Amanda Knox found guilty for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy #15

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Amanda has always been described as extremely intelligent.

People with Asperger Syndrome can be, and often are, extremely intelligent and accomplished. Has nothing to do with intelligence at all. It's someone who has trouble relating to others, lacking proper emotional expressions and empathy. I'm not saying she has it, I'm saying when I saw/heard her speak a few years ago I *wondered* if she might have it because of some of her mannerisms.
Thanks for that miley. I'm really surprised. I had no idea a defendant could be questioned without their consent.
Narcissism doesn't cause some of the speech difficulties and flakiness and mismatched mannerisms I observed a few years ago. She could also be narcissistic (I'm not saying she isn't), but what I saw had nothing to do with that.
Narcissism doesn't cause some of the speech difficulties and flakiness and mismatched mannerisms I observed a few years ago. She could also be narcissistic (I'm not saying she isn't), but what I saw had nothing to do with that.

IMO what you found odd about her speech ..."word salad" very common in those with psychopathic tendencies.

It's basically saying lots of words that have very little meaningful content. It's a manipulative maneuver to elude being pinned down and giving a direct concrete answer. There is always built in wiggle room.

Her speech is also devoid of emotional references & empathic overtures

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The lack of emotion and emotional overtures was something I noticed. Also body motions not in sync with speech, which first caught my attention. Again, had nothing to do with the word salad or what she was saying, which yes, she also has an issue there which at the time made me think "flaky" and "inarticulate." Actually different than word salad, it was like she couldn't articulate and follow her thoughts and it reminded me of someone who hyperlinks their speech--kind of heading off in another direction when they think of something related. My mother does that, actually.

Not the same as lacking in intelligence, which I am not claiming. But just her speech combined with movements seemed slightly 'off' to me. I can't explain it any better than that.

But none of that made me think, "Aha! A murderer! I can see it now..."
The lack of emotion and emotional overtures was something I noticed. Also body motions not in sync with speech, which first caught my attention. Again, had nothing to do with the word salad or what she was saying, which yes, she also has an issue there which at the time made me think "flaky" and "inarticulate." Not the same as lacking in intelligence, which I am not claiming. But just her movements seemed slightly 'off' to me. I can't explain it any better than that.

But none of that made me think, "Aha! A murderer! I can see it now..."

You might find this interesting.

It's not a great article but it's easy to understand. If it holds your interests there are a ton of studies and more detailed information online.

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I've seen similar articles. I'm not comfortable trying to diagnose or claim someone has psychopathy since:

1. I'm not a trained medical expert or even an untrained medical person and
2. I've never met or interviewed AK and
3. (see #1)
I've seen similar articles. I'm not comfortable trying to diagnose or claim someone has psychopathy since:

1. I'm not a trained medical expert or even an untrained medical person and
2. I've never met or interviewed AK and
3. (see #1)

I never said she was. I said her speech is indicative of someone with psychopathic traits. IMO

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I never said she was. I said her speech is indicative of someone with psychopathic traits. IMO

Perhaps you've spent enough time listening to her talk in various venues to make a determination. I've just seen snippets here and there along the way. It would be interesting to hear one of the forensic psychiatrists opine and see what they notice.

I noticed the motor skills part of the equation -- clumsiness, which is why I wondered about Asperger's at first.
I've seen similar articles. I'm not comfortable trying to diagnose or claim someone has psychopathy since:

1. I'm not a trained medical expert or even an untrained medical person and
2. I've never met or interviewed AK and
3. (see #1)

You recognized her speech patterns and affect were weird in some way. It certainly is.
It should be looked at closer. IMO
That's all I'm saying.

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IMO what you found odd about her speech ..."word salad" very common in those with psychopathic tendencies.

It's basically saying lots of words that have very little meaningful content. It's a manipulative maneuver to elude being pinned down and giving a direct concrete answer. There is always built in wiggle room.

Her speech is also devoid of emotional references & empathic overtures
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She has a very manipulative personality(in my opinion). She wants to portray herself as being a victim. I think the reason for her need for attention is because she had a hard life growing up (I think all three of them did).From most accounts she only had a problem in her relationships with women, because she was very competitive.

I just think everything has to be portrayed as bad luck or coincidence with her. She does not take responsibility for any action. How is it that one person has this much bad luck (Ear bleeding,taking a shower in a bathroom with blood and a bloody footprint on the bathmat, decided not to flush the toilet, cell phones shut off, call to her mother, wierd behavior, telling police that Meredith always locked her door, history of pranking, wrote short story about a woman who was drugged and raped, and another about a stalker, "hickey" under her chin that many said was not a hickey, harassment by police leading to a false accusation against her boss who incidentally wanted to fire her, lamp being in the bedroom, her footprint in Filomena's room and in the hallway, Raffaele's sink just so happened to leak that night and that's why she needed the mop, her phone calls to Meredith's phone where she rang a couple of times and hung up, telling her mom she was worried about the knife they found, footprint found on the pillow that was compatible with her shoe size, she had no idea what she did the night of the murder etc etc etc, there's just so much )????

Her stars must have aligned in a really strange way the night her friend Meredith the true victim was murdered.
The lack of emotion and emotional overtures was something I noticed. Also body motions not in sync with speech, which first caught my attention. Again, had nothing to do with the word salad or what she was saying, which yes, she also has an issue there which at the time made me think "flaky" and "inarticulate." Actually different than word salad, it was like she couldn't articulate and follow her thoughts and it reminded me of someone who hyperlinks their speech--kind of heading off in another direction when they think of something related. My mother does that, actually.

Not the same as lacking in intelligence, which I am not claiming. But just her speech combined with movements seemed slightly 'off' to me. I can't explain it any better than that.

But none of that made me think, "Aha! A murderer! I can see it now..."

One needs only read Knox's email to 23 to gain insight into her University level intelligence.
Perhaps you've spent enough time listening to her talk in various venues to make a determination. I've just seen snippets here and there along the way. It would be interesting to hear one of the forensic psychiatrists opine and see what they notice.

I noticed the motor skills part of the equation -- clumsiness, which is why I wondered about Asperger's at first.

Knox is a climber, not clumsy.
That's a lot of emphasis on DNA that was collected by hilariously inept officers and tested in a lab that was not even accredited to do that type of DNA analysis. Not to mention, Stefanoni refusing to turn over some data that would help determine whether or not the DNA was properly handled.

2 independent experts hired by the court disproved this "DNA evidence" and that is in joint with 20 other experts hired by the defense. Yet somehow the prosecution is absolutely, without a doubt, right, but the other 22 are wrong.

Biased? Yeah, I think so.

I am leaning toward this case being a joke now.

But I will ask you as well since you are so sure that they were given a fair trial and are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt:

Why did they convict RS of this crime and sentence him to 25 years when they could not even place him in the apartment?

The bra clasp should not be admissible since it was kicked around on the floor until it got filthier and filthier and collected the genetic material of five different persons. IMO, the way the "evidence" was collected was enough to have them acquitted because it was hilariously inept.

The kitchen knife is not evidence, either, since Stefanoni indicated in her released lab notes that the results were too low to indicate a match to MK and the sample was below INTL standards.

The knife didn't even match the wounds or stains, so it could not possibly be the murder weapon.

So what do they have that proves RS is guilty of this crime and should be sent to prison for 25 years?

And please no speculation. Give me direct evidence.

I don't know where the 20 defense experts come from, are we talking only about the DNA or total? I just have to point out where there's an expert that says one thing, there's another that will say something else. Part of the SCC appeal was based on Hellman disregarding what every other expert said about the bra clasp and knife DNA. It's clear he didn't take anything they said into consideration because his reasoning did not even mention their views. Hellman was over turned partially for this. So basically just because C&V said something doesn't make it a fact, considering in testimony she actually used "in my opinion" multiple times when discussing the alleles. There is no doubt that RSs DNA is on the clasp and "anything is possible" isn't a valid excuse to claim contamination. His DNA was only found in one other place in the cottage and it was a mixed sample with AK at that.

The knife did have MKs DNA on it. C&V are the ones that found the new sample which they deemed "too low" to test. In this new appeal it was tested and came back as AKs DNA. Why do you suppose C&V refused to test that sample? RS himself gave weight to Meredith's DNA being found on his knife by giving us the pricking her story which was a total lie.

The knife also could've made one of the wounds. She was stabbed from both the right and left side of her neck.

In addition to these things the bathmat print was attributed to RS and there was a luminol revealed print attributed to him as well. Then you get to the alibi of sleeping until 1030 or so. Although he was awake at 530am until atleast 6am and talked to his dad on the phone around 930. Then take into account all the things RS has said over the years. IMO he has major issues with facts and tends to embellish and just overall say too much when he shouldn't.
IMO what you found odd about her speech ..."word salad" very common in those with psychopathic tendencies.

It's basically saying lots of words that have very little meaningful content. It's a manipulative maneuver to elude being pinned down and giving a direct concrete answer. There is always built in wiggle room.

Her speech is also devoid of emotional references & empathic overtures

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"word salad" has a specific meaning that's not even close to what this says. More, it's most commonly associated with schizophrenia. jmo
Knox is a convicted murderer. She is also convicted of slander. She is a liar. She does not have any medical conditions, or learning disorders. She uses a lot of words to say nothing. Although she has been interviewed repeatedly since her return to the US, for years she has said the same thing. She does not add to what she says, she does not change her words, or her statements.
Otto, I'm hoping you can help me out because I've been unable to find an answer on google.

Can a prosecutor in Italy ask a defendant questions if they have chosen not to testify?

Unless things have regressed since 1960, the answer appears to be that the questions can be asked, but the defendant needn't answer. It's not clear whether Italy has the same practice as US courts in not permitting the questions in the first place if the defendant has advised that he or she won't be testifying on their own behalf.
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