Amanda Knox New Motivation Report RE: Meredith Kercher Murder #1 *new trial ordered*

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I really do not understand this one bit. It is so obvious that she and her boyfriend had nothing to do with the murder. It doesn't even make one bit of sense that they would have had anything to do with it. To believe this theory, one would have to assume that Amanda and a guy she had known for one week teamed up with a vagrant they had never met and decided to rape and kill a woman neither of them barely knew. While

Amand and Meredith were roommates for a while, it does not appear they were very close friends, but rather acquaintances who shared a home for the purpose of going to school.

I guess when you throw in the accusations of withcraft and devil worship you can believe it then.

But any discrepancies that may arise from this case are a clear indication of a multitude of issues-police bungling, rush to judgement, allowing a convicted vagrant to testify against them for a reduced sentencek, long and harsh questioning from an Italian police force against a woman who didn't speak Italian well, had no interpreter and had no lawyer. I would imagine she was confused and scared and they fed her a lot of information and coerced her into saying-such as her boss was there.

I admit I haven't followed the case as closely as some have, but the fact of the matter is that there is a TON of evidence against the man already in prison and very slight circumstantial and questionable evidence against Knox and Sollecito.

I feel bad for Sollecito the most. It seems his only crime was to get involved with a cute American girl and maybe smoke a little weed.

If Italy has any intentions of trying to extradite Amanda, they are going to have to come up with some compelling reasons to give to the US as to why, after the outlandish and ridiculous prosecution (and in my opinion persecution) of this girl.

It's about Meredith's DNA or flour on the serrated blade of the knife, fruit juice or bloody footprints between Meredith's body, the bathroom and Amanda's bedroom, blood DNA evidence in Filomina's bedroom and broken glass on top of the ransacked items. The prosecution requested re-testing during the appeal and that was denied. That test will now be completed ... sort it out once and for all.

For Sollecito, keep in mind that he is also a dishonest man that was monitored for an abnormal interest in bestiality in high school ... and then there's that bloody elephant toe print on the bath matt.
I dont think it had anything to do with witchcraft or satanism or anything ridiculous like that, but I do think Amanda and Raffaele are guilty as hell and have left the lone black guy to take the fall.

Amanda has ridden this whole poor me, innocent American abroad shtick to fame and a book deal, as well as to garnering an adoring, gullible American public that loves to see the rest of the world as inferior to the US, and eats up the story of the naive American girl done badly by Europe.

A poster brought up Jodi above, and I agree. Amanda is far worse. Jodi at least has the excuse of losing it after her guy treated her like a sex object to be used and discarded like a *advertiser censored* once he decided she wasn't good enough to marry. Amanda, not so much.

I hope she and R are found guilty again and extradited ASAP.
I'm not 100% sure on how Italian court/justice systems work. Will this new trial be a jury trial, or is it up to the Italian Supreme Court to determine her guilt/innocence this time?
The general conscensus, prior to today's decision, was that the appeal would be upheld and the culprits could carry on selling books ... millions of dollars worth of book deals giving details about Meredith Kercher's murder trial.

Is the highest court in one of the EU countries not a just court? If so, why not? The Italian justice system is an open democracy that lays claim to Roman Law; the foundation for many legal systems. Hopefully the highest court of a European Union country can be respected by all countries.

I think that Amanda's book will sell even better following this decision. Raffale's, too. I disagree with your characterization of them as culprits.

Presuming there is another trial, this time in Florence, is that both Amanda (and Raffale, who I would assume would find some way to not be in Italy) will be available for commentary during the trial. I would expect that the fact that they are not behind bars will enable their defense teams to be far more aggressive. What do they have to lose, after all?

My definition of a just court is one that dispenses a just verdict, obviously, YMMV. If AK and RS were convicted in Italy, there is a more than good chance that the ECHR would throw out the convictions. In my opinion only, of course.
I'm not 100% sure on how Italian court/justice systems work. Will this new trial be a jury trial, or is it up to the Italian Supreme Court to determine her guilt/innocence this time?

Jumping off your post, Kaylynn.....

I heard that even if they convict her again the U.S. can choose not to extradite her to Italy. Sooooo, what's the point in trying her again? Or, do you think we would send her back???
It's about Meredith's DNA or flour on the serrated blade of the knife, fruit juice or bloody footprints between Meredith's body, the bathroom and Amanda's bedroom, blood DNA evidence in Filomina's bedroom and broken glass on top of the ransacked items. The prosecution requested re-testing during the appeal and that was denied. That test will now be completed ... sort it out once and for all.

For Sollecito, keep in mind that he is also a dishonest man that was monitored for an abnormal interest in bestiality in high school ... and then there's that bloody elephant toe print on the bath matt.

Italian court orders new trial for Amanda Knox

4 hours ago

ROME (AP) — Italy's highest criminal court on Tuesday overturned Amanda Knox's acquittal in the slaying of her British roommate and ordered a new trial, prolonging a case that has become a cause celebre in the United States.

Knox called the decision "painful" but said she was confident that she would be exonerated.

Italian law cannot compel Knox to return for the new trial, and her lawyer said she had no plans to do so. The appellate court hearing the new case could declare her in contempt of court but that carries no additional penalties.

Italy's Court of Cassation ruled that an appeals court in Florence must re-hear the case against the American student and her former Italian boyfriend for the murder of 21-year-old Meredith Kercher. The exact issues that have to be reconsidered won't be known until the court releases its full ruling within 90 days.

Knox, now a student at the University of Washington, stayed up until 2 a.m. Seattle time to hear her fate and issued a statement through a family spokesman...
Finally back on the right track. Anybody reading Hellmann saw the flaws in reasoning and judgement.

Supreme Court upholds conviction for accusing Patrick. She is a convicted felon.

Appeal to be re-done. She is again a convicted killer awaiting appeal.

Might want to study up on extradition treaties. :jail:
The double jeopardy clause of the Fifth Amendment dictates a criminal defendant can't be tried twice for the same crime. The US would actually be violating her civil rights to turn her over.
All I'm going to say right now is that I think she was involved in this murder. It was a few years ago, but I remember all of my research made it clear, to me, that she was involved, at least, in the cleanup of the crime scene.

After the Arias trial I may go back and list all of the reasons. I do remember that RS's footprint was found in cleaned up blood in the bathroom. IIRC, he has a hammer toe and the print was the same size and had a hammer toe. Also, her story doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm going back to the JA trial now, but I'm glad to find out that she might not get away with this.
All I'm going to say right now is that I think she was involved in this murder. It was a few years ago, but I remember all of my research made it clear, to me, that she was involved, at least, in the cleanup of the crime scene.

After the Arias trial I may go back and list all of the reasons. I do remember that RS's footprint was found in cleaned up blood in the bathroom. IIRC, he has a hammer toe and the print was the same size and had a hammer toe. Also, her story doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm going back to the JA trial now, but I'm glad to find out that she might not get away with this.

In reality, there was zero evidence of a clean up. Only an absence of evidence pointing to Amanda and Raffaele.

There were false stories spread by the police and prosecutor to create the idea that a clean up happened. But in fact, there were no bleach receipts, the police did not find the pair scrubbing the scene when they arrived, nor was the washing machine running.
If there are no bare prints leading to the bloody bare print on the bathmat... there WAS a clean-up.

That is not even close to zero.
Finally back on the right track. Anybody reading Hellmann saw the flaws in reasoning and judgement.

Supreme Court upholds conviction for accusing Patrick. She is a convicted felon.

Appeal to be re-done. She is again a convicted killer awaiting appeal.

Might want to study up on extradition treaties. :jail:


BBM: I am so glad the Supreme Court upheld the conviction of Knox accusing Patrick Lumumba !

That was WRONG for Amanda to accuse an INNOCENT MAN of the murder -- she knew Mr. Lumumba was at his business that night because SHE was supposed to go to work -- but Patrick told Amanda NOT to come in to work that night ...

Just like Susan Smith did, so did Amanda : blamed an "African-black man" for murder they committed ... and that, IMO, speaks volumes !

As to "extradition," IMO, the US will do nothing ... the US State Department, etc, are probably already getting severe pressure from the "FOA" ... I hope they STAY OUT OF IT and let Italy follow its course and go from there !

:please: Finally, some Justice for Meredith and the Kercher Family ... they KNOW who was there that night, and it wasn't just Guede !
I don't think she's as innocent as she wants everyone to believe either. Whether that goes as far as murder, who knows.
I dont think it had anything to do with witchcraft or satanism or anything ridiculous like that, but I do think Amanda and Raffaele are guilty as hell and have left the lone black guy to take the fall.

Amanda has ridden this whole poor me, innocent American abroad shtick to fame and a book deal, as well as to garnering an adoring, gullible American public that loves to see the rest of the world as inferior to the US, and eats up the story of the naive American girl done badly by Europe.

A poster brought up Jodi above, and I agree. Amanda is far worse. Jodi at least has the excuse of losing it after her guy treated her like a sex object to be used and discarded like a *advertiser censored* once he decided she wasn't good enough to marry. Amanda, not so much.

I hope she and R are found guilty again and extradited ASAP.

Me too, Her behavior was just way off for someone who is innocent.

either she was some dumb stupid 20 year old who didn't know how to behave properly when your roommate was just found dead or she really is guilty.

I'm split 50/50....... I used to think she was guilty but now i'm thinking that maybe there is a small sliver of hope that she didn't do this.

I def. think she does know more than she's telling.


If she really did have a hand in all this then by all means, she NEEDS to be held accountable.
Whether Amanda Knox murdered Meredith Kercher is debatable. I have not paid much attention to the case. I think she committed perjury at the very least.
The fact that Knox blamed the nearest convenient black man when she was first interrogated by police does not say much for her character, and possibly not for her innocence either. Having said that, the scenario the prosecution concocted for the murder was utterly preposterous, and the evidence they produced was unconvincing (particularly if one keeps in mind Carl Sagan's dictum that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"). They seemed to think that calling Knox a *advertiser censored* was all they needed to do to get a conviction (and, depressingly, it seems to have worked the first time around).

Regardless of whether Knox and Sollecito committed the crime or not, I find it unacceptable that the state is apparently allowed to keep trying them over and over until they get the result the prosecution want. (And to think that they still can't manage to put Berlusconi in prison ....)
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