. Obviously someone is not answering a door to hide something, obviously there is not screaming for no reason. Yes, Gina's family did thank them for not giving up, that is a totally different issue. Not giving up, not doing all they could or not following up different.

Obviously I am not a PO, but the mere fact someone said they heard screaming and saw a child in the window warrants the police to come out and check. Nobody answers and they don't hear the screaming themselves or see anyone there's nothing they can do. They'd have lawsuits out the wazoo if they went busting into homes where people claim they hear screaming.

Of course we'd all hope they would "follow up". I don't know the budget of that police force there or how they are treated, but from what locals have posted I am going to guess they are busy, busy, busy. No doubt for one second those police officers don't feel horrible if they think they could have gotten those poor girls out earlier.

We had an awful case here in Philly where a beautiful girl just may have been murdered when police were knocking on her apartment door. They did everything they could by the book. To this day they feel terrible. Shannon Scheiber's poor parents have suffered, but if the cops broke down every door where a neighbor heard screaming half of Philly would have busted doors because people were just fighting, messing around or Lord knows what.

The lawsuit against the two Officer's that came on the call to Shannon's apartment.
I still like Charles, but he needs to take any reward money and give it to his child(if this is true re: the child support)

Maybe this will result in a repaired relationship with her. C'mon bro, do the right thing.

There are 2 sides to every story. Most States will take child support out your paycheck if you are working~ Something doesn't add up and it's only $35 a month?

He refused the reward money and wanted it given to the victims. How long must he pay for this mistake? By all accounts the Charles today is a very stand up kinda of guy~

I say leave his past out of this (family matters as many of us know ALWAYS has 2 sides) the man is a hero no matter what~ I am thinking that there may be someone else wanting their 15 minutes of fame.

This is the first time I have ever read over 200 comments on the SG that are all positive~ Not ONE negative comment towards him~
It seems odd to me that Michele was forced to "miscarry" 5x but Amanda was allowed to carry the baby. I wonder what his rational was on that? Poor Michele. She must be so devastated to have lost so many babies in her life.

I'd like to know more about this too. The bottom line is that this sick piece of garbage will not have a rationale that normal, sane people will understand. He had his reasons, I'm sure, but a sick loser like this will not have a reason that's going to make any sort of sense.
Sounds as if Mr. Ramsey served his time. To me, his criminal history matters not. I do wish he had paid his child support, but hey, when you are incarcerated and then are released and work as a dishwasher its not like you have much money to work with. And we've all seen he doesn't live at the Taj Mahal.

Reporters gonna dig up dirt. I can choose not to immerse myself in it.

I don't think this news is shocking or scandalous. Anyone who has seen Charles in his interviews was not under the impression he is a perfect person, educated or a banker or a doctor. He is an average regular flawed guy. And yet, he acted heroically. He got involved. He did not turn away. Nothing from his past can change that IMO.

100% agreeing to all you say — Charles did not turn away he stayed and, dear power, he made a difference! understatement of the century!
Charlese has his own thread. His past criminal history and such can be discussed there. Why does it have to be discussed here repeatedly?
We have a lot of new information about the victims.
Can we concentrate on that here?
Cadaver dogs and investigators found no evidence of any remains in that house or another house nearby they searched. Ariel was charged with four counts of kidnapping and 3 of rape. The 4th kidnapping count was for the little girl of Amanda's since she was forced to stay inside the house. The two brothers were not charged and were let go. Also early today it was said Ariel left a suicide note in his house that he wrote years ago in which he put some blame on the victims for getting into his car to begin with because he claims to be a sex addict and unable to help himself. We also found out Michelle is still in the hospital and doesn't want to see her mother.

Plus Jodi A. was found guilty on that other case, which is also big news today.
BBM: I'd like to barf on this guy. Who teaches people like this that they are not responsible for their own actions? And why couldn't he have just gone ahead and committed suicide years ago? Say 12 or so?
Police say they have no records of any calls regarding naked women or screaming children. Or anybody beating on windows. Apparently Amanda says this was the first time she tried to escape.

"McGrath said that his department would have a record of such a call and that there was none. He said that he was “absolutely confident” that his officers did not miss a chance to free the three women."
I am sure there will be more charges against Castro, 3 counts of rape? He didn't just rape each girl once, this has been going on over the years. I think the charges are just the beginning. IMO

As for Ramsey, he has a thread here for anyone to discuss, I don't want to take away from these 3 woman. Ramsey had a past, it belongs to him, if we judge those who help, then what, they may stop. IMO

I've been reading that there won't be more charges, that what he is currently charged with is enough and adding more would just be harder on the victims.

Maybe this guy is going to (or has) confess, he did wave his Miranda rights.
This doesn't matter to me. People make mistskes and also we all know how catty divorces and seperations get...especially when childen are involved.... Not to mention this was 10 hrs ago! What matters to me is the choice he made when he chose to help someone who was crying for help..
This man his a hero! Sure we will hear more negative info about him... It doesn't matter to me personally.... He chose to help a cry for help.. And that is what matters!!

He made the right choice as he didn't even consider it. He was damned well going to help that girl, come what may. His daddy taught him not to turn away and mind his own business. A damsel in distress was his business, no matter what.
That is not true. How about the reports there was a woman there that disappeared? How about the name with rest in peace beside it? How about the other girls that went missing from the same area? The Chief is wrong. That statement flies in the face of common sense.

Like I said I think the girls are withholding some info right now because they just want to forget about things. I would not be surprised if we find out that there are other girls involved or even if the brothers are involved. But right now it needs to come on their time. The girls need to reveal this information on their own time. If they LE pushes too hard it could set the girls back and then they would have to wait for them to recover. Trust me, the girls will no when it is right to share certain pieces of information. I am not saying they are with holding the information deliberately, however like I said in my last post, 10 years of info is not just going to just come spilling out in 2-3 days after their rescue.

Theses girls need time to re-integrate into the families. Right now they don't need to worry about prosecuting the people involved. There will be plenty of time to do this in the coming months.
While I find it unlikely that Amanda only got pregnant once and Gina not at all- a theory as to why Amanda was allowed to continue the pregnancy and Michelle was not might have to do with the mental issues surrounding Michelle.
Per police today, Ariel Castro's brothers are not involved.
While I find it unlikely that Amanda only got pregnant once and Gina not at all- a theory as to why Amanda was allowed to continue the pregnancy and Michelle was not might have to do with the mental issues surrounding Michelle.

Some men as they get older are not as fertile as they once were.
Of course that doesn't explain as to why Michelle would allegedly get pregnant multiple times.
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